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When one fallopian tube is blocked
In some cases, we find one Fallopian tube is Open in HSG and another tube is blocked in HSG. What to do in that case?
Please remember, one Fallopian tube can be sufficient for pregnancy. So, you DO NOT need any Laparoscopy or IVF if all other factors are normal.

If one tube is blocked and other is open, do I need Laparoscopy?
In this case, laparoscopy is needed ONLY in the following circumstances-

1) If any tube is swollen (Hydrosalpinx), because the fluid inside the Hydrosalpinx can damage the embryo. In that case, even if you need IVF, the hydrosalpinx MUST be removed by laparoscopy.

2) If you need laparoscopy for other reasons like Severe pain during periods, Ovarian Cyst, Endometriosis, Fibroid. In these cases, laparoscopy is needed to remove these diseases and improve your chance of pregnancy.

If only oneFallopian tube is open and other is closed, can I try naturally?
Of course, you can try. Even you can have Ovulation Induction (OI), by which medicine is given to improve your chance of pregnancy. However, for how long you will continue this type of treatment, depends on your age, duration of trying for pregnancy, condition of your husband's sperms and your ovaries. If any of these are not satisfactory, you should not rely on trying "naturally" for long periods.

If one tube is blocked and another tube is open, can I try IUI?
In most of cases, if your ovaries and your husband's sperms are good and your age is relatively young, you can try IUI. In most cases, the results of IUI is good. However, in some specific tube block, IUI result is not satisfactory.

Do I need IVF if one Fallopian tube is open?
You need IVF only if your husband's sperm condition is not good, your ovaries are not functioning well, you have been trying for pregnancy for long time or your age is on the higher side. If IUI fails, in that case, also you need to think about IVF.

In majority of the cases of one Fallopian tube block (and other tube remaining open), you don't need to worry. There is no need for laparoscopy or IVF if all other factors remain satisfactory.

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when both fallopian tubes are blocked in HSG
What are the options if tubes are found blocked in HSG?
You still can consider SSG (Sonosalpingography) or SIS (Saline Infusion Sonography) as a second test to check tubal patency. SSG is an option before you take the final decision. If tubes are open on SSG, you can avoid both Laparoscopy and IVF. If the SSG shows tubes are open, depending on the reports of you and your husband, we can advise medicines (Ovulation Induction) or IUI. At the same time, during SSG, we can evaluate the condition of your uterus and the ovaries. Finally, it's very cheap (even cheaper than HSG).

However, if SSG also shows the “block”, then there are simply two options. You can consider laparoscopy or go for IVF straightforward. It depends on your age, other fertility factors (condition of the sperms and ovaries), duration of infertility and your wish.

When and how Laparoscopy is done?
If HSG or SSG show both the tubes are blocked, then the only way to confirm the blockage is by laparoscopy. This is, because, sometimes, the spasm of the muscles of the tube during HSG or SSG can lead to“false positive” result; that means if tubes are found to be blocked by those tests, the tubes may actually be found open actually during laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy is also advised to check the tubal patency, if there are other reasons (like removal of cyst or severe pain) or when HSG or SSG could not be done for technical difficulties.

Laparoscopy is done under general anaesthesia with two or three small opening (key-hole surgery) in the abdomen and a coloured material (“dye”) is introduced through the uterus.

What are the merits and demerits of laparoscopy?
If you are at younger age, other fertility factors normal and the infertility is of shorter duration, laparoscopy may be the suitable approach for you. If laparoscopy confirms the potency of the tube(s), you can try for pregnancy naturally, by ovulation induction or by IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), depending on your circumstances. Sometimes, attempt can be made to remove the block by laparoscopy ("Hysteroscopic tubal Cannulation"). At the same time, the condition of your ovaries, uterus and the surrounding areas can be assessed in better way and treated, if necessary.

However, if laparoscopy confirms the blockage of both the tubes, you will require IVF. Moreover, although it’s a safe procedure in most cases, there some anaesthesia and surgery-related risks.

When should one go for IVF?
If the conditions of your ovaries or partner’s sperms are not satisfactory, your age is on the higher side, or infertility is of long duration, directly going for IVF would be the better option for you. In that case, you can avoid the risks and costs related to laparoscopy.

Of course, if laparoscopy confirms tubal block, the only fertility-treatment option remaining for you is IVF.

Again, if you fail to conceive within 6-12 months’ time after laparoscopy, even when the tubes were found open, you may need to consider IVF.

If tubes are found blocked, the options are IVF directly or confirming the block by laparoscopy. Many factors are to be taken into account before final decision.

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How fallopian tubes are tested
How can one know that the Fallopian tubes are blocked?
Unfortunately, most women do not have signs or symptoms suggesting tubal block. However, if you had previous infections in pelvis, tuberculosis in any part of the body, previous ectopic pregnancy, appendicectomy or gynaecological surgery, or feel severe pain during periods or during intercourse, there is a chance of tubal blockage.

How the tubes are tested?
Whether tubes are open (“patent”) or not, is usually checked by a special X-ray, called Hystero-salpingogram (HSG), in which a contrast material will be given through the neck of the uterus (cervix). It is cheaper and easily available. However, some women can feel discomfort during HSG. Usually some pain-relief medications are given during the procedure.

Another method is Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS) or SSG, in which water is inserted inside the uterus with the ultrasound probe put inside the vagina (TVS). It is more accurate than HSG and causes less discomfort. Both HSG and SIS are done in out-door basis, without any need of anaesthesia.

When Laparoscopy is advised?
If HSG or SIS show both the tubes are blocked, then the only way to confirm the blockage is by laparoscopy. This is, because, sometimes, the spasm of the muscles of the tube during HSG or SIS can lead to “false positive” result; that means if tubes are found to be blocked by those tests, the tubes may actually be found open actually during laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy is also advised to check the tubal patency, if there are other reasons (like removal of cyst or severe pain) or when HSG or SIS could not be done for technical difficulties.

Laparoscopy is done under general anaesthesia with two or three small opening (key-hole surgery) in the abdomen and a coloured material (“dye”) is introduced through the uterus.

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Semen Collection Problems and Embarrassments
How semen collection and analysis is done?

The easiest and the most commonly used method is masturbation. You should collect it in the laboratory in a room with adequate privacy and comfort. Of course, for most of the men, it seems awkward to collect semen in unfamiliar environment, away from home. Usually most laboratories provide a separate room where you can bring your partner with you.

Is any preparation required?

Please maintain abstinence for 3 to 5 days (not more than 5, not less than 3). That means you should avoid intercourse and masturbation for 3-5 days prior to the test. This is because, both long term (more than a week) and short (less than 2 days) period of abstinence can lead to false results regarding quality and quantity of the sperms.

Get relaxed. Wash your hands properly before the collection. It's important to collect all the semen in the collection pot and not to spill a portion outside.

Do not hesitate to tell your doctor if you feel any problem.

If a person feels ashamed to collect sperms in the laboratory, what should he do?

This is particularly embarrassing for many men, if you are doing the test for the first time. But remember, this is a commonly performed test in the laboratory.

Try to get relaxed. Some men cannot collect semen, just because of mental stress. Avoidance of stress and counselling help many men to overcome this problem.
If your problem during collection is because of problems in erection, some medicine is given to improve your erection.
If you have erection but are unable to ejaculate, Vibro-ejaculator (see below) can help you.
A man tried but could not collect sperms in the laboratory. What should he do?

It's preferable to collect semen in the laboratory. But if it’s not possible, you can collect it at home. In that case, you must carry it in the pocket of your trousers and must reach the laboratory within 30 minutes of collection. Please inform the laboratory about the timing of collection.

If a man is not habituated to the masturbation, what should he do?

Do not worry. Some men may have this problem.

The options include

Vibro-ejaculator- a small device applied on the front part of the penis ("Glans Penis") to stimulate the organ to discharge the semen.
Non-Toxic Condom-rubbing the penis against special condom (not ordinary condom).
Intercourse- Some men feel comfortable to practise coitus interruptus (withdrawing the penis just before ejaculation) using non-toxic condom.
If a man cannot ejaculate even during intercourse, what are the options?

Please inform your doctor. The problem may be due to some previous surgery, neurological problems, spinal cord injury, diseases of prostate or problems since birth. The following methods are useful, not only for testing sperms, but can also freeze the sperms for future treatment, if required.

Non-toxic condom- If you have nocturnal emission (“Night fall”) you can use this condom over penis while sleeping and collect the semen and carry it to the laboratory. However, all the parameters cannot be tested because of delay in transport.
Vibro-ejaculator- can help in many cases
Testing urine-In few men, the problem may be retrograde ejaculation (Semen going into bladder instead of moving forward). In that case, sperms can be collected from the urine immediately after masturbation.
Prostatic message- If urine test shows no sperms, your doctor can insert lubricated gloved fingers inside your anus to massage your prostate gland, that can help some men to ejaculate.
Electroejaculation- If prostatic message also fails, your prostate gland can be stimulated using a small probe inserted through the anus under general anaesthesia.
Testicular biopsy- If all of the above method fails, needle can be inserted inside the testes to check whether sperms are produced inside. If that fails, small cut is given in an attempt to collect the sperms from the testes.
Finally, problem during semen collection is common and many men face it. Fortunately, most of them can overcome this embarrassment by themselves. If you feel any problem, do not hesitate to tell your doctor.

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Semen Analysis- How, Where, Why?
Why Sperm analysis is done?

Sperm analysis is an essential part of evaluation of an infertile couple. In most cases, this is the only test, a male partner requires. However, a single abnormal semen analysis does not always mean that there is any abnormality in the man.

In a man, sperm production requires 3 months and it needs cool temperature than rest of the body. This is why, men have their testes hanging outside the body in the scrotum. Thus, today's semen analysis reflects a man's health 3 months before. If, for any reason (for example, high fever, tight underwear, hot tub bath etc), the man's health was abnormal 3 months ago, the semen analysis may become abnormal. Again, the results can vary from one laboratory to another.

Is there any difference between semen and the sperms?

Semen consists of 2 parts- the sperms and the fluid ("seminal plasma"). The sperms cannot be seen by the naked eye. The fluid that you can see, is the semen. So, semen and the sperms are not the semen.

How semen is tested?
In the laboratory semen is tested for certain parameters like- volume (amount of semen), liquefaction (time needed for semen to become liquid), colour, appearance etc. The sperms are checked for total count, motility (ability of the sperms to move), morphology (the appearance of the sperms), vitality (whether sperms are living or not) etc. It is important for the laboratory to follow WHO 2010 criteria for semen analysis (not the older criteria like 1992). Sometimes, some special tests may be done on the semen depending on your scenario.

How semen collection and analysis is done?
The easiest and the most commonly used method is masturbation. You should collect it in the laboratory in a room with adequate privacy and comfort. Of course, for most of the men, it seems awkward to collect semen in unfamiliar environment, away from home. Usually most laboratories provide a separate room where you can bring your partner with you.

Is any preparation required?
Please maintain abstinence for 3 to 5 days (not more than 5, not less than 3). That means you should avoid intercourse and masturbation for 3-5 days prior to the test. This is because, both long term (more than a week) and short (less than 2 days) period of abstinence can lead to false results regarding quality and quantity of the sperms. Get relaxed. Wash your hands properly before the collection. It's important to collect all the semen in the collection pot and not to spill a portion outside.Do not hesitate to tell your doctor if you feel any problem.

In the next video, we will discuss what to do if you feel problem during semen collection in the laboratory.

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How PCOS and Infertility can be treated
How PCOS is treated?

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PCOS. However, it can be kept under control. Majority of the women can keep the disease under control with lifestyle changes (diet and exercise), rather than medicines. These can also help to prevent the long-term consequences. You should aim to keep your weight to a level that is normal. Losing only a small portion of weight will improve regularity of your periods, ovulation and also the chance of pregnancy. Some women are prescribed “Insulin sensitizers” like inositol and metformin. Treatment of fertility depends on your age, duration of infertility and other fertility factors.

Usually the first line of treatment is OI (Ovulation Induction). The next lines are IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and IVF (In Vitro fertilization) respectively.

What is Ovulation Induction?

Medicines (tablets and/ or injection) are given to help your eggs grow and rupture. In the first cycle, it is important to see (by ultrasound) whether eggs are growing or not. If the eggs rupture, the chance of pregnancy per cycle is 15% and after 4-6 cycles of OI, it is nearly 50-60%. That means, out of 100 women who had ovulation, 15 can conceive after one month.

How IUI is done?

IUI is one step ahead of OI. Here along with medicines given for OI, husband’s sperm is collected, processed (“preparation”) and then inserted inside the uterus. The success rate is 15-20% per cycle.

When IVF is advised?

If a woman fails to conceive after 4-6 cycles of IUI, if the age is on higher side, there is long duration of infertility or additional problems like sperm defects or tubal blocks, IVF is advised. The success rate is 40-50% per cycle. But caution should be taken as these women are at risk of developing OHSS (Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome- excessive response by ovaries) and twin pregnancy. Frozen embryo transfer reduces the risk.

Is there any role of laparoscopy?

Only very few women who fail to ovulate with any medicines, sometimes laparoscopy is done where some cysts are punctured using electric current (laparoscopic ovarian drilling- LOD). Additionally, LOD can be done for women requiring laparoscopy for other purposes (like pain, testing the tubes). However, LOD carries risk of ovarian damage and therefore, should be done in selective patients.

Is any special precaution required in pregnancy?

Women with PCOS are at higher risk of developing miscarriage, diabetes (gestational diabetes mellitus- GDM), high blood pressure (preeclampsia), growth problems, premature delivery during pregnancy. Therefore, screening for GDM should be done along with regular scan under specialist supervision throughout pregnancy.


PCOS is common but majority of the women can do well with lifestyle changes. The chance of pregnancy after treatment is higher for women with PCOS than for other women. Proper care should be taken before and during pregnancy.

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Treatment of low AMH
What are the treatment options for low AMH?
Only a low AMH cannot decide what treatment you should have. Age is the most important factor to decide the mode of treatment. We also have to check your duration of infertility, previous pregnancy (if any), condition of your tubes and also partner’s sperms.

If all other factors are favourable and you have only low AMH, a short period of Ovulation Induction (OI- Giving medicines to stimulate the ovaries to release the eggs) and IUI (Intra-uterine insemination- partner’s sperms are inserted inside your womb through a small catheter) can be tried. If these fail, you may need to consider IVF.

Is IVF done as the last resort?
A low AMH does not always mean that you need IVF. However, if your age is on the higher side or duration of infertility of long, IVF may be the better option for you, rather than OI or IUI. IVF should also be considered if your tubes are blocked or partner’s sperm count is very low.

In IVF, your eggs are stimulated with hormones and are then collected in the laboratory. The eggs are then “fertilized” with the sperms to produce the embryos, which are then transferred inside your uterus. However, in small number of women with low AMH, the chance of obtaining eggs is reduced and even if, eggs are obtained, these may not be of good quality. If pregnancy does not result and embryos are not of good quality, then you may be offered “Egg Donation-IVF”.

“Egg Donation”- What is it actually?
In women with low AMH, egg donation is usually done as a last resort. Here, the eggs are collected from another woman (donor), who has been checked to ensure that she is healthy and does not contain any diseases like HIV, hepatitis or thalassaemia. These eggs are then fertilized with your husband’s sperms and the embryo is inserted inside your uterus. The process will remain confidential, that means except you and your husband, nobody will know that donor-egg has been used.However, before using donor eggs, we usually advise the couples to try IVF (if required) with self-eggs.

What to do if previous IVF failed?
In case of low AMH, if you had good number of healthy embryos produced from your own eggs, the excess embryos can be frozen. So, if the first embryo-transfer fails, you still have your own embryos for transfer in future.

But if you had small number of embryos and all have been transferred (none remained for freezing), we have to review whether the quality of the embryos was good or not. As only one healthy embryo can give rise to pregnancy, if embryos were of good quality (Grade A), then you can try second IVF with your own eggs. However, if embryo quality was not good (Grade B or poorer), it’s better to think about egg-donation.

What is the chance of success?
The chance of success depends on your age, duration of infertility and your response. In general, the chance of pregnancy after each cycle of IUI is 15-20% (out of 100 women having IUI, 15-20 can conceive after 1st cycle) and after IVF, it is 30-40%. However, the chance is slightly lower in women with POR.

Is there any risk in pregnancy?
Every pregnancy carries some risk of miscarriage, abnormalities in the baby, premature delivery and growth problems. The mother can suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure (Preeclampsia) and bleeding. All these risks are slightly increased in women who conceive with POR. However, majority of these women will have uncomplicated pregnancy.

Is there no chance of natural conception?
In women who attain menopause before 40 years, 10% can conceive spontaneously, without any treatment. In women with low AMH but having menstruation, this chance of natural conception is even higher. So, low AMH does not always mean that you have to go for OI, IUI or IVF. But it again depends on your age and other factors.

What medicines can be tried? Or anything else?
Some medicines may be tried to improve ovarian response. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) showed some positive results. In some women, testosterone gel or antioxidants, vitamin D3 etc can be helpful. However, whether the medicines are actually helpful, is a matter of debate and it needs further research.

Al low AMH does not always mean that you cannot become mother. Most of the women conceive either spontaneously or by medicines or by IUI. Few of them require IVF. Donor-IVF is usually used as a last resort.

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Effects of PCOS
What is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?

PCOS is hormonal disorder where there are irregular periods, excessive hair growth on face or body (“hirsutism”), loss of hair on head, oily skin, acne and weight gain along with polycystic ovaries found in ultrasound.

The symptoms vary from woman to woman. Some women have very few mild symptoms, while others are affected more severely by a wider range of symptoms.

Polycystic ovaries have more number of follicles (fluid-filled spaces containing the eggs), which appear like cysts. However, the “cysts” in PCOS are not tumours. The main problem in PCOS is not the “cysts”, rather cysts are arising because of hormonal problems.

Presence of polycystic ovaries does not always mean PCOS.

A diagnosis is made when you have any two of the following:

1. Irregular, infrequent periods or no periods at all

2. An increase in facial or body hair and/or blood tests that show higher testosterone levels

3. An ultrasound scan that shows polycystic ovaries.

It is a quite common condition, affecting 2 to 26 in every 100 women.

What causes PCOS?

The exact cause of PCOS is not yet known but it often runs in families.

The symptoms are related to abnormal hormone levels:

1. Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in small amounts by the ovaries in all women. Women with PCOS have slightly higher than normal levels of testosterone

2. Insulin is a hormone that controls the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood. If you have PCOS, your body may not respond to insulin (“insulin resistance”), so the level of glucose is higher. To try to prevent the glucose levels becoming higher, your body produces even more insulin. High levels of insulin can lead to weight gain, irregular periods, fertility problems and higher levels of testosterone.

Effects of PCOS

Is PCOS related to other diseases?

Effect of PCOS is not limited to the ovaries. Women with PCOS are more prone to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, depression and mood swings, snoring and daytime drowsiness and sometimes, cancer in the lining of the uterus (endometrium).

The risks are higher for obese women.

How PCOS is related to the infertility?

Women with PCOS have good number of eggs inside the follicles but they cannot be released (Ovulation). As a result, sperms cannot meet the eggs, leading to infertility. Additionally, obesity, diabetes, high testosterone and insulin level all can be risk factors for infertility.

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Azoospermia Treatment
What treatment can be done in Azoospermia?

If the pituitary gland is found to be defective, the treatment gives excellent results by hormone replacement, which will improve the sperm count and you can father your baby by natural conception. However, in other cases, it may not be possible to improve your sperm count by any medicines, still you can father your baby using your own sperms.

Is there any role of surgery?

If the problem is due to adequate sperm production but blockage in the sperm conducting duct, surgery can be done to relieve the obstruction, to help you to father your baby by natural conception. However, the results of the surgery are not always satisfactory. But sperms can be collected and frozen at the time of surgery for future use, in case the surgery fails.

What is the actual treatment?

In most cases the men are offered a special type of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) using the technique called ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection). In standard IVF, your wife will be given some injections to mature her eggs, which will be collected under anaesthesia through the vagina using ultrasound. These eggs are then mixed with the sperms in the laboratory and the embryos, thus produced, are either directly put inside your wife's uterus or some may be frozen and kept for future use.In ICSI, the sperms collected from your body are directly injected, under the microscope, inside the eggs.

How sperms are collected?

If any obstruction in your sperm-conducting passage is suspected, sperms can be collected from the epididymis (small gland above the testis) by small needle (PESA- Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) or and or sometimes, by a small cut (MESE Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Extraction). All these are done under anaesthesia. If these fail, TESA or TESE (see below) are done to collect the sperms. If there is problem in sperm production, there may still be some sperms found inside the testes. These can be collected using small needle (TESA- Testicular Sperm Aspiration), or a small cut in the testes (TESE- Testicular Sperm Extraction); all under anaesthesia. In all cases, sperms can be frozen for future use.

What are the chances that sperms can be collected from the body?

If there is obstruction, the chance is nearly 100%. That means, out of 100 such men, almost all cases, sperms can be obtained from his body. If it’s due to inadequate sperm production from the testes, then the chance of collecting sperms is 50-60%.

However, in small number of cases, the sperms collected from your body may not be of good quality. In that case, you may be offered using donor sperms; it is never used without consent from you and your partner.

When donor sperm is used and how?

If a man cannot afford ICSI, donor insemination is an alternative. But it is done only with consent from both husband and wife. The process will remain confidential and the identity of the donor is not revealed. Donor is tested for diseases like STI, HIV, Hepatitis B or C, thalassaemia etc. Usual attempt is taken to choose donor having blood group and skin colour similar to those of the husband.

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All Reports are OK, still cannot conceive. What to do?
All Reports are OK, still cannot conceive. What to do?

What is Unexplained Infertility (UI)?

When after more than one year of regular frequent intercourse a couple is unable to conceive and all of the 4 of the following reports are normal, that is called UI.

1. Semen analysis of male

2. Ultrasound of female- to look for uterus and ovaries

3. Hormones tests for female (Blood)- to look for ovarian function

4. Checking the tubes- HSG/ SIS/ Laparoscopy

Is UI very rare?

After one cycle (one month) of regular frequent intercourse, the chance of conception in human being is only 15%. That means, out of 100 couples trying for conception, only 15 will be able to succeed after one month of trying. Out of 10 couples struggling to conceive, 3 are found to have UI.

How UI is treated?

The treatment depends on your age and duration of trying. The usual steps are ovulation induction (OI), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro fertilization (IVF) respectively.

In OI, Medicines (tablets, injection) are given to help your eggs grow and rupture. If the eggs rupture, the chance of pregnancy per cycle is 15% and after 4-6 cycles of OI, it is nearly 50-60%.

In IUI, along with medicines given for OI, husband’s sperm is collected, processed (“preparation”) and then inserted inside the uterus. The success rate is 15-20% per cycle.

If a woman fails to conceive after 4-6 cycles of IUI, if the age is on higher side, infertility is of more than two years duration, IVF is advised. The success rate is 40-50% per cycle. IVF is considered the “most advanced” treatment, as it could give explanation why natural trying or IUI failed.

How is the success rate?

UI has one of the best chance of success.

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