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Jaundice is not an uncommon condition seen in clinical practice. Urine colour turning thick yellow is the first sign of jaundice noticed by the patient and yellow discoloration of the eyes usually noticed by others.
Most of the times jaundice disappears without any treatment or sequelae.
But then no jaundice should be ignored. Everyone with jaundice should see an allopathic physician and not definitely a non-medical person.
Jaundice can occur due to a variety of reasons. there are about 6-8 different viruses causing jaundice some of them good ones and some bad. One need to definitely find out the causative virus in every patient as this jaundice can recur.
Sometimes jaundice can occur due to a stone in the biliary system and very occassionally due to a tumor blocking the bile passage needing advanced tests and some time surgery.

So it is imperative not to ignore jaundice and a visit to an allopathic physician is mandatory
So it is i

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