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prevention of photo aging
It is well established that sun avoidance
and sunscreen use are important adjuvants
to antiaging regimens. Obviously,
sun avoidance is not always possible and
hardly a popular behavioral adjustment
for many patients. However, patients
should be discouraged from engaging in
unnecessary sun exposure, particularly
between 10 AM and 4 PM, and any exposure
to tanning beds. Sunscreen should
be recommended for use on a daily basis,
even when the patient remains indoors.
Patients should be reminded that UVA
rays have the capacity to pass through
glass, thus individuals are at risk of solar
exposure even in their cars and homes as
well as at work. UVA shields can be
placed on windows, providing some protection.
Sun protective clothing, such as
a broad-brimmed hat and SPF 45 clothing,
should be encouraged for patients
planning any protracted exposure to the
sun. Many patients believe that their sun
exposure is minimal and does not warrant
daily use of sunscreen. Use of a
Wood’s or a UV light to reveal solar damage
is a helpful way to convince patients
of the necessity of sun avoidance. Such a
demonstration will also make them
more likely to employ preventive measures,
such as sunscreens, antioxidants,
and retinoids, when sun avoidance is impractical.

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