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Chlamydia Infection
Chlamydia infection is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in humans caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Chlamydia is a major infectious cause of human genital disease. Chlamydia infection is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections worldwide.
Chlamydia can be transmitted during vaginal, anal, or oral sex, and can be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal childbirth.
In men, infection of the urethra (urethritis) is usually symptomatic, causing a white discharge from the penis with or without pain on urinating (dysuria).

Occasionally, the conditions spreads to the upper genital tract in women (causing pelvic inflammatory disease) or to the epididymis in men (causing epididymitis). If untreated, chlamydial infections can cause serious reproductive and other health problems with both short-term and long-term consequences.

Signs and symptoms

Genital disease

Chlamydial cervicitis in a female patient characterized by mucopurulent cervical discharge, erythema, and inflammation.

Male patients may develop a white, cloudy or watery discharge (shown) from the tip of the penis.
Chlamydial infection of the neck of the womb (cervicitis) is a sexually transmitted infection which is asymptomatic for about 50-70% of women infected with the disease.

The infection can be passed through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Of those who have an asymptomatic infection that is not detected by their doctor, approximately half will develop pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a generic term for infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or ovaries. PID can cause scarring inside the reproductive organs, which can later cause serious complications, including chronic pelvic pain, difficulty becoming pregnant, ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, and other dangerous complications of pregnancy.

Symptoms that may occur include: unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge, pain in the abdomen, painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), fever, painful urination or the urge to urinate more frequently than usual (urinary urgency). Low back pain, nausea, fever, pain during intercourse, or bleeding between menstrual periods. Chlamydial infection of the cervix can spread to the rectum.

Men with signs or symptoms might have a discharge from their penis or a burning sensation when urinating. Men might also have burning and itching around the opening of the penis. Pain and swelling in the testicles are uncommon.

In men, Chlamydia shows symptoms of infectious urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). Symptoms that may occur include: a painful or burning sensation when urinating, an unusual discharge from the penis, swollen or tender testicles, or fever. Discharge, or the purulent is generally less viscous and lighter in color than for gonorrhea. If left untreated, it is possible for Chlamydia in men to spread to the testicles causing epididymitis, which in rare cases can cause sterility if not treated within 6 to 8 weeks. Chlamydia is also a potential cause of prostatitis in men.

Perinatal infections

As many as half of all infants born to mothers with chlamydia will be born with the disease. Chlamydia can affect infants by causing spontaneous abortion; premature birth; conjunctivitis, which may lead to blindness; and pneumonia.


C. trachomatis infection can be effectively cured with various antibiotics once it is detected.

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Genital Wart
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Severe case of genital warts around the anus

Genital warts (known as condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) may be small, flat, flesh-colored bumps or tiny, cauliflower-like bumps. In men, genital warts can grow on the penis, near the anus, or between the penis and the scrotum. In women, genital warts may grow on the vulva and perineal area, in the vagina and on the cervix (the opening to the uterus or womb). Genital warts vary in size.

Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many kinds of HPV. Not all of them cause genital warts. HPV is associated with cancer of the vulva, anus and penis. However, it's important to note that HPV infection doesn't always lead to cancer.


HPV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The most common way to get HPV is by having oral, vaginal or anal sex with someone who is infected with HPV. The only sure way to prevent genital warts is to have sex. Sex only with a partner who is not infected with HPV.

Just because you can't see warts on your partner doesn't mean he or she doesn't have HPV. The infection can have a long incubation period. This means that months can pass between the time a person is infected with the virus and the time a person notices genital warts. Sometimes, the warts can take years to develop. In women, the warts may be where you can't see them--inside the body, on the surface of the cervix.

Using condoms may prevent you from catching HPV from someone who has it. However, condoms can't always cover all of the affected skin.


In many cases genital warts do not cause any symptoms, but they are sometimes associated with itching, burning, or tenderness. They may result in localized irritation.
Women who have genital warts inside the vagina may experience bleeding following sexual intercourse or an abnormal vaginal discharge. Rarely, bleeding or urinary obstruction may occur if the wart involves the urethral opening.


Depending on the sizes and locations of warts (as well as other factors), a doctor will offer one of several ways to treat them. Podofilox is the first-line treatment due to its low cost.

Podofilox solution in a gel or cream can be applied by the patient to the affected area and is not washed off. Podofilox is safer and more effective than podophyllin.

Podophyllin and podofilox should not be used during pregnancy, as they are absorbed by the skin and could cause birth defects in the fetus.

Cryotherapy: This technique freezes the wart using liquid nitrogen or a "cryoprobe." It is an excellent first-line treatment because response rates are high with few side effects.

Laser treatment: This treatment is used for extensive or recurrent genital warts. It may require local, regional, or general anesthesia. Disadvantages include high cost, increased healing time, scarring.

Electrodesiccation: This technique uses an electric current to destroy the warts. It can be done in the office with local anesthesia. Of note, the resulting smoke plume may be infectious.

Surgical excision is best for large warts, and has a greater risk of scarring.

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Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum (MC) is a viral infection of the skin. It is caused by poxvirus called the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV). Molluscum contagiosum lesions are flesh-colored, dome-shaped, and pearly in appearance. They are often 1–5 millimeters in diameter, with a dimpled center.

The MC rash initially appears as smooth, pearly to flesh-colored, dome-shaped papules. With time, the center becomes soft and indented (umbilicated) with a white curdlike core.

Molluscum contagiosum (MC) that was first described in 1817. It is common worldwide and accounts for about 1% of all skin disorders in the United States.

Typically, the lesion of molluscum begins as a small, painless papule that may become raised up to a pearly, flesh-colored nodule. The papule often has a dimple in the center.

This common viral disease has a higher incidence in children, sexually active adults, the infection is most common in children aged one to ten years old. MC can affect any area of the skin but is most common on the trunk of the body, arms, and legs. It is spread through direct contact or shared items such as clothing or towels.

The virus commonly spreads through skin-to-skin contact. This includes sexual contact or touching or scratching the bumps and then touching the skin.
It primarily affects children (boys more often than girls).

Molluscum Contagiosum Causes

Molluscum contagiosum is transmitted by direct contact, either person to person or by shared items, such as clothing, towels, and washcloths.
Outbreaks have occurred in the following settings:

swimming pools,
wrestling matches,
during surgery, by a surgeon with a hand lesion (sore),
having tattoos (rare), and
Sexually: It is likely that genital lesions are sexually transmitted.

Lesions develop within two to three months after exposure. Some doctors consider MC a sexually transmitted disease in adolescents and adults and recommend that people with genital MC be tested for other STDs. However, not all genital lesions in adults are sexually transmitted.

Usually, there is no itching or tenderness, and there are no generalized symptoms such as fever, nausea, or weakness.

Medical Treatment

Removal of lesions reduces the rate of spread to other people as well as from one part of the body to another.

Genital lesions in adults should be treated in order to prevent spread through sexual contact.

The most popular treatments are scraping of the lesions (called curettage) or removal using heat (called cautery) or cold (called cryotherapy, a procedure performed with liquid nitrogen).

In children, the papules typically appear on the face, neck, armpits, hands and arms. In adults, molluscum contagiosum may be a sexually transmitted disease (STD) and is usually seen on the genitals, lower abdomen, inner upper thighs and buttocks.

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Trichomoniasis, sometimes referred to as "trich", is a common cause of vaginitis. It is a sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by the single-celled protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.

Trichomoniasis is primarily an infection of the urogenital tract; the most common site of infection is the urethra and the vagina in women.

Approximately 174 million people worldwide are infected with this parasite each year, making it the most common curable sexually transmitted infection worldwide

The average size of a trichomonad is 15 mm (they are not visible with the naked eye).


Typically, only women experience symptoms. These include inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis), urethra (urethritis), and vagina (vaginitis).


• Vaginal discharge
• Vaginal itching
• Smelly, itchy, and typically frothy or foamy discharge
• Yellow or gray-green discharge
• Pain with urination possible

In rare cases, lower abdominal pain can occur. Symptoms usually appear in women within 5 to 28 days of exposure. While symptoms are most common in women, some men may temporarily exhibit symptoms such as


• The majority of infected men have no symptoms
• Urethral discharge
• Pain with urination
• Pain and swelling in the scrotum (from epididymitis)


Trichomoniasis is diagnosed by visually observing the trichomonads via a microscope. In women, the doctor collects the specimen during a pelvic examination by inserting a speculum into the vagina and then using a applicator to collect the sample.

The sample is then placed onto a microscopic slide and sent to a laboratory to be analyzed.

Causes and Risk Factors of Trichomoniasis

Trichomonis can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. While trichomoniasis is usually passed sexually, it may be picked up from contact with damp or moist objects such as towels, wet clothing, or a toilet seat, if the genital area gets in contact with these damp or moist objects.Unlike most STDs, the parasite can live for about an hour on damp towels, washcloths, and bathing suits.

If someone uses these towels or washcloths or puts on the bathing suit, the disease may be passed on that way. The good news is that trichomoniasis is curable.


• Trichomoniasis may cause a woman to deliver a low-birth-weight or premature infant.
• Trichomoniasis is also associated with increased chances of cervical cancer
• Evidence implies that infection in males potentially raises the risks of prostate cancer development and spread due to inflammation.

Prevalence and prevention

Use of male condoms may help prevent the spread of trichomoniasis.

Medical Treatment

i. The treatment of choice is antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. In addition to antibiotics, some alternative medicine therapies are available.
ii. Home therapy should not be used instead of a doctor's visit and appropriate antibiotics, as this may allow the spread of the condition as well as harmful sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, HIV, gonorrhea, or chlamydia. (The author does not advise you to use these alternative therapies but these are listed to be complete.)
iii. Some people feel that natural douches once a day while lying in a warm bath may help. To increase parasite-killing activity, you may add the juice of one lemon to the following douche:

Vinegar douche - 1 teaspoon vinegar to 1 quart warm water

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Inguinal Itching

It is common fungal infection that effects the skin, inner thighs, buttocks and genitals. It also called as tinea cruris or ringworm of the groin and is one of the most common infections of groin area. This fungal groin infection mainly targets men and adolescent boys. Jock itch can be triggered by friction from clothes and prolonged wetness in the groin area, such as from sweating.

It mostly restricts itself to the creases of the upper thigh, and does not invade the scrotum or the penis. However, it may spread to the anal region and cause itching, pain and burning sensation.


Symptoms include Itching in groin, thighs, skin folds, or anus. There may be red, raised, scaly patches that may blister and ooze. The patches often have sharply-defined edges and are often redder around the outside with normal skin tone in the center. Abnormally dark or light skin is also symptom in this condition. Flaking, peeling or cracking skin in your groin. In long standing infections, the rash becomes less itchy and less red and plaques may fuse together.

Generally, people tend to ignore the symptom, then as it aggravates, there is a tendency to buy the creams from the chemist over the counter. This subsides the itching for some time but as the exact cause is not known, generally after some days, again the infection comes back. People keep on trying different creams for years together but they are shy to go to the doctor. There should be the scientific approach to tackle the situation. Seeking doctor’s help in time can cure the infection well in time and further complications can be avoided.

You must have seen, Males standing in a group, talking to their companions & unknowingly scratching their groins areas. Many times they do not know what they are doing, but for others it is very embarrassing particularly when females are there!

There is a continuous distraction due to the itching. The person cannot concentrate and thus undergoes stress. This may disturb the life of the sufferer. So, it is important that such infections should be treated in time.


• Fungi causing jock itch is present on human skin and feed on dead skin. The moist and damp area provides them a perfect environment to grow and breed, particularly people having active life or those who sweat a lot suffer with jock itch frequently.
• People having been weaker immunity or suffering from diseases like diabetes HIV/AIDS are prone to suffer great jock itch.
• People sharing towels, clothes and people involved in activities where they cannot keep groin areas dry most of that time like sportsperson and people in sitting jobs are also at risk of catching jock itch.
• People suffering from other types of fungal infections like athletes foot may also suffer from this condition.
• Infection caused by Candida albicans is also responsible for causing jock itch
• Allergy to soap, washing powder, perfumes (chemical irritants) may also cause jock itch
• Senile pruritis – In old age the sebaceous glands in the skin becomes less active ,the skin looses its natural moisture and tends to become dry which leads to itching
• Jock itch may be contagious. It may be passed from one person to another by skin to skin contact our contact with unwashed clothing
• The presence of public lice, pthirus pubis can be one of the reasons
• Diabetes is marked by high levels of blood sugar which may give rise to groin itching
• Jock itch can also be triggered by friction from clothes and prolonged wetness in the groin area such as sweating
• Normally healthy skin secretes acid on its surface. This acid necessary for health and integrity of the skin, which also acts as a protective barrier. However through malnutrition, constant showers, harsh soaps, lotions and shampoos that removes the acid layer, toxins, poor blood circulation, low oxygen levels in the blood etc, health of the skin is compromised leaving it more vulnerable to fungal outgrowth.
• Eczema may be a cause of itchy groin, particularly in infants. It is described as the inflammation caused by a hypersensitive reaction in the skin. Eczema generally tends to run in families which often have a history of asthma or hay fever.
• Lichen Simplex is a skin condition that results in scratchy and itchy groin area. It may be accompanied with other skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.
• Allergic Reaction the chemical irritants such as detergents, body sprays, creams, ointments, fabric softeners, contraceptive foams or jellies can trigger an allergic reaction in your body. This may, in turn, lead to the formation of itchy, red rashes in groin area.

Examinations and Tests

Eczema, Lichen Simplex and Allergic Reaction are also reasons for if :-

The Doctor can usually diagnose jock itch based on how your skin looks.

Tests are usually not necessary. If tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis, either a culture or a skin lesion biopsy (for example, a scraping of the skin) may be done.

Complications :

• Permanent change in the skin colour of the affected area may occur.
• Secondary bacterial skin infections may occur.


Topical treatment is of great importance in treating jock itch. This includes a variety of treatments available in form of creams, lotions, paints, shampoos and medicated powders. The treatment given is in accordance with the severity of the infection.

Mild fungal/jock itch is often treated by a combination of: –

• Washing the groin twice daily with antifungal shampoo.
• Using its topical antifungal cream.
• Severe jock itch is treated by combination of antifungal shampoo, antifungal cream and antifungal oral medicines.


First and foremost, the cause of itching must be ascertained. Without knowing this no treatment would be efficient. Based on the cause, follo wing Ayurvedic treatment can be prescribed:-

 If itiching is due to eczema, paradadi balm can be applied locally on the skin. For severe eczema RASA MANIKYA can be used. Also Dadrughna lepa gives excellent results.
 Shuddha Gandhaka or Gandhak rasayana is an internal medicine to be used with external agents
 Take few neem leaves and grind them with water to make a paste. Add some turmeric to it. Use this paste for local application to the affected area and let it dry for at least 2 hours. Jock itch usually responds promptly to treatment.
 For fungal infections in females YONI PICHU is a therapy whereby cleaned sterilized cotton is dipped in medicated oil and placed within the vaginal passage. The swab/ cloth roll should be retained for a long time so that it exhibits action locally.Ulcers if present heal, pain subsides and local hygiene improves. This treatment is particularly useful in case of a vaginal infections and can be done using Bala taila (oil), Ashwagandha taila (oil), Phala ghruta, Triphala ghrut etc.
 YONI PRAKSHALANAM is also ayurvedic therapy for females. By this method by Vaginal area is cleaned with medicated oils and decoctions. PRAKSHALANAM the means washing /cleansing. Thus it is a gentle cleansing measure of genital organs to avoid fungal or yeast infections.For this a decoction of Triphala or Dashmoola can be used.
 Another Ayurvedic effective therapy is YONI DHUPAN. Groin Area is exposed to fumes of medicinal herbs (dhup). Herbs such as Daru Haridra, Lodhra Turmeric, Mangistha, Sariva etc.

Some Ayurvedic medicines which work as blood purifiers are used for skin itching such as Kishor guggal, Raktadoshnta kadha, khadiraristham, Nimbadi Kashayam, Maha Manjisthadi Kadha etc.

Home Remedies

These are some simple home remedies which the patient should try for any skin ailments. It gives effective results and prevent further infections.

• Avoid overexertion and workout routines, which may cause excess sweating.
• Keep your genital and groin area clean and dry.
• Saltwater tub bath is one of the simplest and effective home remedies for jock itch. Sought had still trying the infection and also inhibits the spread and growth of fungi.
• Increase in take of Garlic, fruit and vegetables is supportive diet during infections.
• Have a cup of yoghurt daily.
• Change undergarments twice or thrice daily.
• Alcohol can be used as a topical application for treating jock itch but it aggravates the infection if taken internally and hence completely avoid alcohol intake during infection.
• A decoction of licorice when applied locally with a cotton swab is also effective
• Use coconut oil in the affected areas as often as possible
• Wash the groin with the diluted juice of a freshly squeezed lemon which can help to dry rash
• Keep your blood sugar level under control if you have Diabetes.
Avoid using substances that you suspect contain the chemical allergens.
• Do not share cloths, bath suits and towels with anyone.
Wear clothes after the groin area is completely dry after bathing.
• Lose weight in case you are overweight. This will provide you relief from itchy groin.
• Resist the urge to scratch or itch as they will only aggravate the condition.


Since fungi tend to thrive in warm, dark, damp conditions, minimizing these conditions can help treat and prevent this rash. Some useful measures are:

1. Thoroughly clean the area is bit a hand-held shower and mild soap.
2. Keep your groin clean and dry at all times. If you are prone to jock itch, then cover your groin with antifungal or drying powders after you take a bath.
3. Avoid clothing or underwear that irritates the area. Choose loose fitting clothes with smooth fabrics that let your skin breath (like 100% cotton) rather than synthetic fibers. Wearing boxer underwear or no underwear, increasing air-flow by sleeping near a fan, wearing loose sleepwear or no sleepwear etc.
4. Exposing the area to wind and sun.
5. Take utmost care of personal hygiene
6. Refrain from scratching as it will irritate the rash and break the skin, creating the potential for infection.
7. Keep your blood sugar under control if you have diabetes
8. Do not share towels, hair brush, comb or clothes.

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लेखांक १३. श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातì
श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातील वैश्विक चैतन्य: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर
लेखांक १३.

अनादिनिधनं विष्णुं सर्वलोकमहेश्वरम्
लोकाध्यक्षं स्तुवन्नित्यं सर्वदु:खातिगो भवेत् -८.
भीष्माचार्य पुढे म्हणाले, “उत्पन्न होणे, वाढणे, टिकून राहणे, बुद्धिभ्रंश होणे, क्षीणता येणे आणि नाश पावणे असे सहाही विकार नसलेला म्हणून अनादिनिधनं असा, चराचराचा आणि जाणीवेच्या सर्व पातळ्यांचा स्वामी असल्यामुळे लोकाध्यक्षं असा, सर्वान्तर्बाह्य विश्व आणि जाणीवा व्यापणारा म्हणून विष्णू ह्या नावाने ओळखला जाणारा आणि सर्व सत्ताधीश असल्याने सर्वलोकमहेश्वम् असा ईश्वर; निरंतर स्तुती करण्यास म्हणजे उपासना करण्यास सर्वतोपरी योग्य आहे. ह्या सच्चिदानंदाच्या अशा सहवासामुळे, देहबुद्धीजन्य (उत्पन्न होणे, वाढणे, टिकून राहणे, बुद्धिभ्रंश होणे, क्षीणता येणे आणि नाश पावणे) अशा सर्व दु:खांपासून जीवाला मुक्ती मिळते.

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लेखांक १२. श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातì
श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातील वैश्विक चैतन्य: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर
लेखांक १२.
भीष्म उवाच
जगत्प्रभुं देवदेवन्तम पुरुषोत्तमम्
स्तुवन्नामसहस्रेण पुरुषसततोत्थित: -६.
भीष्माचार्य म्हणाले, “सर्व जगाचा (चराचर विश्वाचा) स्वामी, देवांचा देव (आपण देव म्हणून किंवा सर्वश्रेष्ठ म्हणून जी कल्पना करू शकतो त्या भ्रामक कल्पनेपलिकडे असलेला) आणि अनंत म्हणजे आपल्या जाणीवेतील सर्व मर्यादित आणि नश्वर विश्वाच्या अतीत असा पुरुषोत्तम आहे. अर्थपूर्ण अशा त्याच्या एक हजार नामांच्या आधारे त्याचे स्मरण (जप) आणि स्तुती करून आपण उद्धरले जातो. (आपल्या जडत्वातून आणि अज्ञानातून मुक्त आणि जागृत होत जातो).
तमेव चार्च्ययन्नित्यं भक्त्या पुरुषमव्ययम्
ध्यायन्स्तुवन्नमस्यंश्च यजमानस्तमेवच – ७.
भीष्माचार्य मग म्हणाले, “आपल्या सर्वांच्या अंतर्यामी असलेल्या ह्या अविनाशी सत्याला सगुण रूप देऊन त्या पुरुषाची भक्तिपूर्वक पूजा अर्चा करावी. त्याचे ध्यान करावे आणि त्याची स्तुती करावी. त्याला नमन करावे”.
ह्याचा मथितार्थ असा की, ह्या अविनाशी तत्वाबद्दल आपल्याला असलेली सुप्त ओढ, तिच्या विरुद्ध असणाऱ्या आपल्या वासनांमुळे दुबळी होते हे जाणून त्या सर्व वासना आणि आशा आकांक्षा; जाणीवपूर्वक आणि सतत त्या पुरुषाच्याकडे वळवायच्या. अशा तऱ्हेने; सर्वान्तर्यामी नियंत्रक प्रभुत्वाने वसणाऱ्या ह्या सत्ताधीशाचा ध्यास घ्यायचा, सर्व लक्ष त्याच्यावरच केंद्रित करायचे, त्याच्याबद्दलची आपली नितांत पण सुप्त आवड मनात घोळवून ती आवड व्यक्त आणि दृढ करणारी स्तुती करायची; आणि त्याच्यापासून दूर नेणारे आपले सर्व संकुचित अस्तित्व त्याच्या चरणावर संपूर्णपणे झोकून द्यायचे, त्याच्या पायावर लोळण घ्यायची!

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लेखांक ११. श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातμ
श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातील वैश्विक चैतन्य: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर
लेखांक ११.
प्रश्न ५.
को धर्म: सर्व धर्माणां भवत: परमो मत:
धर्म ह्याचा अर्थ सर्व दृश्य आणि अदृश्य अशा विश्वाला आधारभूत अशी व्यवस्था. तिचे अचूक ज्ञान आत्मसात होणे हे मनुष्य जीवनाला आधारभूत असून अशा ज्ञानाला अखिल मानव जातीचा आणि म्हणूनच प्रत्येक व्यक्तीचा सर्वश्रेष्ठ धर्म असे म्हणतात.
ह्या धर्माविषयी संभ्रम होऊ नये म्हणून आपल्या सर्वांच्या वतीने महाराज युधिष्ठीर हा प्रश्न विचारतात. याअगोदर जे चार प्रश्न विचारले गेले आहेत, त्याना अनुरोधून पाहिले तर, अंतरीचा निर्गुण देव, म्हणजेच योग्य स्तुती आणि पूजेचे अचूक स्थान ह्या सर्वश्रेष्ठ धर्माच्या आचरणानेच प्राप्त हितात आणि आपले जीवन सर्वतोपरी कृतार्थ होत होत; सच्चिदानंद अनुभूतीमध्ये परिणत होते.
प्रश्न ६.
किं जपन्मुच्यते जन्तुर्जन्मसंसार बंधनात?
याअगोदर विचारात घेतलेल्या धर्माचे एक उन्नत, अत्यावश्यक आणि अविभाज्य अंग म्हणजे स्मरण. ह्यालाच जप असेही म्हणतात.
सुरवातीला “जन्म-मृत्त्युचे बंधन” आणि “त्यातून मुक्ती” हे शब्दप्रयोग आणि ह्या कल्पना आपल्याला अनैसर्गिक (आणि काहीजणांना तर विकृत) वाटू शकतात. परंतु आपण जसे जसे; जीवनाच्या गाभ्याच्या नजीक पोचतो, तसे तसे हे शब्द प्रयोग आणि ह्या कल्पना समजू लागतात. त्यांच्यातील मर्म ध्यानात येऊ लागते. जन्म आणि मृत्युच्या अर्थात संसाराच्या बंधनातून मुक्ती म्हणजे आंतरिक सामाधानापासून पुन्हा पुन्हा फरफटत दूर जावे लागण्यापासून मुक्ती असते; ह्याची कल्पना येऊ लागते.
पण हे सारे नामस्मरणाच्या आचरणानेच अधिकाधिक स्पष्ट होऊ लागते!
पण म्हणूनच महाराज युधिष्ठीर आपल्या सर्वांच्या वतीने हा प्रश्न उपस्थित करीत असताना दिसत आहेत, की कोणत्या जपाच्या साह्याने जंतू म्हणजे मनुष्य प्राणी जन्म आणि मृत्यू ह्यांच्या; अर्थात संसाराच्या बंधनातून मुक्त होईल?

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लेखांक १०. श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातì
श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातील वैश्विक चैतन्य: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर
लेखांक १०.
प्रश्न ४.
(अशुभ म्हणजेच सच्चिदानंदाच्या आड येणारे सर्व नष्ट होण्यासाठी) कंमर्चंत: म्हणजे अर्चना करण्यायोग्य वा पूजा अर्चा करण्यायोग्य कोण आहे? अर्चना किंवा पूजा अर्चा कुणाची करावी?
आईला आपल्या नवजात बाळाला किती जपू आणि कसे जपू असे होते. त्याला कुठे ठेवू आणि कुठे नको असे होते. त्याच्यावरून सर्वस्व, अगदी जीव देखील ओवाळून टाकावा असे होते. त्याच्यासाठी काय करू आणि काय नको असे होते. त्याचे कोड कौतुक किती आणि कसे करू आणि कसे नको असे होते. त्याचे सर्व काही करण्यामध्ये काही उणे पडू नये आणि काही चुकू नये असे तिला वाटते!
महाराज युधिष्ठीर यांची (प्रत्यक्षात आपली सर्वांची जरी आपल्याला काळात नसली तरी) वास्तवात अवस्था, आईसारखीच आहे.
ज्याची आंतरिक ओढ लागते, जे अत्यंत महत्वाचे वाटते, जे सर्वाधिक महत्वाचे वाटते त्याची पूजा अर्चा करण्यात काही गफलत होऊ नये असे वाटते.
ज्याप्रमाणे बाळाचे सर्व काही यथायोग्य व्हावे; आणि ते बाळालाच पोचावे यासाठी आई; अनुभवी मातांकडून मार्गदर्शन मागते, त्याचप्रमाणे अर्चना म्हणजेच पूजा-अर्चा योग्य व्हावी आणि योग्य तिथे पोचावी ह्यासाठी हा प्रश्न विचारलेला आहे.

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लेखांक ९. श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातीë
श्री विष्णुसहस्रनाम स्तोत्रातील वैश्विक चैतन्य: डॉ. श्रीनिवास कशाळीकर
लेखांक ९.
प्रश्न ३.
(अशुभ म्हणजेच सच्चिदानंदाच्या आड येणारे सर्व नष्ट होण्यासाठी) स्तुवन्त: कं म्हणजे स्तुती करण्यायोग्य कोण आहे किंवा कुणाची स्तुती करावी? ह्या अगोदर वर्णन केलेली सद्गती म्हणजेच सर्वांच्या अंतरंगातील हे स्थान; निराकार, अदृश्य म्हणजेच निर्गुण असल्यामुळे त्याविषयी कल्पना करता येत नाही. एका बाजूने सर्वांना उत्कट आणि अनामिक ओढ तर लागते, पण दुसऱ्या बाजूने त्याविषयी गोंधळ निर्माण होण्याची दाट शक्यता असते. विपरीत कल्पना निर्माण होण्याची शक्यता देखील असते.
अशी विपरीत कल्पना होऊ नये, म्हणून आत्मज्ञानी आणि आत्मसाक्षात्कारी सदगुरूंकडे धाव घेणे आणि त्यांना प्रश्न विचारणे वा सांकडे घालणे गरजेचे आणि योग्य असते. आपल्याला योग्य ज्ञान मिळावे, आपली इच्छा योग्य दिशेला वळावी आणि आपल्याकडून योग्य क्रिया घडावी ह्यासाठी सद्गुरुंचे अंतरंग आणि आपले अंतरंग जोडले जाणे आवश्यक असते. ह्यालाच सद्गुरुकृपा म्हणतात. अशा सद्गुरुकृपेने आपला जिव्हाळा (जो दुधावरील सायीप्रमाने किंवा ताकावरील लोण्याप्रमाणे आपल्या जीवनाचे सर्वस्व असतो, तो अनुचित प्रकारे अनुचित ठिकाणी न जाता) योग्य शब्दातून आणि योग्य ठिकाणी पोचावा म्हणून आर्ततेने विचारलेला हा प्रश्न आहे.
आत्मज्ञानी जगद्गुरू महर्षी वेदव्यास यांनी विश्वकल्याणासाठी आपणच हा प्रश्न महाराज युधिष्ठीर यांच्याद्वारे भीष्म पितामह यांना विचारून आपणच भीष्मचार्यांच्याद्वारे त्याचे समर्पक उत्तर पुढे दिले आहे.

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