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Three of our many assumptions are; 1) rationality has to be abandoned in the path of seeking of truth; often called spiritual path 2) spiritual quest has nothing to do with; holistic education, health, agriculture, industry, politics etc. and 3) Pursuing the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs for universal blossoming (welfare) has nothing to do with individual blossoming (welfare).

This has lead to most of us; feel proud in being totally and blindly dedicated and/or devoted to a particular cult. We take pride in aggrandizing the leader of our cult coupled with scathing criticism of other cults! We feel great; to believe and spread our beliefs rabidly. This colossal waste goes on eroding the society perpetually! Since we do not think rationally; we do not grow and stupidly or gullibly indulge in charity that nurtures our condescending attitude and inflates our ego; and parasitism and helplessness of the beneficiaries; without providing rational and holistic solutions to the problems in different fields of life.

Since our spiritual quest does not embody education, health, agriculture, industry, economics, politics etc; our life is split into two compartments; one that we preach and the other that we practice; because our education, health, agriculture, industry, economics, politics; etc. spiritual element (being holistic and globally benevolent) and our spiritual preachings lack realistic and pragmatic solutions to various problems in these fields. We who claim to be spiritual continue to lack holistic perspective. Hence our education, health, agriculture, industry, economics and politics continues to be sectarian, divisive and exploitative.

Because we feel; that pursuing the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs for universal blossoming (welfare) has nothing to do with spiritual growth; we are determined to avoid political activities to evolve and implement globally benevolent perspective, policies, plans, programs, laws, conventions etc; because of confusing (such politics, which is integral part of holistic life) with; partisan politics serving vested interests.

Our life thus becomes an unending mirage, full of self deception; hypocrisy and boastful exhibition of our so called gullibility, humility, faith etc; while all the evils inside and outside; continue to flourish unabated!

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