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Anger is a strange phenomenon! We like it as well as we hate it!

Thus; we feel; though we may not overtly say it; that anger is a sign of liveliness, heroism and even divinity. Thus; we find that anger against injustice, oppression, exploitation, fanaticism, barbarism, inequality, is directly or indirectly; not only justified; but actually adored!

But having said that; we read several examples where anger is condemned and loathed! Thus; the anger that leads to hatred, vengeance, revenge, indiscriminate violence, terrorism and other malicious crimes; is abhorred!

In short; anger is like electricity, which if properly channellized serves constructive purpose and if short circuited, leads to hazards.

If and when the anger within us erupts uncontrollably like a volcano; it manifests in indiscriminate violence in our speech, writing, physical behavior and other transactions. Thus in a spur of moment we may shout, abuse some one in public interview, write harsh letters or articles, physically assault some one, file a suit in a court of law, or actually go further and get involved in worse sociopathic violent activities.

Thus; if our anger in social matters is not managed properly, our otherwise selfless and divine anger against injustice, oppression, exploitation, crimes, corruption etc; may turn into indiscriminate violence against self or the other innocent people and may turn into antisocial or criminal elements in the society and may also; have to be convicted, jailed and punished in accordance with the gravity of the bout of our anger!

If our anger related to personal matters, is not managed properly; then we may lose friends, may get distanced from our parents or children, or may get isolated and become lonely. Is it not true that we often repent because of unleashing a violent bout of anger on our parents, children, friends or spouse? Mismanaged anger is a source of �avoidable pain, agony and misery� for self and others.

Having seen these hazards of mismanaged anger; it is obvious that anger management is extremely important and essential. We have to mange anger properly so that we or the others; don�t have to suffer and/or repent.

Let us realize that the anger; can not be eradicated. To a greater or lesser extent; it is going to be with us for ever. Hence we should not keep trying to be free from anger! Instead; our anger has to be transformed into objective and benevolent force.

How can we achieve this? Some essential steps are described in my book �SUPERLIVING�, which is available in google search; for free download. These steps lead to culmination of; every metabolic, endocrine and nervous activity responsible for anger; into �most fulfilling; holistic perspective, thinking, feelings and behavior; conducive to individual and universal blossoming! One may not believe in this but verify oneself!

1. Stress: Understanding and Management; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
2. Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
3. Smiling Sun: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
4. Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
5. New Study of Bhagavad Geeta: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
6. Holistic Medicine: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
7. Holistic Health: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
8. Namasmaran (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
9. Tanavmukti (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar (Assistance Dr. Suhas Mhetre)
10. Bhovara (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
11. Sahasranetra (Comprehension of Vishnusahasranam; Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
12. Thakawa Ghalwa (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
13. Tanavmuktisathi Upayukta Lekh (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
14. SUPERLIVING: (English) Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
15. SUPERLIVING: (Marathi) Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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The tides continue eternally.

The tide of attraction, love, union, harmony rises and begins to recede and being replaced by the tide of repulsion, hatred, disunity and disharmony replaces it!

On the backdrop of the ocean that I am; the tides keep playing eternally. Whether I like and love the tides or dislike and hate them; they continue! I don�t know whether to call their interaction with me an eternal war or eternal love!

When I am caught in the tides I am away from myself and experience; trivial, petty and elusive happiness or pain. I experience slavery and helplessness. It is this state which is my �enemy�! When I am not trapped in the tides; I am the real myself the ocean! It is this state that is my �friend�.

The state of being one�s friend; is far more difficult; when the tides are monstrous and stormy, which is what is today! Hence the practice of NAMASMARAN and the sharing of its global benevolence; become far more important, essential and urgent.

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The tides continue eternally.

The tide of attraction, love, union, harmony rises and begins to recede and being replaced by the tide of repulsion, hatred, disunity and disharmony replaces it!

On the backdrop of the ocean that I am; the tides keep playing eternally. Whether I like and love the tides or dislike and hate them; they continue! I don�t know whether to call their interaction with me an eternal war or eternal love!

When I am caught in the tides I am away from myself and experience; trivial, petty and elusive happiness or pain. I experience slavery and helplessness. It is this state which is my �enemy�! When I am not trapped in the tides; I am the real myself the ocean! It is this state that is my �friend�.

The state of being one�s friend; is far more difficult; when the tides are monstrous and stormy, which is what is today! Hence the practice of NAMASMARAN and the sharing of its global benevolence; become far more important, essential and urgent.

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Bhagavadgeeta implies; �Our turning towards (in acceptance); the Absolute Truth"; by overcoming the enormous dragging by the MOHA i.e. the relative truth (from inside and outside).
This is exactly implied in NAMASMARAN, which is a constant and continuous reaffirmation of the victory of Absolute Truth over the relative truth, immortality over mortality and infinite over finite. It is an act of victorious celebration (not at all easy; in face of physical pain, incapacitation, old age, poverty, failures, humiliations and all �appearances�, which disturb and destroy our harmony and instigate us; for disapproval, disgruntlement, protest and even indiscriminate violence towards self and/or others).
NAMASMARAN thus involves; the offering of everything; �good and bad� in life and its results (and total surrender) by us; the fallible, weak, humble subjectivity, relative truth (SHISHYA); to the infallible, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent objectivity, Absolute Truth (GURU); thus gratefully welcoming the cosmic objective desire to manifest (GURUKRUPA); towards universal benevolence and individual fulfillment.
Bhagavadgeeta upholds SWADHARMA i.e. doing every action as inspired by the Absolute Truth; which is exactly the case in NAMASMARAN. NAMASMARAN is therefore the choicest and supreme act of assertion.

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There are many interpretations of the 5th and 6th shlokas in 6th chapter of Geeta.

More often than not these shlokas are �used� to emphasize and prove �individual supremacy� and refute the subtler insights, perceptions and experiences; of true self (guru, god, almighty, absolute truth, super consciousness, cosmic consciousness).

This fact appears innocuous.

But such hype of individual supremacy unleashes the barbaric elements within us; and leads to self aggrandizement and megalomaniac behavior that disrupts and destroys the unity and the harmony inside us and also in the society.

As a result of this understanding; I used to think that the shlokas imply presence of higher self and lower self. Higher self being friend and lower being foe.

But the next question would arise if higher self is friend; then whose friend is it; itself, lower self, or both? If lower self is foe; then whose foe is it; itself, higher self or both?
Dnyaneshvari seems to explain this is with perfect clarity and pragmatism.

The state of remembering oneself is friendly (benevolent to one and all) and the state of forgetfulness is inimical (disruptive and destructive to all). The state of self remembrance; is friendly (embodies individual and universal blossoming, holistic renaissance, unity and harmony and profundity and prosperity) and the state of self forgetfulness; is fiercely inimical (embodies individual and universal degeneration, disease, decay and death, holistic retrogression, disunity, disharmony, pettiness and poverty).

If and as we �see� this subtle reality; we would �see� the universal benevolence of NAMASMARAN (the state of self remembrance) and rise from our slumber, lethargy, indolence, irresponsibility on the one hand and meanness, insecurity, agitation and petty selfish obsessions (the state of NAMAVISMARAN i.e. self forgetfulness). We would then; not only practice NAMASMARAN with topmost priority; but try to share its holistic benevolence with maximum people.

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Often we tend to think that victory over DEHABUDDHI corresponds with the degree of tolerance to physical pain and suffering; and/or deprivation from instincts; such as hunger, thirst etc.

But apart from the yogis; there are many individuals and even animals, which have tremendous threshold for pain or suffering; and can overcome instinctual needs.

If this is so, then what does determine the victory over DEHABUDDHI as implied in texts describing mystical experiences? What does determine the state of victory over DEHABUDDHI i.e. the globally benevolent state of self realization?

It is difficult to answer this question.

But most probably, it is the spontaneous surge of remembrance of the name of God, state of NAMASMARAN, even before the moment to moment changes in inner and outer circumstances cast their good or bad influence! Exalted are those, who eternally live in such ecstatic state and emancipate the universe.

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Often we tend to think that victory over DEHABUDDHI corresponds with the degree of tolerance to physical pain and suffering; and/or deprivation from instincts; such as hunger, thirst etc.

But apart from the yogis; there are many individuals and even animals, which have tremendous threshold for pain or suffering; and can overcome instinctual needs.

If this is so, then what does determine the victory over DEHABUDDHI as implied in texts describing mystical experiences? What does determine the state of victory over DEHABUDDHI i.e. the globally benevolent state of self realization?

It is difficult to answer this question.

But most probably, it is the spontaneous surge of remembrance of the name of God, state of NAMASMARAN, even before the moment to moment changes in inner and outer circumstances cast their good or bad influence! Exalted are those, who eternally live in such ecstatic state and emancipate the universe.

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There are many interpretations of the 5th and 6th shlokas in 6th chapter of Geeta.

More often than not these shlokas are �used� to emphasize and prove �individual supremacy� and refute the subtler insights, perceptions and experiences; of true self (guru, god, almighty, absolute truth, super consciousness, cosmic consciousness).

This fact appears innocuous.

But such hype of individual supremacy unleashes the barbaric elements within us; and leads to self aggrandizement and megalomaniac behavior that disrupts and destroys the unity and the harmony inside us and also in the society.

As a result of this understanding; I used to think that the shlokas imply presence of higher self and lower self. Higher self being friend and lower being foe.

But the next question would arise if higher self is friend; then whose friend is it; itself, lower self, or both? If lower self is foe; then whose foe is it; itself, higher self or both?
Dnyaneshvari seems to explain this is with perfect clarity and pragmatism.

The state of remembering oneself is friendly (benevolent to one and all) and the state of forgetfulness is inimical (disruptive and destructive to all). The state of self remembrance; is friendly (embodies individual and universal blossoming, holistic renaissance, unity and harmony and profundity and prosperity) and the state of self forgetfulness; is fiercely inimical (embodies individual and universal degeneration, disease, decay and death, holistic retrogression, disunity, disharmony, pettiness and poverty).

If and as we �see� this subtle reality; we would �see� the universal benevolence of NAMASMARAN (the state of self remembrance) and rise from our slumber, lethargy, indolence, irresponsibility on the one hand and meanness, insecurity, agitation and petty selfish obsessions (the state of NAMAVISMARAN i.e. self forgetfulness). We would then; not only practice NAMASMARAN with topmost priority; but try to share its holistic benevolence with maximum people.

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Gay Dad and Surrogacy
The desire to procreate is a very fundamental attribute of the human race.Sadly though, many are denied the joy of parenthood due to several reasons,biological or otherwise. With the developments in reproductive sciences and technologies the barriers to parenthood are no longer as formidable as they once were.

Seeking surrogacy is by no means an easy decision both emotionally and financially,no matter how compelling the reason to seek it may be. Surrogacy is a method of assisted reproduction.The term surrogacy is used when a woman carries a pregnancy and gives birth to a baby for another woman or person.Couples who undergo fertility treatments can relate to their struggles � the steep financial costs when science must aid nature, the years spent considering the many options from international adoption, fostering children with the hope of adoption before finally deciding on surrogacy.Journey gets further complicated when the parents are two gay men.At each step, new roadblocks � legal, emotional and societal � appears.

Apart from adoption and fostering surrogacy is a way gay, lesbian, and same-sex couples can expand their families.

Best Recommended Tips for Gay Dad or Gay Surrogacy

Start searching for the surrogate mother first. Discuss about the surrogacy contract,different types of test,her family background and support,her previous pregnancies,etc.

Egg Donation in Surrogacy: Basically egg donation is required for same sex male couples, when they want to complete their family and they have to resort to a woman�s eggs.Male couples of same sex called gay couples has to go for egg donation.There are egg agencies and various egg donation programs in India. They have a database of egg donor profiles who are screened for diseases like hereditary diseases or STDs. This type of surrogacy involving egg donation is known as donor egg IVF surrogacy.With the low cost of egg donor surrogacy program in India, internationally trained doctors and cutting edge technology, lot of people from abroad visit India for surrogacy.

Surrogacy Program in India:There are many advantages of a surrogacy program in India.One is the cost.In USA Australia or UK an average surrogacy procedure would cost 200 thousand to 250 thousand US dollars and as compared to India where an entire program would cost not more than 40 thousand US dollars inclusive of travel, hotel stay,legal fees and the whole package. Secondly, India is an English speaking country where most of the medical staff, the paramedical staff,the support staff � all speak English.

The intended gay parents especially from English speaking country feels very comfortable here.There are wonderful health care facilities that are comparable to the best in the world.The doctors can be compared to the best in the world for ivf surrogacy treatment in India.

The second reason for India�s pull as a surrogacy destination is its surrogacy laws.It is far simpler to become legally gay parents in India.Unlike countries such as the UK,some parts of USA, Canada and Australia, which consider surrogates legal mothers,India recognises the intended parents as the legal parents.Also,couples don�t have to fear that Indian surrogates will refuse to give up children they bear.

So when you have all these positives working for you with the biggest advantage being the Indian government has a very simple exit process with minimal paper work for the babies to go back home.

Surrogacy is gaining popularity as this may be the only method for gay couples and singles to have their own biological child and also because adoption, process may be a long drawn out process.

Due to low surrogacy cost in India, internationally trained doctors and cutting edge technology at the surrogacy clinics, people prefer it as their surrogacy destination.

Surrogacy for gay men in India is a convenient option as the law for surrogacy is clearly defined. It is given in the form of guidelines by Indian Council of Medical Research which supports LGBT treatment or surrogacy in India.

With an increasing number of gay surrogacy agencies in India, it is now possible for gay couples to have their own child, that too at an affordable price.

So now that you are very much aware of the benefits that you can get from the affordable surrogates for gay in India what are you waiting for? Pull up your socks and start hunting for the surrogacy clinic that offer you with this option. There are many good Affordable Surrogacy clinic In India that offer you with good great deals in surrogacy.

Same-Sex Parenting, Gay Surrogacy, Same-Sex Surrogacy clinic India:
You can get in touch with One such Gay Friendly surrogacy clinic in India, offering customized surrogacy and affordable surrogacy packages Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction. They offer Gestational Surrogacy in India to people of all nationalities. All couples including lesbian and gay couples and even single men and single women can avail this facility to fulfill their dream of enjoying parenthood.

Now everyone can have baby, Everyone can Start Creating Families Through Surrogacy and be a proud parent by contacting on websites at or or or simply a phone call at +91 22 2655 2000 or +91 22 26405000.

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IVF Procedure, IVF Cycle, IVF Cost
Infertility is termed as failure to conceive after months of trying for pregnancy without the use of any contraceptives. When you are diagnosed with infertility then the first thing you need to find out is the reason behind this infertility. IVF treatment is pursued once other treatments have failed to achieve pregnancy. Starting IVF treatment can be an exciting but nerve wracking experience. IVF treatment is the very first treatment tried when an egg donor is being used, there are severe cases of male infertility or a woman's fallopian tubes are blocked.

IVF treatment is often successful, though, it may take more than one try. Studies show that the potential for success with IVF treatment is the same for up to four cycles. IVF treatment is quite stressful. Just looking over the schedule of ultrasounds, blood work, injections and so on can make you feel fragile. Even the fertility drugs may change your moods.

Infertility and IVF can be pretty stressful and at times you may feel sad and worried; you and your partner may even struggle in your relationship together.

Following question and answers will help you to easily manage your IVF treatment.

What is the history and success of IVF?

The first successful IVF pregnancy in the world occurred in England in 1978 by Doctors Step toe and Edwards. Now, almost thirty years later, IVF is accepted as a standard treatment and in many cases as a first-line treatment for infertility, resulting in the birth of more than one million babies worldwide.

Is IVF treatment required for you?

IVF is recommended for women with blocked tubes or missing fallopian tubes and it is the best treatment available. It is also used when other conditions are present, including endometriosis, male factor infertility and unexplained infertility in which no medical cause for infertility can be found.

What is the age limit for women to undergo IVF treatment?

Successful pregnancy outcome with treatment is largely related to female age, particularly when using the woman's own eggs. Most clinics have a certain upper age limit after which they will not perform in vitro fertilization (IVF) with the woman's own eggs. The age limit for ivf treatment is somewhere between 42 and 45 in most programs. When donor eggs are being used, the age of the egg donor is the important issue. With egg donation, the age of the recipient does not seem to affect the chances of success. There are instances of pregnancy with the age above 60 also.

What�s involved in IVF?

IVF is a complex procedure. That is why prior to undergoing IVF treatment, patients have an IVF orientation with their physician who will fully explain the IVF process, including pre-IVF investigations and processes. All IVF patients will receive instructions on the proper timing and administration of the fertility medications involved in the IVF treatment cycle.

Whether to transfer one embryo or more than that?

It is in the hands of the patients to decide how many embryos to transfer. It cannot be ensured that each embryo transfer will become a baby. One easy way of improving the chances of achieving a pregnancy in an IVF cycle is by transferring more embryos. However the risk of having a multiple pregnancy also increases with more embryos transferred. Normally the number of embryos to be transferred should be decided based on patients age and how many times they have tried IVF previously. If you are under 35 and have never tried IVF before, then transfer of 2 embryos is suggested.

How can you improve the chances of IVF Treatment?

If a success is required in an ivf cycle one should avoid alcohol and tobacco, medications, lose weight and maintain BMI, avoid caffeine or control its consumption, follow balanced diet and take folic acid supplements. IVF treatment should be started early as the age plays an important role.

When to go for pregnancy test after IVF Treatment?

About two weeks after embryo transfer blood test is carried out to find whether the treatment has worked. If the test is positive, first pregnancy scan is taken two weeks later. If the test is negative, you need to talk to your doctor and decide whether to try the treatment again.

How long should one wait after failure of IVF Cycle?

Medically, you can usually start up again immediately in your next cycle. Many clinics advise to take break for 2 or 3 months.

Is hospitalization required in IVF procedure?

A patient undergoing IVF does not require admission in the hospital. The patient has to visit the center 3-5 times during monitoring cycle. On the day of egg collection Patients can go home after the effect of anesthesia weans off which takes about 2-3 hours. After the embryo transfer, which again takes about half an hour patients are free to go home after resting for one hour.

Is in vitro fertilization treatment expensive?

This price will vary depending on where you live, the amount of medications you're required to take, the number of IVF cycles you undergo, and the amount your insurance company will pay toward the procedure. Compared to the UK and USA, IVF treatment is much economical in India, and the quality of the treatment is excellent. This is because doctor�s charge very less as compared to the developed western countries. As per international standards, IVF in India is very cost-effective and more and more foreigners are travelling to India for availing ivf treatment.

Studies show that the potential for success with IVF treatment is the same for up to four cycles. Generally, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle is 30 to 35% for women under age 35, 25% for women between the ages of 35 and 37, 15 to 20% for women between the ages of 38 and 40 and 6 to 10% for women after age 40. (When an egg donor is used, however, success rates remain high even at age 40, with a 45% success rate.)

Know all about IVF Procedure, IVF Cycle, IVF Cost and Starting treating infertility today by contacting Rotunda Clinic:All Appointments are scheduled according to your convenience at Rotunda Fertility clinic.

You can contact for further assistance at or or or email at or simply a phone call at +91 22 2655 2000 or +91 22 26405000.

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