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Category : All ; Cycle : December 2012
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Insecurity, pain, betrayal, fear, hunger, thirst, sexual desire, anger, lowliness, loneliness, hatred, jealousy, contempt, revengefulness, wants, lassitude, restlessness, cynicism, grief; and such many phenomena; constitute our existence.

They variously cause sadness or happiness; but always a sense of helplessness and incompleteness.

The characteristic of these phenomena; is that they are infectious! We knowingly or unknowingly and willingly or unwillingly; cast their influence on the others and multiply the sense of helplessness and incompleteness.

How to be free from all these?

We hear life management, time management, self management, mind management, stress management, anger management and so on; besides the perennial preaching of conquering the SHADRIPUS viz. kama (uncontrolled desires or urges), krodha (anger, anguish, rage), lobha (petty often insatiable selfish wants), mada (arrogance, pried or deliriousness), moha (being mesmerized or blind in attachment), matsara(being mad; in intractable jealousy); and living a detached life.

But in general; with very few exceptions (like Shri Gondavlekar Maharaj, Gajanan Maharaj, Swami Samarth); for majority of us; all these phenomena; resulting from the metabolic, paracrine, autocrine, endocrine and neurocrine activities in the CELLS; are unavoidable, inseparable and invincible!

The objective omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent reality (“God” of the theists and “nature” of the atheists) however; has provided us with; the capacity of holistic perspective, policy making, planning and implementation; in all the fields; such as health, education etc. to universalize and enhance NAMASMARAN (jap, jaap, jikra, sumiran, simaran i.e. remembering our true self); which acts as a route as well as a vehicle to reach itself!

Thus; while creating a global ambience conducive to the practice of NAMASMARAN; we automatically begin to experience; the transformation in the metabolic, paracrine, autocrine, endocrine and neurocrine activities in our CELLS; in terms of freedom from the grip of all the phenomena mentioned above! Moreover; we experience the glimpses of true self i.e. the immortal objective reality. Hence; this is CELL MANAGEMENT!

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Crime is a sign of; lack of or loss of control on our passions; of the holistic enlightenment; in our education, art, culture, literature, conventions, traditions, rules, laws, programs, plans, policies and perspective.

The canvas of the problem is global and its root cause is negligence of the way to the source of holistic enlightenment inside us; viz. NAMASMARAN, JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SIMARAN, SUMIRAN i.e. remembering true self.

We are brilliant but sectarian; hence we cannot "see" anything holistic!

We are sharp but callous; hence we cannot understand even simple poetry!

We are smart but impotent and hence lack the initiative of practicing anything selflessly!

Hence we are still reluctant, inhibited, apprehensive and often staunchly against introducing the practice of NAMASMARAN, JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SIMARAN, SUMIRAN i.e. remembering true self; in nurseries, schools, colleges, universities, industries, government departments, trade centers and other places.

Instead; we are marketing superstitions and ideological and/or religious phobia, paranoia or mania; in the centers of religious, technological, economic, political and military power!

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The pursuit of universalization of NAMASMARAN is actually aiming at realization or manifestation of already existing but unperceived unity and harmony in the world. It is a pursuit towards inviting and including; everybody; in the joyous and melodious universal orchestra of individual and universal blossoming.
This target may appear to some; as utopian; as it may or may not ensure immediate results in terms of all the seven thousand millions of human beings in the world practicing NAMASMARAN.
But this pursuit even if unfulfilled; itself is rejuvenating and empowering. It unites us with the life in the universe! It connects us with the universal blossoming. We are no more isolated fragile individuals.
It reinforces and consolidates our own conviction (and in the course of time our own experience); in the practice of NAMASMARAN (jikra, jap, jaap, sumiran, simaran; i.e. remembering true self).
The pursuit of universalization of NAMASMARAN therefore whether accomplished or not; and that the practice of NAMASMARAN embody reiteration and reaffirmation of the already existing universal unity and welfare (to which we are oblivious)! Both are empowering and rejuvenating and ensure; our own total stress management and our own moment to moment personal victory over individual and universal stress.

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The examples of “success”, “failure” and “glory of failure” in Total Stress Management can be described as follows.
The first step of success is; recognizing the stress of mortal life. This very recognition is simultaneously; painful, igniting and motivating. It triggers the expedition of stress management.
This is associated with greater stress or challenge to manage the stress which is universal! The ignorant ones or the callous ones may not suffer from this! Thus we fail to be selfish and careerist. We fail to be rich; if assessed with materialistic yardsticks! Even our simple requirements may not be fulfilled. Moreover; as we are preoccupied in the expedition of understanding the challenge of stress i.e. injustice, sorrow and maladies of life; we fail to be indifferent; and enjoy the celebrations and festivities. This isolates us from family, friends and society also; to a great extent.
But in this failure lies the glory of being more keenly engaged in solving the problem viz. stress; that plagues one and all.
The second step to success is; getting the holistic solutions.
But this is not at all easy. It is inevitably associated with internal devastating turmoil and hence failure to be involved in piecemeal solutions and sectarian curriculums and day to day work; to one’s own satisfaction! But as a result of this failure; we can make glorious contributions in evolving holistic perspective, policies, plans and programs and their implementation.
The third step to success is; crystallizing and applying i.e. treading the path of Total Stress Management and articulating and sharing the details of the sojourn; with others.
This is often associated with failure to match the popular demands of entertainment and failure in commercial and financial gains.
But the glory of this failure is in terms of going successfully through the ordeal of being true to our core.
The glory is that this honesty sharpens our perceptions and keeps us free from commercial considerations and entanglement; and multiplies the accuracy, potentials and scope of our solutions.
The glory is that this accuracy results from commercial failure; which averts; “being bloated with pride”!
The glory is that this commercial failure precludes “being trapped in” deceptive, hollow and vain glamour, glitter and temptations!
The glory is that freedom from the shackles of glamour, glitter and temptations; free us from prejudice in our perspective, thoughts, feelings and actions.
The fourth step to success is in happily accepting the result; as the solutions have their own scope and limitations; even though accepting “not so glamorous result” is difficult.
But even if we succeed in this; it is usually associated with the failure to be overconfident and aggressive on the background of aggressive and imposing behavior of sectarian forces. This leaves us with guilt of being passive and defeatist and ineffective!
But the glory of this failure is that we are out of the rat race and thus; the subjective, inaccurate and dictatorial elements; within us; begin to decline.
We begin to appreciate that increasingly greater accuracy and objectivity is needed! We begin to understand that even the attachment and commitment to “our” ideological perceptions and convictions can throttle our freedom. We begin to appreciate the paramount role of NAMASMARAN in further overcoming the subjectivity/ego.
The fifth step of success is; surrendering the endeavors, which we thought as “ours” to the “source” from where they spring.
This kind of surrender is really painful; like death. But even if we succeed in this; we usually fail to project ourselves with so called style and flamboyance. We fail to carry the facades of greatness. We fail to impose our leadership through self aggrandizement. This is as painful as publicly stripping ourselves! The stripping of ego; makes us feel empty and low.
But this failure has the glory of being free from every burden and bondage! Being free of ego; is a unique experience of being naturally connected with others by a sublime bond of love.
The sixth step to the success; is to return to immortal source of the solutions and be immortal!!!
This is obviously not easy. But as we begin to succeed in this; we begin to get glimpses of immortality and feel like being in holistic convalescence!
This leads to failure in being proficient or brilliant in the activities of “social, political, economic and other materialistic security and growth”!
The glory of this failure however; is “the steady but definite progress in self realization or a globally benevolent state of reunion with NAMA, BRAHMA or SACCHIDANANDA i.e. GURU; through NAMASMARAN (jap, jaap, jikra, sumiran, simaran or remembering one’s true self); at the cost of otherwise worthless mortal life.

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The beauty of the fashion pageants and the rags of rag pickers, the melody of musical concerts and the noise in local trains; and the regular meat eating and the strict vegetarianism; are some of the stark contrasts in life. There are many such contrasts, which make it difficult to characterize and describe life!

The issue here is that of paranoid behavior and maniacal behavior.

NAMASMARAN is a process which takes us to our root, connects us to our core or true self, enlightens us with the experience of the unity with universe; and enables us to bring it in day to day transactions, through; holistic perspective, policy making, planning, programs and their implementation.

But; we the ardent supporters, practitioners and promoters of NAMASMARAN, as well as we, who dismiss NAMASMARAN as a stupid or even a counterproductive activity; seem to be oblivious to this potential of NAMASMARAN; of individual and global blossoming. (This is true even if our honesty and integrity are; with some exceptions; unquestionable).

This is why;

1.We, the practitioners of NAMASMARAN; worship the saints, mystics, incarnations, prophets, god; and pursue the moksha, mukti, god realization, nirvana; or the heaven on earth; while being oblivious of the objective physiological and social facts.

We do not realize that; when a visionary says; that God does everything; he/she implies that we should be aware of our progress from our periphery to our core, which is God; the supreme master of all the orchestra.

We are unable to sink within; to our core and acquire the holistic approach. We depend on some alien God to do the trick! This is parasitic and paranoid.

2. We; the opponents of NAMASMARAN; also; do not realize that; when a visionary says; that God does everything; he/she implies that we should be aware of our progress from our periphery to our core, which is God; the supreme master of all the orchestra.

Hence we deny ourselves the conscious perception of the process of merging with our own core. We remain in our periphery and forget/deny the very existence of our own core

Hence; we denigrate the saints, mystics, prophets etc and get involved in the movements; with superficial, piecemeal and sectarian approach. These usually breed division, disruption and antipathy.

This disbelief/forgetfulness in our own core is arrogant and maniacal.

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God! I; as very ordinary and common individual; want to make some confessions and admit some of my many flaws.
I have intense sexual desire. I cannot treat the model of opposite sex; in advertisements; in news papers, magazines and on TV; as my mother or father. I get excited.
I have intense desire to eat/drink and relish the delicacies; as and when I see them in exhibitions and in TV programs.
I have anger. I cannot remain quiet when I realize my helplessness in even small matters.
I have greed. I feel like buying trendy clothes, going to hill stations, living in five star and seven star hotels, and enjoy every kind of luxury; especially when I see its glorification and hype!
I have attachment. I feel honestly that my mother, father, in laws and others close to me should not suffer from poverty. I sincerely feel that my children should not suffer from discrimination; while they are in schools, colleges or in jobs.
I have jealousy. I feel really jealous when I see people buying gold and jewels, which I cannot even dream of. I really burn from within!
I have pride. I feel proud that in spite of so many adversities, that I have more possessions (though not as many as I would like to have) and respect in family and society (though not as much as I would like) than many others!
God! The preaching, ordinances, commandments and/or ideals of abstinence i.e. ‘conquering of the SHADRIPUS’ on the one hand; and the physiological instincts and needs, which keep compelling me for satiation; create a severe conflict and stress within me!
God! Frankly speaking; I pretend contentment or even aggrandizement and arrogance about my spirituality, NAMASMARAN or other SADHANA. I am not happy. Still I propagate it as panacea. Am I not a hypocrite?
God! I understand that it is not possible to fulfill all the desires and/or needs of everybody. I understand that I have to evolve. I have to blossom from within.
God! I honestly tell you I don’t want to satisfy any of my desires and needs at the cost of others. But I am finding it very difficult. Either I have to cheat my conscience or get cheated!
It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to blossom from within; amidst the inappropriate and often sectarian perspective, policies, plans, programs, laws, rules and their implementation; at global and local levels! I am being dragged from inside and outside; by frustration, depression, indolence, irresponsibility, indiscipline, irregularity, absenteeism, hypocrisy, lies, frauds, scams and other crimes.
God! I have only one question!
Is it unrealistic to envisage emergence of holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and implementation; ushering in the global conditions; conducive to individual and universal blossoming; through NAMASMARAN, JIKRA, JAP, JAAP, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN i.e. remembrance of TRUE SELF?

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SINGLE PORT INSTRUMENT DELIVERY EXTENDED REACH OR 'SPIDER' is a surgical system that introduces a new concept to minimally invasive surgery or SILS ( SINGLE INCISION LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY) It works by providing multiple, tiny, flexible instrument channels through one small incision near the patients belly button. A unique feature of the SPIDER is the way it opens up like an umbrella once it is within the abdomen and once the procedure is completed how the system closes up and is removed through the same incision site. Most surgical devices of traditional laparoscopy use rigid or semi rigid instruments whereas the SPIDER system introduces flexible articulating arms with structural strength. It provides two flexible channels for right and left hand instruments with 360 degree range of motion, and two rigid channels for small cameras and other instruments hence it overcomes many of the challenges of single site surgery by eliminating the need for criss- crossing of instrments to achieve true surgical triangulation, minimizing tissue trauma and allowing surgery through a single 18 mm incision site. A robust retractor is included in the system that allows excellent exposure of cystic structures. So this is how it works. This device is inserted through a small incision in or near your belly button, once inside, the system expands in an umbrella like fashion and the surgeon can use a variety of instruments through the single port to perform the procedure. Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon collapses the system in preparation for removing, the tools and the system are removed through the original incision. Many bariatric ( weight loss) surgeries, cholecystectomies, cyst removals, urologic procedures are done effectively using this system. This system's single incision method allows for a shorter and less painful recovery time. The patient is usually left with little or no visible scarring.

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God! I; as very ordinary and common individual; want to make some confessions and admit some of my many flaws.
I have intense sexual desire. I cannot treat the model of opposite sex; in advertisements; in news papers, magazines and on TV; as my mother or father. I get excited.
I have intense desire to eat/drink and relish the delicacies; as and when I see them in exhibitions and in TV programs.
I have anger. I cannot remain quiet when I realize my helplessness in even small matters.
I have greed. I feel like buying trendy clothes, going to hill stations, living in five star and seven star hotels, and enjoy every kind of luxury; especially when I see its glorification and hype!
I have attachment. I feel honestly that my mother, father, in laws and others close to me should not suffer from poverty. I sincerely feel that my children should not suffer from discrimination; while they are in schools, colleges or in jobs.
I have jealousy. I feel really jealous when I see people buying gold and jewels, which I cannot even dream of. I really burn from within!
I have pride. I feel proud that in spite of so many adversities, that I have more possessions (though not as many as I would like to have) and respect in family and society (though not as much as I would like) than many others!
God! The preaching, ordinances, commandments and/or ideals of abstinence i.e. ‘conquering of the SHADRIPUS’ on the one hand; and the physiological instincts and needs, which keep compelling me for satiation; create a severe conflict and stress within me!
God! Frankly speaking; I pretend contentment or even aggrandizement and arrogance about my spirituality, NAMASMARAN or other SADHANA. I am not happy. Still I propagate it as panacea. Am I not a hypocrite?
God! I understand that it is not possible to fulfill all the desires and/or needs of everybody. I understand that I have to evolve. I have to blossom from within.
God! I honestly tell you I don’t want to satisfy any of my desires and needs at the cost of others. But I am finding it very difficult. Either I have to cheat my conscience or get cheated!
It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to blossom from within; amidst the inappropriate and often sectarian perspective, policies, plans, programs, laws, rules and their implementation; at global and local levels! I am being dragged from inside and outside; by frustration, depression, indolence, irresponsibility, indiscipline, irregularity, absenteeism, hypocrisy, lies, frauds, scams and other crimes.
God! I have only one question!
Is it unrealistic to envisage emergence of holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and implementation; ushering in the global conditions; conducive to individual and universal blossoming; through NAMASMARAN, JIKRA, JAP, JAAP, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN i.e. remembrance of TRUE SELF?

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Tonsillectomy- Patient information sheet
(Patient information sheet)

Why is this surgery done?
The indication for this surgery has reduced a lot in recent times and the common indication that remains now a days is
• Recurrent tonsillitis ( more than 3-4 /year)
• Tonsil enlargement causing sleep disturbance ( snoring , mouth breathing)

How is this surgery performed:
This is performed from inside the mouth and there is no external scar

How long does the surgery last:
Varies for each patient but ranges from 30 min to 90 min

Does this require overnight stay in hospital :
Many centers include this in day care but I feel at least one day admission is a must to keep a check on any minor bleeding.

What are the complications? :
Tonsillectomy is generally a safe surgery. Few children have some amount of bleeding occasionally. But that can be controlled. This surgery is done under general anesthesia so there is a minimal risk of anesthetic complication that is associated with any other surgery.

What do we expect after surgery :
The child has lot of pain for which pain relief medicines are prescribed. Still child will have some difficulty in swallowing food. So he is kept on fluids and icecreams. This lasts for 2-4 days

What is adenoid?
Adenoid is a tonsil like lymphoid part present behind the nose. In children who have enlarged adenoids these have to be removed during the tonsil surgery and is called as adeno tonsillectomy

How do I know if my child has adenoid ?
Constant mouth breathing, snoring are common symptoms. Rarely child may develop reduced hearing.

What precautions to be taken for food after surgery :
For 5 days child will need soft food and icereams and plenty of water. Nothing HOT should be given.
After pain subsides he can be given all food except spicy and very hot food for 15 days. After 15 days all regular food can be given.

Will my child never have throat pain after surgery :
This is myth even after removal of tonsil child can have throat pain due to other reasons but the repeated attacks of tonsillitis will definitely not happen.

Will the height /weight of my child increase or decrease after surgery : Tonsillectomy has no relation in increase or decrease of height/weight . However after removal of a chronic source of infection from body definitely the general well being of child improves.

For any other queries please feel free to contact me
Dr ( major) Prasun Mishra
+91 9881676449

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The beauty of the fashion pageants and the rags of rag pickers, the melody of musical concerts and the noise in local trains; and the regular meat eating and the strict vegetarianism; are some of the stark contrasts in life. There are many such contrasts, which make it difficult to characterize and describe life!

The issue here is that of paranoid behavior and maniacal behavior.

NAMASMARAN is a process which takes us to our root, connects us to our core or true self, enlightens us with the experience of the unity with universe; and enables us to bring it in day to day transactions, through; holistic perspective, policy making, planning, programs and their implementation.

But; we the ardent supporters, practitioners and promoters of NAMASMARAN, as well as we, who dismiss NAMASMARAN as a stupid or even a counterproductive activity; seem to be oblivious to this potential of NAMASMARAN; of individual and global blossoming. (This is true even if our honesty and integrity are; with some exceptions; unquestionable).

This is why;

1.We, the practitioners of NAMASMARAN; worship the saints, mystics, incarnations, prophets, god; and pursue the moksha, mukti, god realization, nirvana; or the heaven on earth; while being oblivious of the objective physiological and social facts.

We do not realize that; when a visionary says; that God does everything; he/she implies that we should be aware of our progress from our periphery to our core, which is God; the supreme master of all the orchestra.

We are unable to sink within; to our core and acquire the holistic approach. We depend on some alien God to do the trick! This is parasitic and paranoid.

2. We; the opponents of NAMASMARAN; also; do not realize that; when a visionary says; that God does everything; he/she implies that we should be aware of our progress from our periphery to our core, which is God; the supreme master of all the orchestra.

Hence we deny ourselves the conscious perception of the process of merging with our own core. We remain in our periphery and forget/deny the very existence of our own core

Hence; we denigrate the saints, mystics, prophets etc and get involved in the movements; with superficial, piecemeal and sectarian approach. These usually breed division, disruption and antipathy.

This disbelief/forgetfulness in our own core is arrogant and maniacal.

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