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When we are in unbearable stress and nothing appears to provide solace, when life appears to have gone in vein; and when past, present and future appear to be null and void; we tend to start “sinking”! Our life begins to appear to be a tragic story of deception and defeat! We seem to be total losers, diffident, helpless and desperate for help.

Everything including what goes on; in our body, mind and in the world appears to be dissociated from us. There is total isolation. This condition; when nothing and nobody appear to provide any vitality when urgently needed; is a condition of gasping for life! Experience f such a condition is shattering, uprooting and devastating!

In such a dark and hopeless state of void; we “hear” a loving call enthralling our existence; from our innate core!

“Come on! My dear, I am always waiting for you within you; through millennia! But you were vagrantly getting oblivious to me from time to time for one reason or another! Let your subjective realm be culminated in me; because I am your true self! ”

This call fills one’s existence inside and out. It instantly connects us with everything hitherto “lost”! It transforms us from isolated drop to the entire ocean. It is enlivening and recharging every molecule of body and in fact the whole being! It is distinct and unforgettable! It is haunting from within and without!

Practice of NAMASMARAN initiates such call of guru; and in turn; such call of guru reinforces NAMASMARAN. We get reinstated from time to time within our true self and get empowered to proceed with NAMASMARAN in a more buoyant and pleasant manner; simultaneously helping ourselves and the millions to rejuvenate and blossom!

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