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Student: I see! This must have prompted you to search for some more effective solutions.
Teacher: Yes. That is why; even as I did not give up charity; I thought; much more was needed than mere charity.
Student: Was it at this time; that you turned to NAMASMARAN?
Teacher: No! Later; besides biographies and other philosophical books, I came across literature on Marxism and various thought currents in leftist ideology.
Student: What did you find in it?
Teacher: I found the urge for ending exploitation, injustice and resultant misery in society in Marxism. It was and is; more than laudable.
I found atheism as an empowering doctrine; as I thought it could free an individual from the paranoia of God, fear of God, dependence on God and so on! I thought it could emancipate the downtrodden including me; to rise above the parasitic mentality to look towards God; for help and support; in any and every difficulty. I thought it was an empowering as well as enlightening doctrine. Because; it inspired one and all; to study, analyze, rationalize and contemplate on problems; and search for solutions; rather than attributing every kind of justice and injustice to some imaginary God! I saw it as a doctrine that wakened and enlivened one and all; to vibrant, dynamic and brave life; from the darkness, degeneration and decay of ignorance, indolence, cowardice and parasitism!

Student: Why did not you continue to be a Marxist?
Teacher: Actually; I was influenced by Marxism; to think that for every malady in society; the root cause was socioeconomic deprivation and the root cause of this; was exploitation.
But I realized through my experiences; that; “Equality is not and should not be a kind of regimentalization. Castes and caste differences, religions and the religious differences, classes and the class differences could not be eliminated; through coercion. Lastly; exploitation is far more deep rooted than apparent; and is complemented by both; the exploiters as well as the exploited ones. The divisions; of the society in castes, creeds, religions and classes; are only broadly realistic. They are not watertight compartments. In fact; all these are so much interwoven and intermingled that no kind of caste, creed, religion, race or class struggle is; feasible and justifiable. There is an exploiter element; in as much as; there is an exploited element; in every individual, including myself! Whether of one caste, creed, religion, race or nationality or another; such struggles can bring about at best; only external, superficial and temporary changes, without elimination of the deep seated evils inside”!
Moreover I never felt comfortable; to consider the religions, which I thought were really well meaning; as a pill of opium. I did not think that the kind hearted and selfless saints were merchants of opium.
Student: This means; you could not remain in spell of charity as well as class or caste struggle!
Teacher: Yes! That is true! But I was keen to cherish the essence of both!

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