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Gastric acid has a longstanding reputation of being a corrosive agent that can eat through an unprotected stomach wall and "burn a hole in your stomach." , but the percieved dangers of gastric acid are more fantasy than fact. An acid environment can be corrosive for certain inorganic compounds like metals and enamels, but gastric acid is not all that destructive for organic matter. If you have ever spilled orange juice(pH=3) or lime juice(pH=2) on your hands, you have experienced the non destructive nature of acidity in the organic world.Infact the pickling process uses an acid(vineger) to preserve organic matter(food).
The perception of gastric acid as a destructive force is a direct result of the traditional notion that gastric acid is the main cause of peptic ulcer disease.However, recent evidence indicates that local infection with Helicobactor pylori is responsible for most cases of peptic ulcer disease.

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Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which the tissue lining the esophagus is replaced by tissue that is similar to the lining of the intestine. This process is called intestinal metaplasia. It is commonly seen in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD) which occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter opens spontaneously for varying periods of time or does not close properly and the stomach contents rise into the esophagus. It is also called acid reflux. Persistent reflux that occurs more than twice a week is considered GERD.
People with Barrett's esophagus have a risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma. It may be several years before cancer develops. Barrett's esophagus can only be diagnosed using an upper GI endoscopy to obtain biopsies of the esophagus.Several endoscopic therapies are available to treat severe dysplasia and cancer.During these therapies, the Barrett's lining is destroyed(Photodynamic therapy) or the portion of the lining that has the dysplasia or cancer is cut out(Endoscopic mucosal resection).
Your surgeon will present the options and help determine the best course of treatment for u.Periodic endoscopic examinations with biopsies to look for early warning signs of cancer is recommended for people who have barrett's esophagus.This is called surveillance.Typically, before esophageal cancer develops, precancerous cells appear in the Barrett's tissue.This condition is called dysplasia and can be seen only through biopsies.Multiple biopsies may be needed because dysplasia can be missed in a single biopsy.Detecting and treating dysplasia may prevent cancer from developing.Surgical treatment is recommended if a person has severe dysplasia and can tolerate the procedure.many patients with this condition are older and may have other medical problems that make surgery unwise. The type of surgery varies, but it usually involves removing most of the esophagus, pulling a portion of the stomach and attaching it to what remains of the foodpipe.

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New inguinal hernia repair without mesh-Dr. Desarda repair
“Complete cure from groin hernia is now possible with Dr.Desarda's repair technique.......”
Mesh is a foreign body. Therefore, its use in hernia repairs is known to cause all sorts of complications like pain, recurrence, infection etc. We have developed an innovative new technique of inguinal hernia repair without mesh. It uses your own body muscle for repair and gives virtually complete cure from inguinal hernia problem. An undetached strip of the external oblique aponeurosis is stitched on the weak area between the muscle arch and the inguinal ligament to form a new, strong and physiologically dynamic posterior wall that gives protection and prevents re-herniation. Normally patient goes home in a day after surgery and can drive car and go to office in 3-4 days time. This "Dr.Desarda's hernia repair" is now followed in many countries all over the world. We are surprised to see the enquiries from many patients in the developed countries asking for this repair in their country. This is because this operation does not use any foreign body like mesh for repair and therefore there are no complications that are seen in mesh repairs. A visit to Topix or other hernia forums show thousands of posts showing sufferings of many patients due to mesh repairs. But still why surgeons from developed countries are interested in mesh repairs is a big question for us. Please visit our website for more details: or Our cell number: +91 9373322178

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A hernia that appears at the site of a previous surgery is known as ventral or incisional hernia.Its very important to get the hernia repaired early on because it can widen and may be extremely difficult to repair when it gets complicated.In most cases these hernias are repaired with the use of a mesh.what is a mesh and how does it work?Its a sterile woven material made from synthetic plastic like material called polypropylene.It is soft and flexible to allow it to easily conform to the body movement.Mesh can be in the form of a patch and are available in various measurements and can be cut to size depending on the repair technique used.It goes under or over the defect or can be in the form of a plug that goes inside the hole and sutured in place. Mesh acts as a scaffolding for the new growth of patients own tissue and helps to ensure outstanding healing and recovery. It allows a flexible scar tissue so that the abdominal wall may move more naturally.Donated human allograft are also used for complicated hernia repairs. A GI consult is needed if u have an abnormal protrusion seen at the site of previous surgical site at rest or on straining.

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For Your Piles Only
Hemorrhoids, or piles, is one of the most common and nagging disorders. By themselves, though hemorrhoids are rarely serious, they can be extremely troublesome. But in some instances, they may mask a more serious disorder, such as colon or rectal cancer.
Hemorrhoids are a dilated or enlarged vascular clusters which occur in and around the anus and the rectum. They may be external i.e outside the anus or internal and slip to the outside.
But, the latest in Biomedical engineering has replaced the conventional and cumbersome operative treatments by offering easy and effective methods for treatment of Piles without much discomfort, prolonged hospitalisation and anaesthesia.
Infrared Coagulation :
Among the best available non-invasive modalities for treatment of hemorrhods is the Infrared coagulator. It’s basic principle lies in coagulation of the hemorrhoidal vessels with the help of Infrared Rays. It is a State-of-the-art, user-friendly technology and takes only seconds to perform. There is less pain, fewer complications than a rubber band ligation.
1.A simple and easy procedure, it is optimized for adjunctive use in Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation (H.A.L.).
2.It is a precise, rapid localization of hemorrhoidal arteries for ligation.
3.It is suitable for use during outpatient surgery for Goligher Degree I to IV, and prevents prolapse by anchoring the mucosa to the muscularis.
4.It is especially good for bleeding hemorrhoids.
5.There is minimal to no medication or anesthesia required and one can be back to work on same-day or next day.

Radiofrequncy Ablation :
The principle of Radiosurgery involves using radio waves at 5.0 to 6.0 mhz , delivered at low temperature through radiofrequency electrodes. This procedure can be done under local, regional or short general anesthesia. There is no postoperative stay required and the patient can resume work the next morning. It has an easy learning curve and can be performed as an outpatient procedure

Although there is no guaranteed way to prevent piles, it’s a good idea to avoid the causes.

1.A major cause of piles may be constipation, which is often simply treated with a high-fibre diet and water.
2.This diet may help to soften the stool, allowing it to pass through the back passage more easily.
3.Softer stool means reduced strain on the delicate tissue and blood vessels of the bowel.
4.Water is essential, and is especially important in helping to prevent constipation. It is recommended that adults drink 6-8 glasses, totalling 2 litres, of water per day. It may also be helpful to limit caffeinated drinks and alcohol.
5.Regular fibre in diet , A healthy diet may consist of 30 grams of fibre per day, which may include 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.
6.Increase your amount of daily physical activity.
7.Lose weight.
8.Change bowel habits. Respond to the urge to defecate and stay relaxed to avoid straining.
9. Exercise the buttocks muscles.
10. Practice good personal hygiene. Keep the anal area clean and avoid using rough toilet paper.
11.Add stool softeners or laxatives to diet.[Consult your Doctor for prolonged use]

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Ventral (incisional) hernia
Ventral hernia (also called incisional hernia) is a defect in the abdominal wall presenting as a swelling in the abdomenwhich becomes prominent on coughing or straining. It is also called incisional hernia as this arises from a previous operation scar.
Ventral herniae are commonly seen after a caserean section, abdominal hysterectomy or peurperal sterilisation. Post-operative wound infection, obesity, chronic cough predispose to this condition.
Quite often the content of this hernia will be abdominal fat apron called the omentum. Ocassionally small or large intestine can also be a part of the hernia..
Smaller herniae may cause pain and sometime the contents of the hernia may get obstructed at the neck of hernia causing severe pain and needing emergency surgery.
Most of these herniae will require surgical treatment in the form of a mesh repair using a sophisticated synthetic mesh. These days majority of the ventral hernaie are operated by laparoscopic method with minimal pain and good outcomes.
These hernia have a tendency to recur needing re-operation. Certain good surgical principles if followed can prevent a recurrence.
Hence any unusal swelling in the abdominal wall should always be taken seriously and treated

Dr.Patta Radhakrishna MS MCh (gastro)
Consultant Surgical gastroenterologist
Apollo Hsopitals(main), Chennai.

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Acid injury of the food pipe
Consumption of bathroom cleaning acid is one of the most common methods of attempting suicide especially in young girls and most often this does not kill but leaves the patient in a very miserable state of affairs impairing their ability to swallow and subjecting them to multiple hospital visits, endoscopic treatment and quite often surgery. And not all of them will be cured by any of the medical and surgical measures.

Being easily available and cheap , bathroom cleaning acids are one of the commonest sources ingested for suicidal purposes. Accidental ingestion by toddlers and children is not uncommon.

These victims present with severe chest and abdominal pain, vomiting and burning sensation in the mouth which usually settles down in 2 - 3 days. They will then be able to swallow liquids and later solids. The real effect of acid injury to the food pipe will show after about 40-50 days after the incident when swallowing of liquids will also not be possible needing hospitalisation and treatment

The sordid saga will start from then on. Barium x-rays, endoscopic dilatation and often major abdominal surgery will be required to enable the patient to swallow. The involvement of mouth, voice box and upper food pipe makes surgery very difficult with poor outcomes. At times we resort ot silencing the voice box with a permanent tracheostomy to enable eating.

There will be huge drain on the family both emotionally and financially and the worst bit is that no one will have any sympathy to the patient.

Corrosive acid ingestion will not kill a person but will cause considerable damage. One has to be very careful with bathroom acids. these shouldnt be left in the bathroom within the reach of children.

Dr.Patta Radhakrishna MS MCh (GI Surgery)
Senior consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.

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What is Bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery denotes surgical operations on the stomach to drastically reduce its size and capacity in an attempt reduce body weight in patients who are morbidly obese.

Obesity has become an important medical problem in India now. Over weight is a phenomenon which is on the rise . Childhood obesity seen in affluent classes evetually leads on to adult obesity. It is now not uncommomn to see plump and overweight children in every classroom in convent schools. This phenomenon is due to overeating and eating all the wrong foods. Quite often this is due to parental pressure to eat well and these children are generally force fed.

There are many medical conditions which develop in obese individuals like diabetes, hypertension, osteo-arthritis, breathing problems , sleep apnoea, snoring.

There is no medical treatment for obesity. Diet restriction is the main stay and curtailing the volume of food intake definitely reduces weight. But then to maintain a lower weight for longer times is often difficult. Physical exercise on a daily basis benefits obese patients immensely.

Definitive treatment for morbid obesity is surgery. There are many operations for obesity but the commonest ones are the gastric bypass and sleeve resection of stomach. Effectively these operations reduce the capacity of the stomach drastically thereby curtailing the volume of food intake leading on to reasonable weight loss.

So please get your height and weight checked and you'll know whether you are overweight. If you are obese - then do something about it - today.

Dr.Patta Radhakrishna MS MCh
Con surgical gastroenterologist & Lap surgeon
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai.

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The pill sized capsule passes naturally through your digestive tract transmitting video images to a data recorder worn on your abdomen for approx 8 hours.At the end of the procedure the recorder is removed so that the images can be put on a computer screen for the physician to review.
Most patients consider the test comfortable.The capsule endoscope is about the size of a large pill until it is excreted you should not be near an MRI device or schedule an MRI examination.Vigorous physical activity is not advised during tjhe study.
You will be able to drink clear liquids after two hours and eat a light meal 4 hours following the capsule ingestion unless your doctor instructs you otherwise.

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Capsule endoscopy lets your doctor examine the lining of the middle part of GI tract.Your doctor will give you a pill sized video camera to swallow.thats wierd isnt it?This camera has its own light source and takes pictures of your small intestine as it passes through and these are sent to a small recording sensor device which you wear on the outside of your body.
The most common reason for doing a capsule endoscopy is to search for the cause of bleeding from the small may also be useful for detecting polyps,IBD(Crohn's disease),ulcers and tumors of the small intestine.
An empty stomach allows for the best and safest examination.

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