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In Medical Education Technology there is a discussion on three domains of education. These are cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

However it has to be appreciated that all these domains are not water tight compartments and they influence one another.

For example; if my perception (cognitive domain) is defective then my view point can become sectarian and prejudiced (affective domain) and my actions such as speech (psychomotor domain) can be deteriorated.

All three domains therefore must blossom in a holistic and unified/integrated manner.

But it is obvious that we cannot influence the quality of our thinking, feelings, our passions and our actions! Hence how much ever we preach or pledge; we cannot bring about holistic blossoming of all the three of our domains!
Coming to affective domain in particular; we belonging to the medical fraternity; know that restriction; on breathing, sleep, drinking, eating, defecation, urination etc; causes severe STRESS.

But most of us do not recognize the STRESS caused by the self imposed restriction on assertion of our conscience, our inner voice or the prompting of our soul. Hence we do not assert our conscience.

But it is not that we do not like to assert our conscience. The problem is; we are unable to listen to our inner voice; amidst the cacophony of our own sensations, instincts, feelings and thoughts! In fact we are stupefied by all these!

However; there is nothing to despair!

There is a key provided by the great seers and spiritual leaders of the world the enlightened geniuses all over the world; for such holistic blossoming of all the domains and to enable ourselves; to listen to our inner voice and empower ourselves and to assert it! It is NAMASMARAN and is in vogue for millennia! It has been a part of majority of the world religions also. It is called NAMASMARAN (JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN; which embodies remembering the name of God; implying our true self.

However; we all (not merely medical fraternity) still seem to be oblivious to its scope and potential in engendering holistic renaissance, in universal benevolence; in awakening us to our conscience, in overcoming our subjectivity, whims and fancies; and in listening to the voice of conscience and assert it!

If we all; but especially those belonging to the medical and paramedical fraternity; realize its scope and potential and stop trivializing it (as something dealing with individual salvation), then we won’t be diffident and lethargic; in not only asserting our conscience; and nurturing our affective domain; but also including it in medical education technology for the blossoming of all the domains! We have to practice NAMASMARAN, preach it to our patients and globalize it for the benefit of the mankind.

It appears that this is an incoming thing; and is indeed a victory (VIJAY) of the ultimate and trans-temporal truth NAMA (Guru)!

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