Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Tuesday, 24th June 2014
WHY NAMASMARAN? DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKARStudent: Sir, why do you prefer NAMASMARAN to other techniques or methods of meditation?
Teacher: It is because it is simple, inexpensive, and acceptable to all religions. It does not contradict or interfere with any traditions. It can be practiced in any condition of body.
Student: Any other reason?
Teacher: It is truly personal and it is truly universal. It is personal in the sense that it takes us to our true self and it is universal in the sense that it unites and harmonizes every being with cosmic self!
Student: Which is the main difficulty in accepting it?
Teacher: There is no barrier in its acceptance, except that of our ego. But the ego also gets dissolved in the process of practicing it!
Student: Any other reason?
Teacher: I like NAMASMARAN; because it suits childhood, youth and old age; and every form of art such as music and dance! Moreover it suits every culture and every life style. It is truly a magic that blossoms an individual and the universe!