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Even if we have faith in our guru; and our devotion is genuine; we are often confronted with this question; “Is it really true that God does everything?”

This is because; even if we repeatedly reiterate that our guru is none other than the Almighty Himself; we are always influenced by and involved in; his personal life, charisma, feelings, preaching and his supernatural and superhuman feats; all in His human form! This is true about mystics, prophets and incarnations as well! All of them; while extraordinary, superhuman and supernatural; on the one hand; appear to have limited capacity; in their human form; on the other; as they don’t seem to govern; the complex scientific inventions, rapidly developing intriguing technology, world wars, earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and several cosmic phenomena. While some of these appear to be the products of the concerned individuals or teams; the others appear to be impersonal, unplanned and automatic.

They do not appear to be God’s activity.

Now; for getting the answer to our question; let us understand that our doubt is actually valid; but created by our concept of “doing”.
Actually; God, guru, mystics, prophets and incarnations of God “do not do” and do not say; “they do”; as is conceived by us.

What “God is a doer” means; can be understood; if we observe that animals “do” things without knowing that “they” are doing, we do things; thinking that “we” are doing; and we; in the course of ascendance from individuality and subjectivity; realize; that “we” is a transient experience at a certain stage of development. This experience is; neither present; before (when we are unconscious about self); nor latter (when we transcend the individuality and subjectivity; and merge in impersonal objective consciousness)!
It is in the last state of consciousness; that we appreciate that ‘we’ (our bodies, instincts, emotions, intelligence and perspective and our behavior); are mere dependent transient peripherals of the impersonal and eternal objective consciousness (God), who is the only absolute and immortal reality; and hence a “doer”; albeit indirectly!

When we say; “God does everything”; it does not mean that God actually plans and brings about earth quakes, tsunamis; or invents scientific inventions; or engages in the multitude of mundane activities, which are ‘executed’ by the peripheral instruments of God!

All this is actually a matter of study and continuous practice of NAMASMARAN and firsthand experiences; of at least glimpses initially; and finally of actually “being the eternal consciousness”! It is not a matter of blind belief!

Even; all this “writing” and “I” are contingent amidst the eternal kingdom and supreme reign of God; my guru.

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