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Category : All ; Cycle : December 2019
Medical Articles
Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis Analysis by Radiographic Mean for Vertical Reconstruction Of Alveolar Ridge: A Novel Research Approach.
Author : Dr. Naqoosh Haidry, Dr. Ritesh Raj, Dr.Brijesh Byrappa, Dr. Amit Kumar, Dr. Manish Kumar, Dr. Anshu Prakash

Aim and objective: The aim and objective of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of alveolar distraction osteogenesis technique radiographically for vertical reconstruction of atrophy alveolar ridges in partially edentulous patients.

Materials and Methods: A total of 120 vertical distraction osteogenesis procedures were performed in110 patients. Two panoramic radiographies were performed in all patients, one the day before the beginning of distraction, and one after consolidation period, 18 weeks postoperatively. The radiographic analysis consisted of obtaining the amount of the vertical bone gain in each radiography. For this, we
obtained initially the magnification factor of each panoramic radiography by dividing the real size of the activation rod among the image size of the activation rod. After this, to obtain the VGB, we measured initially the length of the distractonpre activation (LD1), which consisted of the distance between the superior portion of the basal plate and the superior portion of the transport plate, multiplying by the
magnification factor. Then, we measured the length of the distraction postactivation (LD2), using the same method described before, in radiographies performed 12 weeks postoperatively. The vertical bone gain was obtained using the following formula: vertical bone gain = LD2 — LD1. The results were applied to descriptive statistical analysis.Complications were also investigated during all of the treatments.

Results: The mean alveolar distraction achieved in 120 cases was 7.21 (range, 0 to 10.83 mm). According to the region treated, 50.8% were in the posterior mandible (mean vertical bone gain , 4.60 mm, DP: 2.04), 37.68% were in the anterior maxilla (mean vertical bone gain,7.46 mm, DP: 2.28), 7.33% were in the anterior mandible (mean vertical bone gain, 6.73 mm, DP: 2.04), and 4.33% were in the posterior maxilla (mean vertical bone gain, 6.32 mm, DP:2.65).

Conclusions: The Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis technique was demonstrated to be an effective tool to treat vertical defects of the alveolar ridge with a success rate of 92.64%. Our radiographic analysis seems to be an important tool in verifying the technique as well as planning implant placement after Alveolar Distraction Osteogenesis.

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A Comparative Study of the Effect of Primary and Secondary Closure Technique Following Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars
Author : Naqoosh Haidry, Ritesh Raj, Sandeep Kashyap, Brijesh Byrappa, Amit Kumar, Ankur Singh

Introduction: Surgical removal of the impacted mandibular
third molar is one of the most frequently performed surgical
procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The purpose of
this study was to compare the primary and secondary wound
closure after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third
molars by evaluating the extent of facial swelling, the severity
of pain and degree of trismus.

Material and Methods: A prospective, randomized,
clinical trial was conducted in 80 patients. The patients were
randomly divided into two groups of 40 each. In Group 1:
patients underwent primary closure of the wound and in
Group 2: patients underwent secondary closure of the wound.
Postoperative pain, swelling, and trismus were evaluated on
the 2nd and 7th day postoperatively.

Results: Statistically significant difference was observed for
facial swelling and trismus on 2nd postoperative days between
both groups. Postoperative pain was less in the secondary
closure group.

Conclusion: From the outcome of the above study we can
conclude that the secondary wound closure technique has a
significant advantage over primary wound closure concerning
swelling and trismus.

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