
MPUH Nadiad team headed by Dr Mahesh Desai visits Kelina Hospital Nigeria to perform free Urological minimal access Surgeries
Posted by Mr. P A Joseph Anthony Purathur on Wednesday, 28th March 2012
MPUH Nadiad team headed by Dr Mahesh Desai visits Kelina Hospital Nigeria to perform free Urological minimal access Surgeries
A team of doctors and OT staff from MPUH Nadiad, headed by MPUH Medical Director and Managing Trustee, who is also the President of the Society International d' Urologie (SIU), visited Kelina Hospital, Abuja (Nigeria) during March 15 - 21, 2012. Dr. Desai delivered a Urology Guest Lecture on 21/3/2012, titled "Health initiative by the Societe Internationale d' Urologie" at the Abuja Sheraton Hotel.
Several urological minimal access surgeries were performed by Dr Mahesh Desai and his team during the visit. Dr Desai also provided hands-on-training for Urologists in the West African sub-region in a bid to ensure that the procedures are available to Nigerians after his exit. Dr. Desai's visit to Nigeria demonstrates his commitment to support the practice of Urology in the developing world, said Dr. C.U. Undie, the Medical Director and Consultant Urologist of Kelina Hospital in Gwarinpa, Abuja (Nigeria).