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Ventral (incisional) hernia
Ventral hernia (also called incisional hernia) is a defect in the abdominal wall presenting as a swelling in the abdomenwhich becomes prominent on coughing or straining. It is also called incisional hernia as this arises from a previous operation scar.
Ventral herniae are commonly seen after a caserean section, abdominal hysterectomy or peurperal sterilisation. Post-operative wound infection, obesity, chronic cough predispose to this condition.
Quite often the content of this hernia will be abdominal fat apron called the omentum. Ocassionally small or large intestine can also be a part of the hernia..
Smaller herniae may cause pain and sometime the contents of the hernia may get obstructed at the neck of hernia causing severe pain and needing emergency surgery.
Most of these herniae will require surgical treatment in the form of a mesh repair using a sophisticated synthetic mesh. These days majority of the ventral hernaie are operated by laparoscopic method with minimal pain and good outcomes.
These hernia have a tendency to recur needing re-operation. Certain good surgical principles if followed can prevent a recurrence.
Hence any unusal swelling in the abdominal wall should always be taken seriously and treated

Dr.Patta Radhakrishna MS MCh (gastro)
Consultant Surgical gastroenterologist
Apollo Hsopitals(main), Chennai.

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