Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Tuesday, 15th January 2013
WHY AND WHEN NAMASMARAN: DR. SHRINIWAS KASHALIKARIf there is a thorn inside, then it hurts badly and the child cries. But if you try to remove it, then it resists and cries more. A sick child refuses to take injection because; it is apprehensive about the pain it produces. The list of such instances can be very long; in fact; unending.
The point is simple. If you do not know the cause and nature of your problem; and the efficiency of its solutions, then you tend to despise and reject the solutions.
Today; most of us are complaining of one thing or another. Some are not complaining; but the others are complaining about them! This is especially important; because people with all medical investigations “normal” and diagnosed as having no clinical disease; are suffering; or at least they say so!
The suffering is largely because of; the ‘maturing; from blissful ignorance’; of perception, feelings and actions; and hence; the solution lies; in further maturation of these! This requires triumphant channelization of the biologically dominated perceptions, feelings and actions; towards true self!
NAMASMARAN (jap, jaap, jikra, sumiran, simaran i.e. remembering God’s name i.e. one’s true self); is a holistic remedy and actually a panacea for such a triumph. It is a golden opportunity and we are privileged to know about it!
The answer to “Why NAMASMARAN?” is; “there is no other simpler, inexpensive, universally acceptable and practicable in every possible condition; alternative!” and the answer to “when NAMASMARAN?” is; from “from now”; because; “sooner the better; and more the merrier”!