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Category : All ; Cycle : June 2014
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Student: Sir, I find NAMASMARAN quite ineffective in pain. How to reconcile this inefficacy with the so called omnipotence?

Teacher: Actually your observation is about the practice of NAMASMARAN is correct. In the initial stages, which may continue for unspecified time, we do find that we are still miserable during pain in spite of practicing NAMASMARAN.

This is because;
Firstly; NAMASMARAN is not a pain killer i.e. an analgesic. It does not have physical and chemical properties/characteristics of an analgesic. It does not therefore kill pain.

When we say that it is omnipotent; it means that it is at the root of all events including time. Secondly the word omnipotence has to be compared with the limited potency of any being as such, whose even limited desires, wishes, ambitions, plans etc, do not succeed in a predictable manner.

Expecting NAMASMARAN to work as a pain killer is erroneous and illusory. In fact it is erroneous to expect NAMASMARAN to work as per our desires or wishes!

NAMASMARAN is like oxygen. Just as oxygen is essential for physical life, NAMASMARAN is essential for freedom of consciousness.

Just as the effect of oxygen in everyone’s life varies, the effect of NAMASMARAN in freeing the individual consciousness also varies.

It is said that in some individuals, whose individual consciousness has freed from the body, as a result AKHANDA (continuous) NAMASMARAN, the perceptions of past, present and future; and even the pain; become incapable of overpowering them!

Nothing can interrupt their blissful state of AKHANDA NAMASMARAN! But like the effects of oxygen in different tissues and cells, these effects of NAMASMARAN also do not take place at once or with any identifiable rule, pattern or a time table.

The visionaries envision this truth and its benevolence in individual life and the universe and proclaim it with authority and authenticity!

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As we go on evolving; we begin to appreciate that a doctor’s prescription has to be HOLISTIC. It has to be aimed at healing an individual as well as the society; because; the health of an individual affects the health of the society; and the health of the society in turn; affects the health of an individual.

Hence ideally; the prescription should include guidelines about the preventive, curative and rehabilitative measures; to the patient (a lay person; medical student, a medical teacher, a practicing doctor, a paramedic or a health minister, a policy maker, an opinion maker or a leader influencing policies, plans and programs), whose thoughts, feelings, instincts and behavior affect; through the international, national, regional and local policies, plans and programs in education, agriculture, industry, health care; etc; the health of the society, which in turn influences the health of an individual!

However; all the details of such guidelines cannot be expected to be incorporated; in a prescription of a doctor, who is trained merely in a particular system or a field of specialization. In such a situation; the way to make all prescriptions holistic; is to add an essential core in them!

Which is this essential core?

After extensive brain storming for over three decades; I found with the grace of God (Guru, true self, NAMA); that this essential core is nothing else; but the traditional, simple, inexpensive and universally practicable practice of NAMASMARAN (JIKRA, JAAP, JAP, SIMARAN, SUMIRAN or remembering God’s name i.e. one's true self)!

NAMASMARAN heals us to the core. It rectifies our physical needs, passions, feelings, motivations, thoughts; and vision (perspective) and thus rectifies our behavior.

However; NAMASMARAN is not a pill or a tincture. It cannot be expected to produce any specific, predictable, measurable, demonstrable and/or tangible results! It is an invisible and intangible process of a) reaching and rejuvenating our connection with; the seed (NAMA) of the tree (our individual and universal existence) and flowering and fruiting the same (the individual and universal blossoming).

Even if we are away from perfect holistic health, we need not shy away or desist from adding this essential core to our prescriptions and making them holistic!

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Student: What is the difference between “To Know Priority” and “To Prioritize”.
Teacher: Prioritization is actually a process of organizing priorities in order of preference or choice. This is important in organizing our life. But ordinarily this is done instinctively or impulsively and hence is usually associated with selfishness, errors or even blunders.
But learning to “to know priority” involves emerging out of immaturity and erroneous judgment and subjectivity.
Student: What is the advantage of NAMASMARAN in knowing priority?
Teacher: While practicing NAMASMARAN we are in a process of emerging out of immaturity and erroneous judgment. NAMASMARAN facilitates our evolution from subjectivity to objectivity. NAMASMARAN familiarizes us with our innate desires or aspirations. In other words NAMASMARAN brings us in tune with cosmic or divine plan. In short NAMASMARAN opens our inner eyes and inner ears and we begin to conceive what is most satisfying for us. In traditional parlance this enlightens and empowers us to identify our SWADHARMA i.e. follow our Guru! In this light we begin to know the value of different activities in our life and the order of priorities.
Once we know this order, then we can organize different priorities in order of their importance! This is proper and accurate prioritization. This is the best way of time management, energy management and money management. In fact; this is the best way of life management.
Student: This is amazing! So, in absence of NAMASMARAN our prioritization is likely to be based on our ignorance. It is bound to be superficial, illusive, subjective, petty, divisive, disruptive and destructive to self and others!
Teacher: Indeed! It is the divine grace (the GURU KRUPA) that enables us to properly and accurately prioritize and manage life in the best way! This is how; and this is why; the chosen ones practice NAMASMARAN and globalize the universally benevolent power of NAMASMARAN with topmost priority!
Student: Sir! But, is it not enough to organize NAMASMARAN camps as are organized in India? Is it not enough to practice NAMASMARAN for some time in morning or at bed time? Why to be so much frantic about NAMASMARAN?
Teacher: In the initial stages of individual and social development; it is OK. But in subsequent stages of individual and social development NAMASMARAN occupies central place in every activity, every occupation, every profession, every place and every policy.

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Student: Water coolers or earthen pots?
Teacher: Earthen pots!
Student: Why?
Teacher: The temperature of water comes down optimally in earthen pot. In water cooler it comes down excessively and can be harmful to sinuses, throat (pharynx, larynx), middle ear and lungs.
Earthen pots can be cleaned properly in contrast to water coolers, which are usually not serviced and cleaned properly and hence are usually unhygienic.
Earthen pots impart the micro-nutrients to water in contrast to water coolers, which add (microorganisms, which can be harmful).
Earthen pots are echo-friendly. Water coolers are not, because; earthen pots require no electricity. Water coolers not only wastefully consume electricity, but cause harm to health; as seen above.
Earthen pots support pot makers. Water coolers support exploitative system involving mal-employment of bright young people in production of health menace on the one hand; and in unproductive and deceptive marketing and advertisements.
Student: What makes you think and feel for the welfare of society at large and dissociate from individualistic profiteering?
Teacher: The grace of Guru (NAMA)! NAMASMARAN is individually and globally blossoming!!!

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Student: Sir, Why don’t you emphasize on value education; instead of NAMASMARAN?

Teacher: The idea of value education is subtly coercive and dictatorial, because it is almost always in conflict with an individual’s personality. It can be in conflict with one’s culture, religion, ideology, race, and nation and so on!

However, NAMASMARAN is like water, oxygen, electricity etc. It always stimulates growth and development. It never comes in conflict with anything. In fact; NAMASMARAN helps us to break the shell of our ego and get freed; from the egg we are otherwise confined to! It sets us free from all kinds of pettiness and sectarianism, which are the basic cause of discord, antipathy and strife.

Student: Do you think the value education is useless?

Teacher: Values are inculcated through an interaction between our innate core and what what we see, hear and experience. Hence exposure to excellence is always desirable useful; in as much as exposure to basal and barbaric elements is inevitable and harmful.

But artificial and arbitrary indoctrination of so called values is actually counterproductive just as mercenary hype of vulgarity and bigotry.

NAMASMARAN is unifying and liberating! It integrates an individual as well as blossoms him/her! It unities the world and harmonizes it!

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Bartholin’s cyst
A Bartholin's cyst, also called a Bartholin's duct cyst, is a small growth just inside the opening of a woman’s vagina. Cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that are usually harmless.

A Bartholin's cyst can stay small and painless and may not cause any symptoms. However, the cyst can become infected, which can cause a painful collection of pus (an abscess) in the Bartholin’s gland.

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पाचन रहेगा ठीक, यदि माने आयुर्वेद की सीख l
पाचन रहेगा ठीक,
यदि माने आयुर्वेद की सीख l
आज की भागदौड भरी जिन्दगी,अनियमित दिनचर्या एवं खान पान की गलत आदतों के कारण अधिकतर व्यक्ति पेट के रोगों से ग्रस्त हैं, पाचन संस्थान का हमारे पूरे शरीर की सेहत पर प्रभाव पड़ता है खानपान की आदतों में यदि निम्न सुधार कर लिया जाये तो पेट के रोगों के होने की सम्भावना काफी कम हो जाती है-
* रेशे युक्त आहार लें- रेशा युक्त आहार कब्ज,अपचन ,बवासीर,कोलेस्ट्रोल,मोटापा आदि रोगों से बचाता है ,रेशा चोकर युक्त आटा ,सलाद,हरी सब्जियां,फल,चावल,दाल आदि में पाया जाता है l
* संतुलित भोजन करें -भोजन में ,दही ,छाछ ,अंकुरित अन्न ,दूध,दलिया ,खिचड़ी आदि का नियमित सेवन करना चाहिए, छाछ को अमृत तुल्य कहा गया है,मांसाहार ,पूडी ,परांठे ,मिठाई,मिर्च मसाले ,जंक फ़ूड,मैदा आदि का ज्यादा सेवन नहीं करना चाहिए l
* प्रात:काल पानी पीयें - सुबह उठने के बाद चाय के बजाय 2-3 गिलास पानी पीना चाहिए,बैड टी से पेट में एसिड बनता है l
* खाना अच्छी तरह चबा चबा कर खाएं-अच्छी तरह चबा चबा कर खाने से भोजन में लार रस अच्छी तरह मिल जाता है ,जिससे भोजन का पाचन अच्छी तरह से होता है ,जल्दी जल्दी भोजन निगलने से अपचन,गैस,कब्ज,एसिडिटी आदि रोगों की उत्पत्ति होती है l
* शाम को भोजन के बाद घूमें -शाम को खाना सोने से 2-3 घंटे पहले एवं हल्का होना चाहिए ,भोजन के बाद 15-20 मिनट अवश्य घूमें ,इससे बहुत से रोगों से बचाव तो होता ही है साथ ही नींद भी अच्छी आती है,भोजन हमेशा निश्चित समय पर खाने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए l
* नशा न करें -धूम्रपान , तम्बाकू एवं अत्यधिक शराब का सेवन पेट के रोगों के साथ साथ शरीर के अन्य रोगों का भी कारण होता है l
* व्यायाम एवं योगा करें-नियमित रूप से व्यायाम,योगा करने एवं पैदल घूमने से बहुत से रोगों से बचाव होता है ,पाचन शक्ति अच्छी रहती है तथा मानसिक तनाव काफी कम हो जाता है l

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नशा छोड़ें,घर को जोड़ें
नशा छोड़ें,घर को जोड़ें
नशा ऐसी बीमारी है जो हमें,हमारे समाज को ,हमारे देश को तेजी से निगलते जा रही है आज शहर और गावों में पढ़ने खेलने की उम्र में स्कूल और कॉलेज के बच्चे एवं युवा वर्ग मादक पदार्थों के बाहुपाश में जकड़ते जा रहे हैं l
इस बुराई के कुछ हद तक जिम्मेदार हम लोग भी हैं हम अपने काम धंधों में इतना उलझ गए हैं कि हमें फुर्सत ही नहीं है ये जानने की कि हमारा बच्चा कहाँ जा रहा है, क्या कर रहा है कोई परवाह नहीं,बस बच्चों की मांगे पूरी करना ही अपनी जिम्मेदारी समझ बैठे हैं l
क्यों करते हैं लोग नशा -
कभी शौक के नाम पर तो कभी दोस्ती की आड़ में,कभी दुनियाँ के दुखों का बहाना करके तो कभी कोई मज़बूरी बताकर ,कभी टेंशन तो कभी बोरियत दूर करनेके लिए लोग शराब ,सिगरेट,तम्बाकू आदि अनेक प्रकार के मादक द्रव्यों का सेवन करते हैं लेकिन नशा कब उनकी जिंदगी का हिस्सा बन जाता है उन्हें पता ही नहीं चलता, जब पता चलता है तब तक बहुत देर हो चुकी होती है l
नशे से नुकसान-
हिंसा,बलात्कार,चोरी,आत्महत्या आदि अनेक अपराधों के पीछे नशा एक बहुत बड़ी वजह है l शराब पीकर गाड़ी चलाते हुए एक्सीडेंट करना, शादी शुदा व्यक्तियों द्वारा नशे में अपनी पत्नी से मारपीट करना आम बात हैl मुँह ,गले व फेफड़ों का कैंसर, ब्लड प्रैशर,अल्सर,यकृत रोग,अवसाद एवं अन्य अनेक रोगों का मुख्य कारण विभिन्न प्रकार का नशा है l
उपचार -नशा छोड़ने के लिए निम्न उपाय करें -
डायरी बनायें - नशा कब और कितनी मात्रा में लेते हैं लिखें l
विचार करें -आपके लिए आपका परिवार,बच्चे ,कैरियर और स्वास्थय कितनी अहमियत रखता है ,आपके नशा करने से इन चीजों पर कितना असर हो रहा है l
नशा छोड़ने से आपको क्या फायदे और क्या नुकसान होंगे एवं यदि आप नशा जारी रखते हैं तो आपके भविस्य पर क्या असर होगा ,गम्भीरता से विचार करें l
पॉजिटिव रहें ,अपने आपको खेल कूद ,किताबें पड़ना,फ़िल्म देखना एवं गाने सुनना जैसी गतिविधियों में व्यस्त रखें ,अकेले ना रहें l
यदि इतने उपाय करने के बाद भी नशा छोड़ने में सफल न हों तो विशेषज्ञ एवं नशा मुक्ति केंद्र से राय लेना बेहतर होगा l
Dr.Manoj Gupta
Palam Vihar,Gurgao(Haryana)

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