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“Why hernia re-occurs again and again”
When some part of our body leaves its original place and enters in to other cavity or comes out on the body surface then we call it as a hernia formation. Operation is the only remedy to get relief from this disease. Patient will not mind to get operated if he is sure that he is going to be hernia free after surgery. But this does not happen in many patients because rate of relapse or reappearance of hernia at the same place is also quite high and unacceptable. Mesh, which is a piece of synthetic cloth, was introduced in the market in 1990 for use in hernia repairs. We stitch a small piece of cloth to repair our torn shirt. Same principle is used in mesh repairs where in this mesh is stitched on the weak spot or hernia hole to give protection and prevent recurrence. Relapse rate or failure rate after groin hernia surgery has come down to 7-8% in USA after every body started doing hernia surgery by using a mesh, but it failed to give complete cure.
Majority of the hernias, almost 99%, are external and seen on the body surface and majority of them are seen on the abdominal wall. Amongst them, the groin hernias are seen in almost 75% of patients. But in India, proportion of other abdominal wall hernias like umbilical, epigastric, ventral or incisional hernia is also quite high. Our intestines are kept in a delicate balloon like bag in side the abdomen and protection is given by 3 layers of muscles all around them. When these muscles get damaged at some spot then that becomes a weak spot or hernia hole from where hernia formation takes place. This damage can happen due to surgery or stretching due to pregnancy or ascitis or they get weakened due to aging or some other disease.

In all traditionally done hernia surgeries, hernia sac is excised and a mesh is stitched on this weak spot or this hernia hole in an attempt to give protection to the weak spot and prevent relapse or recurrence. But this does not happen immediately after surgery because this mesh is delicate like a mosquito net. Then why it is stitched if it does not give protection? A foreign body reaction sets in and around the mesh and tissue penetrates in it to form a delicate curtain on the weak spot. This takes couple of months and then it takes another 2-3 years to get sufficient strength in it to give protection. It means the patient is not fully protected for 2-3 years in spite of mesh surgery. If patient gets an attack of cough or sneezing or some such other instance during this period then this mesh gets torn or stitches get torn or mesh moves away from the stitched place and relapse of hernia takes place. Another important reason for more relapses or recurrences seen in India is the low quality mesh used to save on the cost. This low quality mesh shrinks by 50-60% in side the body. Naturally there is increased tension on the sutures due to this shrinkage that tend to break beyond certain limits inviting hernia recurrence. Mesh shrinkage or mesh migrations are well documented complications inviting failures after the mesh surgeries. All hernia surgeries are done by hernia experts or consultants in USA, but, paradoxically in India, hernia surgeries are dedicated to the resident doctors who are not expert in hernia surgeries. This is also one of the important reasons for high rate of hernia recurrences in India.
A story of 38 year old Mr. David from USA is worth listening. He had left groin hernia since 2 years. He consulted with 2-3 consultants and hernia experts in Los Angeles, All of them had said that they will repair his hernia with a mesh. As is done by every American, David also did his own thorough search on the internet to get more knowledge about groin hernias. He found that almost 30 out 100 patients operated with mesh had suffered either from recurrence or chronic groin pain or infection or mesh migration in to the abdomen. These patients had undergone either open surgeries or endoscopic surgeries. So he started search to find out whether there is any centre which does hernia surgeries without using mesh. To his amazement, he found only two such centre all over the world. One was Shouldice centre in Canada and another was “Desarda Centre” in Pune from India. During his further search, he found that Shouldice centre use stainless steel wires to sutures and there is 1-2% of recurrence. So he chose Desarda Centre and came here to our Indian Hernia Institute to get his hernia set right. This story did not end with David, but many more patients from USA, France, and Australia etc have visited our centre for their hernia repairs. The main reason why every body now prefers to come to our centre for his hernia repair is that we do not use any foreign body like mesh. Therefore, no complications are seen in our repairs that are associated with mesh. We use a strip of near by strong muscle to cover the weak spot or hernia hole. Therefore, protection starts on the operation table itself. And patient gets almost complete cure without any fear of relapse or recurrence in future.

Dr. Desarda has operated on more than 1500 patients till today by this new technique and all of them are well and without any recurrence till today. This operation does not require general anesthesia, it is done under local or spinal anesthesia. Patient is admitted in the morning and taken for surgery immediately after preparation. Time required for surgery is average 30 minutes and patient can be on his foot as soon as anesthesia effect is gone. Normally patient goes to pass urine on his own within 4-5 hours and he is freely mobile in the wards same day night or next day morning ready to get discharged and go home. There are no restrictions on his movements or food intake. He can drive car and go to office, can climb a staircase, can carry luggage and travel, squat and sit down without much pain within 2-3 days. He is asked to carry his normal routine work as soon as possible and as per his tolerance. So, patient gets high level of satisfaction after this new operation technique. All foreign patients coming to Indian Hernia Institute go back to their country on third day carrying their luggage and a journey of 20-22 hours without any difficulty. The most important quality of this operation is that there is virtually no recurrence or pain. This operation is spreading quite rapidly all around the globe and today it is being followed in many countries.

Interested patients and doctors can contact Dr. Desarda on his mobile no. 0091 (0)9373322178 or log on to his website or

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As far as groin hernias are concerned, Prof. Dr. Desarda has raised questions about the theories mentioned in the text books that prevent herniation. Obliquity of inguinal canal or shutter mechanism or high muscle arch or patent processus vaginalis, etc., are not the real factors that prevent hernia formation in the normal individuals. Real factor that prevents hernia formation in the normal individual is presence of aponeurotic extensions from the transversus abdominis aponurotic arch in first place and strong musculo-aponeurotic structures around the inguinal canal in the second place. REF: Desarda MP. Surgical physiology of inguinal hernia repair. BMC Surgery 2003, 3:2 or visit website or

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Ulcerative Colitis and New Possible Treatments
Ulcerative Colitis and New Possible Treatments

Ulcerative colitis is a disease that causes inflammation and sores, called ulcers, in the lining of the rectum and colon. Ulcers form where inflammation has killed the cells that usually line the colon, then bleed and produce pus. Inflammation in the colon also causes the colon to empty frequently, causing diarrhea.
When the inflammation occurs in the rectum and lower part of the colon it is called ulcerative proctitis. If the entire colon is affected it is called pancolitis. If only the left side of the colon is affected it is called limited or distal colitis.
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the general name for diseases that cause inflammation in the small intestine and colon. It can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders and to another type of IBD called Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease differs because it causes inflammation deeper within the intestinal wall and can occur in other parts of the digestive system including the small intestine, mouth, esophagus, and stomach.
Ulcerative colitis can occur in people of any age, but it usually starts between the ages of 15 and 30, and less frequently between 50 and 70 years of age. It affects men and women equally and appears to run in families, with reports of up to 20 percent of people with ulcerative colitis having a family member or relative with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. A higher incidence of ulcerative colitis is seen in Whites and people of Jewish

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis ?

The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Patients also may experience
• anemia
• fatigue
• weight loss
• loss of appetite
• rectal bleeding
• loss of body fluids and nutrients
• skin lesions
• joint pain
• growth failure (specifically in children)
About half of the people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis have mild symptoms. Others suffer frequent fevers, bloody diarrhea, nausea, and severe abdominal cramps. Ulcerative colitis may also cause problems such as arthritis, inflammation of the eye, liver disease, and osteoporosis. It is not known why these problems occur outside the colon. Scientists think these complications may be the result of inflammation triggered by the immune system. Some of these problems go away when the colitis is treated.
Causes ulcerative colitis?
Many theories exist about what causes ulcerative colitis. People with ulcerative colitis have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result of the disease. The body’s immune system is believed to react abnormally to the bacteria in the digestive tract.
Ulcerative colitis is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people. The stress of living with ulcerative colitis may also contribute to a worsening of symptoms.
Many tests are used to diagnose ulcerative colitis. A physical exam and medical history are usually the first step.
Blood tests may be done to check for anemia, which could indicate bleeding in the colon or rectum, or they may uncover a high white blood cell count, which is a sign of inflammation somewhere in the body.
A stool sample can also reveal white blood cells, whose presence indicates ulcerative colitis or inflammatory disease. In addition, a stool sample allows the doctor to detect bleeding or infection in the colon or rectum caused by bacteria, a virus, or parasites.
A colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy are the most accurate methods for making a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and ruling-out other possible conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, diverticular disease, or cancer. For both tests, the doctor inserts an endoscope—a long, flexible, lighted tube connected to a computer and TV monitor—into the anus to see the inside of the colon and rectum. The doctor will be able to see any inflammation, bleeding, or ulcers on the colon wall. During the exam, the doctor may do a biopsy, which involves taking a sample of tissue from the lining of the colon to view with a microscope.
Sometimes x rays such as a barium enema or CT scans are also used to diagnose ulcerative colitis or its complications.
A major genetic link to the development of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as other inflammatory diseases, has been revealed in a recent study. "This genetic discovery is special because it may have a rapid impact on diagnosis and treatment of these chronic digestive diseases," says Jonathan Braun, M.D., Ph.D., Chair of the National Scientific Advisory Committee of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA)

Previous genetic studies uncovered a link between Crohn's and variants of the gene CARD15 (also known as NOD2), but this gene plays a role in only some Crohn's patients, and does not affect the risk for colitis. The new discovery, which involves a gene called the interleukin-23 (IL-23) receptor, has a much larger effect on these inflammatory diseases.
Interleukin (IL)-23 is a heterodimeric cytokine closely related to IL-12. Yet, despite a strong structural relationship that includes a shared p40 subunit, this does not translate into functional similarity. In fact, the opposite is true, in that these two cytokines appear to have profoundly different roles in regulating host immune responses. It is now clear that IL-23 has key roles in autoimmune destruction in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, collagen-induced arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. IL-23 drives the development of autoreactive IL-17-producing T cells and promotes chronic inflammation dominated by IL-17, IL-6, IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor as well as neutrophils and monocytes. It is unlikely that IL-23 and its downstream effects evolved just to cause autoimmunity, but its real benefit to the host and the lineage relationship between IL-17-producing cells and T helper 1 cells remain unclear. By comparing the pathophysiological function of IL-12 and IL-23 in the context of host defense and autoimmune inflammation, we are beginning to understand the novel IL-23-IL-17 immune pathway.

Colon Cancer:
About 5 percent of people with ulcerative colitis develop colon cancer. The risk of cancer increases with the duration of the disease and how much the colon has been damaged. For example, if only the lower colon and rectum are involved, the risk of cancer is no higher than normal. However, if the entire colon is involved, the risk of cancer may be as much as 32 times the normal rate.
Sometimes precancerous changes occur in the cells lining the colon. These changes are called "dysplasia." People who have dysplasia are more likely to develop cancer than those who do not. Doctors look for signs of dysplasia when doing a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy and when examining tissue removed during these tests.
According to the 2002 updated guidelines for colon cancer screening, people who have had IBD throughout their colon for at least 8 years and those who have had IBD in only the left colon for 12 to 15 years should have a colonoscopy with biopsies every 1 to 2 years to check for dysplasia.

Differential Diagnosis:
The entire length of the colon, starting at the rectosigmoid junction and ending at the cecum, can be visualized by transabdominal sonography after retrograde water instillation into the colon. By this method, termed hydrocolonic sonography, it is possible to evaluate in detail the lumen, the colon wall, and the surrounding tissue. Five layers of different echogenicity can be differentiated within the colon wall.
METHODS: In a prospective study of 440 patients, it had been compared the value of conventional abdominal sonography and hydrocolonic sonography with that of colonoscopy, in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and colonic Crohn's disease.
RESULTS: In 93% of patients with Crohn's disease, the normal five-layer structure of the colonic wall was no longer in evidence, and the wall appeared hypoechogenic and clearly thickened.
In patients with ulcerative colitis, the five-layer structure could clearly be discerned, and although the colon wall remained hypoechogenic, it was only moderately thickened.
Colonic Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis were detectable by hydrocolonic sonography, with a sensitivity of 96% and 91%, respectively.
The sensitivity achieved by conventional abdominal sonography is only 71% and 62% respectively. Furthermore, hydrocolonic sonography made possible the differentiation of Crohn's disease from Ulcerative colitis in 93% of the cases.
Pathological Diagnosis:
Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are distinct entities, but in 5 to 10% of patients and resected specimens, a clear separation may not be possible. The pathological diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Crohn's disease, including ulcerative colitis, indeterminate colitis and other diseases may mimic Crohn's disease. It is often difficult or impossible to distinguish diversion colitis and pouchitis from recurrence of Crohn's disease.
Increased expression of CD44v6 and CD44v3 in Ulcerative Colitis but not colonic Crohn's Disease:
Immune mechanisms, possibly involving cell-surface molecules such as CD44, have been invoked to explain the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. Monoclonal antibodies were used against epitopes encoded within the variable region of CD44 to investigate CD44 isoform expression in colon, small intestine, and liver in patients with various intestinal disorders and in controls. Biopsy samples from patients with ulcerative colitis showed significantly increased epithelial expression of CD44 isoforms containing the v6 and v3 epitopes, detected with antibodies 2F10 and 3G5, respectively. CD44v6 was detected on colonic crypt epithelial cells in 23 of 25 ulcerative colitis samples compared with 3 of 18 colonic Crohn's disease samples (p = 3.0 x 10(-6); odds ratio 57.5 [95% CI 6.83-702]) and 3 of 52 controls (22 normal colon, 10 infective colitis, 2 radiation colitis, and 18 colonic Crohn's disease; p < 1 x 10(-8); odds ratio 199 [25.5-2294]). No significant expression of CD44v6, CD44v3, or CD44v8/9 was found in samples of normal proximal colon from 4 patients with distal ulcerative colitis, whereas samples from the affected area showed staining for CD44v6 and CD44v3. No expression of CD44 variants was found in 15 samples of normal small intestine, 11 small-bowel pouchitis, 8 coeliac disease, 3 small-bowel Crohn's disease, 6 normal liver, 6 primary biliary cirrhosis, or 9 primary sclerosing cholangitis. The high intensity of CD44v6 and v3 epitope expression on crypt epithelial cells in ulcerative colitis suggests that CD44 isoforms may have an important role in ulcerative colitis. Their detection could have diagnostic potential in differentiating ulcerative colitis from other forms of colonic inflammation including Crohn's disease.
Poor diagnostic value of colonic CD44v6 expression and serum concentrations of its soluble form in the differentiation of Ulcerative Colitis from Crohn's disease:
Increased expression of CD44v6 on colonic crypt epithelial cells in ulcerative colitis has been suggested as a diagnostic tool to distinguish ulcerative colitis from colonic Crohn's disease. AIMS: To investigate colonic CD44v6 expression and serum concentrations of soluble CD44v6 (sCD44v6) in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
METHODS: Colonic biopsy samples were obtained from 16 patients with ulcerative colitis, 13 with ileocolonic Crohn's disease, and 10 undergoing polypectomy. Serum samples were obtained from 15 patients with active ulcerative colitis, 20 with active Crohn's disease, and 20 healthy donors. Colonic CD44v6 expression was evaluated immunohistochemically by monoclonal antibody 2F10 and the higher affinity monoclonal antibody VFF18. Serum sCD44v6 concentrations were measured by ELISA.
RESULTS: 2F10 stained colonic epithelium of inflamed ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease samples in 80% and 40% of cases, respectively, and VFF18 in 95% and 87%, respectively. Both monoclonal antibodies displayed a sensitivity and specificity of 60% and 87% to differentiate ulcerative colitis from colonic Crohn's disease. Serum concentrations of sCD44v6 were lower in patients with ulcerative colitis (median 153 ng/ml; interquartile range (IQR) 122-211) compared with Crohn's disease (219; IQR 180-243) and healthy donors (221; IQR 197-241 (p = 0.002)). Its sensitivity and specificity to discriminate ulcerative colitis from Crohn's disease was 75% and 71%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Colonic CD44v6 and serum sCD44v6 concentrations do not facilitate reliable differential diagnosis between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
Evaluation of serological markers to differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease: pANCA, ASCA and agglutinating antibodies to anaerobic coccoid rods
The value of these serological tests in differentiating ulcerative colitis from Crohn's disease is limited when used separately but, by combining two or more tests, the positive predictive value and specificity can be improved substantially. These tests might be of help in studying disease heterogeneity, and may contribute to defining various subgroups of patients with different pathogeneses.
Genetic association between ulcerative colitis and the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 receptor antagonist:
Cytokine profile in colonic mucosa of ulcerative colitis correlates with disease activity and response to granulocytapheresis
Use of CT findings in differential diagnosis:
The mean colon wall thickness in Crohn colitis (11.0 mm +/- 5.1) is significantly greater than in ulcerative colitis (7.8 mm +/- 1.9) (P < .002). Submucosal fat deposition, not observed in the acute colitis, is significantly present more oftenly in ulcerative (61%) than in Crohn colitis (8%) (P = .0001). Exclusive involvement of the right colon and small bowel was most frequent with Crohn and infectious colitis. Abscess was associated almost exclusively with Crohn colitis (35%) but was seen in one patient with radiation colitis.
CONCLUSION: Although many CT findings in patients with colitis are nonspecific, some features are helpful in suggesting a specific diagnosis.

Available treatment for ulcerative colitis:
1. Aminosalicylates: drugs that contain 5-aminosalicyclic acid (5-ASA), help control inflammation. Sulfasalazine is a combination of sulfapyridine and 5-ASA.
2. Corticosteroids such as prednisone, methylprednisone, and hydrocortisone also reduce inflammation. They may be used by people who have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or who do not respond to 5-ASA drugs.
3. Immunomodulators such as azathioprine and 6-mercapto-purine (6-MP) reduce inflammation by affecting the immune system. These drugs are used for patients who have not responded to 5-ASAs or corticosteroids or who are dependent on corticosteroids. Immunomodulators are administered orally, however, they are slow-acting and it may take up to 6 months before the full benefit.
4. Surgery (a) Ileostomy, (b) Ileoanal anastomosis.

New Possible Treatments:
1. Dr. Braun notes that while the disease state of all Crohn's and colitis patients is not likely to be driven by IL-23, the drugs necessary to affect change in the behavior of this protein receptor already exist. In fact, one such therapy was recently reported by a team at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The investigators were able to show that therapy targeting p40 a subunit of IL-23 can inhibit the activity of IL-23 in Crohn's disease (Mannon P, N Engl J Med 351:2069, 2004). This genetic discovery is likely to accelerate tests of this and other drugs, and to better identify which patients will benefit from such diseases, and affects risk for both Crohn's and Colitis.

"The genetic variants in the IL-23 receptor gene have been identified that confer increased risk for IBD, but we are most excited about our discovery of a genetic factor in the same gene that confers protection against developing IBD," said Dr. Duerr. "There is hope that ongoing research will tease out the specific downstream effects of these genetic variants so that this knowledge can be used to develop better, more targeted therapies for patients with IBD.”.
2. LCAP (Leucocytapheresis)
Leukocyctapheresis (LCAP) is a blood purification treatment for ulcerative colitis (UC) [1]. LCAP is known to have a low incidence of side effects. LCAP is carried out using a column (Cellsorba E) filled with a non-woven fabric made up of polyester fibers. The fabric had a dual structure; an inner layer composed of superfine fibers 0.8-2.8 in diameter, and an outer layer composed of fibers 10-40 in diameter. The blood is filtrated from the outside into the inside of the non-woven fabric wound into a cylindrical shape in the column, and leukocyte components are removed. The blood, with leukocyte removed, is guided out from the column and heated, and the returned to the corresponding vein of the patient’s other arm or leg of the patient. The blood flow rate is set at 30-50 , and 2-3 L of blood is treated in each session of LCAP. The treatment is carried out for one hour per session once in a week, for 10 wks.

3. Non-pathogenic Escherichia coli versus Mesalazine for the treatment of ulcerative colitis:
Ulcerative colitis has been suggested to be caused by infection and there is circumstantial evidence linking Escherichia coli with the condition. I had been tried to find out whether the administration of a non-pathogenic strain of E. coli (Nissle 1917) is as effective as mesalazine in preventing relapse of ulcerative colitis. It has also been examined whether the addition of E. coli to standard medical therapy increased the chance of remission of active ulcerative colitis.
Trial study: This was a single-centre, randomised, double-dummy study in which 120 patients with active ulcerative colitis were invited to take part. 116 patients accepted; 59 were randomised to mesalazine and 57 to E. coli. All patients also received standard medical therapy together with a 1-week course of oral gentamicin. After remission, patients were maintained on either mesalazine or E. coli and followed up for a maximum of 12 months. A two-stage, conditional, intention-to-treat analysis was done.
FINDINGS: 44 (75%) patients in the mesalazine group attained remission compared with 39 (68%) in the E. coli group. Mean time to remission was 44 days (median 42) in the mesalazine group and 42 days (median 37) for those treated with E. coli. In the mesalazine group, 32 (73%) patients relapsed compared with 26 (67%) in the E. coli group. Mean duration of remission was 206 days in the mesalazine group (median 175) and 221 days (median 185) in the E. coli group.
INTERPRETATION: The results suggest that treatment with a non-pathogenic E. coli has an equivalent effect to mesalazine in maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis. The beneficial effect of live E. coli may provide clues to the cause of Ulcerative Colitis.

Ubiquitous Transgenic Expression of the IL-23 Subunit p19 Induces Multi-organ inflammation, Runting, Infertility, and Premature Death
Dr Tejinder M Aggrwal

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New Guidelines Address Management of Common Bile Duct Stones CME
"The last 30 years has seen major developments in the management of gallstone related disease, which in the United States alone costs over 6 billion dollars per annum to treat," write Earl Jon Williams, from the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom, and colleagues. "As a consequence clinicians are now faced with a number of potentially valid options for managing patients with suspected CBDS. It is with this in mind that the following guidelines have been written."
New imaging techniques allow accurate visualization of the biliary system without requiring duct instrumentation. These include magnetic resonance (MR) cholangiography and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). Use of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is now widespread and is considered a routine procedure. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has largely replaced open cholecystectomy, and it is often accompanied by laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct (LCBDE).
The BSG commissioned these guidelines, which were subsequently reviewed, revised, and endorsed by the Clinical Standards and Services Committee of the BSG, the BSG Endoscopy Committee, the ERCP stakeholder group, the Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Royal College of Radiologists.
After a preliminary search of the literature in 2004 of PubMed and MEDLINE, the findings were summarized and were presented to the BSG Endoscopy Committee, which developed principal clinical questions to be addressed by the guidelines. A multidisciplinary guideline-writing group then wrote provisional guidelines.
Some of the specific recommendations are as follows:
• Hepatobiliary cases should be discussed in a multidisciplinary setting (grade C).
• Symptomatic patients in whom evaluation suggests ductal stones should undergo extraction if possible (grade B).
• Transabdominal ultrasound scanning (USS) is recommended as a preliminary investigation for CBDS, but it is not a sensitive test for this condition (grade B).
• EUS and MR cholangiography are both highly effective at confirming CBDS; patient suitability, accessibility, and local expertise should help decide between the 2 procedures (grade B).
• When performing endoscopic stone extraction (ESE), the endoscopist should be assisted by a technician or radiologist who can help with fluoroscopy, a nurse for safety monitoring, and an additional endoscopy assistant or nurse to manage guide wires and other technical aspects as needed (grade C).
• ERCP should be done only in patients who are expected to require an intervention; it is not recommended for use solely as a diagnostic test (grade B).
• Full blood count and prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR) should be performed within 72 hours before biliary sphincterotomy for ductal stones; patients with abnormal clotting should undergo subsequent management based on locally agreed guidelines (grade B).
• For patients treated with anticoagulants but who are at low risk for thromboembolism, anticoagulants should be discontinued before endoscopic stone extraction if biliary sphincterotomy is planned (grade B) as should newer antiplatelet agents (eg, clopidogrel), 7 to 10 days before biliary sphincterotomy (grade C). Use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and low-dose heparin should not be considered a contraindication to biliary sphincterotomy (grade B).
• Patients with biliary obstruction or previous features of biliary sepsis should receive prophylactic antibiotics (grade A).
• Sphincterotomy initiated with use of pure cut may be preferred in patients with risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis but not biliary sphincterotomy–induced hemorrhage (grade A).
• In most patients undergoing stone extraction, balloon dilation of the papilla should be avoided because the risk for severe post-ERCP pancreatitis is increased vs biliary sphincterotomy (grade A).
• Short-term use of a biliary stent, followed by further endoscopy or surgery, is recommended to ensure adequate biliary drainage in patients with CBDS that have not been extracted (grade B).
• Use of a biliary stent as sole treatment of CBDS should be limited to patients with limited life expectancy or prohibitive surgical risk, or both (grade A).
• Pre-cut is a risk factor for complication and should be used only by those with appropriate training and experience and only in patients for whom subsequent endoscopic treatment is essential (grade B).
• Operative risk should be evaluated before scheduling intervention, and endoscopic therapy should be considered as an alternative in high-risk patients (grade B).
• Intraoperative cholangiography or laparoscopic ultrasound can detect CBDS in patients who are suitable for surgical exploration or postoperative ERCP (grade B).
• In patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, transcystic and transductal exploration of the common bile duct are both considered appropriate for removal of CBDS (grade A).
• When minimally invasive techniques fail to achieve duct clearance, open surgical exploration is still considered to be an important treatment option (grade B).
The guidelines also discuss supplementary treatments including mechanical lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, electrohydraulic lithotripsy and laser lithotripsy, percutaneous treatment, and oral ursodeoxycholic acid. Management of specific clinical scenarios is also presented.
"Biliary sphincterotomy and endoscopic stone extraction (ESE) is recommended as the primary form of treatment for patients with CBDS post cholecystectomy," the authors of the guidelines write. "Cholecystectomy is recommended for all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones, unless there are specific reasons for considering surgery inappropriate. Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be managed by laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) at the time of surgery, or undergo peri-operative ERCP."

Clinical Context
In the last 3 decades, major developments in the management of gallstone-related disease have extended the range of suitable options for evaluation and treatment of CBDS. The high healthcare costs associated with this condition (> 6 billion dollars per year in the United States alone) warrant new guidelines providing recommendations for clinical management.
ERCP is now widely available and is performed routinely, and laparoscopy has mostly obviated the need for open cholecystectomy. New imaging techniques facilitating less invasive visualization of the biliary tree include MR cholangiography and EUS.

Study Highlights
• Multidisciplinary management is recommended for hepatobiliary cases.
• Transabdominal USS is not a sensitive test for CBDS, but it is suitable as a preliminary investigation.
• EUS and MR cholangiography are both highly effective at confirming CBDS. Patient-specific factors, local availability, and local expertise should guide the choice between the 2 procedures.
• Symptomatic patients with suspected ductal stones based on evaluation should undergo extraction if possible.
• Biliary sphincterotomy and ESE are recommended as the primary forms of treatment of patients with CBDS postcholecystectomy.
• Unless there are specific reasons for considering surgery inappropriate, cholecystectomy is recommended for all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones.
• Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be treated by LCBDE at the time of surgery or undergo perioperative ERCP.
• Endoscopists performing ESE should be assisted by a technician or radiologist who can help with fluoroscopy, a nurse for safety monitoring, and an additional endoscopy assistant or nurse to manage technical aspects as needed.
• ERCP should be done only in patients who are expected to require an intervention; it is not recommended solely for diagnostic use.
• Full blood count and PT/INR should be performed within 72 hours before biliary sphincterotomy for ductal stones; patients with abnormal clotting should be treated according to local protocol.
• For patients treated with anticoagulants but at low risk for thromboembolism, anticoagulants should be discontinued before ESE if biliary sphincterotomy is planned (grade B) as should newer antiplatelet agents. Use of aspirin, NSAIDs, and low-dose heparin should not be considered a contraindication to biliary sphincterotomy.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis should be given to patients with biliary obstruction or previous features of biliary sepsis.
• Sphincterotomy initiated with use of pure cut may be preferred in patients with risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis but not biliary sphincterotomy–induced hemorrhage.
• Balloon dilation of the papilla should be avoided in most patients undergoing stone extraction because the risk for severe post-ERCP pancreatitis is increased vs biliary sphincterotomy.
• For CBDS that have not been extracted, short-term use of a biliary stent, followed by further endoscopy or surgery, is recommended to ensure adequate biliary drainage.
• Only patients with limited life expectancy or prohibitive surgical risk, or both, should undergo use of a biliary stent as sole treatment of CBDS.
• Pre-cut increases the risk for complication and should be used only by those with appropriate training and experience and only for patients in whom subsequent endoscopic treatment is essential.
• Operative risk should be evaluated before surgery is scheduled. In high-risk patients, endoscopic therapy should be considered as an alternative.
• In patients deemed suitable for surgical exploration or postoperative ERCP, intraoperative cholangiography, or laparoscopic ultrasound can detect CBDS.
• Transcystic and transductal exploration of the common bile duct are both considered appropriate for removal of CBDS in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
• Open surgical exploration is still considered to be an important treatment option when minimally invasive techniques do not achieve duct clearance.
• Supplementary treatments may include mechanical lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, electrohydraulic lithotripsy and laser lithotripsy, percutaneous treatment, and oral ursodeoxycholic acid.

Pearls for Practice
• Transabdominal USS is recommended as a preliminary investigation for CBDS, but it is not a sensitive test for this condition. EUS and MR cholangiography are both highly effective at confirming CBDS; patient suitability, accessibility, and local expertise should help decide between the 2 procedures.
• Biliary sphincterotomy and ESE are the primary forms of treatment recommended for patients with CBDS postcholecystectomy. For all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones, cholecystectomy is recommended, unless there are specific reasons for considering surgery inappropriate. Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be treated by LCBDE at the time of surgery or undergo perioperative ERCP.

Based on the BSG guidelines, which of the following statements about evaluation of CBDS is correct?

Transabdominal USS is a sensitive test for CBDS

EUS is significantly less effective than MR cholangiography for confirming CBDS

EUS is significantly more effective than MR cholangiography for confirming CBDS

Transabdominal USS is recommended as a preliminary investigation for CBDS

Based on the BSG guidelines, which of the following statements about treatment of CBDS is not correct?

Perioperative ERCP is not recommended for patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

Biliary sphincterotomy and ESE are recommended as the primary forms of treatment of patients with CBDS postcholecystectomy

Cholecystectomy is recommended for all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones, unless they are not surgical candidates

Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be treated by LCBDE at the time of surgery

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New Guidelines Address Management of Common Bile Duct Stones
"The last 30 years has seen major developments in the management of gallstone related disease, which in the United States alone costs over 6 billion dollars per annum to treat," write Earl Jon Williams, from the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom, and colleagues. "As a consequence clinicians are now faced with a number of potentially valid options for managing patients with suspected CBDS. It is with this in mind that the following guidelines have been written."

New imaging techniques allow accurate visualization of the biliary system without requiring duct instrumentation. These include magnetic resonance (MR) cholangiography and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). Use of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is now widespread and is considered a routine procedure. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has largely replaced open cholecystectomy, and it is often accompanied by laparoscopic exploration of the common bile duct (LCBDE).

The BSG commissioned these guidelines, which were subsequently reviewed, revised, and endorsed by the Clinical Standards and Services Committee of the BSG, the BSG Endoscopy Committee, the ERCP stakeholder group, the Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Royal College of Radiologists.

After a preliminary search of the literature in 2004 of PubMed and MEDLINE, the findings were summarized and were presented to the BSG Endoscopy Committee, which developed principal clinical questions to be addressed by the guidelines. A multidisciplinary guideline-writing group then wrote provisional guidelines.

Some of the specific recommendations are as follows:

Hepatobiliary cases should be discussed in a multidisciplinary setting (grade C).
Symptomatic patients in whom evaluation suggests ductal stones should undergo extraction if possible (grade B).
Transabdominal ultrasound scanning (USS) is recommended as a preliminary investigation for CBDS, but it is not a sensitive test for this condition (grade B).
EUS and MR cholangiography are both highly effective at confirming CBDS; patient suitability, accessibility, and local expertise should help decide between the 2 procedures (grade B).
When performing endoscopic stone extraction (ESE), the endoscopist should be assisted by a technician or radiologist who can help with fluoroscopy, a nurse for safety monitoring, and an additional endoscopy assistant or nurse to manage guide wires and other technical aspects as needed (grade C).
ERCP should be done only in patients who are expected to require an intervention; it is not recommended for use solely as a diagnostic test (grade B).
Full blood count and prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR) should be performed within 72 hours before biliary sphincterotomy for ductal stones; patients with abnormal clotting should undergo subsequent management based on locally agreed guidelines (grade B).
For patients treated with anticoagulants but who are at low risk for thromboembolism, anticoagulants should be discontinued before endoscopic stone extraction if biliary sphincterotomy is planned (grade B) as should newer antiplatelet agents (eg, clopidogrel), 7 to 10 days before biliary sphincterotomy (grade C). Use of aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and low-dose heparin should not be considered a contraindication to biliary sphincterotomy (grade B).
Patients with biliary obstruction or previous features of biliary sepsis should receive prophylactic antibiotics (grade A).
Sphincterotomy initiated with use of pure cut may be preferred in patients with risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis but not biliary sphincterotomy–induced hemorrhage (grade A).
In most patients undergoing stone extraction, balloon dilation of the papilla should be avoided because the risk for severe post-ERCP pancreatitis is increased vs biliary sphincterotomy (grade A).
Short-term use of a biliary stent, followed by further endoscopy or surgery, is recommended to ensure adequate biliary drainage in patients with CBDS that have not been extracted (grade B).
Use of a biliary stent as sole treatment of CBDS should be limited to patients with limited life expectancy or prohibitive surgical risk, or both (grade A).
Pre-cut is a risk factor for complication and should be used only by those with appropriate training and experience and only in patients for whom subsequent endoscopic treatment is essential (grade B).
Operative risk should be evaluated before scheduling intervention, and endoscopic therapy should be considered as an alternative in high-risk patients (grade B).
Intraoperative cholangiography or laparoscopic ultrasound can detect CBDS in patients who are suitable for surgical exploration or postoperative ERCP (grade B).
In patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy, transcystic and transductal exploration of the common bile duct are both considered appropriate for removal of CBDS (grade A).
When minimally invasive techniques fail to achieve duct clearance, open surgical exploration is still considered to be an important treatment option (grade B).
The guidelines also discuss supplementary treatments including mechanical lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, electrohydraulic lithotripsy and laser lithotripsy, percutaneous treatment, and oral ursodeoxycholic acid. Management of specific clinical scenarios is also presented.

"Biliary sphincterotomy and endoscopic stone extraction (ESE) is recommended as the primary form of treatment for patients with CBDS post cholecystectomy," the authors of the guidelines write. "Cholecystectomy is recommended for all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones, unless there are specific reasons for considering surgery inappropriate. Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be managed by laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) at the time of surgery, or undergo peri-operative ERCP."

The authors of the guidelines have disclosed no relevant financial relationships.

Gut. Published online March 5, 2008.

Learning Objectives for This Educational Activity
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

Describe recommendations regarding new imaging techniques for evaluation of patients with common bile duct stones.
Describe recommendations regarding treatment of patients with common bile duct stones.
Clinical Context
In the last 3 decades, major developments in the management of gallstone-related disease have extended the range of suitable options for evaluation and treatment of CBDS. The high healthcare costs associated with this condition (> 6 billion dollars per year in the United States alone) warrant new guidelines providing recommendations for clinical management.

ERCP is now widely available and is performed routinely, and laparoscopy has mostly obviated the need for open cholecystectomy. New imaging techniques facilitating less invasive visualization of the biliary tree include MR cholangiography and EUS.

Study Highlights
Multidisciplinary management is recommended for hepatobiliary cases.
Transabdominal USS is not a sensitive test for CBDS, but it is suitable as a preliminary investigation.
EUS and MR cholangiography are both highly effective at confirming CBDS. Patient-specific factors, local availability, and local expertise should guide the choice between the 2 procedures.
Symptomatic patients with suspected ductal stones based on evaluation should undergo extraction if possible.
Biliary sphincterotomy and ESE are recommended as the primary forms of treatment of patients with CBDS postcholecystectomy.
Unless there are specific reasons for considering surgery inappropriate, cholecystectomy is recommended for all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones.
Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be treated by LCBDE at the time of surgery or undergo perioperative ERCP.
Endoscopists performing ESE should be assisted by a technician or radiologist who can help with fluoroscopy, a nurse for safety monitoring, and an additional endoscopy assistant or nurse to manage technical aspects as needed.
ERCP should be done only in patients who are expected to require an intervention; it is not recommended solely for diagnostic use.
Full blood count and PT/INR should be performed within 72 hours before biliary sphincterotomy for ductal stones; patients with abnormal clotting should be treated according to local protocol.
For patients treated with anticoagulants but at low risk for thromboembolism, anticoagulants should be discontinued before ESE if biliary sphincterotomy is planned (grade B) as should newer antiplatelet agents. Use of aspirin, NSAIDs, and low-dose heparin should not be considered a contraindication to biliary sphincterotomy.
Antibiotic prophylaxis should be given to patients with biliary obstruction or previous features of biliary sepsis.
Sphincterotomy initiated with use of pure cut may be preferred in patients with risk factors for post-ERCP pancreatitis but not biliary sphincterotomy–induced hemorrhage.
Balloon dilation of the papilla should be avoided in most patients undergoing stone extraction because the risk for severe post-ERCP pancreatitis is increased vs biliary sphincterotomy.
For CBDS that have not been extracted, short-term use of a biliary stent, followed by further endoscopy or surgery, is recommended to ensure adequate biliary drainage.
Only patients with limited life expectancy or prohibitive surgical risk, or both, should undergo use of a biliary stent as sole treatment of CBDS.
Pre-cut increases the risk for complication and should be used only by those with appropriate training and experience and only for patients in whom subsequent endoscopic treatment is essential.
Operative risk should be evaluated before surgery is scheduled. In high-risk patients, endoscopic therapy should be considered as an alternative.
In patients deemed suitable for surgical exploration or postoperative ERCP, intraoperative cholangiography, or laparoscopic ultrasound can detect CBDS.
Transcystic and transductal exploration of the common bile duct are both considered appropriate for removal of CBDS in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Open surgical exploration is still considered to be an important treatment option when minimally invasive techniques do not achieve duct clearance.
Supplementary treatments may include mechanical lithotripsy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, electrohydraulic lithotripsy and laser lithotripsy, percutaneous treatment, and oral ursodeoxycholic acid.
Pearls for Practice
Transabdominal USS is recommended as a preliminary investigation for CBDS, but it is not a sensitive test for this condition. EUS and MR cholangiography are both highly effective at confirming CBDS; patient suitability, accessibility, and local expertise should help decide between the 2 procedures.
Biliary sphincterotomy and ESE are the primary forms of treatment recommended for patients with CBDS postcholecystectomy. For all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones, cholecystectomy is recommended, unless there are specific reasons for considering surgery inappropriate. Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be treated by LCBDE at the time of surgery or undergo perioperative ERCP.

Based on the BSG guidelines, which of the following statements about evaluation of CBDS is correct?
Transabdominal USS is a sensitive test for CBDS
EUS is significantly less effective than MR cholangiography for confirming CBDS
EUS is significantly more effective than MR cholangiography for confirming CBDS
Transabdominal USS is recommended as a preliminary investigation for CBDS

Based on the BSG guidelines, which of the following statements about treatment of CBDS is not correct?
Perioperative ERCP is not recommended for patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Biliary sphincterotomy and ESE are recommended as the primary forms of treatment of patients with CBDS postcholecystectomy
Cholecystectomy is recommended for all patients with CBDS and symptomatic gallbladder stones, unless they are not surgical candidates
Patients with CBDS undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be treated by LCBDE at the time of surgery

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Report on Hernia Repair from SAGES 2008
"If we could artificially produce tissue of the density and toughness of fascia and tendon, the secret of the radical cure of the hernia repair would be discovered."
Theodore Bilroth 1857
Although significant advances in herniorrhaphy have occurred since Bilroth's statement 150 years ago, hernia repair remains a challenge to the general surgeon. For many years, the field of hernia prosthetics was fairly static and options were limited. However, today when the operating room (OR) nurse asks you what mesh you would like for your patient, the choices can be overwhelming. With data to support or refute almost any material, and "reps" who are more than willing to offer their biased opinion, deciphering the data can be difficult. That being said, other than technique, choosing the correct mesh is one of the most critical factors in determining the risk of recurrence, infection, and chronic pain. While there is probably no universally superior material or manufacturer, understanding the characteristics of each type of prosthetic will enable the surgeon to maximize the results for their patients.
At this year's annual SAGES meeting in Philadelphia, a joint consensus panel with the American Hernia Society (AHS) was convened entitled: "The Explosion of Biomaterials for Hernia Repair; What Do I Do?" The panel was comprised of experts in the field of hernia repair including moderators Maurice Arregui, MD, and Guy Voeller, MD. It provided an excellent overview of the current state of mesh prosthetics for hernia repair. The following is a review of this consensus panel with additional comments from the author.
Synthetic Meshes: Types, Costs, Advantages, and Disadvantages
Bruce Ramshaw, MD, Chief of Surgery at The University of Missouri, began the session with a review of current options for synthetic hernia repair. He reviewed the modern history of mesh starting with Francis Usher's introduction of polypropylene (PP) in 1958.[1]
Mesh Types
Woven mesh. PP is a monofilament, hydrophobic, large pore mesh that has been one of the primary "work horses" in hernia surgery for the past 50 years. Currently PP comes in a variety of weaves including single strand, double strand, and multifilament. Ramshaw highlighted the recent development of lightweight (LW) PP, which utilizes a lighter PP strand with larger interstices or pores. He compared it to polyester, which was popularized in Europe in 1960 with the Rives-Stoppa technique.[2] PP and polyester are both woven, macroporous mesh; however, polyester is multifilamented and hydrophilic.
Nonwoven mesh. Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), a derivative of Teflon®, is the second major class of synthetic mesh. Developed in the 1970s, ePTFE has a proven track record in herniorrhaphy. In contrast to the woven meshes, ePTFE has a microporous, smooth textured construct that minimizes tissue ingrowth. This is a critical factor in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair, where the mesh is placed in the peritoneal cavity in juxtaposition to the bowel and other viscera. Refinements in ePTFE have included a composite material that has a larger pore on the abdominal wall side to help promote ingrowth (Dual Mesh®) and antibiotic impregnation (Dual Mesh Plus®). In an effort to maximize mesh fixation, other manufacturers have coupled ePTFE with PP. (Composix®).
Costs and Advantages of Using Mesh Repair
After reviewing the common types of synthetic meshes, Dr. Ramshaw discussed cost and the advantages of using mesh for repair. In general the traditional synthetics are the least expensive, followed by the barrier meshes, with the biomeshes (discussed below) representing the most expensive group.
Although mesh repair has higher material costs compared to primary closure, bridging the hernia defect with a prosthetic enables a tension-free repair, which should reduce recurrence, lessen pain, speed recovery, and ultimately yield lower overall costs. This has been demonstrated in multiple clinical studies, including that of Burger and colleagues[3] who examined the recurrence rate in ventral hernia repairs. In this study, patients without mesh repair had a 62% recurrence compared to 32% with mesh.
Disadvantages of Mesh Repair
Despite the numerous advantages of mesh repair, implantation of a permanent prosthetic can have deleterious effects. Dr. Ramshaw presented numerous video clips demonstrating mesh-related fistulas and bowel adhesions, as well as prosthetics that had undergone extreme contraction, migration, and malformed rigid configurations. He reviewed some of his institution's data suggesting that host-related responses may oxidize the PP mesh, making it more brittle and less compliant. A similar end result may occur due to hydrolysis of the mesh. According to Dr. Ramshaw, ePTFE does not seem to be as susceptible to hydrolysis or oxidation; however, it is not immune to contraction.
In conclusion, Dr. Ramshaw emphasized the need for further development of biomeshes. He reminded the audience that some of the traditional synthetic hernia meshes were initially designed and tested for the textile industry and what may be a good material for household furniture may not necessarily be ideal for human abdominal wall reconstruction! He ended with a reference to a new class of "nano" meshes that combine a strong bio-scaffold with growth factors and inflammatory inhibitors. Perhaps 1 day Bilroth's dream will come true.
Barrier-Coated Meshes
The development and refinement of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair (LVHR) has been a major innovation in the field of herniorraphy. The benefits of LVHR include lower recurrence rates and wound complications, improved diagnosis of occult hernias, less morbidity, and fewer mesh-related infections. Many believe that LVHR now represents the gold standard for ventral hernia repair (VHR).
Surgeons performing open VHR with mesh have several options for mesh positioning:
• Intraperitoneal onlay mesh technique (IPOM);
• Preperitoneal or retro-rectus placement (Rives-Stoppa); and
• Primary closure with mesh onlay.
However, LVHR requires placement of mesh within the peritoneal cavity. Thus, it is imperative that any material used during LVHR has minimal impact on the adjacent intra-abdominal anatomy.
Traditionally, ePTFE has been the material of choice for IPOM or LVHR. Brent Matthews, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery at Washington University reviewed the emerging field of absorbable barrier-coated meshes that provide another material option for intraperitoneal mesh placement. Dr. Matthews began his presentation by highlighting the problems of placing unprotected macroporous mesh in the peritoneum. He sited a study by Halm and colleagues[4] that examined the impact of mesh position on the outcomes of 66 patients who had VHR and required a subsequent laparotomy.Compared to patients with preperitoneal mesh repairs, patients with intraperitoneal mesh had higher perioperative complications (76% vs 29%), more intra-abdominal adhesions (62% vs 26%) and fistulas (5% vs 0%), and required more bowel resections (20% vs 0%). It should be noted that 93% of these patients had unprotected PP placed at their initial VHR.
Dr. Matthews then reviewed the 4 currently available absorbable barrier-coated meshes (ABCMs) in the United States. These ABCMs all use either a PP or polyester mesh foundation that is coated with a temporary "barrier" designed to minimize tissue ingrowth into adjacent bowel or viscera. He added later, however, that ePTFE, whose microporous surface provides a permanent adhesive barrier, is, in his words, "the gold standard" to which other ABCMs must be compared.
The ABCMs exploit a natural process called neo-peritonealization. When a mesh is implanted in the peritoneal cavity, the host forms a new (neo) peritoneum over the material. This process, which can take several weeks, ultimately has the effect of placing the mesh in a more protected preperitoneal position, assuming the mesh barrier remains intact during this process. The specific properties of each ABCM are detailed in Table 1.
Table 1. Properties of Absorbable Barrier-Coated Meshes
Mesh Manufacturer Permanent Barrier Longevity (days) Weight (g/m2)*
ParietexTM Composite Covidien Polyester (RW) Atelocollagen Type 1, polyethylene glycol, glycerol 20 75
C-QurTM Atrium PP (LW) Omega-3 fatty acid 90-180 50
PROCEEDTM Ethicon PP (LW) Oxygenated regenerated cellulose + polydioxanone (PDS) within 30 days 45
SeprameshTM Davol PP (LW) Seprafilm within 30 days 102
*Weight is after absorption of barrier
Dr. Matthews explained that SeprafilmTM, PROCEEDTM, and Parietex CompositeTM all have barrier coatings that are completely absorbed within 30 days (according to the patent application data), while C-Qur'sTM omega-3 barrier coating lasts about 90 to 120 days
While it is unclear how each of these different barrier coatings translates to clinical outcomes in humans, there is evidence that ABCMs produce fewer intra-abdominal adhesions compared to uncoated macroporous (PP of polyester) mesh.
Dr. Matthews cited a study by Arnaud and colleagues,[5] demonstrating that the ParietexTM composite had fewer visceral adhesions when compared to unprotected polyester (18% vs 77%). In a similar study by Balique and colleagues,[6] ParietexTM demonstrated an ultrasonic adhesion-free abdomen in 86% of patients at 1 year. Both studies utilized a validated ultrasound technique to grade the extent of intra-abdominal adhesions. However, this technique (ultrasound) was not able to assess adhesion tenacity, which may be a more clinically important factor. Furthermore, none of the adhesion scores were confirmed with laparoscopy. Currently, a study is ongoing at Dr. Matthews' institution evaluating adhesion area, tenacity, and adhesiolysis time. According to Dr. Matthews, preliminary data has shown higher adhesions and tenacity with unprotected macroporous meshes.
Quality of Life With Different Meshes
Recurrence Rates
One of the primary goals in hernia surgery is to provide a secure repair with a low long-term recurrence rate. Surgical techniques that incorporate a mesh repair have undoubtedly helped to lower the recurrence rate of both inguinal and ventral hernias. The current generation of mesh products is far from perfect and recurrence rates after mesh repair can be relatively high. In fact, Dr. Ramshaw, in his review of synthetic hernia repair, raised the provocative question: does mesh only serve to delay the recurrence of hernias? He cited Flum and colleagues,[7] who concluded that long-term reoperative rates for ventral hernia, which presumably reflects recurrence, did not differ with mesh vs primary (no mesh) repair. However, this was a large population-based study that did not randomize patients or control for exact repair technique.
Alternatively, Scott Roth, MD, a surgeon at The University of Maryland argued that there are overwhelming data that mesh repairs significantly reduce hernia recurrence. He sited a landmark study[8] of incisional hernias in The New England Journal of Medicine that demonstrated a 48% recurrence rate at 3 years with a primary, suture repair compared to 20% recurrence rate with mesh.
Mesh-Related Complications
With the increased utilization of hernia prosthetics, the incidence of mesh-related complications has also risen. Although rare, mesh infections and enterocutaneous fistulas are a devastating complication that can have significant effects on long-term quality of life. Furthermore, a growing body of literature suggests that mesh can increase chronic pain and discomfort in the form of a foreign body sensation, excessive rigidity, and collateral nerve and tissue inflammation. Multiple high volume (> 1000 cases) studies have demonstrated a relatively high incidence of chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair. In an effort to improve post-herniorrhaphy quality of life, prosthetic manufacturers are increasingly focused on developing meshes that have a more favorable graft-host profile.
Dr. Roth discussed the influence of mesh on quality of life and chronic pain after hernia repair. He began by reviewing the growing trend of prosthetic hernia repairs. According to Dr. Roth, the adoption of the Lichtenstein technique, as well as laparoscopic approaches to inguinal hernias, has led to a significant increase in mesh repairs for these hernias. For example, in 2003 there were over 750,000 inguinal hernia repairs in the United States with over 90% of these procedures utilizing mesh. Similarly, in 2004 it is estimated that there were 300,000 incisional hernia repairs with more than 50% employing mesh.
Mesh Weights and Their Impact on Outcomes
Dr. Roth provided a brief history of the evolution of mesh beginning with the first description of silver coils in 1894 to the development of the current generation of meshes including PP, polyester, and ePTFE. The primary focus of his review was the differences in outcomes between the traditional heavyweight (HW) meshes and the newer lightweight (LW) materials.
LW meshes offer several theoretical advantages over HW materials. Because LW meshes have less foreign material (measured in g/m2), compared with HW meshes they produce a less rigid repair that more closely approximates native tissue compliance, with the end result being a more comfortable repair for the patient. Furthermore, reducing the concentration of material may lessen the inflammatory and foreign body response, which is thought to be a factor in pain and mesh contraction. Although the tensile strength of LW mesh is lower than that of HW mesh, it still exceeds bursting strength of native tissue.
While there have been reports of higher recurrence rates with LW mesh, it is thought that most recurrences are related to mesh migration and not mesh rupture. It has been postulated that the less aggressive ingrowth of LW mesh combined with composites that utilize absorbable weaves makes these materials more prone to migration. Dr. Roth reviewed 5 recent studies that examined the potential benefits of LW mesh.
In 2005 O'Dwyer and colleagues[9] examined the incidence of chronic pain after open inguinal hernia repair. This was a prospective study of 321 patients undergoing primary Lichtenstein repair. Patients were randomized to either LW mesh (32 g/m2) repair or HW PP (85 g/m2). At 1 and 3 months after surgery there was no difference in the incidence of pain or "return to activities." However, 1 year after surgery, patients with LW mesh had a statistically significant higher number of recurrences compared to HW patients (5.6% vs 0.4%; P = .037). Dr. Roth did not discuss the significantly higher incidence of "pain of any severity" in the HW group at 1 year postop (51.6% vs 39.5%, P = .033).
Akolekar and colleagues[10] examined the effect of LW vs. HW mesh on recurrence after laparoscopic total extraperitonal (TEP) inguinal herniorrhaphy. In their study, 371 hernias were repaired with LW mesh while 861 defects were repaired with HW mesh.[10] Overall, there was no significant difference in recurrence rates (4.3% for LW vs 2.8% for HW). However, the authors were concerned about the trend of higher recurrence rates for the LW group given the shorter follow-up time in this group (14 months vs 22 months for HW patients). As in the US laparoscopic VA trial,[11] this study's results were confounded by a high number of operating surgeons being trainees. In the O'Dwyer study,[9] 30% of the LW repairs were performed by residents vs 14% in the HW group. This included a "high activity" surgeon who only used HW mesh and had "no teaching responsibility." In a 2006 publication by Horstmann and colleagues,[11] PP weight was found to be proportional to the risk of postoperative complications in inguinal hernia patients. This study involved 632 patients undergoing laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repairs with 3 varying weights of PP: (1) HW mesh, (2) LW mesh, and (3) extra-lightweight mesh (16 g/m2).Patients who received the HW mesh had a significantly higher incidence of postoperative complications including seroma and hematoma. At 12-month follow-up, the HW group also had a significantly higher incidence of foreign body sensation and "undue sensitivity to weather changes." Patients who had either moderate or severe impairment of quality of life (QOL) prior to surgery experienced a uniform improvement in QOL after hernia repair, regardless of the type of mesh. However it was concerning that patients who were asymptomatic or who had minimal QOL impairment preoperatively experienced a decrease in QOL in the HW and LW group; with only the extra-lightweight patients experiencing an improvement in QOL.
Post and colleagues[12] also examined the relationship between mesh weight and QOL in patients undergoing Lichtenstein repair.LW repairs yielded a significantly lower incidence of pain (with activity) and foreign body mesh sensations at 6 months postoperatively. As with most other studies, there was an improvement in overall QOL after repair that was independent of mesh weight. This study was limited in size (122 hernia repairs) and follow-up (6 months).
One of the higher volume single surgeon studies was published by Paajanem in 2007.[13] In his study of Lichtenstein repairs, Paajanem randomized 228 patients to either HW or LW mesh. At 1 year there was no difference in the incidence of pain, foreign body sensation, or recurrence rates between HW and LW groups. He did demonstrate that between the first and second year after surgery, patients have improvement in all of the above parameters. His results suggest that the nadir of adverse symptoms following inguinal repair may be at least 2 years after surgery. This is important because many of the studies examining mesh QOL have limited follow-up up (6 to 12 months).
Dr. Roth concluded with a brief discussion of ventral hernia repairs. He reviewed the commonly used permanent and absorbable barrier coated meshes and stated that they "all are associated with adhesions to a variable extent." According to Dr. Roth, the relevance of mesh-related adhesions to obstructions, fistulae, and quality of life are "absolutely unknown." Similarly, he stated that while it is assumed that HW meshes experience more contraction, it is unclear whether this translates to a higher risk of pain and recurrence.
In summary, Dr. Roth stated that there may be a trend toward less pain and foreign body sensation with LW mesh and this benefit may come at the expense of a higher recurrence rate. In addition, regardless of mesh weight, most patients seem to enjoy an improvement in QOL after hernia repair.
Yuri Novitsky, MD, Director of the Hernia Center at The University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut, reviewed the clinical effect of aberrant inflammatory responses to mesh prosthetics, especially foreign body reactions that may increase mesh morbidity.
Picking up where Dr. Roth left off, he examined the histologic advantages of LW mesh while conceding that there is no clear definition of "lightweight mesh." For the purpose of his discussion, Dr. Novitsky defined HW mesh as > 95 g/m2 and reduced or LW mesh as < 70 g/m2.
Dr. Novitsky reviewed data from 3 animal studies[14-16] that confirmed the benefits of LW mesh. Klinge and colleagues[15] described the normal tissue healing process which involves an initial period of increased fibroblastic, macrophage and granulocyte activity that peaks after 7-14. After 90 days there is uniform collagen deposition and almost complete disappearance of inflammatory cells. In contrast, in the presence of a foreign body (ie, mesh) there is an exaggerated inflammatory response with maintenance of inflammatory cells even at 90 days and excessive fibrosis with formation of a "scar plate" around the mesh. Although LW mesh induces an abnormal inflammatory response, when compared to HW mesh it is more blunted, with less scar plate formation and foreign body reaction. This may translate to what is seen clinically (less contraction and more compliance). Compared to HW mesh, LW mesh also yielded lower levels of apoptosis and Ki-67 which are 2 markers of cell turnover and inflammation.
In a recent publication by Dr. Novitsky,[16] various prosthetics were implanted in rabbits and evaluated 1 year later.ePTFE and lightweight PP had significantly lower levels of apoptosis and Ki-67 compared to HW PP and the ePTFE/PP composite. Persistently elevated levels of apoptosis have also been observed in humans up to 5 years post implantation.[17-19]
Dr. Novitsky also reviewed some of the clinical data examining differences between LW and HW synthetic meshes. In addition to critiquing the Post and O'Dwyer studies (see above), he cited a 2006 study by Bringman and colleagues[20] where590 patients were randomized to Lichtenstein repair with either HW (80 g/m2) or LW (30 g/m2)mesh. The average follow-up interval was 3 years, with a minimum of 30 months. There was no significant difference in recurrence (3.7% vs 3.6%), testicular atrophy, pain with activity, or long-term postoperative narcotic use. In fact, on their 20-point questionnaire, there were only 3 areas of significant difference; groin tenderness on palpation (HW: 3.3% vs LW: 0.8%, P = .49); pain with positional change (HW: 13.6% vs LW: 7.6, P = .29) and mesh sensation (HW: 22.6% vs LW: 14.7%, P = .025). However, there was no difference in the number of patients reporting a "normal sensation" or "discomfort" in the groin.
The Ideal Synthetic Mesh -- Has it Arrived?
Dr. Novitsky began with an emphatic "no" when answering the question above. According to Dr. Novitsky, the ideal synthetic mesh would have all of the following properties:
• Durable tensile strength;
• No physical alteration by host tissue (contraction);
• Hypoallergenic;
• Noncarcinogenic;
• Resistance to infection;
• Effective tissue ingrowth without excessive inflammation or foreign body reaction; and
• Cost effectiveness.
Other important factors include: compliance, ease of handling, and reduced risk of fistula and seroma formation.
In summary Dr. Novitsky emphasized the equivocal clinical data pertaining to synthetic meshes. He stated that there is "insufficient evidence" to establish superiority of PP vs polyester; monofilament vs multifilament; and pore size (controlling for weight). While arguing that there is a "vast" body of evidence supporting the immunohistochemical benefits of LW mesh, he conceded that there are no clear data demonstrating clinical benefits of LW mesh other than mild-to-moderate reductions in groin pain.
Biologic Meshes -- Sources, Advantages, and Cost
One of most recent trends in hernia prosthetics has been the development of the biologic meshes, aka "biomeshes." Human and porcine acellular dermal matrices, which where introduced in the mid 1990s,[21] were initially used for coverage of burn wounds. Recently the biomeshes have established a higher profile in hernia and abdominal wall reconstruction, especially in the arena of infected wounds and "damage control" surgery.
Dr. Scott Helton, Chairman of Surgery at The Hospital of St. Raphael in New Haven, concluded the session with a review of the status of biomeshes in hernia repair. He began by highlighting the dramatic growth in the field. According to Dr. Helton, in the last 2 years, the number of available biomeshes in the United States has grown from 3 to 13. However, he pointed out that 6 of these products have no peer-reviewed published animal or human data.
There are 3 biomesh categories: human acellular dermis, xenogenic acellular dermis (porcine and bovine), and acellular porcine small intestinal submucosa (Table 2). All of these constructs use a matrix of proteins, including collagen, elastin, glycoproteins, and growth factors, which provide a scaffold for ingrowth of host cells and deposition of mature collagen, with ultimate resorption of the biomesh. Dr. Helton also briefly mentioned bovine pericardium, which is primarily used for staple line reinforcement.
He then discussed the key components that vary between each biomesh product:
• The process for extracting donor cells and contaminant (ie, viral) material;
• Removing potentially deleterious xenogenic proteins that may promote abnormal host inflammation; and
• Hydration and freeze-drying, which alter the operating room "prep time" of the product.
In addition, there are also numerous host factors, such as anatomical position of the biomesh, the degree and type of local wound infection, and local inflammatory mediators that affect mesh strength, longevity, and the ability to resist infection. In Dr. Helton's words, it is often a race between mesh "incorporation, integration, and remodeling" and infectious forces attempting to degrade the biomesh.
Table 2. Biomeshes
Biomesh Type Products, Manufacturers
Human acellular dermis AlloDerm®, LifeCell

Flex HDTM, J&J

AlloMaxTM, Davol
Xenogenic acellular dermis PermacolTM (porcine), Tissue Science Laboratories

SurgiMendTM (bovine,calf), TEI Biosciences

CollaMendTM, (porcine) Davol

XenMatriX® (porcine), Brennen Medical LLC;

StratticeTM, LifeCell
Porcine small intestine submucosa Surgisis®, Cook Medical

FortaGen®, Organogenesis

Dr. Helton summarized the unique and advantageous properties of the biomeshes. He explained that the biomeshes are especially well suited for coverage and protection of exposed viscera (ie, the open abdomen). When compared to the polyglactin 910 absorbable woven mesh (VicrylTM), Dr. Helton stated that there is accumulating data that the biomeshes reduce the risk of fistula formation and accelerate vascularization and wound contracture. He also addressed the high cost of the biomeshes, but justified their use if it avoids an enterocutaneous fistula, which can cost "hundreds of thousands" of dollars. The biomeshes also appear to be more resistant to infection, which makes them an ideal choice for repair of infected hernias or repairs that are done during contaminated procedures, such as colectomy, ostomy closure/reinforcement, hysterectomy, or gastric bypass. Finally, there are data to support the use of biomeshes in hiatal repair and the concept of having an absorbable material in juxtaposition to the esophagus is appealing. However, the efficacy and safety of biomeshes in elective, clean, ventral or inguinal herniorrhaphy is unknown. There are concerns about long-term tensile strength and recurrence with the biomeshes.[22,23] For this reason, as well as cost, most surgeons continue to use a permanent synthetic material for clean ventral and inguinal herniorrhaphy.
Because the biomeshes are derived from transplanted animal tissue there have been concerns related to transmission of infectious agents. Although no case of an infection has been reported with a xenogenic biomesh, there is the theoretical possibility of viral or prion (notably, bovine spongioform encephalopathy) transmission. The risk of infection with human allogenic biomeshes is slightly higher with the primary concern being HIV and viral hepatitis. According to 2005 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data, the risk of "disease transmission" with cadaveric grafts is 4 per million with most of these cases involving solid organ transplantation. Despite several well-publicized cases of improper organ procurement, the processing of biomeshes is extremely stringent and there have no reports of transmission with xenogenic or allogenic hernia biomeshes. There are also medical/legal issues related to utilizing animal grafts for hernia repair in patients who have religious or personal objections to implantation of animal tissue. Dr. Helton stressed the importance of informed consent before using any animal derived biomesh. Specifically, Islamic and Jewish faiths may prohibit porcine-derived biomesh, and these patients should be encouraged to consult with their religious leaders prior to surgery. Furthermore, the Jehovah's Witness' faith forbids receipt of any animal or human tissue or fluid.
Hernias will continue to be a common and vexing challenge to the general surgeon. While minimally invasive techniques and modern prosthetics have bolstered the surgeon's armamentarium, we have yet to realize the ultimate goal of recurrence free repairs that are free from any morbidity. Furthermore, despite a wealth of published data, many of the fundamental questions in herniorraphy remain unanswered. However, if the past is any predictor, the scientific and medical community will continue their march forward in search of Bilroth's "secret of the radical hernia repair."
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2. Rives J. Surgical treatment of the inguinal hernia with Dacron patch. Int Surg. 1967; 47:360-361. Abstract
3. Burger JW, Luijendijk RW, Hop WC, Halm JA, Verdaasdonk EG, Jeekel J. Long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of suture versus mesh repair of incisional hernia. Ann Surg. 2004;240:578-583. Abstract
4. Halm JA, DeWall LL, Steyerberg EW, Jeekel J, Lange JF. Intraperitoneal polypropylene mesh hernia repair complicates subsequent abdominal surgery. World J Surg. 2007; 31:423-429. Abstract
5. Arnaud JP, Hennekinne-Mucci S, Pessaux P, Tuech JJ, Aube C. Ultrasound detection of visceral adhesion after intraperitoneal ventral hernia treatment: a comparative study of protected versus unprotected meshes. Hernia. 2003;7:85-88. Epub 2003. Erratum in: Hernia. 2003;7:164.
6. Balique JG, Benchetrit S, Bouillot JL, et al. Intraperitoneal treatment of incisional and umbilical hernias using an innovative composite mesh: four year results of a prospective multicenter clinical trial. Hernia. 2005; 9:68-74. Abstract
7. Flum D, Horvath K, Koepsell T. Have outcomes of incisional hernia repair improved with time?: A population-based analysis. Ann Surg. 2003; 237:129-135. Abstract
8. Luijendijk RW, Hop WC, van den Tol MP, et al. A comparison of suture repair with mesh repair for incisional hernia. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:392-398. Abstract
9. O'Dwyer PJ, Kingsnorth AN, Molloy RG, Small PK, Lammers B, Horeyseck G. Randomized clinical trial assessing impact of a lightweight or heavyweight mesh on chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair. Br J Surg. 2005 ;92:166-170. Abstract
10. Akolekar D, Kumar S, Khan LR, de Beaux AC, Nixon SJ. Comparison of recurrence with lightweight composite polypropylene mesh and heavyweight mesh in laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair: an audit of 1,232 repairs. Hernia. 2008 ;12:39-43. Epub 2007 Sep 13.
11. Langenbach MR, Schmidt J, Zirngibl H. Comparison of biomaterials in the early postoperative period. Polypropylene meshes in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair. Surg Endosc. 2003; 17:1105-1109. Abstract
12. Horstmann R, Hellwig M, Classen C, Röttgermann S, Palmes D. Impact of polypropylene amount on functional outcome and quality of life after inguinal hernia repair by the TAPP procedure using pure, mixed, and titanium-coated meshes. World J Surg. 2006;30:1742-1749. Abstract
13. Post S, Weiss B, Willer M, Neufang T, Lorenz D. Randomized clinical trial of lightweight composite mesh for Lichtenstein inguinal hernia repair. Br J Surg. 2004 ;91:44-48. Abstract
14. Paajanen H. A single-surgeon randomized trial comparing three composite meshes on chronic pain after Lichtenstein hernia repair in local anesthesia. Hernia. 2007 ;11:335-339. Epub 2007 May 10.
15. Klinge U, Klosterhalfen B, Birkenhauer V, Junge K, Conze J, Schumpelick V. Impact of polymer pore size on the interface scar formation in a rat model. J Surg Res. 2002 ;103:208-214. Abstract
16. Harrell AG, Novitsky YW, Peindl RD, et al. Prospective evaluation of adhesion formation and shrinkage of intra-abdominal prosthetics in a rabbit model. Am Surg. 2006;72:808-813; discussion 813-814.
17. Novitsky YW, Harrell AG, Cristiano JA, et al. Comparative evaluation of adhesion formation, strength of ingrowth, and textile properties of prosthetic meshes after long-term intra-abdominal implantation in a rabbit. J Surg Res. 2007 ;140:6-11. Abstract
18. Junge K, Klinge U, Rosch R, Klosterhalfen B, Schumpelick V. Functional and morphologic properties of a modified mesh for inguinal hernia repair. World J Surg. 2002;26:1472-1480. Epub 2002 Sep 26.
19. Klinge U, Junge K, Stumpf M, Klosterhalfen B. Functional and morphological evaluation of a low-weight, monofilament polypropylene mesh for hernia repair. J Biomed Mater Res. 2002;63:129-136. Abstract
20. Klosterhalfen B, Junge K, Hermanns B, Klinge U. Influence of implantation interval on the long-term biocompatibility of surgical mesh. Br J Surg. 2002;89:1043-1048. Abstract
21. Bringman S, Wollert S, Osterberg J, Smedberg S, Granlund H, Heikkinen TJ. Three-year results of a randomized clinical trial of lightweight or standard polypropylene mesh in Lichtenstein repair of primary inguinal hernia. Br J Surg. 2006 ;93:1056-1059. Abstract
22. Buinewicz B, Rosen B. Acellular cadaveric dermis (AlloDerm®): a new alternative for abdominal hernia repair. Ann Plast Surg. 2004 ;52:188-194. Abstract
23. Blatnik J, Jin J, Rosen M. Abdominal hernia repair with bridging acellular dermal matrix -- an expensive hernia sac. Am J Surg. 2008;196:47-50. Epub 2008 May 7.
24. Bluebond-Langner R, Keifa ES, Mithani S, Bochicchio GV, Scalea T, Rodriguez ED. Recurrent abdominal laxity following interpositional human acellular dermal matrix. Ann Plast Surg. 2008;60:76-80. Abstract

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Lichtenstein or Mesh Plug Hernia Repair -- Is There a Difference in Recurrence?
Lichtenstein or mesh plug repair: Which is superior for inguinal hernias? To answer this question the study authors randomly assigned 595 patients to one of the 2 operative procedures and looked at outcomes after 1 year. Follow-up was complete for 85% of the study group and revealed no significant differences with respect to recurrence rates or immediate postoperative complications. Operations were shorter, and reoperations within the first year were less frequent in the mesh plug group (4 vs 14), but seromas were more frequent (P = .02) than with Lichtenstein repair.
The important finding in this large randomized trial shows that these 2 widely used procedures give comparable results with respect to recurrence -- the main outcome of concern. However, the follow-up period in the study is only 1 year, so it will be important to determine whether these findings hold up over longer time periods. The study authors promise to provide 5-year follow-up results when available. Younger patients (< 40 years) were excluded from the study, so we cannot generalize the results to all age groups.

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General Guidelines For Healthy Eating
The way in which you eat your food is even more important than what you eat. Even foods that usually cause imbalance will be digested reasonably well, if the proper rules are followed.

Likewise, if you eat the correct foods in the wrong way your digestion will be compromised, and gas, indigestion and the formation of ama will follow. If you follow these food habits and choose the correct foods then your digestion will be maximized, and you will experience optimal digestion.

Chew your food until it is an even consistency before swallowing.

Do not eat while being distracted by television, excessive conversation or reading.

Do not drink cold drinks just prior to eating. This weakens digestion.

Do not drink large quantities of liquid during meals, as this also weakens the digestive fire. A half-cup of room temperature water is about right, on the average. Dry meals may require more, and moist meals, like soup, require none at all. It is okay to sip a little wine during a meal.

Eat only food prepared by loving hands, in a loving way. The energy of the cook is always in the food. Avoid eating food prepared with resentment. We take in not only the food, but also the emotions of the chef.

Make eating a sacred ritual. Pause for a moment, relax, and say grace before you start.

Following your meal, relax for a short while to let your food digest before going on to the next activity.

Eat at a moderate pace until you are three-quarters full.

Allow three hours between meals to allow your food to digest.

Digestion is strongest around noon, when the sun is at its peak.

The body's rhythms mirror those of the universe. Therefore, it is best to eat your largest meal at noon. The morning and evening meals should be lighter.

Take all water and drinks at room temperature or warmer. Cold drinks destroy the digestive fire and decrease digestion. This is true not only at mealtime, but all day long.

Allow three hours between meals for food to digest. This allows most people three to five meals per day. Those with a vata nature or imbalance should eat four to five times per day.


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Anatomy and Physiology

Laparoscopic surgery is performed to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the organs and tissues of the abdomen and pelvis.

Traditional open surgery requires a relatively large incision. Laparoscopic surgery involves the creation of one or more tiny “keyhole” incisions, through which pencil–thin instruments are inserted to view the inside of the abdomen or pelvis, and to perform various procedures. This technique considerably reduces recovery time.

Reasons for Procedure

Laparoscopy is done to examine, diagnose, and treat problems inside the abdomen and/or pelvis. The procedure can: diagnose, and sometimes treat, causes of pain, retrieve a tissue sample, evaluate the presence of abnormal fluid, evaluate infertility, help determine if a cancer has spread, monitor previously treated cancer.


Many surgeries that were traditionally performed through an open incision can now be performed laparoscopically. These include: appendectomy, ectopic pregnancy removal, egg retrieval for assisted reproductive technology, hernia repair, hysterectomy, certain surgeries of the gallbladder, stomach, colon, liver, spleen, adrenal gland, or kidney, biopsies, which entail retrieving a tissue sample, tubal ligation, and/or tumor removal In some of these cases, an open surgical procedure may still be required.


In the days leading up to your procedure: Arrange for a ride to and from the hospital, and for help at home as you recover. The night before, eat a light meal and do not eat or drink anything after midnight. If you regularly take medications, ask your doctor if you need to temporarily discontinue them. Do not start taking any new medications before consulting your doctor.

Depending on the type of operation, laparoscopic surgery may be done under general, spinal, or local anesthesia. In general anesthesia, you will be asleep during the entire procedure. In spinal anesthesia, you will be rendered numb from the chest down. In local anesthesia, you will be numb at the site of the incision only.

To begin the procedure, your surgeon will insert a sharp instrument called a trocar through a small half–inch opening, usually just above or below your navel. The exact location of this opening will depend on the type of operation being performed.

In most cases, your surgeon will then pump carbon dioxide gas though this port in order to puff up your abdomen so its contents can be viewed more easily.

Next, your surgeon will insert the laparoscope. Images from its camera are magnified and projected onto a video monitor in the operating room. The surgeon will carefully examine your abdominal or pelvic organs and tissues, looking for signs of disease that might explain your symptoms.

Your surgeon may place other trocars through which surgical instruments can be inserted. These instruments may be used to: Move organs out of the way for better viewing Remove diseased or scarred organs or tissue Take tissue biopsies Sample and drain abnormal fluid Perform other surgical techniques

When the laparoscope is removed, all of the gas will be allowed to escape.

Each keyhole incision will be closed with just a few sutures or staples, and then covered with bandages.

Risks and Benefits

Possible complications of laparoscopy include: damage to blood vessels or organs in the surgical area, excessive bleeding Infection, anesthesia–related problems, during the laparoscopic procedure, your surgeon may need to switch to a traditional open procedure. This may occur if the area is damaged or it appears that the laparoscopic approach is not going to be successful.

Compared to traditional open surgeries, the benefits of laparoscopy include: smaller scars, shorter hospital stay or same–day discharge, fewer complications, less pain after the operation, and/or shorter recovery time.

However, these benefits are a tradeoff with the limited access available through the laparoscopic approach.

In a laparoscopy, or any procedure, you and your doctor must carefully weigh the risks and benefits to determine whether it’s the most appropriate treatment choice for you.

After the Procedure

In most cases, patients are discharged within one to two days of their procedure. Depending on the reason for your laparoscopy, you may be able to leave the hospital the same day it was performed.

Proper care after your laparoscopy largely depends on the particular operation performed. In most cases, however, you will be advised to: remove the bandages the morning after surgery, return to your usual activities within a few days, avoid heavy lifting for several weeks.

Be sure to call your doctor immediately if you experience: severe nausea or vomiting. faintness or dizziness, coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, fever or chills, redness, swelling, increasing pain, excessive bleeding, or discharge from any of the incisions, difficulty urinating.

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Anatomy and Physiology

Your colon, or large intestine, is a long muscular tube located in the last section of your intestines. After the stomach and small intestine digest food, the remaining material is passed through the colon, where water and electrolytes are absorbed. Formed stools are the end product of this process.

The colon is made up of: the cecum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and the rectum.

Most of the conditions that are diagnosed or treated via colonoscopy affect the layer of cells that line the inside of the colon. A doctor can use the colonoscope to directly view this mucosal lining.

Reasons for Procedure

Conditions commonly diagnosed and/or treated with colonoscopy include: Colon cancer, colorectal polyps, colonic ulcers, colitis, or inflammation of the colon, diverticulosis.

Colorectal cancer, which initially occurs in the colon or rectum, is one of the most common types of cancer.

Essentially all colorectal cancers are believed to begin as polyps, which are abnormal growths of the mucosal lining. Detecting these polyps early is the key to preventing colorectal cancer.

In most cases, polyps cause no symptoms. colorectal cancer, however, can cause symptoms including: changes in bowel habits, blood in the stool, stools that are narrower than usual, abdominal discomfort, unexplained weight loss or fatigue.


A colonoscopy is commonly used to screen for colorectal polyps. The purpose of a screening test is to detect a problem before it causes symptoms or serious harm. If left untreated, polyps may eventually develop into colorectal cancer. Colonoscopy is also used to treat polyps by completely removing them.

In a full colonoscopy, your doctor is able to see the entire colon, from the anus to the cecum, where it connects with the small intestine. In a sigmoidoscopy, your doctor is only able to see about half that distance, to the top of the descending colon. Either technique can be used to take a sample of tissue or remove a polyp.

Other screening tests for colorectal polyps or cancer include: fecal occult blood test, which is used to identify hidden blood in the stool; barium enema, which is a series of x–rays of the colon and rectum; digital rectal exam, which is a manual examination of the rectum; virtual colonoscopy, which uses a CT scan and computer to recreate a three–dimensional image of the colon lining.

The primary disadvantage of these tests is that they cannot be used to obtain a tissue sample or remove a polyp.

If you are diagnosed with colorectal cancer, your doctor will likely advise you to have other tests, such a CT scan of your abdomen.


In the days leading up to your procedure: do not eat any solid food for 24 hours, or drink anything for 8–10 hours, before the procedure. Your doctor will recommend a preparation to clean the colon in order to make sure it is completely empty for the procedure. In addition to following a clear liquid diet, this may include taking laxatives, or performing an enema.

Also in the days leading up to your procedure: If you take medications, particularly nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, or blood thinners such as coumadin, ask your doctor if you need to temporarily discontinue them or change the doses. Do not start taking any new medications before consulting with your doctor. Be sure to arrange for a ride to and from the procedure.

A colonoscopy generally takes 15–60 minutes. Before the procedure, an intravenous line will be started, and you will be offered pain medication and a mild sedative to help you relax.

During the exam, you will lie on your left side with your knees bent. A colonoscopy is performed using an endoscope, which is a long, thin, flexible tube with a light and a tiny video camera attached to the end.

Your doctor will insert the endoscope into your rectum and slowly guide it to the point where your colon meets your small intestine. Your doctor will blow air through the endoscope into your colon to inflate it for better viewing.

The camera transmits an image to a TV monitor so your doctor can view the lining of your intestine.

If your doctor locates a polyp during the procedure, he or she may remove it using special instruments passed through the endoscope. The tissue obtained during this polypectomy is then sent to a laboratory for examination.

Risks and Benefits

Colonoscopy, with or without a polypectomy, is generally a very safe procedure. However, there is a chance you will experience some abdominal discomfort and/or distension. Other less common complications include: adverse reaction to medications, bleeding in the colon or rectum after a biopsy or polypectomy, a perforation, or tear, through the bowel wall, infection in the blood, heart and lung problems.

Benefits of a colonoscopy include: effective screening for colorectal cancer; both the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal polyps; diagnosis of other conditions such as colitis, or inflammation of the colorectal lining; diagnosis, and even treatment, of other causes of bleeding from the colon or rectum.

In a colonoscopy, or any procedure, you and your doctor must carefully weigh the risks and benefits to determine whether it's the most appropriate intervention for you.

After the Procedure

Colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure, so you will be able to go home after your sedative wears off, which generally takes 1–2 hours. You should receive your results over the phone, by mail, or at a follow–up appointment.

Air that is left in your intestines after the procedure may cause some persistent abdominal discomfort and bloating, which usually is resolved when the trapped air passes. If you had a polypectomy, you may feel some additional abdominal discomfort for up to five days after the procedure, but symptoms usually clear within 48 hours.

Be sure to contact your doctor if you experience: signs of infection, such as fever and chills, severe or worsening abdominal pain, rectal bleeding.

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