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नामस्मरण क़ा चैतन्य: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशालीकर
नामस्मरण क़ा चैतन्य: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशालीकर

मेरे अंदर अंधश्रद्धा है, संशय भी है; ढोंग है और सचाई भी है, भावुकता है और तर्क भी है; डर है और साहस भी है; लाचारी है और स्वाभिमान भी है; बेईमानी है और ईमानदारी भी है; धर्मकी जरूरत है और स्वैराचार की भी चाहत है; आलस है और उत्साह भी है; संकुचित स्वार्थ है और उदारता भी है! इसलिए यह सब द्वन्द्व समाजमे भी है!
नामस्मरण ( जाप, जप, जिक्र, सुमिरन, सिमरन, ईश्वर या आत्मतत्व क़ा स्मरण) से; मेरे और समाजके द्वन्द्व; सच्चिदानंद ( विश्वकल्याण और आत्मकल्याण) मे परिणित होने लगते हl

Inside me; there is superstition as well as inquisitiveness, hypocrisy as well transparency), sensitivity as well as logic, timidity as as well valor, meekness as well as self respect, treachery as well as loyalty, ethics as well as rebelliousness, lethargy as well as enthusiasm and pettiness as well as nobility.

(Besides, there is atheism as well as theism, hatred as well as sympathy, violence as well as nonviolence, indiscipline as well as discipline, dishonesty as well as honesty, lust as well as love, cruelty as well as kindness; and so on)

Hence all this conflicting duality is in the society as well!

Through the practice of NAMASMARAN (JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN i.e. remembrance of TRUE SELF or God) and the propagation of its universal benevolence; the conflicts within me and the society culminate in SACCHIDANANDA (The self realization and universal emancipation)!

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