Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Saturday, 7th June 2014
A HOLISTIC PRESCRIPTION:DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKARAs we go on evolving; we begin to appreciate that a doctor’s prescription has to be HOLISTIC. It has to be aimed at healing an individual as well as the society; because; the health of an individual affects the health of the society; and the health of the society in turn; affects the health of an individual.
Hence ideally; the prescription should include guidelines about the preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures; to the patient (a lay person; medical student, a medical teacher, a practicing doctor, a paramedic or a health minister, a policy maker, an opinion maker or a leader influencing policies, plans and programs), whose thoughts, feelings, instincts and behavior affect; through the international, national, regional and local policies, plans and programs in education, agriculture, industry, health care; etc; the health of the society, which in turn influences the health of an individual!
However; all the details of such guidelines cannot be expected to be incorporated; in a prescription of a doctor, who is trained merely in a particular system or a field of specialization. In such a situation; the way to make all prescriptions holistic; is to add an essential core in them!
Which is this essential core?
After extensive brain storming for over three decades; I found with the grace of God (Guru, true self, NAMA); that this essential core is nothing else; but the traditional, simple, inexpensive and universally practicable practice of NAMASMARAN (JIKRA, JAAP, JAP, SIMARAN, SUMIRAN or remembering God’s name i.e. one's true self)!
NAMASMARAN heals us to the core. It rectifies our physical needs, passions, feelings, motivations, thoughts; and vision (perspective) and thus rectifies our behavior.
However; NAMASMARAN is not a pill or a tincture. It cannot be expected to produce any specific, predictable, measurable, demonstrable and/or tangible results! It is an invisible and intangible process of a) reaching and rejuvenating our connection with; the seed (NAMA) of the tree (our individual and universal existence) and flowering and fruiting the same (the individual and universal blossoming).
Even if we are away from perfect holistic health, we need not shy away or desist from adding this essential core to our prescriptions and making them holistic!