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Mahatma Gandhi used to walk regularly every day; just as he practiced NAMASMARAN i.e. remembered RAMA NAMA; continuously and wrote a book highlighting its paramount importance in life.

1. Possible advantages of walking and/or climbing

2. Sweating secretion containing sodium chloride acts as mild antiseptic

3. Cleansing of skin

4. Prevention of skin infections

5. Mild cardiovascular activation

6. Activation and strengthening of respiratory system assisting in removal of mucus or expectoration

7. Toning up of digestive system

8. Freedom from gases and constipation

9. Relief from joint pains and arthritis

10. Relief from back ache

11. Reflexology treatment benefits due to stimulation of soles

12. Supply of vitamin D through sunlight

13. Saving of electricity and fuel

14. Avoidance of gossip & backbiting

15. Prevention of infection in lift-elevator

16. Effective management of hypokinetic (sedentary habits) stress

17. Increasing confidence in one’s physical capacity and endurance; and sense of well being

18. Maun (silence)

19. Practice of namasmaran which helps overcoming pettiness and blossom holistically

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Obesity of various degrees can be agonizing. It can be pitiable. It can be ridiculous. It can be humiliating. It can be frustrating. It can be depressing. It can be destructive.
Our mind is always trapped in our imagination (often erroneous and illusory) about people’s opinions about us!
Because of this; we tend to get dragged in the whirlpool of self pity and self destruction. As a result; our efforts towards reducing weight; such as; proper diet, exercise etc. dwindle.
The most important way; therefore; to radically cure obesity; is through the change in mind.
If we are eager and desperate; to lose weight, first and foremost thing is; to come out of this whirlpool! This is possible; only if we are convinced that we are living in a meaningful manner; and if we develop self dignity.
How to be convinced that we are living in a meaningful manner; and how to develop self dignity?
The age old medicine; in fact the panacea is NAMASMARAN!
Practice of NAMASMARAN; by us; fills every moment of our life; with the ambrosia; that enlivens the whole world; through and along with us; and realistically convinces us that we are living absolutely meaningfully; and gives us the fulfilling feeling of dignity and worthiness! The appropriate and effective measures of reducing weight, which vary from individual to individual and situation to situation; easily follow!

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Namasmaran (From Sanskrit: Nama = a (divine) name; smaran = remembrance); means remembering the name of God, either loudly or silently. This is called jaap, jap, jikra in Hindi and Urdu respectively. It is called simaran and sumiran.

Namasmaran is a traditional practice of Stress Management; that is beyond exploitative, mercenary, commercial, professional and even philanthropic transactions. It is practiced in many religions; including Hindu, Christian, Muslim; etc. Namasmaran; by virtue of its almost universal acceptability, simplicity, non-technicality and inexpensiveness has the potential to be beneficial in stress management, to majority of people in the world, irrespective of age, sex, occupation, socioeconomic stratum, race, religion, culture, ideology, nationality. This is especially so, because; namasmaran does not involve any stringent rules, coercive regulations or crippling bindings such as; conceptual, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and traditional. It does not interfere with the customs or belief systems. Namasmaran is said to reorient us to our own selves, empower us and reenkindles our potential to blossom together! It is said to revitalize and rejuvenate us and catalyze the evolution and implementation of holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and achieve individual and global blossoming; inside and outside!

Conceptual and procedural details of namasmaran:
Namasmaran usually embodies; remembering the name of God, Guru, great souls such as prophets; and whatever is considered as holy e.g. planets and stars. It is remembered silently, loudly, along with music, dance, along with breathing, in group or alone. Further, namasmaran is either counted by some means such as fingers, rosary (called SMARANI or JAPAMALA), or electronic counter; or practiced without counting. The traditions vary from region to region and from religion to religion.

The principle (hypothesis) underlying namasmaran; is to reorient our physiological and social being; with our true self and establish and strengthen the bond between; our physiological and social being; with our true self; and finally reunification or merger with our true self! Since individual consciousness is the culmination of every activity in life; and namasmaran is the pinnacle of or culmination of individual consciousness; namasmaran; is actually; opening the final common pathway to objective or cosmic consciousness; so that individual consciousness in every possible activity gets funneled into or unified with our true self!

Thus namasmaran is said to be the YOGA of YOGA in the sense that it is the culmination of consciousness associated with every possible procedure and technique in the yoga that we are familiar with. It is the YOGA of YOGA; also because it is the culmination of consciousness associated with all the activities in the universe, which it encompasses as well! It is YOGA of YOGA because everybody in the world irrespective of his/her tradition and the beliefs; would eventually, ultimately and naturally reach it; in the process of liberation. Even so called non believers also would not “miss” the “benefit of namasmaran as they may remember "true self" through one symbol or another”!

It is said to be meditation of meditation; because the natural and ultimate climax of every form of meditation; is remembering true self or merging with cosmic consciousness effortlessly!

It is said that namasmaran would certainly enlighten, empower and enlighten billions to evolve, guide and consolidate; the global conscience and empower the global perspective, policies, plans and programs; and thereby usher in global unity, harmony and justice.

We should not merely believe, disbelieve, imagine, conjecture, or theorize casually about namasmaran. We should not develop presumptions, prejudices, liking, acceptance, disliking, rejection or respect; and go into uncertainty, dilemma, indecision, wavering, and vacillations! In stead; we should provisionally accept, study and practice namasmaran; and verify.

Some arguments against namasmaran:

1. Namasmaran does not seem to produce tangible results; if compared to scientific research, socio-political activities, agricultural activities, handicrafts etc. In view of this; there is no basis that namasmaran can lead to global blossoming.

True. There is no basis. Nobody can provide the "experimental and quantifiable" proof. We have ourselves to practice, experience and verify.

2. There is no demonstrable cause and effect relationship to say that namasmaran evolves us into objective or cosmic consciousness or imparts global perspective.

True. We can not prove that namasmaran evolves us into objective or cosmic consciousness; or imparts global perspective! This is matter of verification.

3. Namasmaran has no demonstrable influence on individual or social life. Namasmaran is wastage of time. In fact; One may feel that namasmaran has benevolent role, because of erroneously attributing the good changes in him or her; to namasmaran; when in fact; it could actually be the other way round; that is; good changes in him or her; have lead to him or her to develop interest in namasmaran.

This argument is because of inability to “see” anything tangible and rather the addiction to believe in a thing; only if it is tangible! It can not therefore be refuted. It can only be satisfied if the questioner exercises his or her freedom to blossom his or her capacity to “see” and "experience" the benefits of namasmaran.

It is said that namasmaran can influence the social life, because the blossoming is irresistibly manifested in society; impossible to be ignored. There are many illustrious examples such as scholarly saints Dnyaneshvar, Tukaram, Ramadas, Eknath, Waman Pandit, Meera, Kabir; including Mahatma Gandhi.

It is also said that if we have doubt about whether namasmaran blossoms us into cosmic consciousness, or cosmic consciousness absorbs us into namasmaran; or cosmic consciousness some how is related to namasmaran, or whether namasmaran has anything to do with cosmic consciousness; then also there is freedom to blossom and experience rather than condemned to get buried in the sterile semantics! All in all, practice of namasmaran and the experience associated with it; are innate and beyond linguistic comprehension and communication; though the glimpses of its supremacy can be described. We have freedom NOT to believe in namasmaran blindly; and provisionally accept, study, experiment out and experience!

4. What is the sense in the claim that there is "active peace" in namasmaran; as suggested by some?

The “Active Peace” is a concept to suggest desireless (absence of subjective desire) desire i.e. objective desire. This is a stage in life reached by many; through namasmaran. It can not be and need not be arbitrarily imposed on oneself, because, even as it is pleasant to those who achieve it; it is not usually imaginable and hence agreeable to those; who are engrossed in sensual pleasures.

In fact we find it quite dreadful to be “freed” from these “pleasures”! This is a kind of “fear of loss”! We become miserable even with the thought of such “dreaded freedom”! However if we think keenly, then we can (in the course of namasmaran) imagine how sublime and towering is this stage, why it is acclaimed in books like Bhagavad Gita; and why knowingly or unknowingly; we all tend to move towards it.

5. Is it not true that namasmaran has nothing to offer in material terms?

It is true that namasmaran does not ensure any concrete material gains as such. But it actually “converts” us from our “seeker” status into a “master” status! We become masters of our petty selves! In fact this is the hallmark of progress in any culture; anywhere in the world.

However; what sort of conversion we undergo; what sort of masters we become; has no tangibility. Practitioners of namasmaran say, "Having delivered a child and having become a mother; need not be proved to others; or need not be proved by getting certified from others. The mother knows it more than anyone else! It is her privilege! The change within us through namasmaran is accessible to experience and not dependent for its validation on any words and proofs!"

6. Why is namasmaran ridiculed by many of us?

Namasmaran binds us in “something” non sensuous; and due to our immaturity; appears to force us away from our likes and dislikes i.e. our ego. Since this is painful; we ridicule it as foolish, escapist, nihilistic, nonsense and erratic activity.

7. Is it not true that namasmaran is a kind of paranoid behavior or slavish behavior?

Initially; namasmaran gives us the feeling of submission, prostration, defeat, surrender, prostration by negation of ourselves. But actually this negation is of ego, and victory of our true self. But since we do not realize this initially, we feel that this is an unpleasant and discomforting paranoid activity, which is not true.

8. What is the use of practicing namasmaran right from childhood?

If we practice namasmaran right from childhood even without much understanding; this subconscious learning experience remains in our subconscious and is pivotal in setting us free from our lower self. Because of namasmaran; we become oriented to our higher selves and conquer the stress resulting from the dragging by the lower self. This is why we should provide or impart (by including in all the curriculums and daily routines) the practice of namasmaran right from childhood.

9. Is there any reason to believe that the world would unite and blossom?

No. There is no reason to believe in anything. There is no reason to disbelieve; or waver and vacillate either! It is however a golden opportunity and privilege to practice namasmaran and be free to “see” the world re-exploring the hitherto imperceptible unity and blossoming together!! This is analogous to appropriate linking of the bogies of a train; or assembly of various parts of a car; or even connection of various types of cells in a body!

In view of above arguments against and in favor; namasmaran appears to provide a completely radical and holistic yet totally nonviolent, inexpensive and universally acceptable tool of stress management. Stress as such can be managed; but only temporarily and symptomatically by many ways such as; shopping, taking shower, swimming, skating, skiing, singing, slimming and many such measures; which serve as at best; adjuvant measures.

Selected Sources and References:
1. Bhagavad Geeta: Preached by Lord Krishna on Kurukshetra about 3000 BC to his esteemed disciple Arjuna as compiled by Maharshi Vedavyas (the great seer and philosopher poet Vyas)
Author: Krishna and Vyas; chapter 9, chapter 10.
2. "Dnyaneshvari" (A commentary on Geeta written by the author between 16th and 21st years of his age; between 1285 to 1290 in Marathi, this edition published in 1986; by Swanand Prakashan, Pune);
Author: Shri Dnyaneshvar; Chapter 9, page 252, verses 200 to 210.
3. "Dasabodh"; (A Philosophical tratise of 17th century in Marathi);
Author: Shri Samarth Ramadas Swami; Dashak 4, Samas 3, Pages 141 to 143.
4. Biography of Sadguru Brahmachaitanya Shri Gondavalekar Maharaj, in Marathi published by Prasad Prakashan Pune, on October, 3 1957;
Author: Prof K. V. Belsare, pages 460 to 479.
5. Namacha Nandadeep; (A book published in Marathi on namasmaran)
Author: Sadguru Shri Vamanrao Pai.
6. Namachintamani: A Marathi treatise on namasmaran and its benefits.
Author: Ramachandra Krishna Kamat.

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Namasmaran usually embodies; remembering the name of God, Guru, great souls; such as prophets and whatever is considered as holy e.g. planets and stars. It is remembered silently, loudly, along with music, dance, along with breathing, in group or alone. Further, NAMASMARAN is either counted by some means such as fingers, rosary (called SMARANI or JAPAMALA), or electronic counter; or practiced without counting. The traditions vary from region to region and from religion to religion.

However the universal principle underlying
NAMASMARAN is to reorient our physiological and social being; with our true self and establish and strengthen the bond between; our physiological and social being; with our true self; and finally reunification or merger with our true self!

Individual consciousness is the culmination of every activity in life. NAMASMARAN is the pinnacle of; or culmination of individual consciousness; and the final common pathway; to objective or cosmic consciousness. Thus we get funneled into or unified with our true self (objective or cosmic consciousness)!

Thus NAMASMARAN is in fact the YOGA of YOGA in the sense; that it is the culmination of consciousness associated with every possible procedure and technique in the yoga; that we are familiar with.

It is the YOGA of YOGA; also because; it is the culmination of consciousness associated with all the activities in the universe!

It is YOGA of YOGA because everybody in the world irrespective of his/her tradition and the beliefs; would eventually, ultimately and naturally reach it; in the process of liberation. Even; so called non believers also would not “miss” the “benefit of NAMASMARAN” as they may “remember true self” through some other way; or another symbol!

Just as NAMASMARAN is YOGA of YOGA; it is meditation of meditation also! This is because the natural and ultimate climax of every form of meditation; is remembering true self or merging with cosmic consciousness effortlessly!

These facts however have to be realized with persistent practice of NAMSMARAN; and not blindly believed; or blindly disbelieved; with casual approach!

In short; NAMSMARAN is a super-bounty of cosmic consciousness; for every individual to realize it (cosmic consciousness)! This is truly a super-bounty because a person, who experiences it, rises above mercenary, commercial and even professional and charity planes and manifests super- transactions in his or her life!

These are just few observations to give rough idea about what is NAMASMARAN. NAMASMARAN is an ocean of bliss. Its true meaning is beyond description in words; and has to be experienced, not by one or few persons sporadically; but most preferably, by billions!

One is said to achieve ANUSANDHAN, which is a state of ultimate freedom; or being connected with true self (through the name of God; NAMASMARAN) as inspired by the Guru; in traditional practice. It is beyond all subjective considerations and pursuits; and hence; has the emancipating effect of facilitating ANUSANDHAN; on the entire universe!

The last point is; NAMASMARAN is being practiced by billions even now. But even though all of them are not enlightened instantly and equally; many of them; are certainly enlightened and empowered to evolve, guide and consolidate the global conscience; and thereby; actually manifest the global unity, harmony and justice!

Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Sahasranetra: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Holistic Medicine: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Stress: Understanding and Management: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

All available for free download on internet

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From early childhood to ripe old age we are always in dilemma of making a right choice! There are millions of dilemmas; such as; which toy to play with, which partner to bond with, which seeds to sow, which shares to invest, which leader to trust, which guru to follow, which policies to adopt; and so on! The nature of dilemmas; varies; as the constitutions, age groups, geographic regions, occupations, religions and the situations vary.

SUPERLIVING is a continuous, unending and yet fulfilling expedition of increasing the percentage; of right choices. By right choices; we mean; those choices, which give maximum satisfaction that lasts for maximum time; and involves maximum people. Further; it enhances the individual and global blossoming; defying the opposing forces; inside and outside us!

All religions, ideologies, traditions, customs, conventions; on the one hand and the scientific, technological, literary, artistic and cultural developments on the other; contribute to this! The hallmark of the SUPERLIVING; is evolution and implementation of globally benevolent perspective, policies, plans and programs; at the helm of the global affairs.

The simplest, easiest, totally inexpensive, universally acceptable common minimum program; that is practicable in any situation; throughout the day; is NAMASMARAN (jap, jaap, sumiran, simaran i.e. remembering God’s name i.e. true self).

It is hypothesized; that NAMASMARAN would reorient us; through our individual consciences and consciousnesses; to the cosmic consciousness; common to all; and reveal to us; the most pleasant fact; of the unity of our (otherwise divergent and conflicting) individual consciences and consciousnesses. The more the people involved in this; the faster would be the revelation!

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If there is a thorn inside, then it hurts badly and the child cries. But if you try to remove it, then it resists and cries more. A sick child refuses to take injection because; it is apprehensive about the pain it produces. The list of such instances can be very long; in fact; unending.

The point is simple. If you do not know the cause and nature of your problem; and the efficiency of its solutions, then you tend to despise and reject the solutions.

Today; most of us are complaining of one thing or another. Some are not complaining; but the others are complaining about them! This is especially important; because people with all medical investigations “normal” and diagnosed as having no clinical disease; are suffering; or at least they say so!

The suffering is largely because of; the ‘maturing; from blissful ignorance’; of perception, feelings and actions; and hence; the solution lies; in further maturation of these! This requires triumphant channelization of the biologically dominated perceptions, feelings and actions; towards true self!

NAMASMARAN (jap, jaap, jikra, sumiran, simaran i.e. remembering God’s name i.e. one’s true self); is a holistic remedy and actually a panacea for such a triumph. It is a golden opportunity and we are privileged to know about it!

The answer to “Why NAMASMARAN?” is; “there is no other simpler, inexpensive, universally acceptable and practicable in every possible condition; alternative!” and the answer to “when NAMASMARAN?” is; from “from now”; because; “sooner the better; and more the merrier”!

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Are Yajnya, sacrifice and namasmaran synonymous?

Yajnya is offering, sacrifice is also offering and NAMASMARAN; is also offering!

Yajnya involves offering of different materials with a specified procedure.

Sacrifice also involves offering of possessions including the near and dear objects, entities and even animals.

NAMASMARAN is a gradual offering (knowingly or unknowingly); of; one’s individuality and subjectivity; perspective, thoughts, emotions and passions; achievements and failures; pains and pleasures; virtues and vices; and likes and dislikes; at the lotus feet of the objective consciousness/guru!

There onwards he or she; is assured that all his or her aspirations, duties and missions; while blossoming into the aspirations of the entire universe (cosmic will); are being taken care of by objective or cosmic consciousness i.e. Almighty i.e. Guru. The subjective attachment, infatuations and frustrations (often resulting fanaticism); begin to disappear. Does this really happen? It is best to verify!

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One of the causes of failure in STRESS MANAGEMENT in individual and global life; is;
Relegating the concept of yoga; to mere physical postures, breathing techniques, kriyas and dietary control, which are important ways to more healthy life; but; in isolation; and in absence of holistic perspective; incomplete, inadequate and inappropriate. Further; if and as they are hyped and sold; for mere petty personal gains and/or gratification of ego; they nurture; deception and deceit.

This trivialization and vulgarization of yoga; is largely because of the influence of reductionist and individualistic way of life; revolving around petty personal benefits. This is not unnatural and we need not condemn ourselves for this. However we have the great opportunity, choice and privilege to explore, understand, appreciate and practice yoga in its essence and entirety; as explained below.

Yoga is a connection between right and left cerebral cortex and yoga is also the connection between metabolic, endocrine, autonomic and central nervous activities. It is an overall ascending and integrated process of global perspective, thoughts, emotions, instincts and actions leading to; individual and global blossoming in every sphere of life. Thus it cannot be separated and isolated from:
1. The perspective of global unity and harmony,
2. The thoughts and policies of global welfare,
3. Motivation and concern for global welfare,
4. Mutually gratifying and satisfying instincts
5. Activities conducive to individual and universal blossoming!
6. Majority of the great seers preach NAMASMARAN; common to most of the countries, religions, ideologies, races, traditions, conventions and customs; as an essential core of yoga (the other measures, procedures and techniques being supportive)!

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Interconnection; between individual consciousness; and cosmic consciousness

Interconnection; between individual soul; and universal soul

Interconnection; between a being; and God

Interconnection; between the cores; of all beings

Interconnection; between aspirations; of all beings

Interconnection; between the ‘cause’ of the universe; and the universe

Interconnection; between the ‘cause’ of the past, present and future; and rest of the time, space, energy, matter and consciousness

Interconnection; between the contingent; and the field

Interconnection; between spirit (soul), intelligence, emotions, instincts and metabolic activities in different systems of body

Interconnection; between holistic perspective, thinking, emotions, instincts and actions

Interconnection; between spiritual, cognitive, affective, psychomotor and productive domains

Interconnection; between holistic approach; and analytical, synthetic, reductionist and other approaches

Interconnection; between and holistic activities aimed at holistic health; in all the fields of life

Interconnection; between two sides of brain

Interconnection; between reason and intuition

Interconnection; between cerebral cortex, limbic system, autonomic nervous system, neuroendocrine system, endocrine system; and the metabolic activities

Interconnection; of the immortalizing ocean of ambrosia viz. NAMA; and the process of NAMASMARAN going on in billions of individuals

This is only a frail attempt of its definition; as YOGA is beyond description

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Feasts and parties; involve giving or receiving food, with or without various paraphernalia. They quench hunger and thirst and satisfy taste buds, besides giving pleasure of socialization and entertainment. Usually; these are associated with superiority complex, inferiority complex; one-up-man-ship, exhibition of wealth, fashion, glamour and glitter. Often there is an element of intoxication, euphoria, dysphoria, inebriation and delirium; followed by emptiness and depression!

What is PRASAD?
Cosmic consciousness manifests as an individual in some part of the world! The life of such a person is seen catalyzes the process of self realization in millions of others; throughout his life and even after leaving his/her body; through centuries. This place, where he spends his life becomes a place of pilgrimage. The pilgrims get empowered in the process of self realization and self expression; by going to these places.

We find in India; thousands of places of pilgrimage; where a saint, a yogi, a rishi, or a mahatma; has spent life. These places of pilgrimage; have one feature in common; viz. the distribution PRASAD at subsidized price or free of cost.

The food; that is cooked to offer the particular saint or yogi (cosmic consciousness) is PRASAD. Such food is in a way; “charged” with the benevolence of the saint to catalyze the process of individual and universal blossoming!
This is why; thousands of us; consider themselves fortunate and privileged; in participation of making such prasad available; to pilgrims and in eating it themselves! Thus thousands of people participate in various activities; involved in the distribution of PRASAD such as funding, cleaning, cooking, serving and also cleaning the vessels!

One such place is Gondavale; in Maan taluka of Satara district; in Maharashtra state; in India. Thousands of visitors whether tourists or devotees; are served PRASAD; in the form of freshly prepared cow butter with sugar, breakfast, lunch and dinner; every day; without charging any money what so ever for the last; one and a half century.

Can we globalize the culture of self realization through NAMASMARAN and distribution of PRASAD? The world needs it. But more than that; we need it for ourselves. We need it for our own satisfaction of creating a healthy environment around ourselves; and our generations to come.

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