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Some of us are indulging in or waiting for; different things we are interested in! But what about “the spring”, which would rejuvenate, revitalize and blossom; all of us? As and when are unaware of this global spring; we are not excited to welcome it whole heartedly and celebrate its arrival!

However some of us sense this incoming global spring that is spreading in every nook and corner of our being and in every nook and corner of the world!

These harbingers of the global spring are excited and thrilled by the signals of this spring; and hence are unable to keep it a secret! They are unable to live without expressing it in one way or another!

Some of them are singing about it, some are painting about it; and some are expressing it through dance and theatre. Some are writing essays on it, some are depicting it in poetry and some are making movies on it! Many are sharing their joy on internet and social media and several others are simply talking about it amongst friends. In fact everybody is sharing this exciting news with one another!

What is this global spring? This is nothing else but the incoming mega process of NAMASMARAN, JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SIMARAN, SUMIRAN i.e. remembering one’s self (for atheists) and God (for the theists)!

The very hint itself of this global spring is enlivening! Neither the emergence of this global spring nor its hint is our success! It is the success (VIJAY) of the ultimate truth Guru (NAMA) and hence this is NAMAVIJAY!

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