
Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Sunday, 23rd December 2012
THE PURSUIT: DR SHRINIWAS KASHALIKARThe pursuit of universalization of NAMASMARAN is actually aiming at realization or manifestation of already existing but unperceived unity and harmony in the world. It is a pursuit towards inviting and including; everybody; in the joyous and melodious universal orchestra of individual and universal blossoming.
This target may appear to some; as utopian; as it may or may not ensure immediate results in terms of all the seven thousand millions of human beings in the world practicing NAMASMARAN.
But this pursuit even if unfulfilled; itself is rejuvenating and empowering. It unites us with the life in the universe! It connects us with the universal blossoming. We are no more isolated fragile individuals.
It reinforces and consolidates our own conviction (and in the course of time our own experience); in the practice of NAMASMARAN (jikra, jap, jaap, sumiran, simaran; i.e. remembering true self).
The pursuit of universalization of NAMASMARAN therefore whether accomplished or not; and that the practice of NAMASMARAN embody reiteration and reaffirmation of the already existing universal unity and welfare (to which we are oblivious)! Both are empowering and rejuvenating and ensure; our own total stress management and our own moment to moment personal victory over individual and universal stress.