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What is endoscopy?
Upper GI endoscopy or Gastroscopy is a procedure by which a flexibile tube, the thickness of a fountain pen is passed through the mouth into the food pipe and stomach.
It is always done on an empty stomach because presence of food in the stomach will interfere with good interpretation of the endoscopic findings. Moreover there may be chance of the patient aspirating food into the lungs during the procedure.

It is not painful when some local anesthetic spray is used in the throat. If you insist it can be done under a short genral anesthetic which of course is the most comfortable way of getting it done.

The duration of this procedure can be anything from 3 to 10 minutes. Pictures are taken for the records during the procedure. If necessary small bits of tissue will be taken for examination. This will be absolutely painless.

If not under an anaesthetic the procedure may cause discomfort and maybe breathlessness for a shortwhile.

One can start taking food an hour after an endoscopy. So if indicated or advised by your doctor donot hesitate or postpone your upper GI endoscopy.

Dr.Patta Radhakrishna
Surgical Gastroenterologist

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Dyspahiga or difficulty in swallowing
Dysphagia or difficulty in swallowing is another common complaint often seen in gastroenetrological practice. It can be very mild and transient but it can be severe and persistent. Odynophagia is painful swallowing.

Transient dysphagia is often seen in throat disorders like tonsillitis and pharyngitis but these conditions may also have odynophagia, fever, redness of throat , hoarseness at times and fairly easy to diagnose and treat and a ENT consult is necessary.

Commonest cause of dysphagia is reflux esophagitis. This is a condition associated with heartburn where contents of the stomach and acid regurgitates back into the food pipe due to a faulty valve between the food pipe and stomach. This is usually transient and settles down with postural treatment and drugs.

Another group of disorders of the food pipe called the motility disorders can also cause dysphagia, some of them of a severe variety called the achalsia of the cardia. These are diagnosed by the esopgaeal manometry and respond well to medication .Some of them like achalsia may require surgery.

The most dreaded condition causing dyasphagia is cancer of the food pipe, fairly frequent in India especially among smokers and this will require advanced tests, surgery and maybe chemotherapy or radiotherapy .

So dysphagia is yet another important digestive symptom which should not be ignored and will require a specialist consultation and endoscopy if persistent.

Dr.Patta Radhakrishna
Surgical Gastroenterologist

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Alcohol and the digestive system
Dr.Patta Radhakrishna, Senior consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist, Apollo Hospitals(main), Chennai.

It is very strange that there are thousand of people in the age group 70 to 90 who have been consuming alcohol everyday for the past say 40-50 years and they are hale and hearty. Some of them will be stronger than you and me.
But then there are many people who have just started drinking and they develop gastritis, vomiting ,haemetemsis, alcoholic hepatitis and sometimes pancreatits which is a life threatening condition. The moral is if anyone dveloping a digestive problem like the ones i have mentioned above should definitely abstain from drinking forever.

Alcoholic pancreatitis is seen in fairly large numbers in our daily hospital practice. These patients develop sever abdominal pain and vomiting needing hospitalisation. Some of them develop breathing failure, fall in blood pressure requiring ICU treatment. Some will require life saving emergency surgery whic may not be successful all the time. So alcohol , sometimes even a sip can kill a person.
alcohol and liver - i shall discuss another day.

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Bleeding per rectum
Paasage of a few drops per rectum is a very common symptom. people do not get alarmed seeing blood in the toilet pan as much as they do when they see blood in the wash basin. But the problem is not that simple.

Majority of the times a few drops of blood in the toilet is not a grave thing to worry about. But this symptom shouldnt be ignored either.

The commonest cause of bleeding per rectum is piles(haemorrhoids) or fissure in ano. The difference between these two is quite obvious. If there is pain while passing motion it is quite often a fissure causing the trouble. Piles do not generally pain. A small skin tag which is felt at the anus is generally mistaken for piles . This tag is called the sentinel pile seen in pts with fissure in ano.
Rare causes of bleeding per rectum may be ulcerative colitis, non-specific colitis and rarely cancer of the rectum.
Most of the piles and fissures do not require any active treatment. If the problem is very persistent and troublesome surgery becomes necessary which is a fairly simple one. One should avoid getting theirs anal problems by quacks and self styled medical men.

Cancer of rectum should always be ruled out in every patient with bleeding per rectum and hence this symptom should not be ignored and allopathy is the ideal choice of treament

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Vomiting of blood
Vomiting of blood called as haemetemsis in medical jargon is different from Haemoptysis - coughing out blood. Quite often patients cannot differentiate between the two and undergo un-necessary investgations. Rarely bleeding gums may confuse the issue.

Haemetemesis is a serious complaint. Although 90 out of 100 patients with haemetemsis may settle down without any active treatment, all patients with haemetemesis need to see a doctor and get investigated.

A bleeding ulcer in the stomach is the commonest cause of upper GI bleeding. Ulcer disease or ulcers caused by swallowing pain killers maybe the cause. When bleeding is due to liver disease it can grave.

Rarely bleeding can be so massive requiring hospitalisation, blood transfusions, endoscopy and treatment. Very rarely life-saving emergency operation may be required to stop the bleeding.

So vomiting of blood is an ominous symptom and should never be ignored and is mandatory to see a gastroenterologist at the earliest.

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Fast track surgery
The art and science of surgery has evolved and refined tremendously in recent years. We practice fast track surgery these days. Many minor to moderate surgical procedures are done as a day care without the patient staying overnoght in the hospital.
Incisions have become smaller and hence the pain is less and the need for analgesics and sedation has come down. Patients are allowed to take oral fluids / feeds at the earliest usually hours after completion of even major abdominal surgery.
Tubes through nose , drains pipes from the abdomen and other cavities are removed much earlier than they used to be.
All this leads to early return to normal activity and more than that reduces expenditure and costs dratically. So if one is in the need of a surgical procedure - he should choose a centre where these fast-track practises are followed.

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Hernia and its treatment
Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of intra-abdominal contents through the abdominal wall due to thinning or weakening of a particular region. Herniae in the groin are very common. These groin herniae can occur in any person without a reason but chronic cough, constipation, prostatic enlargement or lifting of heavy weights can pre-dispose to this condition.
Hernia can cause pain and sometime intestines can get caught in them necessitating emergency surgery.
These can be seen in infants and children too. All herniae will require surgical treatment whic is usually done by laparoscopic method with minimal pain.
Ventral hernia or incisional hernia is a hernia arising from a defect at a previously operated area which also will require laproscopic repair using a synthetic wire net.
Umbilical hernia is in the region of umbilicus which at times can cause trouble.
In summary all herniae require surgical treatment before they cause complications.

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Jaundice is not an uncommon condition seen in clinical practice. Urine colour turning thick yellow is the first sign of jaundice noticed by the patient and yellow discoloration of the eyes usually noticed by others.
Most of the times jaundice disappears without any treatment or sequelae.
But then no jaundice should be ignored. Everyone with jaundice should see an allopathic physician and not definitely a non-medical person.
Jaundice can occur due to a variety of reasons. there are about 6-8 different viruses causing jaundice some of them good ones and some bad. One need to definitely find out the causative virus in every patient as this jaundice can recur.
Sometimes jaundice can occur due to a stone in the biliary system and very occassionally due to a tumor blocking the bile passage needing advanced tests and some time surgery.

So it is imperative not to ignore jaundice and a visit to an allopathic physician is mandatory
So it is i

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“What is inguinal hernia & its new operation technique-Desarda Repair?”
Hernia disease is now generally known to common people just as appendicitis is known. When a bulge or swelling appears in the groin, every body knows that it is hernia. So bulge or swelling due to any other disease might be mistaken as hernia bulge. Like wise, hernia occurs only in the groin is also a misconception. It can occur any where inside the body as well as visibly out side the body. The hernias which are visible on the surface of the body mainly occur on the abdomen.
When any organ of our body or part of it leaves its original place and enters into other cavity through a defect or hole, it forms a hernia sac. This sac becomes visible on the abdomen when intestines enter in to it on coughing. This bulge seen on the abdomen is called as hernia. It is seen in nearly 1-1.5% of our people but this incidence is higher (2-3%) in the western countries and Africa. Abdominal wall hernias are given different names depending on the area where they arise. Inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, epigastric hernia, lumbar hernia, spigelion hernia etc. are some of such hernias that are seen on the abdominal wall. Hernias can occur inside the body also that are not visible outside. Diaphragmatic hernia is an example of this.
Why hernia forms? Every body naturally wants to know as to why at all hernia forms in their body or on abdomen. What are the reasons? Weakness of the abdominal wall muscle cover at some place or spot is the main reason. Then if by any reason say like coughing or straining while passing stools or urine, intra-abdominal pressure rises and the result is the hernia formation through the weak spot. Chronic cough as seen in asthmatic patients, job of lifting heavy weights, constipation, obstruction in passing urine due to enlarged prostate are some of the important reasons that precipitates the hernia formation in the groin or at some other place on abdomen. Stretching of muscles as seen in pregnancy or ascitis can also result in hernia formation. These reasons are not seen in children; still they are affected with hernia due to pre formed hernia sac.
What are the symptoms: A soft swelling appearing in the groin that increases in size after coughing and disappears after lying down or during sleep then you can think that it is groin hernia. This groin swelling is small betel nut size in the beginning but later if kept untreated goes on increasing and enters in the scrotum also. Initially, this bulge can be pushed inside the abdomen but later it becomes impossible to push them back because intestines get adherent to the hernia sac. There is no pain in this hernia swelling. That is the main reason why people are not serious about its early treatment. In general, pain in hernia is to be understood as an alarming symptom. It occurs whenever this hernia gets obstructed and you can not push intestines back or when hernia gets strangulated, a serious condition. Blood supply to the intestines gets cut off and they start dying inside the hernia sac during the process of strangulation. Patient does not allow touching the hernia swelling because it becomes painful and tender. Some times, intestines get perforated inside the sac and peritonitis takes place. Patient starts vomiting, there is abdominal distension and general condition of the patient deteriorates fast. This is a life threatening emergency and needs to be operated immediately to save the life of the patient. Therefore, it is advised that hernia should be treated as early as possible and not to wait till it starts paining.
Examination & treatment: Examination of hernia gives an idea about the type of hernia and whether there are any complications developed in it. What type of organ e.g. intestines or omentum has entered the hernia sac is also judged. Then general examination is done to find out whether patient is having any systemic disease like bronchitis, hypertension, heart disease, enlarged prostate etc. Some blood tests, x-ray chest or ECG. is done to find out whether patient is fit to undergo surgery. If there are some serious complications developed in hernia and patient needs urgent surgery to save his life then patient can be taken for surgery without doing these tests also. Just as a torn shirt needs stitching to repair it, similarly this torn shirt of abdominal muscles also need proper stitching to repair the hernia. First of all the hernia sac is separated from other tissues and it is excised. Second part of the operation is to stitch the hernia hole to prevent hernia formation again. This is called as herniorrhaphy or hernioplasty. Therefore, do not believe if some body assures you that hernia can be cured without surgery and with medicines or some other means. Many times patients are advised to do exercises so as to strengthen the muscles and cure the hernia. It is absolutely wrong to do exercises when there is hernia because every exercise increases the intra-abdominal pressure and that tends to increase the size of hernia. Some times advice of using a hernia truss is given to avoid the surgery. This hernia truss or hernia belt is fitted on the hernia hole in an attempt to prevent it from coming outside. This is not cure to the hernia. At the most you can postpone surgery for some time by using it. But now surgeons clearly advise not to use truss in any situation because of its complications. Hernia belt slips from the hernia hole due to movements and the intestines can get obstructed easily giving rise to a dangerous situation of obstruction or strangulation.
Hernia operation is done by stitching a piece of synthetic cloth called as mesh on the hernia hole. Polypropylene, polyethylene, prolene, Dacron, Teflon is such synthetic chemical thread from which mesh is prepared. This mesh is imported and costly also. Therefore, at many places a low quality mesh is used to save on the cost. This increases the chances of hernia reappearing or getting infected. Recurrence, infection, pain, mesh migration are some of the well documented complications associated with this mesh repair because mesh is a synthetic cloth and a foreign body. Re-operation is the only remedy to treat those complications and this re-surgery is very difficult, complicated and commanding even in the hands of expert surgeons because mesh causes extensive damage to the nearby tissues and fibrosis. Techniques older than this are now discarded because they all had unacceptable rate of surgery failures.
A new technique- “Dr. Desarda repair”: A search to find out some operation technique that
does not use mesh and gives excellent results was going on through out the world. Desarda repair introduced in the market in year 2001 became immediately popular because it gives what you want and that too without use of any foreign body like mesh. This operation is done by taking a cut on the skin. It is simple and does not require any foreign body like mesh or any complicated instruments like endoscopes. A strip of a nearby muscle is separated and stitched on the weak spot to cover the hernia hole. There is no foreign body like mesh or no endoscopes are required therefore, this operation is free from all complications and risks that are associated with the mesh or laparoscopic repair. There is no tension on the stitches or muscles as seen in Bassini-Shouldice operation. Therefore, there are no complications and risks that are associated with the Bassini- Shouldice operation. Hernia hole is covered by a strong muscle. Therefore, protection starts on the operation table itself. Patient is admitted in the morning and immediately taken for surgery after preparation. Operation is done under local or spinal anaesthesia. No general anaesthesia is required. Operation is completed in 30 minutes and patient is back on his feet as soon as anaesthesia effect is gone. Patient goes to bathroom on his own within couple of hours and moves freely in the wards afterwards and goes home same day night or next day morning. Patients are allowed to drive car and go to office, bend, squat, climb up the staircase or carry luggage and travel. All foreign patients coming to Indian Hernia Institute go back to their country on third day carrying their luggage and a journey of 20-22 hours without any difficulty. The most important quality of this operation is that there is virtually no recurrence or pain. This operation is spreading rapidly around the globe and today it is being followed in many countries.

Interested patients and doctors can contact Dr. Desarda on his mobile no. 0091 (0)9373322178 or log on to his website or

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