Posted by Dr. Suhas Mhetre on Wednesday, 27th March 2013
We often feel that the ultimate destination of life; is beyond SANKALP (a kind of motivation, purpose, plan, aspiration, desire, ambition, determination etc, which leads to a variety of activities in life). Hence; we are often skeptical and/or cynical about NAMASANKALP (a planning of specific count in certain specific time; of NAMASMARAN); by an individual or a group.
Even as this is natural; we have to realize that; most of us; are not really freed from every kind of SANKALP. In fact; we are knowingly or unknowingly; and consciously or subconsciously involved; in several trivial preoccupations, which drag us away from our true selves. This is a root cause of stress, which manifests in different ways.
These preoccupations cannot be conquered by any voluntary effort; as they are intricately mingled with our ego.
This can only be done; if we consciously adopt a powerful SANKALP; that can nullify these preoccupations and catalyze surrender to our Guru (Self realization, Total Stress Management)! Such infinitely powerful SANKALP; is the time tested NAMASANKALP. This can save us from succumbing to our ego and stress; and empower us to reach the ultimate destination of life; beyond SANKALP!
We need not believe in this; but verify it by practice.