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In the year 1992 the first report on the Incisional Hernia Repair by Laparoscopic method was published. Number of case reports appeared in the literature since than.
Indications: Any ventral or scar hernia with 3cm or more fascial defect can be repaired with laparoscopy easily.
Swiss-Cheese Hernias (Multiple small defects) is a good indication for the laparoscopic approach, allowing a clear delineation of all defects.
Relative contraindications: Obstructed/incarcerated hernia, multiple operations
Operative techniques
Method 1: Intraabdominal intraperitoneal using mesh prosthesis to close and cover the defect.
Method 2 The mesh is placed in the preperitoneal space in order to prevent the adhesions. This method mimics the conventional approach and avoids formation of adhesions.

Results The postoperative pain was significantly less. There was no ileus, no wound infection. The patients were discharge within 3 days.

Discussion: The laparoscopic ventral or scar hernia repair is still a debatable topic. It can be used in selected patients with less postoperative morbidity.
Method 1 is using intraperitoneal mesh hence there is tendency for adhesions.
Method 2 uses preperitoneal mesh having very few indications. It very difficult as the plane in preperitoneum can be achieved easily in small and moderate size hernial sacs

Laparoscopic ventral and scar hernia repair still need a controlled trial. At present only selected ventral hernias are suitable for laparoscopic repair.

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