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Oxygen is most important gas for our life on this earth or inside sea or in open sky or moutains if lack of oxygen either not present in surrounding as on himalayan heights,space,moon,mars,saturn planet or inside sea or even in suffocated gathering or chowcked halls or leakage of gas during industrial pollutions,nuclear or bomb explosions ,it leads to severe respiratory distrss and if not rescued or provided oxygen in minutes we can die.Oxygen not going inside our lung during drowning or chocking or smoothering or hanging condition or where our respiratory effort is paralysed due to diseases of lung,thoracic cage or brain or any other metabolic disease or even reaching lung but not circulated by blood to our different body parts as in cardiac failure or many congenital shunts or advanced multi system failure condition if no or less oxygen no beaking of glucose particles in cell so no production of ATPS in mitochondria or no production of energy cell to perform different function of cell/tissue/organ/system or Body resulting in death.
Therefore,oxygen is very imortant for our survival or survival of every living particles ,even plant who can utilise carbon dioxide for nutrition need oxygen too but all animals need it badly even if oxygen but either oxygen carrying pipe or trachea blocked or diseases or lung where change of gas (oxygen in,carbon di oxide out)happens is diseases or red blood cells or RBCs are less in number then oxygen deprivation occurs so if BLOOD IS LET OUT as in anaemic condition where replaced by water or during surgery or during accident or crush injuries then our body needs BLOOD immediately to carry oxygen to our different cells but if Blood not available person may die even supplying excessive oxygen .
Therefore scientist all over the world are trying hard to manufacture a particle like RBC OR BLOOD which can carry oxygen to our body if injected inside our body and if such substance instead of getting blood through lung after travelling from our nose and air pipe,trachea to lung if this particle can be oaded with oxygen outside body in laboratory then it will help us in two ways in serious emergency life saving condition,first BLOOD OR RBC not required second even whole respiratory tract not working even then as there will be no need of ventilators in icu for few minutes to hrs ,thee particles will carry oxygen to heart(so heart will not stop)to Brain (so all vital centres will work) to kidneys (waste secreted)to Liver and intestines so all metabolic process will remain intact.
SUCH PARTICLES HAS BEEN INVENTED AND IT WILL BE USED BY ASTRAUNOTS FOR ITS SPACE PROGRAMME TOO and such particles has been developed by nano technology so every few amount will be needed to make our survival possible for minutes to hr only.
A team at Boston Children’s Hospital have invented a micro-particle that can be injected into your bloodstream to oxygenate your blood – without any help being required from your lungs.

The particles are able to keep a patient alive for up to 30 minutes after respiratory failure – which is normally enough time to prevent a heart attack or brain damage due to oxygen deprivation.

Each particle contains three to four times more oxygen than each of our own red blood cells. The oxygen is stored with a cell membrane made of fat. The membrane can be made of other materials but one issue in the past was that the particles became lodged in the body’s capillaries. These fat membranes however, are much more flexible and prevent this problem from happening.

Dr. John Kheir first began looking at ways to oxygenate the blood without breathing due to a tragic experience with one of his patients, a young girl. She was suffering from pneumonia and at one point her lungs started to fill with blood. It took 25 minutes to remove the blood from her lungs, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough time to prevent a cardiac arrest, leaving the girl in a serious condition which eventually lead to her death.

Potential uses for the new technology include medical, military and private. Military uses could include covert teams being able to stay submerged for 30 minutes at a time without having to come up for air. Private sector could include rescue teams being better protected, or an oil rig crew being able to fix underwater damage without the need for scuba equipment.

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