Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Sunday, 22nd April 2012
CONVERSIONS AND NAMASMARAN: DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKARWhile the instincts, rabid propaganda and the indiscriminate violence; for racial, religious, ideological, cultural, economic and political supremacy; are seen everywhere; they are undoubtedly the obstacles; in individual and global blossoming.
But this statement is not new. It is written and spoken by almost every alternate person. But the question is; how to evolve ourselves at least from the madness of conversions?
The proper way; is to understand and appreciate that;
1. Our devotion to our religions; is maligned by our frantic efforts to convert others to our religions! It is also insulting to the spirit and motto of global welfare of our religions.
2. Indirect conversions; are far more wide spread; and embody vested interests. They involve imposition of certain types of clothes, food, drugs, education, fashions, jewelry, language, literature, art, movies, laws, rules, regulations and even water! These conversions proliferate pseudo culture; at the cost of majority.
It is said; that the by practicing, preaching, publishing, talking, writing, broadcasting, sponsoring, sharing; in fact; doing whatever we can; to promote NAMASMARAN; we begin to experience cosmic romance and global unity; and evolve holistic perspective, policies, plans and programs for global welfare. Later; our craving to convert or our helplessness to get converted; begins to fade!