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risk factors for breast cancer
What causes breast cancer?
It is not clear exactly what causes breast cancer , but many factors can slightly increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

!. The risk of breast cancer increases with age.
2,. Family history of breast cancer. About 5-10% of all breast cancers are thought to be caused by inherited cancer genes. Two breast cancer genes have been identified (BRCA 1 and BRCA 2) and others may be found in the near future. You should see a breast doctor if there are
a. Three close blood relatives from the same side of the family who developed breast cancer at any age,
b. Two close relatives from the same side of the family who developed breast cancer under the age of 60
c. One close relative who developed breast cancer under the age of 40
d. History of male breast cancer in the near family
e. History of cancer in both the breasts .

3. Having had breast cancer on one side increases the risk of developing the cancer on the other side slightly.
4. Having been diagnosed certain type of benign breast disease like atypical ductal hyperplasia or papillomatosis slightly increases the risk of breast cancer.
5. Women who did not have children and who did not breast feed are slightly more at risk.
6. Women who start their period early (before 10 yrs of age) and women who reach menopause (after 50 yrs) are slightly more at risk of breast cancer.
7.Being overweight , particularly after reaching menopause, slightly increases risk of breast cancer.

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