Posted by Dr. Sunil Bhargava on Wednesday, 22nd May 2013
Please visit my website for further details. mobile +919320182803Fibroids Treatment – Shrink your fibroids by angiography methods (Uterine Fibroid Embolisation) - No Surgery, Quick Recovery and Affordable Treatment.
Fibroids in uterus with symptoms can be treated without surgery by procedure called Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE).
Advantages of Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)
1. It is performed under Local anaesthesia. Not General anaesthesia.
2. Requires only a needle puncture in skin (No surgical incision of abdomen).
3. Recovery is much shorter than from hysterectomy or open myomectomy.
4. You can walk after rest for 4 hrs. Within 3 days you can carry out routine activities.
5. No complications associated with surgical opening.
6. All fibroids are treated at once, which is not the case with myomectomy.
7. Uterine fibroid embolization involves virtually no blood loss or risk of blood transfusion.
8. Many women resume light activities in a few days and the majority of women are able to return to normal activities (including exercise) within a week. If the presenting complaint was excess vaginal bleeding, 87-90% of cases experience resolution within 24hours.
9. Emotionally, financially and physically benign procedure -embolization can have an overall advantage over other procedures as the uterus is not removed.
Q. What are the conditions that can be treated?
1. Single / multiple Uterine Fibroids with symptoms.
Q. What are typical symptoms?
1. Heavy, prolonged menstrual periods and unusual bleeding, sometime with clots.
2 .Lower abdomen pressure or heaviness
Q. Who is most likely to have uterine fibroids?
A. Uterine fibroids are very common, although, often they are very small and cause no problem. From 20% to 40 % of women aged 35 and older have uterine fibroids of a significant size.
Q. How are uterine fibroids diagnosed?
A. Sonography
Q. What is fibroid embolization?
A. UFE is performed by an interventional radiologist, a physician who is specially trained to perform this and other minimally invasive procedures. The doctor makes a needle puncture in the groin and inserts a catheter into an artery. The catheter is guided through the artery to the uterus while the interventional radiologist guide’s the progress of the procedure using X-ray. The interventional radiologist injects tiny particles the size of grains of sand into the artery that is supplying blood to the fibroid tumor. This cut off the blood flow and causes the fibroid to shrink. The artery on the other side of the uterus is then treated. This procedure is available at few hospitals.
Q. Which patient can go for fibroid embolization?
A. Patients who have single / multiple fibroids which are causing symptoms
Q. How successful is the fibroid embolization procedure?
A. Studies show that up to 94% of women who have the procedure experience significant or total relief of heavy bleeding, pain and other symptoms. The procedure also is effective for multiple fibroids. No re-growth of treated fibroids is observed.
Q. Are there risks associated with the treatment of fibroid tumors?
A. There are some associated risks, as there are with almost any medical procedure. Most women experience moderate pain and cramping in the first several hours following the fibroid embolization procedure. Some experience nausea and fever. These symptoms are controlled with antibiotics and pain medication. Less than 1% of the patients need myomectomy or hysterectomy to complete the removal of a persisting fibroid.
Q. What are the risks of Surgery for fibroids
A. Hysterectomy and myomectomy carry risks, including infection, bleeding leads to blood transfusion. Patients who undergo myomectomy may develop adhesions causing tissue and organs in abdomen to fuse together, which can lead to other problems. In addition, the recovery time is much longer generally one to two month.