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Magnetic Loop Basket – A two-in-one Instrument: (Endoscopy –2006;38(7):723-25).

Aluminium Phosphide Induced Esophageal Stricture: Unusual Complication: (Endoscopy –2006;38(2) E23).

Achalasia Cardia: A study of 113 Patients Managed with Indigenous Dilators : (Tropical Gastroenterology – 2006;27(1) 31-33).

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Indigenized Short Striped Nitinol Wire for Esophageal Stricture Dilatation – (Indian Journal of Gastroenterology – 2006;(25(3):170-1).

Endoscopic Management of Sharp Metallic Foreign Bodies - (Endoscopy 2007; 39(1)E331.

Endoscopic Management of Pancreatic ductal disruption after bullet injury-Case Report (Journal of Pancreas-2009;10(3):318-20).

Non Variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleed-A Review -(Apollo Journal of Medicine-2008).

Eosinophilic Esophagitis-(IJCP-2008).

Post transplant biliary complications in a LDLT program-(Tropical Gastroenterology -2009).

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Book chapter: Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis: a Review - (Rajasthan Medical Journal – 2006).

Book chapter: Chronic Pancreatitis – Epidemiological and Clinical Spectrum in Jaipur - (a Chapter in Text-Book titled Chronic Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Diabetes in India, 2006)

Book chapter: Predicting outcome of Idiopathic Ulcerative colitis - Why and How.

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Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT), also known as noninvasive prenatal diagnosis (NIPD), is a screening method for detecting certain specific chromosomal abnormalities in a developing baby. Noninvasive prenatal testing is a sophisticated blood test that examines fetal DNA in the maternal bloodstream to determine whether your baby is at risk of Down syndrome, extra sequences of chromosome 13 (trisomy 13), extra sequences of chromosome 18 (trisomy 18) or a sex chromosome abnormality, such as Turner syndrome. The testing can also be used to determine a rhesus (Rh) blood type. Noninvasive prenatal testing is much more sensitive and specific than traditional first and second trimester screening. As a result, noninvasive testing can often help women who have certain risk factors avoid invasive testing, such as: Amniocentesis. During this procedure, a small sample of the fluid that surrounds and protects the baby during pregnancy (amniotic fluid) is removed from the uterus for testing. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). During CVS, a small sample of the wispy projections that are part of the developing placenta (chorionic villi) are removed from the placenta for testing. Amniocentesis and CVS both carry a slight risk of miscarriage. Noninvasive prenatal testing can determine whether baby is at risk of a chromosomal condition. Risk factors might include older maternal age or having previously given birth to a baby who has Down syndrome, trisomy 13 or trisomy 18. If patient a carrier of an X-linked recessive disorder. X-linked recessive disorders, such as Duchenne's muscular dystrophy or a blood-clotting disorder (hemophilia), typically affect only males. If PT have an Rh negative blood type. Noninvasive prenatal testing can determine baby's Rh factor. If mother Rh negative and baby is Rh positive(from husband ), mother might produce Rh antibodies after exposure to baby's red blood cells. This is called becoming sensitized. (This is typically not a concern during a first pregnancy, but can be a concern during subsequent pregnancies and due to excessive RBC BREAKDOWN high serum bilirubin may kill or badly affect the baby.) The new blood test NIPT will let expecting mothers know the sex of their baby as early as the first trimester. The falling sex ratio is already a bother for policymakers and sociologists in India. Now, scientists have developed a new blood test that will allow early detection of foetal gender, further endangering the girl child.Unlike ultrasound tests currently used for finding out the sex of an unborn child, the new blood test would let expecting mothers know the sex of their baby as early as the first trimester. The test measures the ratio of two crucial enzymes, DYS14 and GAPDH, from foetal DNA circulating in the mother's blood. The ratio is an effective indicator of foetal gender, Korean scientists who developed the test said. The research results have been published in the latest issue of the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. The non-invasive test will require just a drop of blood from the pregnant woman. Currently, till the onset of ultrasound, the procedure of amniocentesis is used for sex determination. But it is invasive and carries the risk of miscarriage. Moreover, it can't be performed until 11 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound gives reliable determination of foetal gender but it can't be performed in the first trimester. The use of ultrasound for sex determination has been outlawed in India, following its misuse for abortion of the female foetus, which has led to skewed sex ratio in many parts of the country. Researchers from the University School of Medicine in Seoul claim the ratio test will be the first of its kind. "This can reduce the need for invasive procedures in pregnant women," researcher Hyun Mee Ryu said. The study involved analysing the blood samples from 203 women during their first trimester. The presence of circulating foetal DNA and the quantity of the two enzymes were confirmed through a series of tests. The results were confirmed when the women gave birth. "The study shows it is possible to predict the sex of a child as early as the first few weeks after conception," Gerald Weissmann, journal editor, said. While the test is a major scientific advance, it can be misused in India. IT IS HIGHLY FREELY DONE IN INDIA BUY MANY LABS AND IS NOT REGULATED AND GRADUALLY COST IS COMING DOWN IN COMPETITION AND LIKELY TO BE MISUSED FOR SEX DETERMINATIONS AS COST IS HIGH BUT IN GROWING MIDDLE CLASS ECONOMY MANY CAN SPEND

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IVF in Punjab india
IVF India is one of the best surrogacy and male infertility treatments providers in Jalandhar, Punjab. We use cutting-edge technology with advance labs for patients better health. The cost of all the treatments are very reasonable at our SJS IVF Hospital. We also provide our patients with personalized care of doctors and nurses.

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Eat Greens And Be Young !!!!!
Eating vegetables provides health benefits – people who eat more vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Vegetables provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of your body.
It contains ---
1. Potassium - help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Rich sources are sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans, tomato products (paste, sauce, and juice), beet greens, soybeans, lima beans, spinach, lentils, and kidney beans.

2. Dietary fiber - helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. It helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.
3. Folate (folic acid) - helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant should consume adequate folate from foods, and in addition 400 mcg of synthetic folic acid from fortified foods or supplements. This reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.
4. Vitamin A - keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections
5. Vitamin C - helps heal cuts and wounds and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Vitamin C aids in iron absorption.

So friends, to be fresh and look young you need to eat fresh veggies...

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Stress, Infertility and Stress Management
In today's world everyone is very concerned about performance, competition and perfection which lead to an insidious increase in stress. Stress causes damage that is often underestimated, and it is a social phenomenon that should be closely examined and evaluated. In today’s modern, fast paced society, it is easy for people to become stressed.
The trouble is that modern life is so full of frustrations, deadlines, and demands that many of us don’t even realize how stressed we are. By recognizing the symptoms and causes of stress, you can take the first steps to reducing its harmful effects and improving your quality of life.
It is not clear how exactly stress impacts fertility. It is not known whether high levels of stress can prevent pregnancy or affect a woman’s chance of conceiving. We do know that reducing stress provides a better quality of life during times of intense personal challenge. Doctors may not know the exact links between stress and fertility, a series of studies shows the impact is hard to ignore. It is reported that stress may play a role in the success of infertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF).
While stress does not cause infertility, infertility most definitely causes stress. Infertile women report higher levels of stress and anxiety than fertile women, and there is some indication that infertile women are more likely to become depressed. This is not surprising since the far-reaching effects of infertility can interfere with work, family, money and sex. Finding ways to reduce stress, tension and anxiety can make you feel better.

It is very difficult to say whether stress is causing infertility or infertility is causing stress. Both are interrelated.
Find out more in detail about fertility and infertility treatments at
Result of stress on human body.
Stress can interfere with conception. Stress can affect the functioning of the hypothalamus — the gland in the brain that regulates your appetite and emotions, as well as the hormones that tell your ovaries to release eggs. If you're stressed out, you may ovulate later in your cycle or not at all. In an occasional woman, having too much stress can change her hormone levels and therefore cause the time when she releases an egg to become delayed or not take place at all. Other research indicates that stress may have an impact on other aspects of fertility beyond ovulation, including problems with fertilization and implantation in the uterus.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), the gold standard in the infertility medical world, acknowledges that stress probably does not cause fertility problems (although men and women with fertility problems are often highly stressed by the disease). ASRM also report that stress can sometimes cause hormonal changes, ovulation disorders, and infertility, but this is very rare.
Stress is just one of many factors that can contribute towards infertility, but should always be taken into account for couples having trouble conceiving. This is especially the case if medical tests have shown no obvious explanations. The rates of unexplained infertility have been rising over the years, which is no surprise considering increasingly stressful lives.
Stress can also lead to alcoholism, smoking, drug use, or compulsive eating, as people use these as a temporary escape. These are all bad habits that can lead to infertility through developing related medical disorders.

Impact of stress on Fertility
Sometimes, infertility patients respond to the stress of being unable to conceive by aggressively pursuing treatment and procedures. Other patients withdraw and isolate from family, friends, and community. Neither of these extremes is ideal for patients who seek to treat their infertility and build a family.
Being unable to get pregnant when you want to, can be a huge source of stress, anxiety, and depression. Most people who cannot get pregnant have an actual physical explanation, but as month after month goes by, feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression often kick in. So even if the physical cause of infertility is treated medically say, surgery for endometriosis, problems with low sperm count and others, it's possible that high levels of stress can still make getting pregnant more difficult.
Infertility causes stress which is aggravated as time passes and the couple remains infertile. Among the causes of stress are the couple's isolation, life with unrealized potential and unborn child, disruption of day-to-day life during infertility evaluation and treatment, and the couple's feeling that they do not have control of their own lives. The IVF program is considered by many as the final step for the evaluation of the couple’s fertility potential; hence, couples participating in an IVF program are highly stressed, especially after a failed IVF cycle.

All women trying to get pregnant have a lot to deal with: taking time off from work for doctor appointments, having blood drawn, having pelvic exams, ultrasounds, injections, taking basal temperatures, timing intercourse and undergoing various diagnostic procedures. As if the cost and discomfort of solving the problems with fertility aren’t enough, one also has to deal with being on an emotional roller coaster, a husband who may not participate in medical treatments, friends and family who make insensitive comments and social situations that are almost unbearably painful (like a baby shower).
It is very difficult to say whether stress is causing infertility or infertility is causing stress. Both are interrelated.
Reduced stress is good for your health. While no one expects patients to approach fertility treatment stress-free, finding ways to minimize stress while pursuing treatment can help. It is helpful for patients to look for ways to reduce the burden of infertility treatments and medical protocols.
Following are some practical ways where women trying to get pregnant can reduce their stress.
Talk to your partner.
Remember you're not alone. Talk to people with infertility, through individual or couple counselling, or support groups.
Read books on infertility, which will help you to be normal and can help you deal with them
Learn stress reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation or acupuncture
Avoid taking too much caffeine or other stimulants
Exercise regularly to release physical and emotional tension
Listen to music of your choice and relax
Plan medical treatment plan with your partner to which both of you are comfortable
Gather all information about causes of infertility and the treatment options available
Plan and arrange finances required for treatment and the possible insurance coverage

Connection between stress level and fertility outcome is very difficult to determine. Relaxing certainly won't do couples trying to conceive any harm, Reducing stress may be difficult, but meditation, yoga or other relaxation techniques might help to reduce stress and conceive at the earliest.
"Don't just try to relax because you think that it's going to help you get pregnant. But do relax just because it feels good, because it's comfortable, and because when you do feel good, you're healthier overall, and that can never be a bad thing for conception."
"Stress could disrupt fertility, but it very rarely--if ever--causes people never to conceive."
The emotions around trying to conceive can be more challenging than the treatments for Infertility. Telling patients to be less stressed can make them feel more responsible for causing their own infertility and feel blamed. Telling someone to relax can cause greater stress. However, asking how couples/friends are doing and suggesting concrete and pragmatic ways to reduce stress will enhance quality of life and give the patient back some sense of control. For many struggling with infertility, just having friends/loved ones available for listening is greatly appreciated.

The goal of stress reduction is to minimize, not eliminate stress, by finding the technique that serves the patient’s needs the best. Rupal hospital for women in Surat is a clinic where patient’s satisfaction and care is prime subject. The doctors are very friendly and always supportive to patients in dealing with all types of infertility issues and provide all moral and psychological support. The counselling facility for couples is also available. Each individual patient is taken care of personally by well experienced doctors and medical staff. We try to help patients acknowledge the stress they are carrying around and help them find ways that work for them to make the stress manageable. We offer patients a wide range of supportservices, including support groups, online communities, resourceful articles and stress relieving tips. We provoke them to participate in mind or body relaxation programs which have the skills to reduce stress at every stage of the cycle.
For any help relating to infertility and fertility treatments including male and female infertility, you can book an appointment with doctors and experts at Rupal Hospital for Women. We are also available at

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IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)- Treatment Option for Infertile Couples
When couples get married, they often view parenthood as the next stage in their family life. They want to have a child, they want to be “mom” and “dad”, they cannot imagine that this may be hard to achieve or may not be a natural process. When several trials to conceive fail, they are shocked. Their basic expectation about family life gets shattered. Most of the couples are desperately looking for medical therapy that will end into a misery. Clearly this is not a struggle to survive; it is a struggle to fulfill a dream, to achieve what they view as a “full life”.
What is needed for pregnancy?
In the male partner, sperms are normally produced in the testes after puberty (after attainment of characters like growth of beard, moustache etc). From the testes, they are carried through the sperm conducting ducts (epididymis, vas, seminal vesicle and prostate gland). Then during sexual stimulation, after proper erection and ejaculation, they come out through penis. During sexual intercourse, these sperms, present in semen, are deposited inside the vagina.
In female partner, the deposited sperms must travel from vagina through the cervix (the mouth of the uterus). The cervix acts as gate-keeper, a it prevents entry of dead and abnormal sperms as well as bacteria present in semen, in the uterus. From uterus, sperms reach the Fallopian tubes (the tubes that are attached to the both sides of the uterus) where the sperms must meet the egg (ovum). The eggs are produced only before birth and so, there are fixed number of eggs inside the ovary. The ovum released from the ovary, into the abdomen at the time of ovulation (rupture of the surface of ovary to release the ovum). That ovum must be taken by the tube and thus inside the tube an embryo (earliest form of the baby) is formed, by meeting of the egg and the sperm.
It should be mentioned that out of nearly 200-300 million sperms, in average, deposited in vagina, hardly 500- 800 sperms can reach near the eggs and only one will succeed to form the embryo. The embryo then travels through the tube into the uterus and the uterus attaches the embryo firmly with it and thus the pregnancy starts. So, if there is defect in any one of them there will be difficulty in achieving pregnancy.
Thus, to summarise, pregnancy requires
1. Production of healthy (“Normal Morphology”) and movable (“Normal Motility”) sperms in adequate number (“Normal Count”) in the testes
2. Transport of these sperms through the sperm conducting ducts from testes to penis
3. Successful Erection and Ejaculation during Intercourse to deposit adequate number of these sperms in the vagina
4. Transport of these sperms from vagina through cervix to the uterus and the tubes
5. Presence of sufficient number of eggs inside the ovary and ability to release the eggs from the ovaries
6. Pick up of the eggs by the tubes
7. Approximation of eggs and the sperms to form the embryo
8. Transport of embryo from the tubes into the uterus
9. Acceptance of the embryo by the uterus and its growth
What is Infertility?

Literally, the word “Infertility” means inability to conceive. But in reality, there are very few couples, who have no chance of natural conception and are called “Absolutely Infertile”. In fact, in many couples who present to infertility clinics, pregnancy may be the matter of time, thus the chance factor.
It should be kept in mind that, if there is factors to question fertility of either male or female or the female is of age less than 35 years; after one cycle (one month) of regular frequent intercourse, the chance of conception in human being is only 15%. That means, out of 100 couples trying for conception, only 15 will be able to succeed after one month of trying. The word “Regular” and “Frequent” are important; because to achieve pregnancy, couples are advised to keep intimate relationships for at least 2-3 times a week and this should be increased particularly around the time of ovulation (Middle of the menstrual cycle). Thus chance of pregnancy after 6 months, 12 months and 24 months of regular trying are respectively 60%, 80% and 100%.
The word, “Subfertility” seems better and more scientific than “Infertility”, to describe the couples who have reduced chance of conception, due to any cause. However, the word “Infertility”, seems more popular, although it puts pressure on the couples. In most cases, usually we advise to investigate after one year of regular and frequent intercourse, when the couples fail to conceive. However, if there are factors to question fertility; for example female with age more than 35 years, or with previous surgery in tubes/ ovaries/ uterus or known diseases like PCOS or endometriosis; or male partner having surgery in scrotum or groin or any hormonal problems or sexual dysfunctions- the wait period is usually reduced and couples can be investigated, even soon after marriage.
What causes Infertility?
Please look at the point “Thus, to summarise, pregnancy requires” where 9 points have been mentioned.
Thus the common causes may be
1. Problems in male- total absence of production of sperms, less than adequate number of sperms, problems in morphology and motility of sperms (most sperms not healthy or movable), blockage in transport of sperms and inability to deposit sperms in the vagina (sexual dysfunction- Erectile Dysfunction or less commonly, Ejaculatory Dysfunction). Examples include hormonal problems (Testosterone, thyroid, prolactin), diabetes, liver problems, causes present since birth, chromosomal abnormalities, surgery, infection, sexually transmitted diseases, smoking, exposure of scrotum to high temperature, some medicines or psychological causes.
2. Problems in female- total absence of less than adequate number of eggs in the ovaries, problems in ovulation, problems in picking of eggs by the tubes, blockage of tubes, problems in conduction of sperms or embryo by the uterus, problems in accepting the embryos by the uterus. Examles include causes present since birth, chromosomal abnormalities, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), old age, increased weight, fibroid, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID), tuberculosis (TB), infections, smoking, surgery, some medicines, hormonal problems (thyroid, prolactin) or excessive stress.
3. Unknown causes- Despite thorough investigations, 25-30% causes of infertility remain unknown. This is called “Unexplained Infertility”. The reason may be mere chance factors or there may be some causes which, still medical science has yet to discover. But this should be kept in mind while treating infertility. That means, even with correction of the possible factors (like improving sperm counts or thyroid problems etc) or with proper treatment (IUI, IVF or ICSI), unfortunately the treatment can fail and the exact reason, why the treatment failed, is sometimes difficult to find out.
In general, what are the treatment options for infertility?
To start with, please remember there is no hard and fast rules for infertility treatment. Often medical science fails to understand why couples with very severe form of infertility conceive sooner than those who are having all tests normal. That means, whatever treatment is offered, it’s very important to continue regular sexual intercourse, as the chance of natural pregnancy is usually there in almost all couples. Your doctor will present the facts to you, without pressurizing you on a particular option. After coming to know all pros and cons of different treatment options, you can take decision. Do not hurry. It’s quite natural that you might be in stress.
In general, after the initial tests, a few periods of natural trying is allowed. After that, ovulation induction (giving medicines to release eggs from the ovaries) is offered, failing which IUI and finally IVF is offered. What will be the preferred treatment for you, will depend on your age, duration of marriage, male and female factors and of course, your age. For example, a woman with both tubes blocked or a male with very low sperm count, IVF would be the first line of treatment.
What is insemination?
Insemination literally means putting semen in a particular place. Various forms of insemination exist in fertility treatment. First one is “Intravaginal Insemination (IVI)”, where the raw semen, collected by the husband can be put inside the vagina, taking precautions (to prevent infection) by the husband himself or by the wife. Rarely, it needs medical assistance from a doctor. It’s usually advised to couples having sexual disorders where full penetrative intercourse is not possible (erectile dysfunction of the husband or very painful intercourse experienced by the wife) or where ejaculation cannot happen during intercourse (a very unusual problem). Thus, the success rate of IVI is no better than natural intercourse (success rate 15% per cycle), for those couples who can manage successful intercourse.
“Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)” is the treatment where “prepared” semen is put inside the cavity of the uterus, near the Fallopian tubes. Thus, IUI bypasses some hurdles that can cause problems during natural intercourse. The vagina, cervix and the whole length of the uterus are bypassed, putting the sperms near the eggs. Thus it increases the success rate compared to natural intercourse or IVI.
However, to achieve pregnancy after IUI, the female partner must have open tubes, adequate number of eggs produced by ovaries, eggs must be released by the ovaries and sperms must meet the eggs. And, thus nature plays important role, as in natural intercourse.
Please note, we used the word “prepared” semen. In natural intercourse, as mentioned earlier, the dead sperms and bacteria cannot enter the uterus, because cervix prevents their entry. If they are put artificially by IUI inside the uterus, severe reaction can happen. So, after collection, the husband’s semen is processed in the laboratory to remove all those impurities and to select only the best number of healthy and movable sperms and it definitely increases success rates of IUI
When IUI is generally advised?
As you can understand, to perform IUI, there must be minimum number of sperms in the semen, the tubes must be opened, the ovaries must be releasing eggs. If these are present, IUI is usually advised
• Less than adequate number of sperm counts, morphology or motility
• Couples who cannot perform full penetrative intercourse but refuse or unable to conceive by IVI
• Unexplained infertility- although IVF is better than IUI, but considering the cost, many couples in our country opt for 2-3 cycles of IUI before IVF
• PCOS and Mild Endometriosis- where natural intercourse or ovulation induction failed
• Couples in whom only one partner is positive for HIV or Hepatitis B or C- where transmission from one partner to another by unprotected sexual intercourse is not preferable.
What are the tests done before IUI?
The basic infertility evaluation is done before IUI include husband’s semen analysis, assessment of ovarian function (blood tests, ultrasound) and uterus (ultrasound). In some cases, laparoscopy (putting camera to see inside the abdomen by operation) or hysteroscopy (putting camera through vagina inside the uterus, by operation) may be required. Now, if the tubes are blocked, IUI is of no use. So, testing the tubes is advisable before IUI. But some women, who are at low risk of tubal disease (no history of pelvic pain, infection or surgery), one or two cycles of IUI can be done, failing which tubes must be checked by tests like HSG or SSG or in some cases by laparoscopy.
What IUI actually involves?
In the cycle, in which IUI is planned, the woman is asked to take some medicines (or injections) in particular days of the periods as a part of “ovulation induction”. She is then advised to have ultrasound monitoring (TVS- transvaginal sonogram- where ultrasound probe is placed inside the vagina for better accuracy) to see if eggs are growing in response to the medicines or not. If eggs are growing, IUI is planned in a particular time when the egg(s) is more likely to rupture, so that the tie interval between sperm entry and egg release can be kept as minimum as possible.
Is ovulation Induction necessary for IUI?
Frankly speaking, IUI can be done without any medicines (as in case of natural intercourse or IVI), which is called “Natural Cycle IUI”, where only TVS monitoring is done to see how the eggs are growing. This may avoid some side effects of ovulation induction (see below) but is associated with low success rate than IUI done along with ovulation induction.
Is TVS necessary before IUI?
TVS is, undoubtedly, uncomfortable for the woman. But it gives better picture than ultrasound done conventionally. Now, the question is, whether ultrasound monitoring is at all needed or not. TVS directs the doctor how eggs are growing and at what number and size and when they are likely to rupture. Moreover, the rupture can also be confirmed by TVS. Again, the uncommon side effect of ovulation induction can be detected by TVS. That is called OHSS (“Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome”) where excessive eggs can grow inside the ovaries and this can lead to collection of fluid inside abdomen and lungs and can turn very serious. Although very rare, it can be detected by TVS and early actions can be taken to prevent the progress of this condition.
In rare cases, where TVS cannot be done or patient declines, only option is to check urine by LH kit to predict the likely timing of ovulation and at that time IUI is planned. However, it is less accurate than TVS monitoring and is associated with less success.
What, if eggs are not growing in the ovaries?
In some women, particularly those who are overweight, aged or some cases of PCOS, eggs may not respond initially to one medicine. There are various forms of ovulation induction medicines (tablets, injection). If one is not working, your doctor can try increasing the dose of that medicine or add or replace it with other medicines. Please remember, it’s difficult to predict what medicine will be best suited for a particular patient. So, it’s basically a trial and error process.
What is done on the day of IUI?
As timing is important, the couples are requested to stick to the timing, advised by the doctor. The husband will be asked to collect the semen by masturbation, using clean technique (to avoid contamination by germs in the semen container). The semen is then prepared by the embryologist and will be checked to see the final number of sperms and their motility and morphology.
The wife is asked to lie down in the IUI table. After cleaning, a sterile speculum (instruments to separate walls of the vagina to see the cervix) is introduced inside the vagina and then 0.4-0.6 ml of the prepared semen is inserted inside the uterus with the help of a small catheter (fine tube). IUI done, under ultrasound guidance, gives better result than IUI done without it. The patient is asked to lie down few minutes after taking out the catheter and the speculum. The medicines are advised and then they can go home.
Is IUI painful?
Most women feel little discomfort during IUI but it should not be painful. If there is technical difficulty while putting catheter inside the uterus, your doctor will discuss it with you and in the next cycle, will plan management to solve this issue.
What happens if husband cannot collect semen?
Collection of semen in unfamiliar environment is understandably a matter of discomfort and seems awkward. Proper counseling and maintenance of privacy can help. Stress-free approach is needed. If it fails, do not hesitate to inform your doctor. Some medicines can help. But in those, who are unable to masturbate, there are some instruments, like ejaculator, can help to solve this problem.
What happens if sperm count is low?
IUI can be successful if sperm count is minimum more than 5 million per ml and there is reasonably good morphology and motility. If not, IVF or ICSI would be the better option. But IUI can serve as trial also. That means before putting the semen, the prepared sperms can be examined and it can be predicted what is the success rate of IUI in this particular case and whether IVF or ICSI would be needed. In rare occasions, where sperm count is extremely low but the couple do not wish for IVF or ICSI, pooled semen IUI can help- where the semen is collected in number of occasions and is preserved and the final pool is used for insemination, to give a reasonable success rate.
When donor sperm is used and how?
If a man does not have any sperms or too few sperms to do IUI, IVF or ICSI is not affordable, donor IUI is an alternative. But it is not done without consent from both husband and wife. The donor is not known to the couple or the doctor and no identity of the donor is revealed. No relative or friend can serve as donor. Donor semen is frozen semen, collected 6 months ago and the donor is tested for diseases like STD, HIV, Hepatitis B or C. Usual attempt is taken to chose donor having blood group and skin colour similar to those of the husband. But remember, it’s only given after discussion and written consent by the couple.
Can a couple have intercourse in the cycle where IUI is advised?
Intercourse around IUI increases the number of sperms available at the time of ovulation.
When should one check for pregnancy?
Usually if period does not come within 18 days after IUI, pregnancy test is advised. It can be done at home. If negative, then the cause of not having periods is sorted out.
What is the chance of success after IUI?
In one cycle, chance of success is around 20-25%. Most of the couples conceive after 3rd or 4th cycle of IUI. The chance of pregnancy after 6th cycle is low, so, usually IUI beyond 6 cycles is not advised.
The factors where IUI gives better results include unexplained infertility, sexual dysfunction of any of the partner, PCOS and male subfertility (low sperm count or motility)
What happens if IUI fails?
As said earlier, you should think about further treatment, if 3rd or 4th cycle of IUI fails. There is no use of doing IUI beyond 6 cycles, unless natural intercourse is not possible and the age is favourable. IVF gives better result.
Is there any harmful effect of IUI?
Very few harmful effects have been noted, for examples, hazards of ovulation induction (OHSS< twin pregnancy), pain, infection and discomfort. As mentined, if raw semen is given, unusual allergic reaction can happen.
How IUI is being done in your particular centre by Dr Sujoy Dasgupta?
We believe in patient’s autonomy. So we want to give time on discussion and presentation of facts and figures to the couples. We encourage questions from the couples and take utmost care so that no question remains unanswered.
We do not take decisions and impose it on the couples. We advise the couples to take time before taking decision on a particular treatment. If the couple decides, we respect and support their decision.
We try to take nominal charges and help couples to collect medicines (particularly injections) at lower prices than MRPs.
After thorough evaluation of both the partners, we plan for ovulation induction drugs, with consent from them and advise them to come for TVS. After each day TVS, we explain the progress and probable timing of IUI.
On the day of IUI, after requesting the couple to maintain punctuality, we advise the husband to collect semen, in comfortable atmosphere, maintaining the privacy. If there is problem in semen collection, we provide support to him and address his issues in sensitive way.
Our expert trained embryologist then prepares the semen. We always encourage the couples to see the condition of raw and prepared semen under microscope to maintain the transparency.
We advise the woman to fill up the bladder (to take water and not to urinate) to facilitate the passage of IUI catheter. Unlike other places, we perform IUI inside OT to prevent unwanted infection.
Again we maintain our uniqueness in the sense that we perform it under ultrasound guidance. The ultrasound guidance has been scientifically proved to increase the success rate of IUI. Moreover, we show the woman in the ultrasound (real time) how the catheter has been put inside the uterus (to make sure that we are not doing IVI or have placed it in wrong position). This also helps to reduce patient’s anxiety and uncertainty. After that, our nurse takes care of the patient and observes her when she takes rest.
Then we advise the post-IUI medicines and advise them what to expect and when they can go home. Again, this time we try to answer all questions the couples can ask.

Infertility is a peculiar thing. Very few men or women are absolutely infertile. That means they do not have ability to achieve pregnancy naturally. Majority of them are subfertile. That means most of them have lower than normal chance (compared to healthy couples) to achieve pregnancy in a normal menstrual cycle. Often we find that patients planning for treatment and in the mean time, they conceive naturally. That means even without treatment, there is some chance of pregnancy. Of course, it’s stressful situation for both the partners. Stress affects conjugal relationships and lead to many couples avoiding conjugal life. Indeed stress can affect the hormone levels in females and affects sexual performances in males. It’s easier for us to advise you to stay stress-free but is difficult to practice. Nevertheless, try relaxation as much as possible. Think that majority of the couples ultimately conceive by some form of treatment. Have faith in yourself and have faith in your doctor.

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Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral disease first described during an outbreak in southern Tanzania in 1952. It is an RNA virus that belongs to the alphavirus genus of the family Togaviridae. In 2006, total 13,90,322 clinically suspected cases of Chikungunya were reported from 16 States/UTs in India.This Chikungunya fever guideline is published by the Directorate of National Vector Borne Disease Control, Govt of India in the year 2016. This guideline synopsis is dedicated to the Clinical management of Chikungunya. The information also covers the origin of the disorder, its epidemiology, diagnostic evaluations of the tests and management of the disease. Clinical Management of Chikungunya guidelines are summarized as follows: Since 1960, the outbreaks of the Chikungunya disease in South Eastern Asia were reported from India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. Chikungunya outbreaks typically result in large number of cases but deaths are rarely encountered. Transmission and Trends: Chikungunya fever epidemics display cyclical and seasonal trends. There is an inter-epidemic period of 4-8 years (sometimes as long as 20 years). Outbreaks are most likely to occur in post-monsoon period when the vector density is very high and accentuates the transmission. Human beings serve as the Chikungunya virus reservoir during epidemic period. Types of Laboratory Tests available For Detection of Chikungunya Virus: Virus Isolation (Exposing cell lines samples from blood). Serological Diagnosis (ELISA IgM Specific). RT-PCR. Differential Diagnosis: Dengue Fever Malaria Leptospirosis Enteric Fever Rheumatic Fever Reactive arthritis Serum sickness illness Rickettsial disease Clinical Features: Acute phase: Less than 3 weeks Sub-acute phase: > 3 weeks to 3 months Chronic phase: > 3 months Symptoms: Fever Arthralgia/Arthritis Backache Headache Skin rash/Itching Symptoms which are seen in Children (Rarely in Adults) Photophobia Retro-orbital pain Vomiting Diarrhea Meningeal syndrome Acute encephalopathy Long course symptoms: Arthralgia Myalgia Arthritis Persistent Joint stiffness Restricted joint movement Painful joint movement Enthesopathy Tendinnitis Skin pigmentation Skin rash Impact of chikungunya on Pregnancy: A pregnant woman can get affected with the chikungunya virus at any stage of pregnancy. The time of huge risk of Chikungunya virus transmission from a mother to a fetus appears to be during birth. Chikungunya is more deadly in children as compared to adults because children cannot express exact symptoms and it may take time to diagnose the disease. Chikungunya in Elderly: The elderly are affected in more serious manner than the younger population. The body resistance is low in case of elderly and this causes the debilitating effects on their bodies. Chikungunya in elderly people could cause cerebral problems like dementia and paralysis and kidney disorders. Chikungunya Co-infection with Dengue: This is not very unusual as both Dengue and Chikungunya are arboviral diseases, transmitted by the same Aedes mosquitoes. The other observed symptoms in the patients who are suffering from infections of chikungunya and dengue are other non-specific constitutional symptoms such as anorexia, vomiting, headache, and muscle or joint pains and subjected the samples to Chikungunya serology as well. Guidelines for Management of the Chikungunya Disease: Management during Acute and sub-acute phase of the illness Management during Chronic phase or Sequelae. There is no antiviral drugs against Chikungunya Most of the signs and symptoms are self-limiting. Treatment for Chikungunya is purely symptomatic-supportive care and rest and nutrition Analgesics, antipyretics and fluid supplementation are important aspects in managing this infection. Supportive or Palliative Medical Care With Anti-inflammatories Supportive care with rest is indicated during the acute joint symptoms. Movement and mild exercise tend to improve stiffness and morning arthralgia, but heavy exercise may exacerbate rheumatic symptoms. There Is No Vaccine Currently Available. Disabling peripheral Arthritis/ Artropathy refractory to NSAID: Short term corticosteroid may be used. Long term anti-inflammatory therapy Physiotherapy Chloroquine phosphate Management of Chikungunya with High risk group: Proper management of Co-morbid condition and co-infection. Through the recent epidemics, Chikungunya has demonstrated its ability to spread and infect large proportions of the population. There is a very good chance that Chikungunya will continue to spread unless measures are taken to improve the recognition of the disease, to control the vectors responsible for the transmission Show Less

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When to See a Fertility Specialist, Fertility Doctor for Infertility?
Infertility or reproductive problems are often treatable with infertility drugs and high-tech procedures. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is a group of different methods used to help infertile couples. With the help of Assisted Reproductive Technology the chances of becoming pregnant for infertile couples has increased significantly. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one such ART technique. IVF works by removing eggs from a woman’s body. The eggs are then mixed with sperm in petri dish in ivf laboratory to make embryos. The embryos are then transferred in the woman’s body. For nearly 40 years, in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment has helped millions of couples worldwide to overcome a wide variety of infertility problems and has enabled them to realize their dreams of becoming parents. IVF helps infertile couples become pregnant by joining the egg and sperm together in an embryology laboratory where embryos are created that can later be transferred back into the woman's uterus.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) can be used to treat infertility with the following patients: blocked or damaged fallopian tubes; male factor infertility including decreased sperm count or sperm motility; women with ovulation disorders, premature ovarian failure, uterine fibroids; women who have had their fallopian tubes removed; individuals with a genetic disorder and unexplained infertility.

In Vitro Fertilization is assisted reproductive technology (ART) commonly referred to as IVF. IVF is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg from ovaries and sperm in a laboratory dish, and then transferring the embryo to the uterus. Other forms of ART include gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT).

The treatment of IVF is helpful for couples diagnoised with problems including

Fallopian tube damage or blockage.
Ovulation disorders.
Premature ovarian failure.
Uterine fibroids.
Previous tubal sterilization or removal.
Impaired sperm production or function.
Unexplained infertility.
A genetic disorder.
Fertility preservation for cancer or other health conditions.

Learn in detail about ivf treatment, fertility and infertility in women and men at

Advantages of IVF Treatments

The most obvious advantage of IVF treatment is the ability for the couple to have a biological child of their own. The IVF process uses only the best eggs and sperm from the couple, meaning the fertilization is more likely to be successful on the first try. A baby born through the IVF treatment will be no different from a baby conceived through natural means. IVF treatments are a great way to get around any infertility issues a couple might be having, without the need for major surgery or extensive infertility treatments. IVF can also be a great solution for patients who are unable to get pregnant through normal means, such as single mothers or same sex couples. Using donated eggs or sperm, they can use the IVF process to realize their dream of having a child. Even the infertile couple with male infertility or female infertility can opt for ivf with donor egg or donor sperm.

Side effects and Risks associated with IVF Treatment include multiple births, premature delivery and low birth weight, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, miscarriage, egg-retrieval procedure complications, ectopic pregnancy, birth defects, ovarian cancer and stress due to heavy ivf cost.

What To Expect After IVF Treatment

In vitro fertilization (IVF) related injections, monitoring, and procedures are emotionally and physically demanding on the female partner. Superovulation with hormones requires regular blood tests, daily injections, frequent monitoring by doctor and harvesting of eggs. These procedures are done on an outpatient basis and require only a short recovery time. Cramping during the procedure is common. According to the need and condition, patient may be advised to avoid strenuous activities for the remainder of the day or to be on bed rest for a few days after doctors advise.

Few considerations before opting for the IVF treatmentat at infertility clinic.

1. It’s not 100 percent successful. The most important fact to know about IVF is that it’s not 100 percent successful. The process can take time, money, and even an emotional toll on your life, and in the end, it might not work. Thats where choosing the correct IVF clinic will help you a lot in evry single step of the fertility treatment process.

2. The number of IVF cycles needed will vary from patient to patient. Several factors play a role in the success of IVF treatment including age of the patient, degree of infertility among couple and the quality of the embryo and semen. Some women will only require one treatment before successfully conceiving, while other women may need to undergo as many as six IVF cycles. Unfortunately, some women are unable to conceive even after undergoing multiple IVF cycles.

3. If your fertility issues are less severe, you may opt for mini-IVF, which costs less because it involves lower doses of fertility drugs and less comprehensive oversight for your cycle. If your fertility issues do not result from ovulation issues, you may be eligible for natural cycle IVF, which involves no fertility medications.

4. The important point to be considered is the cost of money involved. It is good to have a clear idea of the costs involved before starting treatment, and to have finances in order before beginning. There is significant emotional drain on the couple and their relationship.

5. Be patient during IVF Treatment. One of the biggest misconceptions about IVF is that it works right away. It’s very common you’ll need to do it more than once. In younger patients it may be a little less (if you’re not pregnant in the first cycle, you’ll likely get pregnant in the next), but if you’re in your forties the average is like three cycles. This is only an indicative figure and will vary from person to person and case to case basis.

6. Have a detailed discussion with your partner. Both should stand on the same page. Decide the time frame for how long you would like to continue with the treatment. Till how long you will continue or when would you stop infertility treatment?

You should discuss your chances for success with IVF with your fertility specialist to determine which type of treatment may be right for your health and budget. Be sure to inquire about any additional costs that may arise during treatment, such as extra testing or psychological counseling, so that you can be prepared. Some fertility clinics offer financial planning assistance to help patients afford treatment.

Know about IVF treatment process, treatment options available, ivf cost and anything and anything about ivf at

How to Choose an IVF Specialist

The in vitro fertilization process is complicated and very personal, so finding a good doctor is important. Most likely, you will begin your journey toward IVF at your gynecologist's office. He or she will run basic fertility tests and conduct exams to diagnose your condition before making a recommendation. Your gynecologist may suggest your partner see an urologist. Once you and your partner have decided that IVF is the right treatment option, you'll need to choose a specialist. Finding a Clinic and narrowing down your choices is an important, potentially difficult process. Since IVF is such an involved procedure, you'll need to find a clinic where you feel comfortable with the staff and confident in your chances of conception. Finding a clinic and specialist who make you feel secure is an important step in your IVF process.

Located in south Gujarat in Surat Me and Mummy hospital & IVF Centre has handled hundreds of infertility cases and has achieved remarkable success in them, a rare feat which few hospitals claim. With today’s advanced reproductive technology, you can always find a solution to all the fertility problems. You must meet an expert in the infertility field. Quality patient care and world class services are always the prime issues for Me and Mummy Clinic in Surat. Clinic gives meticulous attention to all the issues related to treatments, infrastructure, team composition and other related factors.

Dr.Praful Doshi a consultant Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist has over 20 years of experience in fertility and assisted reproduction techniques and specialises in infertility, IVF and in Assisted Reproductive Techniques. Dr.Praful Doshi performs in vitro fertilization (IVF), Donor Egg IVF, ovulation induction, artificial insemination, intrauterine insemination (IUI) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Dr.Praful doshi has been playing major role in providing specialised treatments to overcome infertility problems and making your dream of family complete. We provide affordable & high quality male & female infertility treatment with advanced reproductive technologies and world class IVF lab infrastructure. The whole IVF section is provided with HEPA filtered, sterile, pressurised air for bacteria free and particle free atmosphere to improve the success of the treatment.

Contact us today for consultation with highly-skilled fertility specialist for the assisted reproductive technology treatments available and know more about ivf treatment, procedure, causes and ivf cost at
Book an appointment with a fertility expert Dr Mitsu B Doshi & Dr Praful B Doshi today on 91-261-2471111 or email at

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Premature Ejaculation
General description:

Premature ejaculation (PE) means 'coming too quickly' is also known as early discharge or quick discharge , early fall, Shighra-patan, rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, or early ejaculation) affects 25%-40% of the men.

Premature ejaculation is also defined as the occurrence of ejaculation prior to the wishes of both sexual partners.

Premature ejaculation is one of the most frequent, of sexual disorders in the male and is characterized by sudden ejaculation of the semen, just prior to or immediately after vaginal penetration during intercourse (before one wishes or before he could satisfy the female partner).

It's one of the commonest of all sexual problems. Recently, a survey done of several thousand males, shows that 50 per cent of them 'often' or 'sometimes' had this trouble.

It's commoner in younger men. Men generally get better control as they grow older.

However, various surveys showed that many middle-aged men still have this problem.

This problem makes people unhappy and frustrated and in severe cases PE can threaten or even ruin a marriage - simply because it spoils the sex lives of both partners. Sometimes, the condition is so bad that the man cannot even manage to have intercourse because he invariably ejaculates before he can get into the vagina.

This can be devastating for a man's self-confidence. And it can be hugely frustrating and annoying for his partner, too especially if she wants to get pregnant. One of the major contributor towards this problem is wrong or misadventerous sex practices during early days.

Anxiety too plays a part in many cases of PE. If you're nervous, you're likely to come too quickly. That's why many males have discovered for themselves that a small amount of alcohol eases their nerves and makes them less likely to climax prematurely. But alcohol is not recommend as a treatment !

An estimated 30%-70% of males experience premature ejaculation. The National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) indicates Dr.Kumar’s edit PE 2 approximately 10% to 30% people of all age group suffer with quick semen discharge.

However, various surveys have shown that many men do not report premature ejaculation to their physician, possibly because of embarrassment or a feeling that no treatment is available for the problem.

Premature ejaculation may alter self-esteem, may cause marital dysfunction/divorce, and may be a factor in depression, with its obvious consequences.

This is a very frustrating disorders of male sexual function in which man feels totally helpless. This leads to bitterness in husbands & wife relationships. His pleasure is often decreased by the abrupt early discharge.

When a man is, ejaculating fast, the woman will probably be left unsatisfied. Her frustration will only increase the negative pattern.

As he concentrates on controlling his ejaculation, this concentration may begin to get in the way of maintaining the erection. This then can bring about the loss of erection. After some time this may even completely inhibit the erection from occurring. Often a problem that might begin with premature ejaculation gets joined to a problem of impotence, and then both issue have to be dealt with.

After a time the couple will begin to withdraw from each other, not wanting to enter an experience that is going to end up frustrating them. The man doubts his masculinity, and the wife later experiences a lessening of confidence in her, along with anger toward her partner.

To clarify, a male may reach climax after 8 / 10 minutes of sexual intercourse, but this is not premature ejaculation if his partner regularly climaxes in 5 minutes and both are satisfied with the timing.

Another male might delay his ejaculation for a maximum of 15 minutes, yet he may consider this premature if his partner, even with foreplay, requires 20 minutes of stimulation before reaching climax.

The organ systems directly affected by premature ejaculation include the male reproductive tract (i.e., penis, prostate, seminal vesicles, testicles, and their appendages), the portions of the central and peripheral nervous system controlling the male reproductive tract.

If the premature ejaculation occurs so early that it happens before commencement of sexual intercourse and the couple is attempting pregnancy, then pregnancy is impossible to achieve unless artificial insemination is used.

The genes of a male who ejaculates rapidly (but not so rapidly that ejaculation occurs before intromission) would be more likely to be passed on to succeeding generations.

Premature ejaculation is of two types:

Primary premature ejaculation :- Primary premature ejaculation applies to individuals who have had the condition since they became capable of functioning sexually.
Secondary premature ejaculation means that the condition began in an individual who previously experienced an acceptable level of ejaculatory control, and, for unknown reasons, he began experiencing premature ejaculation later in life.
If the patient has ED that began after the premature ejaculation, then treatment of both conditions may be required.

With regard to premature ejaculation, some type of performance anxiety is often a major factor. Performance pressure (ie, fear of failure to satisfy the partner) can arise from various events. ED is a common precipitating event. If the male is afraid his erection will not last, because of either actual instances of previous ED or imagined failure of his erection, this may precipitate premature ejaculation. The patient may have used the phrase, "Honey, you excited me so much I just could not hold back."

Science of mechanism of ejaculation:

The physical process of ejaculation requires two sequential actions: emission and expulsion.

The emission phase is the first phase. It involves deposition of seminal fluid from the ampullary vas deferens, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland into the posterior urethra. The second phase is the expulsion phase. It involves closure of bladder neck, followed by the rhythmic contractions of the urethra by pelvic-perineal and bulbospongiosus muscle, and intermittent relaxation of external urethral sphincters.

Sympathetic motor neurons control the emission phase of ejaculation reflex, and expulsion phase is executed by somatic and autonomic motor neurons. These motor neurons are located in the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral spinal cord.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation:

Premature ejaculation can be caused by physical or psychological factors. Sometimes, if a man becomes depressed he may experience this issue. Stopping premature ejaculation depends largely on determining why it is happening in the first place.

Thus premature ejaculation causes a man to focus more and more on his own sexual response pattern, thus getting away from the freedom and naturalness of allowing the response to occur by itself. As he concentrates on controlling his ejaculation, this concentration may begin to get in the way of maintaining the erection. This then can bring about the loss of erection. After some time this may even completely inhibit the erection from occurring. Often a problem that might begin with premature ejaculation gets joined to a problem of impotence, and then both issue have to be dealt with.

After a time the couple will begin to withdraw from each other, not wanting to enter an experience that is going to end up frustrating them. The man doubts his masculinity, and the wife later experiences a lessening of confidence in her, along with anger toward her partner.

Possible psychological and environmental factors:

There are number of possible causes of premature ejaculation.
(These causes are diagnosed by detailed history and a thorough physical check-up).

In addition to a general medical history, the history should include details about prior relationships in which premature ejaculation was not a problem.
Does he have an impotence problem? If he has erectile dysfunction (ED), did is begin after the premature ejaculation or before?
Is the patient experiencing premature ejaculation with self-stimulation or just with coitus?
What is the time required for the female partner to reach climax? Can she reach climax with intercourse, or does she require direct clitoral stimulation (oral or manual) to be able to climax?
Was premature ejaculation always a problem or did it start after an initial time frame when coitus was satisfactory to both partners?
1. Hormone disorder.
2. Urogenital Infections.
3. Neurogenic causes.
4. Increased penile sensitivity to touch.
5. Sex Centre disorder i.e. hyper excitability of sex centre.
6. Psychogenic i.e. psychiatric illness.

In following section we'll discuss these causes in detail:

1. Hormone disorder:
In recent studies it have been seen that many hormone disorder directly causes premature ejaculation. Additionally hormone disorder may cause other sexual dysfunction, which may secondarily cause early discharge. These hormones are important for normal control on your ejaculation. Testosterone is thought to play a role in the ejaculatory reflex. Higher testosterone (free and total) levels have been demonstrated in men with premature ejaculation than in men without premature ejaculation. Many men with premature ejaculation have been shown to have low serum levels of prolactin.

2. Urogenital Infections:
Any infection of urethra, prostate, epidididymis, seminal vesicle, Orchitis, epididimo-orchitis etc. Leads to irritability of sacro-coccigeal nerves, which govern the function of all these sex organs. This irritability leads to lowers threshold for ejaculation. Thus infections are one of the significant causes of early orgasm.

3. Neurogenic causes:
Among nervous system disorder, any disorder involving sex centre area in brain as multiple sclerosis, hyper-excitable focus or any organic lesion will lead to very fast semen discharge. Any lesion of conus medullaris of spinal cord leads to premature ejaculation.

4. Increased penile sensitivity to touch:
There is excess of certain neurotransmitters in the penile skin which makes it highly erogenous at time of sexual excitation leading to reaching peak of excitation & climax fast. In various studies it has been found that bulbo-cvernous reflex is hyperactive.

5. Sex Centre disorder:
There are certain conditions in which sex centre, which is situated in brain, becomes hyper excitable so that peak of orgasmic threshold reaches very quickly, which occurs due to various reasons. Sex centre is a part of brain, which is situated in hippocampal part of forebrain. It controls the time taken for orgasm i.e. ejaculatory discharge during sexual activity.

In early orgasm disorders the sex centre is extremely sensitive to sexual stimulation so that sex centre reaches peak of excitation within few moments after penetration in vagina so that the orgasmic threshold reaches within seconds of sexual intercourse or even before coitus.

Sex centre also controls the other component of sex cycle namely desire & erection. Thus beside premature ejaculation, patient may also suffer with low desire or erectile dysfunction.

6. Psychogenic:
Psychological factors commonly contribute to premature ejaculation. While men sometimes underestimate the relationship between sexual performance and emotional well-being, premature ejaculation can be caused by temporary depression, stress over financial matters, unrealistic expectations about performance, a history of sexual repression, or an overall lack of confidence, many psychiatric illnesses as anxiety, anxiety neurosis, schizophrenia, Performance Anxity leads to early climax.

Deficiency of neuro-transmitters as serotonin & others have been found to be one of the significant causes of early semen fall.

Research published in an andrology journal showed that semen from men with premature ejaculation contained significantly less acid phosphatase and alpha-glucosidase than did the semen of controls. These researchers concluded that these may reflect dysfunction of the prostate and epididymis, possibly contributing to premature ejaculation.

According to Dr. A. Kumar – who heads the Kayakalp International Sex & Health Clinic, Mumbai, India ---

I have found from my 23 years of experience that those males who have less sperm counts in their semen (like oligospernia & Azoospermia) suffers from premature ejaculation.

Diagnosis of Cause:

We take detail history:

Detailed general & systemic examination.
Investigation & Diagnostic tests.
Complete Male Hormone Profile tests.
Biochemistry tests.
Urine is tested for pus cells.
Scrotum, epididydmus, prostate is examined for infection.
Semen is examined for pus & semen culture sensitivity.
Ultrasonography of scrotum & prostate may be required.


Treatment may involve the clinician simply explaining why premature ejaculation occurs, assuring the person or couple that it is a normal part of the male sexual response, and providing techniques that may assist the man in learning to delay ejaculation.

Such techniques (Sex Therapy) may include :

1. The "stop and start" method:
This involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate, the stimulation is then stopped for about thirty seconds and then may be resumed. The sequence is repeated until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.

2. The "squeeze" method popularized by Masters & Johnson:
This involves sexual stimulation until the man recognizes that he is about to ejaculate, at that point, the man or his partner gently squeezes the end of the penis (where the glans meets the shaft) for several seconds whilst withholding further sexual stimulation for about 30 seconds, and then resuming stimulation. The sequence may be repeated by the person or couple until ejaculation is desired, the final time allowing the stimulation to continue until ejaculation occurs.

Stopping premature ejaculation is a major goal of any man who suffers from it. It can be one of the most embarrassing and frustrating sexual problems that a man can deal with, and there is a lot of advice out there about how to put it to an end. Men who find themselves grappling with this issue are likely to try practically anything to make it stop. Men may try many different techniques in order to stop premature ejaculation; they range from medication to therapy to specific methods in bed. Trying many different things is the best idea, though.

There are dozens of different hints and tips for stopping premature ejaculation; in some cases, sexual therapy is the best method. Other men find that the best way to stop premature ejaculation is by trying medication.

3. Kegel exercise:
First published in 1948 by Dr. Arnold Kegel, a pelvic floor exercise, more commonly called a Kegel exercise, consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor. Exercises are usually done to reduce premature ejaculatory occurrences in men, as well as to increase the size and intensity of erections.

The aim of Kegel exercises is to improve muscle tone by strengthening the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles of the pelvic floor.

Kegel exercises can help men achieve stronger erections, maintain healthy hips, and gain greater control over ejaculation.

PC muscles control the flow of semen and urine, the firmness of your penis during erection and the shooting power of your ejaculation. The great thing about Kegel exercises for men is that you can do them anywhere, anytime -- and nobody will know the difference.

You will be able to have better sex by being able to better control your orgasms and ejaculations, and last for longer.

4. Delay Creams And Gels:
One of the most common treatments for stopping premature ejaculation are topical creams, gels and other ointments. These products usually work to numb up a man's penis, making it less sensitive and prolonging sexual encounters and some men claim that they are the most effective means of stopping premature ejaculation. However, other men have little success with them. As mentioned previously, stopping premature ejaculation differs from man to man; trying out different kinds of creams and gels is just another way of trying to achieve success against this embarrassing problem.

5. Some men try to distract themselves by thinking non-sexual thoughts (such as naming baseball players and records) to avoid getting excited too fast.

In Korea and other areas of the Far East, SS cream (a combination of 9 ingredients, mainly herbal; SS stands for Super Secret) has been shown to desensitize the penis, decrease the vibratory threshold, and help men with premature ejaculation to significantly delay their ejaculatory response.

Unfortunately, SS Cream is not yet approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

6. Using of Condoms:
Using one or two condom during intercourse also delay the ejaculation time, as the condom reduces the touch sensation.

Some therapists advise young men to masturbate (or have their partner stimulate them rapidly to climax) 1-2 hours before sexual relations are planned.

7. Oral Medicines:
After the finding out the cause of premature ejaculation. Various drugs to treat sex centre & other causes are prescribed along with sex therapy.

Hormone pills are given when hormone disorder are found.
Medicines to cure the urogenital infections when infection as the cause is confirmed.
In recent years, Doctors are trying to treat premature ejaculation with antidepressant drugs. That may seem a little odd, but the reason is that certain antidepressants are well known for the side-effect of delaying male climax. For most men, that side effect is unwanted. But for guys with premature ejaculation, it's quite desirable.
8. Surgical Care:
No recommended surgical treatment exists for premature ejaculation.

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases
General Discription

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) or Venereal Disease (VD) are diseases that are mainly passed from one person to another (that is transmitted) during sex. There are at least 25 different sexually transmitted diseases (Like 1) Syphilis, 2) Gonorrhea, 3) Chancroid, 4) Genital Herpes, 5) HIV/AIDS, 6) Human Papillomavirus (HPV), 7) Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV), 8) Bacterial Vaginosis, 9) Chlamydia, 10) Trichomoniasis, 11) Hepatitis B & 12) Hepatitis C) with a range of different symptoms. These diseases may be spread through vaginal, anal and oral sex.

Most sexually transmitted diseases will only affect you if you have sexual contact with someone who has an STD. However there are some infections, for example scabies, which are referred to as STDs because they are most commonly transmitted sexually, but which can also be passed on in other ways.

With STDs And viruses spreading like wildfire across the world we must all take steps to protect ourselves. The estimated total number of people living in the US with STD is over 65 million. There are literally millions of new STD cases each year creating an extremely dangerous environment for all of us.

Most at risk of contracting an STD or STI are people from ages 16 to 26 Young people tend to be more promiscuous and by having more partners increase their risk in contracting an STD or virus. There has also been a steady STD increase in college students because of drug and alcohol use.

There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases and viruses out there which can be easily treated or can be become terminal (deadly). But all of them are dangerous. We all have unanswered questions about STD's and viruses, and being properly informed is without a doubt our best defense to preventing, contracting, and/or spreading these harmful disease's and bacteria's.

Many sexually transmitted diseases can be easily cured, but if left untreated, they may cause unpleasant symptoms and could lead to long-term damage such as infertility. Some STDs can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her unborn child. It is important that anyone diagnosed with an STD informs everyone they have had sex with within the past year (or everyone following the partner they believe may have infected them).
Common signs / symptoms of STD / STI / VD:

STD symptoms vary, but the most common are:

Itching around the vagina and/or discharge from the vagina for women.
Discharge from the penis for men.
Pain during sex or when urinating.
Pain in the pelvic area.
Sore throats in people who have oral sex.
Pain in or around the anus for people who have anal sex.
Chancre sores (painless red sores) on the genital area, anus, tongue and/or throat.
A scaly rash on the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet.
Dark urine with bad smell, loose, light-colored stools, and yellow eyes and skin.
Small blisters that turn into scabs on the genital area.
Swollen glands, fever and body aches.
Unusual infections, unexplained fatigue, night sweats and weight loss.
Soft, flesh-colored warts around the genital area.

If you are experiencing any of these STD symptoms you should see a medical professional immediately. Some STD's and STI's can be cleared up quickly if treated early so time is a factor.

Others may be quite dangerous and must be treated immediately before it becomes worse.

Many STDs are (more easily) transmitted through the mucous membranes of the penis, vulva, rectum, urinary tract and (less often—depending on type of infection)[citation needed] the mouth, throat, respiratory tract. The visible membrane covering the head of the penis is a mucous membrane, though it produces no mucus (similar to the lips of the mouth). Pathogens are also able to pass through breaks or abrasions of the skin, even minute ones. The shaft of the penis is particularly susceptible due to the friction caused during penetrative sex.

This is one reason that the probability of transmitting many infections is far higher from sex than by more casual means of transmission, such as non-sexual contact—touching, hugging, shaking hands.

Although mucous membranes exist in the mouth as in the genitals, many STIs seem to be easier to transmit through oral sex than through deep kissing. According to a safe sex chart, many infections that are easily transmitted from the mouth to the genitals or from the genitals to the mouth, are much harder to transmit from one mouth to another.

Depending on the STD, a person may still be able to spread the infection if no signs of disease are present. For example, a person is much more likely to spread herpes infection when blisters are present (STD) than when they are absent (STI). However, a person can spread HIV infection (STI) at any time, even if he/she has not developed symptoms of AIDS (STD).

All sexual behaviors that involve contact with the bodily fluids of another person should be considered to contain some risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Most attention has focused on controlling HIV, which causes AIDS, but each STD presents a different situation.

It is not possible to catch any sexually transmitted disease from a sexual activity with a person who is not carrying a disease. Some STDs such as HIV can be transmitted from mother to child either during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
Prevention of STD / STI / VD:

The most effective way to prevent sexual transmission of STIs is to avoid contact of body parts or fluids which can lead to transfer with an infected partner.

Proper use of condoms reduces contact and risk.

Although a condom is effective in limiting exposure, some disease transmission may occur even with a condom.

Ideally, both partners should get tested for STIs before initiating sexual contact, or before resuming contact if a partner engaged in contact with someone else.

Many infections are not detectable immediately after exposure, so enough time must be allowed between possible exposures and testing for the tests to be accurate.

Taking safety precautions is essential to not catching an STD. The best method of protecting yourself from catching an STD is through abstinence and not having any contact with your partners genitals.

It's also important to have an STD tests done regularly, particularly if you are sexually active.

Condoms only provide protection when used properly as a barrier, and only to and from the area that it covers. Uncovered areas are still susceptible to many STDs.

Proper usage entails:

Wearing a condom too loose can defeat the barrier.
Avoiding condoms made of substances other than latex or polyurethane, as they don't protect against HIV.

However, no protective method is 100 percent effective, and condom use cannot guarantee absolute protection against any STD.

In order to achieve the protective effect of condoms, they must be used correctly and consistently. Incorrect use can lead to condom slippage or breakage, thus diminishing their protective effect.

Inconsistent use, e.g., failure to use condoms with every act of intercourse, can lead to STD transmission because transmission can occur with a single act of intercourse.

In order to best protect oneself and the partner from STIs, the old condom and its contents should be assumed to be still infectious. Therefore the old condom must be properly disposed of. A new condom should be used for each act of intercourse, as multiple usage increases the chance of breakage, defeating the primary purpose as a barrier.

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