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The degree of evolution in individual and social life determines the expression of life in different physical actions, skills, sexual interactions, poetic perceptions and expressions, scientific and technological development, artistic feats, thinking and formulation of ideology, leadership and decision making, administrative and legal frameworks and so on!

According to the evolution at different stages of development in individual and social life; the meaning of various concepts such as “god”, “freedom”, “revolution” also change.

This why; at earlier stages of development; individual pursuits, activities and social struggles, revolve around preying for survival, procreation, perpetuation of species, rearing of offspring, conquering another tribe, establishing autocratic rule, establishing intellectual technological, economic, social and political supremacy, establishing religious supremacy and so on.

Conversely they (the individual pursuits, activities and social struggles); may revolve around defending one’s individual life, one’s tribe, economy, culture, religion and people in general. They may also revolve around annihilation of exploitation, arousing mass consciousness, arousing social commitment, establishing equality of opportunity, uniting and reestablishing a particular religion and so on.

The methodologies may include right from guerilla and open bloody wars; to public education, public awakening, non-cooperation and various other modalities of protests.

As we evolve further; through NAMASMARAN; as taught by the immortal gurus; we rise above the subjectivity and evolve holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and implementation in all the fields of life, so that the individuals and people in turn, “enter” into the immortal center of the cosmic consciousness, or the trans-temporal light that enlightens and invigorates everything!

This whole process may be called; conscious evolutionary transformation, Total Stress Management, Superliving, Holistic renaissance, Spiritual renaissance, Samashti yoga, Cosmic enlightenment or Cosmic yoga.

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