Posted by Dr. Suhas Mhetre on Sunday, 22nd April 2012
Apparently; stress has nothing to do with tooth paste.But if we take a closer look at it; it does have.
Tooth paste is a commodity, on which non productive and extremely wasteful squandering of money goes on perennially on the TV and other media. This squandering on commercials or advertisements of various tooth pastes; is not merely useless but in fact a major STRESSOR.
These advertisements on TV and print media are irritatingly repetitive and deceptive. They create an entirely and ridiculously false picture of the results of tooth paste. This makes the tooth paste advertisements frightening (by repeated threat of infections and caries) and stressful (because; irrespective of the tooth paste; the dental problems continue).
Many a times we brush teeth only to show that we are “modern, progressive and advanced”; as we are brainwashed to believe; that use of DANTA DHAVAN or use of tooth powder for rubbing and cleaning teeth and gums; is primitive, unscientific; and backward!
Do we have the capacity to see through and overcome every possible kind of misleading hype and exploitative brain washing on media? If we facilitate our own blossoming from within and empower ourselves (through NAMASMARAN); to see, think, feel and act holistically; then we begin to conquer this STRESS of deceit!
Let us; resolve not to brainwash; and not to get brain washed! If we stop eating flesh, rub our teeth and gums with ayurvedic tooth powder; in a prayerful attitude; and with self esteem; and frequently wash and gargle; then we really don’t need tooth brush and paste; and won’t ever suffer from undue dental problems and obnoxious halitosis!