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I never knew anything about the STRESS; operating right from conception; at conscious, subconscious and unconscious levels; both inside and outside; and the holistic ways to conquer it!

Now; I know Total Stress Management, which includes holistic perspective, policymaking, plans and programs; and their implementation.

But still; sometimes I am cynical about the vision and the contents of Total Stress Management and think that present situation can NEVER change in any way.

I ask myself; �Can anybody be happy even if all the material pleasures are granted? Are not all the material pleasures useless in terms of giving total fulfillment of life? Is not the body that enjoys it also temporary? Are we not unhappy merely because of ego? Are we not unhappy because of the state of our mind? What is the use of pursuing material pleasures? What is the use of Total Stress Management; when all is vanity? Isn�t the world UNCHANGED; even when so many people toiled for its improvement; in the past? Isn�t such effort useless and futile? What is the use of it; if we have �to leave everything�; when we die?�

It is better to enjoy my life as it comes; �without bothering� about society.

But; how much ever I try; I cannot enjoy my life without bothering about the others! It not possible for me!

Learning and practice of Total Stress Management is inseparable from life. How much ever I try; I cannot choose to be a passive victim or active cause of the STRESS. I cannot keep proclaiming; like snoring in slumber; or shouting in delirium; that; �I am happy and ecstatic; even as the millions others are in misery�!

Alternatively; sometimes I wonder; if increase in inner strength; irrespective of the extent of external environmental stress; can reduce the ratio; �external pressure/resilience� and conquer the stress!

I tried this seriously. But since the external stress and pressures; are inseparable from my inner core; it is not possible for me to increase the �inner strength�; by trying to escape from the �stress in external environment�!

I can increase the inner strength (and satisfaction); only by conquering (through holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and their implementation); all the STRESSORS simultaneously! This is Total Stress Management or superliving (the core of which is NAMASMARAN) and is like oxygen. Can I be cynical and escapist about breathing oxygen?

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