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All the careers (educational courses and curriculums) ought to contribute to the basic theme; �simultaneous blossoming of an individual and the universe� and their success has to be evaluated on the basis of such contribution.

Secondly; they have to empower us spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, technically and economically.
The last point �economically� implies; that the careers must be productive and the students would contribute to the institutions through productive activity.

Hence; thirdly; there should be no conditions, tests and other obstructions; such as donations, castes etc. for the admission. It should be clear; that in such situation; there would be no problem; even if more students are admitted; as there would be proportionate increase in the revenue required for additional facilities such as laboratories, workshops and teachers.

Since every career would ensure economically sound position in society (and not dependence on service); there would not be obsessive demands for certain careers and hence; this would bring an end to rabid competition, wastage of money, conflicts, corruption and violence, which is; what is happening today.

If the careers are evolved as above; then a consensus would evolve; that individual progress cannot be separated from social progress, spiritual progress cannot be isolated from material progress; and progress as such; must imply simultaneous blossoming of an individual and society and NOT mere increase in luxury items such as mobiles or cars.

We can evolve such careers, which would eradicate many of the causes of stress; if we learn to understand and follow our inner voice! We have the golden opportunity to verify whether this is possible; through the universal practice of NAMASMARAN!

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