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In INDIAN MYTHOLOGY whether MUSLIM or HINDU religion Menstruation has been casted as bad period in Woman's life,it has been defined as Woman is not fresh or pure to conduct religious ceremony or any good ceremonius activity,even not allowed to cook food,allowed to sleep separtely from her spouse if married ,being served food and water ssepartely and live in complete rest.If we analyse it in moders perspective it is a simple physiological phenomena .An Ovum is liberated by ovulation(by discharge and action of Follicle stimulating hormone FSH) on 10-14 day of 28-30 days Menstrual cycle ,which once not being fertilised by sperm (after intercourse with husband or otherwise )usually dies being embedded in a rich fertile bed prepared first by rupture of Ovum by Luternising Hormone and then under influence of Progesterone .as the dead tissue along with bed is discarded with endometrium of Uterus having small blood vessels,so blood as dark as venous blood with tissue of endometrium comes out and gets itself corrected physiologically in body by hormones.This blood and tissue is as good tissue as are of our heart,lung,brain or kidney or skin or muscles and bone,so purity cannot be argued and the process is as physiological as we feel eat ,respire,sweat, move, look,hear,urinate and pass stool .Urine and stool may be discarded as waste product but inside Body these are as important as Blood.So from where and why such stigma and blot added to Mensturation cycle it is unamazinable to modern science,might in older time women were not given that respect and honour in Men dominated society or they had to work very hard all the time in home our forefathers added such restrictions for giving rest to women during Menstruation period and we carried it badly in our society adding many unscientific litreature to it ,that is why SEX HAS BEEN PROHIBITED DURING MENSTRUATION PERIOD by religios fantics.During Mens woman loose blood so she feels weakness under influence of Hormones as women is also nervous,shaky feeling pain and congestion with mood and behaviour changes before Menstuation called in severe form as Pre Menstruation Syndrome and similiarly after Mens Post menstual Stress is also very important disease for some women who ned hormone therapy for relif,same way post menopausal tension or syndrome is a very serios entity needing calcium,SRMS and hormones for relief.This Menstrual bleeding occurs almost continuosly in very less amount so to keep herself tidy and fresh during all normal activities use of tampoons,sanitary pad, clothe or cotton is mandatory.But otherwise she is as pure and as fresh as before and after Menstruation.
now a days everybody is very much cautioned for contraception,delayed marriage due to extensive study and career building has raised marriage age from 15-18 yrs to 25-30 yrs,society is more exposed to sexual activities and shows through print or electronic media through variuos promotional commercial advertisements where female exhibitionism and exposure has been made an eyecatcher.Modern cameras in and video camera ,modern technolodgy of sending sms,mms,internet conferencing ,video calls and video loading on 2G and 3G spectrum,cable and TV and cinemas and documentaries has further utilised SEX as sellable idea exploiting Human attraction and passion toward it leading to early sexual exposures and meeting in youngsters and adult breaking norm of society having sex after marriage and with in personal husband wife relationship.That is why dangerous post coital pills having high doses of Oestrogen and progesterone( like unwanted72,Ipill 72 ) and prostaglandins with mifeprostine are sold to abort after just missing period are sold by TV and Print media advertisement in our country contrary to its safety advise to be used strictly after advise of doctors.That is why on point of contracption THIS ARTICLE SOUND MORE EFFECTIVE METHOD OF ENLIGHTENING BENEFIT OF SEX DURING MENSTUATION PERIOD.AS DEAD OUM IS EXPELLED SO CHANCE OF GETTING PREGNANCY BY SEXDURING MENS IS ALMOST NIL EXCEPT RARELY BECUSE ISOME TIME DURING LAST DAY OF MENS SEX MAY KKEP SOME SPERM ALIVE FOR FEW DAYS LEADING TO FETILISATION IN NEXT CYCLE BY EARLY OVULATION.
The blood expelled from utreus through Vagina durinMenstruation is sterile so intercourse during this period doesnot cause infection provided proper protection for contamination is taken.During mens Blood may spread on floor or bed during sex putting spots over clothes need precautins of using some disposable cotton or clothe beneath External genitilia or back of female partner and man should use it for washing penis properly before final wash by water or sterile lotions.
To avoid sexual transmitted disease like syphlis, gonorrhoea, herpes,HIV,Ducrey's ulcer,granuloma venerum or inguinum which will occur only when either partner is affected by it ,association of these during Mens doesnot arise and in this condition or avoid contamination with blood one can use Condom for safe sex. Neither By strokes of Penis to cervix during Sex,more blood will be liberated out from Uterus so sex during Mens cause more bleeding also does not hold good.Because uterus expelled Blood under control of Hormones which are not affected by Sex.Similiary Uterus or cervix doesnot open so widely (open just invisible like pin hole aperture)as during delivery so penis cannot enter into Uterus by sex during mens.
As described earlier during mens Pelvic organs and Genitilia is more congested and flushed with blood so Sex by realising some endorphins and kallekarins prevent this and relieves pain which occurs some time in very serius manner to younger women starting Menstruation in their life first time.So some women enjoys sex during Mens.By orgasm and increase libido or desire for sex some hormones secreted leading to relief in pre and post menstuation syndromes.During Sex some endorphins are secreted which elevates mood,removes pain,stress, strain ,cramps,heavyness,lazyness,drpression and irritibality during Menstruation period.
but during menstruation Vaginal Ph is more acidic so chance of infection of woman with bacterial or candida infection is more common so if unprotracted sex (without Condom )is done men can be affected if female is affected.Similiarly if Female suffers from HIV or HepatitisB or Hepatitis C or Hepes or Syphlis or gonorrhoea is infected as direct Blood is coming over penis or passing into urethra chances of spreading these infections is more if Sex without Condom is done but even without condom during normal time these may also spread by Vaginal fluid so if woman is suspected to be suffering from these disease always Condom should be used.
therfore Sex is safe during Menstruation period only either Vaginal condom by Female or Male should mostly use condom during this time.female should always remove tampoons before sex during Mens as it may get infected and pushed inside Vagina hard to remove later by herself and soked blood will invite more infections.During oral sex dental dam should be used.After sex proper washing of genitilia of both partners and near by clothes stained is must a bllod will invite insects and microbes causing infections if not washed immediately and properly by water or strile solutions in hygenic way.

*** Author is a Hiv and sex specialist.

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