Posted by Dr. Khan Farooq Wasim Ahmed on Thursday, 28th June 2018
Nocturnal enuresis commonly called bedwetting or sleepwetting is involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which bladder control usually occurs. Nocturnal enuresis is considered primary (PNE) when a child has not yet had a prolonged period of being the cry. Secondary nocturnal enuresis(SNE) is when a child or adult beings wetting again after having stayed dry.
Most bedwetting is a developmental delay, not an emotional problem or physical illness. Only a small percentage(5% to 10%) or bedwetting cases are caused by specific medical situations bedwetting is frequently associated with a family history of the condition.
Bedwetting children and adults can suffer emotional stress or psychological injury if they feel shamed by the condition. Treatment guidelines recommend that the physician counsel the parents, warning about psychological damage caused by pressure, shaming, or punishment for a condition children cannot control. Bedwetting is the most common childhood complaint. Most girls stay dry by age six and most boys stay dry by age seven. By ten years old 95% of children are dry at night. Studies place adult bedwetting rates at between 0.5% to 2.3%.
The bladder is a muscular receptacle, or holding container, for urine. It expands as urine enters and then contracts to push the urine out. In a person with normal bladder control, nerves in the bladder wall send a message to the brain when the bladder is full, the brain then sends a message back to the bladder to keep it from automatically emptying until the person is ready to go to the bathroom. But people with nocturnal enuresis have a problem that causes them to urine involuntarily at night.
What causes Enuresis?
They do have some theories though, on what may contribute to someone developing the condition:
Hormonal Problems:
A hormonal called antidiuretic hormone, or ADH, causes the body to produce less urine at night. But some people's bodies don't make enough ADH, which means their bodies may produce too much urine while they're sleeping.
Bladder problems:
In some people with enuresis, too many muscle spasms can prevent the bladder from holding a normal amount of urine. Some teens and adults also have relatively small bladders that can't hold a large volume of urine.
Teens with enuresis often have a parent who had the same problem at about the same age. A scientist has identified specific genes that cause enuresis.
Sleep problems:
Some teens may sleep so deeply that they don't wake up when they need to urine.
using caffeine causes a person to urinate urine more.
Medical conditions:
medical conditions that can trigger secondary enuresis include diabetes, urinary tract abnormalities (problems with the structure of a person's urinary tract), constipation, and urinary tract infections. Spinal cord trauma, such as severe stretching of the spinal cord resulting from a fall, sports injury, auto accident, or another event may also play a role in enuresis, although this is rare.
Psychological problems:
Some experts believe that stress can be associated with enuresis. It's not uncommon to feel stressed out during the teenage years, and things such as divorce, the death of a friend or family member, a move to a new town and adapting to a new school and social environment, or family tension can feel overwhelming.
Doctors don't know exactly why, but more than twice as many guys as girls have enuresis. It is often seen in combination with ADHD.
Classification of bedwetting:
Primary nocturnal enuresis:
Primary nocturnal enuresis is the most common form of bedwetting. Bedwetting counts as a disorder once a child is old enough to stay dry, but continues either to average at least two wet nights a week with no long periods of dryness or to not sleep dry without being taken to the toilet by another person.
Secondary nocturnal enuresis:
Secondary enuresis occurs after the patient goes through an extended period of dryness at night (roughly six months or more) and then reverts to nighttime wetting. Secondary enuresis can be caused by emotional stress or a medical condition, such as bladder infection.
Psychological definition:
Psychological may use a definition from the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV defining nocturnal enuresis as report urination into bed or clothes, occurring per week or more for at least three consecutive months in a child at least years of age and not due to either a drug side effect or a medical condition. Even if the case does not meet these criteria, the DSM-IV definition allows psychologists to diagnose nocturnal enuresis if the wetting causes the patient clinically significant distress.
The homeopathic remedy for Nocturnal enuresis:
Is useful when involuntary urination is worse in winter and better in summer. It is also for children who tend to wet their pants when they cough or sneeze or even laugh.
Is very beneficial in the case where along with the bedwetting problem child depicts symptoms of worm manifestations irritation of the nose, causing constant symptoms desire to pick, or press into it, extreme ill humor, heightened irritability and most commonly gritting teeth during sleep.
It is found to be an excellent remedy for bed wetting in children. Its action is mainly on the urinary bladder. Painful urination. Constant nocturnal bedwetting. The urine looks cloudy. Enuresis with dreams and nightmares.
Enuresis in the first part of the night with dreams as if urinating in the urinals. Otherwise also must hurry when the desire comes or the urine escapes. It is especially useful in heavy sleepers who wet the bed in the first sleep.
The child needing this homeopathic remedy has involuntary urination during sleep during which he or she may pass enormous quantities of clear urine. They can also have red sand in their urine. The typical lycopodium patient craves sweets, likes hot drinks and has aggravations from 4-8 pm fo many complaints.
Nocturnal enuresis a general remedy.
The child requiring this remedy often suffers from urine discharges that are involuntary. The urine can dribble while sitting or walking and at night in bed (according to the older authors particular in young girls). The typical child needing the homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla is often changeable and fickle and can be a bit weepy. They tend to love fuss and company.
Use it when the well-selected remedies fail to act. Bedwetting of psoric patients. Wets the bed especially during full moon.
Secale cor:
Enuresis in old people due to enlargement of prostate glands.
Enuresis in sickly girls during the first sleep. Urine is very offensive.
Verbascum thaps:
Nocturnal enuresis of long standing.
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