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Five intrinsic aspects of yoga:

1. One of the basic elements in human life is that; we sense the environment and respond to it. There is a sequence of stimulation, integration and motor activity; or cognition, affect and conation; or perception, feelings and behavior; and stimulus, homeostatic change and response! Appropriateness of this sequence is essence of yoga.

When this sequence is deranged; in quantity, frequency, rhythm, quality and proportions; it is called stress. Since; stress is a lack of yoga in life!

2. Yoga is integration of; prefrontal cortex; and left and right parietal (cerebral) cortexes. It is also the integration of metabolic, endocrine, autonomic and central nervous activities; and global perspective, thoughts, emotions, instincts and actions. In other words; it is the experience the union (YOGA) of individual and universal consciousness; and its concerted expression in every sphere of life.

3. Yoga constitutes the unification that wields; every moment in our life; with love. Hence there is no “vacancy” for deception and deceit. There is no “room” for delirium and delusion. There is no “space” for despondency, despair and degeneration. There is no “chance” for degradation, decomposition, destruction and devastation!

4. Yoga is an ecstatic union! The union however is increasingly difficult at physical, instinctual, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels. Interestingly; it is also increasingly more complete longer lasting; at every level of these! The highest kind of union is at spiritual level and embodies all the other levels, and is seen amongst the guru and shishya i.e. the master and disciple. Hence all differences, disputes and contradictions; dissolve in spiritual union within oneself and between the guru and shishya.

Lack of yoga; is disintegration of our personality; that reflects in personal and social life! Thus even if a person is intelligent in terms of memory, analytical thinking, and innovation; i.e. (left cerebral development); he/she can be vicious, perverted and antisocial if not balanced and integrated with right brain.

Conversely mere development of right cerebral cortex is not adequate. This is because, if the utopia, benevolence, kindness, and subtle artistic and poetic feelings are not buttressed and supported by reasoning; then they are rendered lame and futile. In fact; they can be counterproductive as; the barbaric elements within us; can take undue advantage of them.

In short in both cases; there is inability to realize the unity of universe. There is inability to understand the interrelationship, interactivity, interdependence and complementarity in various fields of transactions such as agriculture, science, technology, industry, trade, culture, and politics!

This inability leads to sectarian prejudices and fanatic bigotry; even amongst rational and intelligent; and kindhearted and generous gentle men/women. This is a fundamental cause of discord and chaos, which leads to hatred, exploitation and crimes; and averts the emergence of justice.

Hence some mediocre techniques; hyped and sold; merely for some petty personal or mercenary gains or gratification of ego; are NOT yoga!

This era is especially and uniquely conducive to yoga; as explained above; by virtue of speedy means of transport; and communication and networking through satellite and information technology.

5. The final stage of yoga; is beyond all this. It is not intelligible. It constitutes the union of all these three components (cognition, affect and conation) of the sequence. Thus a profoundly evolved yogi; would be seen as if he is not doing any thing but in fact he is sensing beyond all sensory capacities, he is feeling beyond all subjective emotional depths and he is responding beyond anything “apparent” in action!

He is free from slavery of the intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical vacillations; due to ups and downs of the hormones and the neurotransmitters.

This is yoga (union); where impeccable and accurate perception, pinnacle of individual satisfaction and infinitely exuberant benevolence for the universe; unite with (as they begin from and end in the same) absolute consciousness; and constitutes the final destiny of individual and universal blossoming!

In nutshell;
Yoga is a program of individual and global welfare (inseparably connected, which is essence of yoga); inseparably integrated (again the essence of yoga) with;
• The perspective of global unity and harmony,
• The thoughts and policies of global welfare,
• Motivation and concern for global welfare,
• Healthy and mutually gratifying and satisfying instincts and
• Sharing of resources on a “just” basis at personal and global levels!
The immortal gurus say that; NAMASMARAN is the essence of yoga.

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