
Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Monday, 17th December 2012
UNTITLED: DR SHRINIWAS KASHALIKARThe beauty of the fashion pageants and the rags of rag pickers, the melody of musical concerts and the noise in local trains; and the regular meat eating and the strict vegetarianism; are some of the stark contrasts in life. There are many such contrasts, which make it difficult to characterize and describe life!
The issue here is that of paranoid behavior and maniacal behavior.
NAMASMARAN is a process which takes us to our root, connects us to our core or true self, enlightens us with the experience of the unity with universe; and enables us to bring it in day to day transactions, through; holistic perspective, policy making, planning, programs and their implementation.
But; we the ardent supporters, practitioners and promoters of NAMASMARAN, as well as we, who dismiss NAMASMARAN as a stupid or even a counterproductive activity; seem to be oblivious to this potential of NAMASMARAN; of individual and global blossoming. (This is true even if our honesty and integrity are; with some exceptions; unquestionable).
This is why;
1.We, the practitioners of NAMASMARAN; worship the saints, mystics, incarnations, prophets, god; and pursue the moksha, mukti, god realization, nirvana; or the heaven on earth; while being oblivious of the objective physiological and social facts.
We do not realize that; when a visionary says; that God does everything; he/she implies that we should be aware of our progress from our periphery to our core, which is God; the supreme master of all the orchestra.
We are unable to sink within; to our core and acquire the holistic approach. We depend on some alien God to do the trick! This is parasitic and paranoid.
2. We; the opponents of NAMASMARAN; also; do not realize that; when a visionary says; that God does everything; he/she implies that we should be aware of our progress from our periphery to our core, which is God; the supreme master of all the orchestra.
Hence we deny ourselves the conscious perception of the process of merging with our own core. We remain in our periphery and forget/deny the very existence of our own core
Hence; we denigrate the saints, mystics, prophets etc and get involved in the movements; with superficial, piecemeal and sectarian approach. These usually breed division, disruption and antipathy.
This disbelief/forgetfulness in our own core is arrogant and maniacal.