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The subtle, sublime and supreme aspects of arts, science, business, skills and such many human endeavors are ultimately traceable to the absolute or cosmic consciousness in every heart. This core of an individual is called true self or NAMA and is the same as BRAHMA, GOD and GURU or COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. It is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.

GOD or GURU himself inspires us; and mobilizes us; to practice the common minimum program of NAMASMARAN (called JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN and embodies remembering one's true self); and increasingly recognize and realize the unity and harmony with HIM and also with rest of the universe.

We are beyond stress; as and when we begin to envisage; every nook and corner of our own heart; on the one hand; and every nook and corner of the hearts of the people in all the continents of the world; on the other; filled with NAMASMARAN (called JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN and embodies remembering one's true self); ushering in; holistic renaissance!

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Guru: I am pleased with your prayers, NAMASMARAN and your work. You may ask for any bounty.

Disciple: My Lord, I don’t know; what to ask for. Theoretically; I agree that all “my” prayers, "my" NAMASMARAN and “my” work; belong to you; as you are the soul; of “my" whole existence!

But practically; I am always ridden in stress; emerging from some unidentified, indefinite, and unknown source! The source may be anything or many things; ranging from my genotype, phenotype, metabolic activities, hormonal interactions, neurological events and psychological phenomena, which are influenced; by the changing; external (physical, chemical, biological, psychological, political, social, religious etc) atmosphere; and fluctuate thereby!

Sometimes I feel; that my stress; is due to the pandemic of stress spread ubiquitously in the world; and can be rectified through universalization of NAMASMARAN; and hence universalization of NAMASMARAN is the remedy; for my stress!

But the next moment; I realize; that though; universalization of NAMASMARAN and propagation of its potential to usher in; the holistic renaissance; are indeed the ways for holistic renaissance; they cannot be a “remedy to my stress”! The universalization of NAMASMARAN (and its potential); as well as; the anticipated or foreseen emergence of holistic renaissance; are “unending”! The “complete rectification” of the pandemic of stress; is as illusory; as the fleeting and illusory nature of the pandemic itself!

But since “I” am inseparable from this illusion; I am in stress and I don’t know how to get rid of it! I have failed to overcome this stress!

Guru: My dear friend! This is a magic of remembrance and forgetfulness! At the moment you are; in relatively more forgetfulness than in remembrance of me (your true self)! Hence there is stress!

However; the process of practicing and promoting NAMASMARAN; and its benevolent and pivotal role; in holistic renaissance; must go on; till I wish!

At right time; your role will be over; and you will be granted a complete remembrance and zero forgetfulness of me (your true self)!
This is where there is NO stress!

Disciple: Thank you! Thank you very much!!

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We have used the word Sadguru to differentiate it from the modern usage of the word guru; implying expertise or mastery in a particular field such as management. Sadguru is also called Mauli or Mother.
Our mother may or may not teach us; different arts and skills; and may or may not give us; money, fame and power.

But she gives us; birth and enables and empowers us; to sustain life! She enables and empowers us to learn everything we aspire to learn and/or to earn!

Quite similarly; the Sadguru may or may not; teach us the various techniques and crafts! He may or may not; teach us biology or computers. He may or may not; provide us with wealth, popularity and social weightage!

But the Sadguru; enlivens us; to the life of life! He reorients us; to our immortal true self! He reinstates us; in our own abode! He enlightens us; to “see” the “hidden” unity and harmony; in the universe! He nurtures us; from the deepest root; of our being! He enkindles us from within!

The Sadguru gives; objectivity to our existence and rectifies our vision, ideas, aims, objectives, pursuits and activities! Everything in our life; becomes increasingly unprejudiced, impartial, unbiased, accurate, appropriate and deeply satisfying!

How does Sadguru give all this
To understand this we have to know; what is NAMA.

The NAMA does not connote just a name! Even though outwardly or superficially looking at it; it is usually a name of God (or a saint; or a prophet; or a mere concept of god for an atheist); the infinite and ultimate reality; the NAMA harbors; becomes evident as one keeps on practicing NAMASMARAN (jap, jaap, jikra, sumiran, simaran, that is; remembering our true self).

In the course of time; we get passionately engrossed in NAMASMARAN; and later; experience; being connected with NAMA, the center of our being, the innermost seed of our existence; the source of omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence; and our Sadguru Himself! His unimaginable bounty and providence; begin to flow; incessantly!

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Hair Loss: Know the Cause, Know the Cure
Hair has been regarded as a sign of beauty and power for as long as one can remember. Judges in olden days wore wigs as mark of authority whereas monks shave their scalp as part of their renunciation of all worldly pleasures and to render themselves unattractive to the opposite sex.
Hair loss does not affect you just cosmetically but emotionally and socially. Research reveals how deeply hair loss can impact your life.
Emotionally, a high percentage of people experiencing hair loss are known to suffer from low self esteem and depression as a result of this problem, be it men or women
However, the most important aspect of hair loss is its medical implication. Loss of hair is almost always a sign of an internal disorder. It is often first warning signal of many deep seated ailments including thyroid, Diabetes and anemia.
Causes of Hair loss & Thinning
1. Androgenetic Alopecia – male or female pattern baldness
2. Auto immune diseases – an immune reaction that attacks the hair follicles, producing
antibodies which attack these tissues as if they were foreign invaders.
Androgenic Alopecia – the body’s immune system is sensitized to increased levels of DHT in the scalp causing hair loss in these high concentrated DHT areas
Alopecia Totalis, universalis – immune sensitivity to a substance other than DHT
3. Connective tissue disease – causes scarring of skin, loss of circulation to hair follicles and an autoimmune reaction leading to temporary or permanent loss of hair.
 Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Scleroderma, MCTD, Scarring alopecia
4. Exposure to toxic chemicals –Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of lethal and
damaging chemicals which can accelerate normal hair loss and retard effects of
medication and surgical restoration. This effect can result either from being a
smoker or from second hand smoke. We are exposed to other toxic chemicals
and metals through work, hobbies and environment. They can be present in our
homes (ie.: lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, etc.) Exposure can be
environmental and/or ingested through food sources.
5. Radiation exposure – Irradiation therapy or exposure to radiation from any source can cause localized or total hair loss, which may be permanent if thevdose is high enough.
6. Iron deficiency anemia – very common with women but can also affect men.
7. Hormonal changes – due to pregnancy, birth control pills, other medications,
and menopause.
8. Thyroid disease – either hypothyroid or hyperthyroid disease causes hair to become brittle and break resulting in localized or generalized loss. Correction of the thyroid condition usually causes hair to re-grow.
9. Stress – usually temporary and transient. Hair may re-grow when stress levels decrease
10. Drug interactions – certain vitamins, many prescriptions and over the counter (OTC) supplements may have individual and non-specific side effects of hairloss. Usually, when the medication is discontinued, the hair re-grows.
 Excessive Vitamin A has been linked to some hair loss scenarios.
11.Others: Exposure to toxic chemicals –Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of lethal and
damaging chemicals which can accelerate normal hair loss and retard effects of medication and surgical restoration. This effect can result either from being a smoker or from second hand smoke. We are exposed to other toxic chemicals and metals through work, hobbies and environment. They can be present in our homes (ie.: lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, etc.) Exposure can be
environmental and/or ingested through food sources.
Individual reaction to illness or a personal sensitivity to the environment, Chemotherapy, Fungal and bacterial infections, Cosmetic procedures like perming, crimping , straightening and colouring are enormously contributory factors, and should be avoided as far as possible.Also
• Androgenetic Alopecia- In men it is the most common cause of hair loss, In women the hormonal changes that occur at the time of menopause and post delivery are responsible.
• Alopecia Areata - In this type of hair loss, hair usually falls out, resulting in totally smooth, round patches about the size of a coin or larger. It can, rarely, result in complete loss of scalp and body hair.
• Thyroid Disease - Both an over-active thyroid and an under-active thyroid can cause hair loss.
• Low Serum Iron - Iron deficiency occasionally produces hair loss. Some people don't have enough iron in their diets or may not fully absorb iron. Women who have heavy menstrual periods may develop iron deficiency.
• Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania) - People with trichotillomania pull hair on various parts of their bodies, including the scalp, face, arms, legs and pubic areas. They may not notice the hair pulling until they need to cover up bald patches.
• Medications - Some prescription drugs used for gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high doses of vitamin A & birth Control Pills may cause hair loss
Other causes includes high Fever, Severe Infection, Severe Flu , Inadequate Protein in Diet ,Major Surgery/Chronic Illness ,Fungus Infection (Ringworm) of the Scalp.

Homeopathy & Hair Remedy
This is of utmost importance to understand that hair loss is almost always a sign of an internal disorder or disease. Very often patients try over the counter prescriptions or “tried and tested” beauty parlor remedy for hair & this remedy fail because they don’t identify the cause of the hair loss.
Homoeopathy is an excellent answer to hair loss. Its personalized approach is ideal for hair treatment since hair is as distinctive as fingerprints. Homeopathy is absolutely safe without any side effects, and works from within to treat the underline disorder that is causing the hair loss thus providing a permanent solution.
A consultation with a qualified homeopath will invest a great deal of time and care in asking questions to uncover your constitution. Doctors ask about not only your hair loss and heredity but also how you are affected by environmental factors such as weather and temperature, the types of foods you like or dislike and your moods and feelings; a thorough medical history will be taken in order to establish a complete picture of you. Your current symptoms are then taken into consideration in order to prescribe the correct remedy at the right strength.
In homeopathy, there are more than 100 remedies for alopecia or hair loss. The homeopath has to analyze your case systematically to choose the right medicine for you.
To help classify the hair type, the equipment like video microscope or trichoscan is usefull. These machines even alert to catch and avert impending hair loss before it actually takes place.
Hair Grow Therapy (LLLT) & HFT.

Along with homeopathic medication, use of supporting latest international machines is also useful in stimulating blood circulation and proven to help hair loss. But it has to be complimented by medication.

• LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy): The recent developments showed that low level lasers can also be used in treating hair loss and other skin diseases that usually occurs on the scalp. Low intensity laser energy works by absorbing the lasers into the scalp which stimulates cellular activity and hair growth. Absorption of light by the hair follicle molecules is essential in order for biological reaction to be stimulated in the molecules. Laser light reactions stimulated in cytochrome c sends signals throughout cells of the hair follicle, stimulating enhanced gene activity, decreased gene-regulated cell death, and other changes that enhance cell activity and survival.
• HFT ( High Frequency Therapy): A high frequency current which stimulates the surface of the scalp by means of massaging the cells of the scalp, also supposed to improve the process of nourishment, stimulate local blood circulation, stimulate local glandular activity, supplies heat and is soothing to the nervous system of the scalp.

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We are surrounded by the individualistic and petty; advertisements, propaganda, publicity, promotion and marketing; of products and services. These range; from daily utilities to tempting luxuries. Sometimes they are crude and sometimes subtle. Sometimes they are overt and sometimes disguised. Overall; they are so impressive and captivating; that everyone fancies; advertising his/her products and services.

Due to this competition; there is perceptible diffidence, disturbance, stress and fear of being extinct; in the minds of the well meaning; well wishers of the world!!

In this context; we have to ask ourselves; “If two students compete to reach the examination hall first; and if one “succeeds” in reaching before the other; then; is it success”?

No! Success is excelling in the examination!

Similarly; the individualistic and petty advertisements, propaganda, publicity, promotion and marketing of products and services; can “succeed” in “impressing” and even “captivating” customers; faster than the relatively unimpressive phenomena; such as; NAMA; and relatively unconvincing and unglamorous activities; such as NAMASMARAN!

But how do they fare in the examination; of blossoming; the customers? Do they “succeed”?


The chaos, clamor and crimes in personal, family, social and international life; explicitly show; that they fail miserably.
Practice of NAMASMARAN on the other hand; even though slow to impress and captivate the customers; world over; actually recuperates, rejuvenates, revitalizes, blossoms and elevates them from petty subjectivity; to magnanimous objectivity. It acts as a perennial source of vigor for the individual and global blossoming and ensures permanent buoyancy and satisfaction!
This is “success”! This is victory!

Hence; those of us, who have genuine concern for their own; as well as the global welfare; need not fear or get disturbed; by the individualistic and petty advertisements, propaganda, publicity, promotion and marketing of products and services! They only have to hold on steadfastly; to NAMASMARAN; and victoriously share; its pivotal and benevolent role in life; with others!

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It is generally observed that; the believers in God; are often agitated by the events; which appear unjust; to them. The belief that God is just; is shaken. The belief that God punishes the evil is shattered. The faith in goodness weakens. In fact; the conflict torments them.

But the story of the atheists is also not different. The “convictions” of various shades of leftist ideologies such as Marxist, Maoist, Leninist; etc; also get eroded; due to the failure; to achieve the projected or anticipated results; of the revolutionary theories and struggles.

As a result; the practice of NAMASMARAN; appears to be futile and the revolutionary efforts; appear to go in vain; respectively.

It is precisely; here that we have to appreciate; that; God; or nature; does not exist and function; according our subjective imaginations, postulations, hypotheses, fantasies; or even so called logical frameworks of ideologies. In other words; God or nature; does not work in accordance with our subjectivity.

Whether we call it emancipation of mankind; or we call it; global revolution bringing about prosperity and profundity; it is essentially; an ongoing process of transformation from subjectivity to objectivity. It is an ongoing process of intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical evolution resulting in blossoming from within; coupled with tangible manifestation in personal and social life.

Thus if we are theists, then we have to appreciate that God incarnates within us; in the form increasing accuracy, objectivity and universality; in our perspective, thinking, emotions, instincts, physical wants; and our behavior at all these planes.

If we are atheists; then we have to appreciate that our theories of revolutions; would materialize; as and when they become increasingly objective and accurate; i.e. in tune with nature.

It is however; not possible to become objective and accurate; voluntarily; and on our own; even if our ego may suggest so. The simplest way for this; is NAMASMARAN {Jap, jaap, jikra, sumiran, simaran i.e. remembering our true) self}, which reorients and reconstitutes us; in our true and objective self.
If we are agitated by personal or social ‘evils’ or ‘retrogressive forces’; then it is urgent and essential; to practice, propagate and universalize; with top priority; the “oxygen” of NAMASMARAN; amidst our day to day routine and hustle bustle; and conquer our stress, which is pandemic!

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If the universe; is the reflection, manifestation or expression; of the universal self; then we being a part of this universal self; it represents “our self” as well!

Roughly speaking; there are four states; in which we live.
First state is; that ignorance or obliviousness. In this state; we are neither happy nor sad. We live reflexively. Our passions, emotions and thoughts; operate; almost involuntarily; and are reflected; in our education, art, culture, literature, conventions, traditions, rules, laws, programs, plans, policies and perspective.

Naturally; we are plagued by lethargy, indolence, irresponsibility, insensitivity, unaccountability and vulgarity. There is scarcity of everything; leading to; cheating, lying, ditching, betraying, stealing, robbing, mugging, swindling and even murders and rapes.

The second state is of awareness. We are sensitive and hence; our own; as well as others’ suffering; disturbs us. We come out; with solutions. But our solutions; even though well meaning; are ad hoc and piecemeal. They provide some relief for some people for some time; but fail to treat the root cause.

The third state is; that of sensitivity as well as wisdom. There is experience of the innate; yet un-manifested; unity and harmony; in the universe. Hence; there is development of laws, education, health care, agriculture conducive to manifestation of the unity and harmony.
The fourth state is of self realization. This is a state of immortality. We are beyond suffering; and keep healing; the ailing mankind; throughout; during our physical life; as well as; after the death of our physical body. This state is beyond human consciousness and comprehension; and hence it is beyond description. It is beyond time and space.

The mankind is characterized by all these states and the proportions keep varying; from time to time; in different parts of the world!

The fourth state; is the source of actual rejuvenation, revitalization; for realizing the third state of prosperity and profundity of the whole mankind; and it is accessible through NAMASMARAN, JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SIMARAN, SUMIRAN i.e. remembering true self; in nurseries, schools, colleges, universities, industries, government offices, trade centers and in fact; every nook and corner of the world!

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It is true that the technology has made life much easier for billions of people. It has progressed in transport, communication, productivity, physical fitness and so on.
This has lead to improvement in efficiency of management, administration, coordination and physical efficiency.
However; our progress; in transport, communication, productivity, physical fitness, management, administration, coordination and physical efficiency etc; are all directed to serve; our basal instincts, individualistic whims, personal fancies, petty pursuits, and trivial gains. It has divided and disrupted us; and torn us apart from one another. It has made us more lonely and miserable.
We have lost our instinct to love. We have lost zest to come together. We have lost the urge to unite. We have lost the innocence and potency to empathize. We have lost the vigor of compassion and help. We have lost the twinkling of eyes. We have lost the very ambrosia of life. We have become caricatures of ourselves; pathetic like “stained pearls”.
This has happened because; we have lost the sight of our own core. We have forgotten our souls. We have ignored our conscience. We have neglected our hearts. While gaining knowledge and smartness in business, management, administration; and amassing money and power; our souls are left helpless and moribund!
If we are aware of this and if we want to rejuvenate our souls, then what could we do? How to achieve the ecstasy of uniting? How to achieve the harmony of hearts, motivations and actions? How to engender objective universal justice?
The answer to this question is; “Practicing the ancient mega-procedure of NAMASMARAN (jap, jaap, jikra, sumiran, simaran i.e. remembering our true selves)”!
NAMASMARAN lays open the innate core of our own selves; and the universe; and gives us access to the ambrosia therein! After drinking this ambrosia; we see; and hence get inspired and empowered; to propagate; the potential of NAMASMARAN to spring the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs; and their implementation; for global welfare.

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