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My Book : endoscopic color atlas of ear diseases
Dr. Mubarak Muhamed Khan and Dr. Sapna Ramkrishna Parab of Talegaon Dabhade- Pune, have authored a medical book entitled, “Endoscopic Color Atlas Of Ear Diseases”. The atlas was recently released by Jaypee Medical Publishers on 25th September 2010. This atlas consists of high quality color clinical 271 photographs obtained using exclusive endoscopic techniques. Dr. Khan is an Associate Professor and Dr. Parab is Assistant Professor in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat of MIMER Medical College, Talegaon- D, Pune and take keen interest in teaching methodology.
This atlas, based on the clinical experience of the both the authors, gives a clear and lucid description of all the conditions of the ear represented in the photographs. By pictorial depiction of various ear conditions, the basic conceptual knowledge gets further augmented and supplemented. Appealing to the novice as well as the experienced professional, this atlas is a key resource to the undergraduate and the postgraduate students, the ENT fraternity, pediatricians and general practitioners. This atlas will definitely supplement the standard ENT textbooks for a further in depth pictorial depiction of the ear disorders and thus facilitate proper diagnosis for dispensing appropriate treatment for otological disorders. This atlas provides the sure foundation for the thorough and sound knowledge of ear disorders facilitating the proper diagnosis and thus correct treatment.
The atlas is foreworded by Prof. A.G. Pusalkar, an eminent and world renowned otologist; Dr. Suresh Ghaisas, Medical Director, MIMER Medical College; and Dr. Brig. GS Gopal, ex-Prof. and Head of ENT Department of MIMER Medical College.
This atlas is unique as it is the first of its kind in India. I would like to send this book for review.
Dr Mubarak khan

Mobile : +91 98226 462007
Information of the atlas is available online on the website:

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