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Shrink your fibroids
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Fibroids Treatment – Shrink your fibroids by angiography methods (Uterine Fibroid Embolisation) - No Surgery, Quick Recovery and Affordable Treatment.
Fibroids in uterus with symptoms can be treated without surgery by procedure called Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE).
Advantages of Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)
1. It is performed under Local anaesthesia. Not General anaesthesia.
2. Requires only a needle puncture in skin (No surgical incision of abdomen).
3. Recovery is much shorter than from hysterectomy or open myomectomy.
4. You can walk after rest for 4 hrs. Within 3 days you can carry out routine activities.
5. No complications associated with surgical opening.
6. All fibroids are treated at once, which is not the case with myomectomy.
7. Uterine fibroid embolization involves virtually no blood loss or risk of blood transfusion.
8. Many women resume light activities in a few days and the majority of women are able to return to normal activities (including exercise) within a week. If the presenting complaint was excess vaginal bleeding, 87-90% of cases experience resolution within 24hours.
9. Emotionally, financially and physically benign procedure -embolization can have an overall advantage over other procedures as the uterus is not removed.

Q. What are the conditions that can be treated?
1. Single / multiple Uterine Fibroids with symptoms.

Q. What are typical symptoms?
1. Heavy, prolonged menstrual periods and unusual bleeding, sometime with clots.

2 .Lower abdomen pressure or heaviness

Q. Who is most likely to have uterine fibroids?
A. Uterine fibroids are very common, although, often they are very small and cause no problem. From 20% to 40 % of women aged 35 and older have uterine fibroids of a significant size.

Q. How are uterine fibroids diagnosed?
A. Sonography
Q. What is fibroid embolization?
A. UFE is performed by an interventional radiologist, a physician who is specially trained to perform this and other minimally invasive procedures. The doctor makes a needle puncture in the groin and inserts a catheter into an artery. The catheter is guided through the artery to the uterus while the interventional radiologist guide’s the progress of the procedure using X-ray. The interventional radiologist injects tiny particles the size of grains of sand into the artery that is supplying blood to the fibroid tumor. This cut off the blood flow and causes the fibroid to shrink. The artery on the other side of the uterus is then treated. This procedure is available at few hospitals.
Q. Which patient can go for fibroid embolization?
A. Patients who have single / multiple fibroids which are causing symptoms
Q. How successful is the fibroid embolization procedure?
A. Studies show that up to 94% of women who have the procedure experience significant or total relief of heavy bleeding, pain and other symptoms. The procedure also is effective for multiple fibroids. No re-growth of treated fibroids is observed.
Q. Are there risks associated with the treatment of fibroid tumors?
A. There are some associated risks, as there are with almost any medical procedure. Most women experience moderate pain and cramping in the first several hours following the fibroid embolization procedure. Some experience nausea and fever. These symptoms are controlled with antibiotics and pain medication. Less than 1% of the patients need myomectomy or hysterectomy to complete the removal of a persisting fibroid.
Q. What are the risks of Surgery for fibroids
A. Hysterectomy and myomectomy carry risks, including infection, bleeding leads to blood transfusion. Patients who undergo myomectomy may develop adhesions causing tissue and organs in abdomen to fuse together, which can lead to other problems. In addition, the recovery time is much longer generally one to two month.

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thing to take care during pregnancy
i m drvikas from dr nagi clinc which is estd in 1937.
today i m going share some points to take care during pregnancy.

plz visit to

thank you

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Cancer is highly prevalent in India previously it was thought that cancer except for oral cancer in both sex (which is highest in India due to our tobacco and supari chewing habits) is less here in comparison to whole world but as we grow economically and change our life style now a days beside cervical cancer and ovary cancers,cancer of Breast (27-30/1000) is increasing in female and in male lung,liver,stomach,oesophagus prostate cancer beside blood cancer and lymphomas arequite common.
The estimated number of new cancers in India per year is about 7 lakhs and over 3.5 lakhs people die of cancer each year. Out of these 7 lakhs new cancers about 2.3 lakhs (33%) cancers are tobacco related. India officially recorded over half a million deaths due to cancer in 2011 – 5.35 lakhs as against 5.14 lakh (2009) and 5.24 lakh (2010). UP recorded 89,224 deaths due to cancer, while Maharashtra saw 50,989 fatalities. The Union health ministry says there are about 28 lakh cases of cancer at any given point of time in India, with 10 lakh new cases being reported annually. World Health Organization (WHO) says, the estimated cancer deaths in India are projected to increase to 7 lakh by 2015.on. In whole world and particularly in less educated and economically sound contries like India ,mostly when CANCER is diagnosed till then it reaches in advanced stage and where cure is mostly canot be achieved and we are forced to die early taking simple palliative,here lies our concern for this fatal disease if our mother,sisters and daughters take care of following simple complains or abnormality in their physical health and body and report to their physician early ,then Cancer will be diagnosed in early stage or period and when full cure is possible in most cancers.
therefore,we are enumerating few early features or abnormal changes whcih should be taken seriously and to be reported to physician for exclusion of any cancer present,it is not necessary that these are related to cancer only ,many other diseases or some time simple pshysiological variations or our envionmental changes bring these changes,so nothing to be taken very seriously but insteading of ignoring it or simple house hold measures to tackle it or submitted our self to many treatment modalities offer by many pathies and socalled quacks in society ,we should take them to our good family or other Gynaecologists physicians ,sugeons of repute and should get advice for these problems.
No. 1: Unexplained Weight Loss
Many women would be delighted to lose weight without trying. But unexplained weight loss -- say 10 pounds in a month without an increase in exercise or a decrease in food intake -- should be checked out
No. 2: Bloating (Abnormal general swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area)Bloating is so common that many women just live with it. But it could point to ovarian cancer. Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal pain or pelvic pain, feeling full quickly -- even when you haven't eaten much -- and urinary problems, such as having an urgent need to go to the bathroom. If the bloating occurs almost every day and persists for more than a few weeks, you should consult your physician.
No. 3: Breast Changes
Most women know their breasts well, even if they don't do regular self-exams, and know to be on the lookout for lumps. But that's not the only breast symptom that could point to cancer. Redness and thickening of the skin on the breast, which could indicate a very rare but aggressive form of breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer, also needs to be examined.Simple breast examination is very helpful if any abnormlity detected must be confirmed by ultrasound,mammography and MRI or simple fnabc or fene needle biopsy to exclude cancer.Without any examination simple submission to these tests are not helpful so simple mammography screening.for fear of exposure to radiation is no more recommended.
No. 4: Between-Period Bleeding or Other Unusual Bleeding
''Premenopausal women tend to ignore between-period bleeding,". They also tend to ignore bleeding from the GI tract (Stomach & Intestine), mistakenly thinking it is from their period. But between-period bleeding, especially if you are typically regular, bears checking out, she says. So does bleeding after menopause, as it could be a symptom of endometrial cancer. GI bleeding could be a symptom of colorectal cancer.
No. 5: Skin Changes
Most of us know to look for any changes in moles -- a well-known sign of skin cancer. But we should also watch for changes in skin pigmentation. If you suddenly develop bleeding on your skin or excessive scaling, that should be checked.
No. 6: Difficulty in Swallowing
If you have difficulty swallowing, you may have already changed your diet so chewing isn't so difficult, perhaps turning to soups or liquid foods such as protein shakes. But that difficulty could be a sign of a GI cancer.
No. 7: Blood in the Wrong Place
If you notice unexpected blood in your urine or your stool. It could be colon cancer. Blood during unusual days is something very alarming.
No. 8: Gnawing Abdominal Pain and Depression
Any woman who's got a pain in the abdomen and is feeling depressed needs a check-up. Some researchers have found a link between depression and Pancreatic Cancer, but it's a poorly understood connection.
No. 9: Indigestion
Women who have been pregnant may remember the indigestion that occurred as they gained weight. But indigestion for no apparent reason may be a red flag. It could be an early clue to cancer of the stomach or throat.
No. 10: Mouth Changes
Smokers should be especially alert for any white patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue, according to the American Cancer Society. Both can point to a precancerous condition called leukoplakia that can progress to oral cancer.
No. 11: Pain
As people age they seem to complain more of various aches and pains, but pain, as vague as it may be, can also be an early symptom of some cancers, although most pain complaints are not from cancer.
No. 12: Changes in the Lymph Nodes
If you notice a lump or swelling in the lymph nodes under your armpit or in your neck -- or anywhere else -- it could be worrisome.
No. 13: Fever
If you have a fever that isn't explained by influenza or other infection, it could point to cancer. Fevers more often occur after cancer has spread from its original site, but it can also point to early blood cancers such as Leukemia, according to the American Cancer Society. Other cancer symptoms can include jaundice, or a change in the color of your stool.
No. 14: Fatigue
Fatigue is another vague symptom that could point to cancer -- as well as a host of other problems. It can set in after the cancer has grown, but it may also occur early in certain cancers, such as leukemia or with some colon or stomach cancers, according to the American Cancer Society.
No. 15: Persistent Cough
Coughs are expected with colds, the flu, allergies, and sometimes are a side effect of medications. But a very prolonged cough -- defined as lasting more than three or four weeks -- should not be ignored.
Some time we notice that we are forgetting many things instantly (loss of short memories) and family members say that you have lost rour consciousness or fully awke and alertness fos some time,these could be due to Brain cancers associated mostly with headache and convulsion or weakness of some body parts.
17.Vaginal white discharge
Very commonly complained by female but if it is excessive or mixed with blood or associated with dysuria or difficulty and pain during sex or mixed with blood,internal examination by gynaecologist and pap smear examination is a must.
18.Discharge or secretions fro any where
Discharge of any abnormal fluid or Blood from breast ,mouth or ear or from nose or by rectum or vagina or sin or eyes is always suspected badly and must be submitted for cytological examination and concerning part should be evaluated immediately.
19.swelling/Abnormal growth
If we notice any swelling or abnormality in our body part over skin or limbs or over our bones or back or breast or scalp or in neck then it must be shown to physician a simple Fine needle aspiration biopsy or cytology with or without help of ultrasound and other radiological examination will exclde cancer.
20. Dis ability
If we notice that our some part is disable as with muscloskeletal,spinal and bony tumors or we are suffering some thing for long time or our body immunity has decreased and we are submitted to different viral or tubercular or other bacterial or fungal infections then suspicion for some hidden or occult cancer in our body either of blood or reticulo endothelial system or a part of multiple endocranic neoplasia.
21.alteration of voice
If our voice get chowked or we cannot utter words with same tone as normally or facing difficulty in breathing or taking foods or discharging excessive water y saliva or blood from mouth or nose orpharharyngeal or laryngeal cancers must be suspected and ruled out.

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IMA and other Medical Associations should file a PIL against yestarday passed judgement of Supreme Court for PG Seats as PRIVATE MEDICAL COLLEGES are openly asking for 60-70 lakhs for a Diploma degree as DGO,D ORTHO,DA etc and 1 crore for pg in medicine,surgery,gynae,04 crores for MD in Radiology ,02 crore for MD in PAEDIATRICS,.
MCI has been made a simple office of our gulam nabi azad ,he has kept an IPS officer as MCI secretary totally violating every norm,he takes crores to give recognition for post graduation course to many medical colleges wher even MBBS cannot be allowed but he is allowing PG course for money.
now today verdict has given him more powers now every pg private or even government college which does not coduct any entrance exams(which were conducted for show only) will publish their result and will admit students who paid them in hefty.
very unexpected judgements,privat medical colleges are openly selling pg seats against hard donations in name of management quota as revealed by different sting operations,if private colleges are aloowed to prosper like this way,there is no meaning of education,only those having money will able to read,go to amny pg colleges and you will find these are not uptomark on number of beds,patients,teaching faculties etc,they got only recognition by manipulating by fictitious MCI created by our government having no true representation of state MCI and medical faculties ,this judgment will destroy every aspiration of a good student,when court has passed an order for organising a central exam for MBBS entrance all India basis ,what is problem in PG level,it is ablow to good students who cannot pay,please submit it for appeal or reversal it will destroy every thing corrupt officials,colleges and minister will earn in crores.
If in our country a single central examination is conducted by UPSC for administrative services like IAS,IPS,IFS,BANKING SERVICES,MEDICAL SERVICES AND MANY OTHER EXAMINATION OF CENTRAL GOVENMENT DEPARTMENTS ,a CBSE,ICSE exam by education Board,a central exam of CAT for management ,for IITs and Engineering courses then why not a COMMON ENTRANCE TEST FOR PG SEATS is not accepted? Why it is not binding for private colleges and state colleges to give 50% seats by this test? as being done and accepted for MBBS entrance NEET TEST.Is it only becuase crores of rupees are taken fr backdoor entry of ordinary student into PG courses conducting fictitious entrance examinations or is it becuase our MCI which is like CBI listens Master's voice only and grant permission to private medical colleges run by rich and powerful politicians having no infrastrcture of conducting such courses ?
If our Government is really serious so solve this problem as it filed a case in Supreme court to get a good guideline as now got a purchased guideline so to throw it should bring an ordinace for validity of such NEET examination so that ordinary student get a chance of reading in PG courses incapable of paying such high donations.
Dr.D.R.nakipuria senior Gen./lap surgeon cum endoscopist

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Akshaya Tritya or also called as Akha Teej in Rajasthan,punjab Gujrat or Akshaya Teej or teej in Bihar ,UP,MP,Maharasthra is a great festival now a days well popularised by Goldsmiths,Gems and Jwellery sellers both corporate houses and simple shopkeeper to attract general people to purchase GOLD,SILVER etc on this day as purchase of these costly yellow and white materials will bring wealth,prosperity and happiness in their family as its Goddess "MAA Lakshmi" comes with it and reside in our home.But we donot know the actual great scientific facts of this day as beside the above only one proposed effect which has been commercialised and manipulated to the maximum extent for monetary and commercial gain.It is a great auspicious day in Hindu,jain,Sikh mythology recognised as most pious day of startiing all our new activities without any clash of Graha and Nakchhatras,some of its important significances are underlined as follows:--------------
1. Akshay Tritiya is one day which is never “absent” from the lunar Calendar like MAKAR SANKRANTI.

2. It is one of the most pious festivals in Hinduism. It’s begging of ‘Treta Yuga’.

3. Akshaya means imperishable. Japa, worship, purification of body, donations etc. done on this day remain imperishable.

4. All auspicious initiatives can be taken on this day without asking the priest.

5. The Day is worshipped as auspicious day in Jainism because it is said to have established the very first “ahar charya” a methodology to prepare and serve food to Jain Monks. Shreyansha Kumara offered Tirthankara Rishabhadeva sugarcane juice after one year of fast.

6. The day has great significance for taking holy dip in the Ganga River. The holy dip makes a person free from all sins and troubles. (Best day for self confession)

7. Sun baths during the month of Vaisakh also indicated toe need for sun bath to remove vitamin D deficiency from the body.

8. The day is also marked with the opening of doors of Badrinarayanji. (Best time to start new ventures: Vishnu symbolizes doing ventures)

9. It is believed that if you do charity on this day you will be blessed. The devotees should offer mishri and wet gram pulses.

10. One should donate water with sesame and Kusha grass to forefathers. (For treating attachment disorders)

11. One should also install free drinking water or sharbat centers (pyau) on this day. (denotes need to safe water in the summer)

12. This festival is charity-oriented. ( anything which in excess can harm should be donated)

13. One should also donate Sattu with sugar or Jaggery.

14. One must consume Sattu on Akshaya Tritiya. (Sattu is the fast food of summer with cooling properties, it’s a high energy drink)

15. Fast should be broken with sugarcane juice. (Sugarcane is the best summer drink provided it is hygienically made)

16. It is also traditionally celebrated as the birthday of the Hindu sage Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of the god Vishnu, who represents the quality to fight injustice.

17. The gold industry proliferates on the day and people like to buy gold on this day.

18. It is also worshiped as a combined day of Kubera and Goddess Lakshmi and works on the principle “what was lost will come back to you”

19.Akshaya means undestroyable and undamagable too so what ever we start today that will flourish and bring success as no evil power can damage or destroy it.


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It is a second TOTA (PIGEON IN CAGE) like CBI as told by Supreme court even worse as it is totally controlled by a single politician Health Minister and present one,a pure political person having no medical knowledge except a very loyal and faithful of Soniaji nominated by Rajya sabha.
On notoriuos charge of open corruption by elected president of MCI Dr.ketan Desai (who was also a man of Soniaji but being 10 yrs on chair was not passing the income to headquarters and was openly looting new colleges in name of recognition,any punishment to that corrupt person is welcomed)but it is being told in Media that our present system started looting MEDICAL COLLEGES TOO and now through his appointed 07 Board of Governors too where no election took place (all are selected by Health Minister and his government without any criteria except of loyality to Government))since last 02 yrs and the Chairman and Health Minister are purely governing the Medical Colleges through so called MCI as if their simple office where as sports body like BCCI,IOA and Instituitions like MBA and IITs ,AMU,JAMIA ISLAMIA are autonomous.
Condition of MCI is very bad as it is taking no action against Private Medical Colleges which has come under so many large numbers in recent days to earn crores run by powerful politicians in nexus with bureaucrats as state or government medical colleges are almost 1/3rd in number only and with limited seats only.Every New private medical college so called conduct TEST FOR MBBS ,DENTAL and Nursing courses but seats are openly sold in market 05-06 months before so called examinations specially for MBBS COURSE ,most colleges charge Rs.20-30 lakh as donations for which no receipt is given and 05-08 lakh is their annual fee with or without hostel so a student guardian has to pay about 50-60 lakhs for MBBS study of his son or daughter.These private medical college say that they are charging this in Mangement quota seats but in practical all seats are distributed against payment of such donations where examinations are simply fictitious or show every thing starting from question paper to answer sheet and every successful name is well arranged and fixed as per payment recieved by these medical college through very selected brokers or dalal or agents who send sms to parent of all students applying for MBBS course from the month of nov-dec as examinations are mostly conducted from april to june and admission is done by july every month .such agents are now in thousands running their shop online sitting in every corner of country but no action is taken agianst them both by state or central governments as their business is completely illegal.
This has been shown by many Media channel openly and the system is more worst than what Dr.Ketan desai was doing as evident two times TWO SECRETARIES of MCI FIRST DR.MRS.SHARMA AND NOW DR.SRIVASTAVA has been removed (now against all rule, a IPS office,most confident our health minister, has been appointed secretary of MCI) ,now there is open robbery but no body can check or can take action against DR.Talwar,a confident of Mr.Gulam Nabi Azad and Mr.Azad is confident Sipahi of Sonia and Rahul.Even few Board Members has resigned due to autocratic style of working of these two persons but who bothers whom,any body who will not obey Boss will either quit or will be forced to quit.
In last few days showing Doctor population ratio very low,PG COURSES has been alotted to many PRIVATE MEDICAL COLLEGES taking bribes in crores ,most of these colleges has got no infrastructure to conduct even MBBS course ,no adequate teaching staff,no enough beds,no enough patients,no diagnostic facilities and no treatment facilities but all have been recognised and as shown by many STING OPEARTIONS in MEDIA these college charge 02-04 crore for a PG IN RADIOLOGY,01-02 CRORE for PG IN PAEDIATRICS,GYNAECOLOGY,MEDICINE and 01 crore for Surgery,Orthpaedics even Diploma seat is offered in 50-75 lakhs,all conduct examination but only for show all results are manipulated ,only criteria is money even you are just passed in high school ,you will be selected for MBBS COURSE and you are 02-03 times failed in MBBS BUT NOW JUST passed MBBS ,you can be selected for PG COURSE AS PER YOUR DONATIONS.Even many state run Medical Colleges are in clutch of State Ministers,Bureaucrats and Politicians that they openly mange seats in these medical colleges by manipulating exams conducted by them because vigilance MCI is corrupt and cannot say to These State Governments who are run by Congress or even by powerful BJP or other Governments as if action taken they dissolve it by central pressure and lobbying and that is why MANY STATE AND PRIVATE MEDICAL COLLEGES want to conduct their own examinations ,not a central NEET (as conducted for IITs,MBA,IAS,IPS etc) so that they can earn crores against few manipulated admissions after giving favour or free admissions to few top bureaucrats,Minister or Politicians and Judges son and daughters).It is an open fact known to every body even all politicians,journalist,Medical Doctors who are teaching there or associated or even practising in their town or city and even people living in surrounding these Medical Colleges know it but nothing can be done as system is totally corrupt,Here,so much crores of rupees are transacted that even our Supreme Court holding PG COURSE DECISION FOR 05 MONTHS inlast passed DECISION in favour of these PRIVATE MEDICAL COLLEGES and now every college will earn 50-100 crore for these seats for one session.Even question for such LOOT as shown by sting operations are asked to Health Minister he says MCI WILL SEE AND MCI Dr.Talwar donot reply at all saying Minister will say.
Now question in a simple brilliant so called poor or middle class Medical aspirant comes ,Mr.Azad removed Dr.Desai but who will remove these two great corrupt Desais,can they dream to study without paying donations on their hard work and intelligence?Answer is simply "NO" today.Such corruptions are open for so many scandals of Common wealth,2G gate,Coal gate,Manerga Gate,Land gate,Chit Fund gate, a new gate medical gate comes ,no problem if we can win election then we are pure and we need not to bother any charge ,all are simply inflicted by Opposition and Bad persons of the society who want to defame the government-this is simple attitude of all ruling party of India whether in Centre or in state.
As our parliament has been paralysed as mostly it doesnot function due to OPPOSITION hue and cry and even function then for such a short time that many important BILLS are passed without discussion so to bring a BILL of own choice is easily possible for any ruling party but as such prepared bill could not be passed in last session so,now The Union Cabinet today gave its nod for the issue of an ordinance to pave the way for an elected body of the apex medical regulator.The term of the Medical Council of India's Board of Governors has ended, rendering the apex medical regulator headless by 13th May2013. In this Ordinance Govennment is defining terms of MCI president for Two terms only and asking that all Doctors should be enrolled after every 10 yrs and power with Government to remove president and other officials if they found corrupt .All can be accepted but when a Minister cannot be removed or a MP can ask reelection if not proved guilty by Court then why a president or MCI Officials will be removed merely by Government instead of a Court,why Governmment elect Board of Governors ?why State MCI or other highly education body cannot nominate as nominating for IITS AND MBA COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITY GRANT COMMISSION OOR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION?.In democracy how can a selection or nomination can be done and whole elected MCI removed not a single president.Corruption was also found in Dental Council and Engineering Board but why these were not dissolved because there money is transacted in lakhs not in crores as for MBBS AND ITS PG COURSE.
What will happen if Government is corrupt as being today where every body know that MEDICAL profession is on sale ,from where good Doctors will come if MEDICAL ADMISSIONS both at MBBS and PG level will be sold to ordinary student against hefty donations as being done today openly,why our Government donot do CBI enquiry in different examination done by PRIVATE COLLEGES and FEW STATE MEDICAL COLLEGES / why our Government didinot bring ordinace to challege recent judgement of Supreme court rejecting idea of NEET EXAMINATION FOR PG COURSE (see for MBBS IT has been accepted and why question not raised on the examinations conducted by these private medical college,a true judgement should consider common student and court should order CBI enquiry in these examinations of PRIVATE AND FEW STATE MEDICAL COLLEGEGES under its supervision if found correct examination then they can select students too except few seats they can fill by management or NRI quota to bear expenses not like today all seats are filled by manipulated examinations ) which was filed by this Government but it was a simple only for show, infact Government was wanting such judjement sothat their robbery and looting remain continued but this will last for one more year if election for LOKSABHA are held in 2014 as people are very vigilant ,such corruption is completely visible to every student,parent ,every house whose son or daughter want to be a Doctor or want to read futher for doing PG STUDY.
Be ware KARNATAKA ,West Bengal,PUNJAB,HIMACHAL PRADESH,UP,BIHAR elections have shown us that now corrupt leaders cannot survive and simple government achievements on government's advertisements on public money doesnot work as 'YEH PUBLIK HAI SAB JANTI HAI'.

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(attch: A Mental Health Unit & Welfare Society)

All Kinds of Psychological Counselling / psycho-social Therapy are done with Gurantee of improvement such as :

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8.Behavioural Disorders
9.Maladjustment in love affairs
10.Corporate Stress. ETC.
Per sitting Charge> Rs.299/-in kolkata.

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City Docs Remove Rare Fistula
Posted in: mediapage | December 6, 2012 at 4:37 pm , by Times of India
A fistula is defined as the connection of two body cavities or as the connection of a body cavity to the skin (such as the rectum to the skin). This is not a normal occurrence. One way a fistula may form is from an abscess (pus in the body). The abscess may be constantly filling with body fluids such as stool or urine, which prevents healing. Eventually the fistula breaks through to the skin, another body cavity, or an organ. ANAL FISTULA:An anal fistula is almost always the result of a previous abscess. Just inside the anus are small glands. When these glands get clogged, they may become infected and an abscess can develop. A fistula is a small tunnel that forms under the skin and connects a previously infected anal gland to the skin on the buttocks outside the anus. SYMPTOMS Symptoms of fistulas can include.• Pain• Discharge — either bloody or purulent (pus)• Pruritus ani — itching• Systemic symptoms if abscess becomes infected CAUSES :· An anal fistula usually develops after an anal abscess (a collection of pus) bursts. When an abscess has not been completely treated.· A fistula can also be caused by conditions that affect the intestines, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.· A growth or ulcer (painful sore)· A complication of surgery· A health problem you were born with TREATMENT:There are many types of surgical treatments options for fistula. A few commonly advised options depending on the type of fistula are as follows.1) Fistulotomy or 2) Fistulectomy :Oldest and the best studied of all the methods. In this surgery, the fistula tract is laid open by cutting out the whole tract with knife [Fistulotomy] or the fistula tract is totally taken out [Fistulectomy]. The resultant wound is generally not closed and left open to heal of its own. This way the chances of recurrence are decreased.It is considered as a good option for Low Fistulas but is not recommended for High fistulas.ADVANTAGESHigh success rates in Low FistulasDISADVANTAGES· Pain- This surgery leads to a large wound from the anal opening to the buttock. Understandably this leaves the patient with lot of pain in the post operative period.· Invasive- The procedure is associated with a lot of cutting, scarring and distortion of the anatomy.· Long Hospitalization- The patient generally needs hospitalization for 4-8 days or even longer.· High morbidity- The patient requires dressings for 4-6 weeks and is obviously off the work for this time.· High recurrence rates- In spite of all these difficulties, this surgery is associated with a high recurrence rate.· Risk of Incontinence- The procedure has a definite risk of incontinence especially in high fistulas. 3) Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment (VAAFT):This technique involves use of an endoscope called Fistuloscope and is done in two stages. In the first stage the scope is introduced through the external opening to identify the internal opening by locating where the light is reflected on the anal wall. This is the Diagnostic step. In the next step a suture [purse string] is taken around the internal opening so as to close it snugly. A semicircular stapler or linear stapler is could also be used. Then the fistula tract is debrided with a fistula brush and the scrapings sent for histopathological examination. Fibrin glue is injected near the inner end [now closed] and coagulation of the whole wall is done with the electrode. Simultaneously, the scope is withdrawn and the therapeutic procedure is over.

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What is STARR ?
ODS is a form of chronic constipation that affects thousands of people in the India – primarily women. In many cases, it is part of a more generalized weakness of pelvic support structures. Women with ODS commonly plan their daily activities around their bowel habits.
If you have chronic constipation and also have one or more of the following symptoms at least 25 percent of the time during bowel movements, you may have ODS:
Multiple trips to the bathroom.
Prolonged straining.
Incomplete elimination, and/or prolonged time to have a bowel movement.
Routine use of laxatives or enemas.
The need to press around your genitals or anus to have a bowel movement.

Most of the time, chronic constipation can be relieved using a combination of diet, exercise and medication. If these approaches do not relieve your chronic constipation, you should discuss treatment options with a physician. You may be suffering from a type of chronic constipation known as Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS).

STARR is a surgical procedure that is performed through the anus, requires no external incisions and leaves no visible scars. Using a surgical stapler, the procedure removes excess tissue in the rectum and reduces the deformities that can cause ODS. Patients undergoing STARR are typically hospitalized for one to three days and have minimal recovery time after leaving the hospital.
Is STARR Effective?
Yes. In a recent clinical study, chronic constipation symptoms significantly improved in most patients undergoing the STARR procedure. Overall patient satisfaction with the STARR procedure was high, with 90 percent of patients rating the results as either good or excellent.

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Breast infection in infants
Baby L_____ S_____, one month old female infant was brought to me by her aunt with a huge left breast abscess. The mother was too terrified to come inside my clinic & the father was also outside consoling the mother. It started as a small boil. They had taken her to pediatrician who gave them local ointment and oral antibiotics. However, it did not subside. IT grew very quickly and the child started to have fever. It was extremely painful and the child was constantly crying. The baby was being massaged by a servant. The possible reason is that many times such masseur, who are most often untrained try manipulation the delicate neonatal breast to express a clear or cloudy (milk-like) substance from nipple (also called witch's milk). This causes potential damage & bleeding inside which gets infected or possibly it causes cracks in the nipple thro which the bacteria enter inside. The main worry of the relatives & parents was – will she have a normal breast development or is her left breast completely destroyed?
I removed the pus from the infant baby's left breast under anesthesia. Subsequently she underwent daily dressings. The nipple restored back to normal and the wound healed very soon. I assured the parents that she will have normal breast. Nature is great!
Adult breast is common especially in lactating mothers but neonatal breast abscess is not so common.

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