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What is STARR ?
ODS is a form of chronic constipation that affects thousands of people in the India – primarily women. In many cases, it is part of a more generalized weakness of pelvic support structures. Women with ODS commonly plan their daily activities around their bowel habits.
If you have chronic constipation and also have one or more of the following symptoms at least 25 percent of the time during bowel movements, you may have ODS:
Multiple trips to the bathroom.
Prolonged straining.
Incomplete elimination, and/or prolonged time to have a bowel movement.
Routine use of laxatives or enemas.
The need to press around your genitals or anus to have a bowel movement.

Most of the time, chronic constipation can be relieved using a combination of diet, exercise and medication. If these approaches do not relieve your chronic constipation, you should discuss treatment options with a physician. You may be suffering from a type of chronic constipation known as Obstructed Defecation Syndrome (ODS).

STARR is a surgical procedure that is performed through the anus, requires no external incisions and leaves no visible scars. Using a surgical stapler, the procedure removes excess tissue in the rectum and reduces the deformities that can cause ODS. Patients undergoing STARR are typically hospitalized for one to three days and have minimal recovery time after leaving the hospital.
Is STARR Effective?
Yes. In a recent clinical study, chronic constipation symptoms significantly improved in most patients undergoing the STARR procedure. Overall patient satisfaction with the STARR procedure was high, with 90 percent of patients rating the results as either good or excellent.

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