Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Saturday, 21st April 2012
SELF AND STRESS: DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKARThe self realization is discussed from time immemorial in world literature and probably would continue to be discussed!
But why do we find different semantics and subsequent divisions? Why do we find uncertainty, indecision in opinions, perspective, policies, plans and actions? Why do we find contradictions, strife, antipathy and conflicts?
Why do we find all this; even amongst ourselves; at different times and different situations?
The reason is; actually the “self” is not one entity. It is a congregation of several selves! Conceptually; the deepest self; or our core; is indistinguishable from the cosmic center, cosmic core or cosmic self.
The world literature constitutes the expression of obviously different levels of consciousness; or in other words; different “selves”! Hence the philosophies, ideologies, religions and different cults; have been articulated differently; and their followers are divided.
In fact; if we introspect then we find; that our expression is not of the same ‘self’ but of different selves; according to different levels of consciousness. Hence; they vary from time to time and situation to situation.
Through the study and practice of various theories and techniques; our inconstant and fleeting ‘selves’; may evolve to culminate in the ‘true self’ and our experience and language would be universally identical. Further; it would manifest in; globally beneficial perspectives, policies, plans and actions!
Let us realize that we all “express” ourselves; in thinking, feeling, aspiring, craving, procuring, interacting, transacting; and ruling, governing, writing, preaching; from different “selves” contribute to chaos!
The panacea for realization of ‘true self’; is; said to be; the universal yet simplest practice of NAMASMARAN. Hence; practicing, preaching, writing, publishing, broadcasting, sponsoring, talking, sharing; in fact; doing whatever we can; to promote NAMASMARAN; ensures individual and global blossoming.