Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Wednesday, 25th April 2012
PRAYER FOR HOLISTIC RENAISSANCE: DR SHRINIWAS KASHALIKARMany of us may have a strong objection to prayers. They may feel that such praying is an indication of weakness, diffidence and dependence.
According to some; this can be even paranoid behavior.
Even as I have no intention to change this point of view (as that can happen only through their experience and not by mere explanations), it is still thought appropriate to give explanation, which may prove helpful to the concerned ones.
The prayers are meant for getting strength from the infinite cosmic powers, which are present inside and outside; we being their extensions.
These powers (cosmic ‘energies’, gods and goddesses) can be compared to the powerhouses; and us with the electric bulbs, which are the extensions of the powerhouses. In case there are blocks in the wiring, then the bulbs will not illumine.
In case of human beings ‘blocks’ develop due to; ego, pettiness and superficial values. These ‘blocks’ can be effectively removed by the prayers; and remembering the name of God (NAMASMARAN); thereby connecting ourselves with the source of empowerment of the consciousness and the universe.
We can take another example. We are leaves of a life tree. Because of ego we tend to identify ourselves as isolated, alienated, disconnected, discrete, disjointed ‘leaves’! This makes us weak, petty, arrogant, diffident, cynical, depressed and frustrated. Prayers are like reestablishing the link with the roots of the tree of which we are the leaves!
It is always healthier; to read, think over, scrutinize and verify the contents; rather than accepting them blindly; and also; it is healthier; not to discard anything blindly; without due consideration, efforts for verification and personal experience!
This holds true for prayers also; hence let us consider the following prayer!
Let everyone be happy, healthy and well meaning and let there be no grief in anyone’s life. SUKHINAH means happy. Happiness here; is pure, which revitalizes the environment. NIRAMAYAH means clean, unprejudiced and selfless. BHADRANI means individual and universal blossoming. DUKKHA is tribulation or suffering; of separation from the true self and trapped in petty self.