
Posted by Dr. Kuldeepak Rajput on Wednesday, 28th July 2010
Uterine fibroids are tumors, which grow from cells forming the muscle of the uterus (womb). It can grow on the uterine wall and push into the bladder, bowel or intestine. They can also grow within the uterine wall. No one is certain what causes uterine fibroids, but changing estrogen levels seem to play a part in their growth. For example when estrogen levels are high, as a result of pregnancy, the rate of fibroid growth increases. Many women never know they have uterine fibroids. Most uterine fibroids are found during a routine internal examination when your doctor notices a lumpy or irregular uterus .The main symptoms of uterine fibroids are: painful periods, prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding which may lead to iron deficiency or anemia; frequent urination caused by pressure on the bladder; feeling of fullness or heaviness in the lower abdomen; pain in lower abdomen; backache; constipation; infertility; miscarriage. In other system of medicine generally the treatment for uterine fibroid is done either through Hormonal pills or surgery, which may cause lot of bad effects on your Health. Homoeopathy can save you from surgery and can treat it from the root cause making your life healthier. Therefore APPLE CLINIC has best solution for it.Contact: APPLE CLINIC, S.C.O. 258,1ST FLOOR, SECTOR 44-C, CHANDIGARH.
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