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sex myths -enjoy sex remembering misbliefs of sex
SEXUAL MIS BELIEFS WHICH MAY HAMPER SEX-READ & ENJOY SEX,+917838059592,author is sex specialist for any query on sex or its related diseases or weakness in both male and female including abortion are answered.
1. Men Reach Their Sexual Peak at 18, and Women Reach Theirs at 28
TRUE: With regard to their supply of sexual hormones, at least. Testosterone peaks at age 18 in men; women's estrogen hits its high point in their mid-20s. "But peak hormones don't mean peak sexual performance," says Marc Goldstein, M.D., a professor of reproductive medicine and urology at Cornell University's Weill Medical College. So it has got nothing with performance ,performance comes from desire ,enviornment,feeling towards each other,participation of both partner joyfully and wilfully without any harassment,mental agony or pain ,peak of hormones does not mean peak of performance small hormonal trigger at puberty push both partners for active and hard sex.

2. Semen is Low-Carb
FALSE: "Semen is mostly fruit sugar [fructose] and enzymes—not low-carb," says Dr. Goldstein. Which finally explains why many even eats or swallow it as it is tasy but not a sex diet as explained by many ,may creat harm to person swallowing it as it may be infected as person as genitourinary infection,so donot swallow it let it do the work it designed for i.e.,carrying male sperms to fertilise egg of woman for a production of baby.

3. Masturbation Yields the Strongest Orgasm
TRUE: But it's not a hard-and-fast rule, as it were. "It depends on the individual," says Jon L. Pryor, M.D., a professor of urologic surgery at the University of Minnesota. "For some it does, but for others, there's nothing that beats good ol' intercourse."excessive masturbation leads to early ejaculation or discharge of semen in intercourse so cause less satisfication by partners so should not be practised too much as habit forming may disturb satisfication and can lead to erectile dysfuction of failure of erection too if being practised in session repeatedly speially in mane above 50 and even cause infection to women if infected fingers or toys used by female for masturbation.But good if done occasionally to discharge excessive excitement and partner is absent.

4. The Average Erection Measures 8 Inches
FALSE: Relax, Shorty. It's closer to 6. and even less 4 inch,size of penis for early simple sex doesnot matter as lower 1/3rd or first 2 inch of vagina gives pleasure to female but for hard sex touching of cervix by penis gives more pleasure so here if length of penis more than woman may get more pleasure.

5. No Penis is Too Large or Too Small for Any Vagina
TRUE: But perception still wins the game in the end. "I was once at a dinner meeting with seven other sex doctors—six men and one woman," says Dr. Pryor. "The men all agreed that size doesn't matter. The woman looked at us and said, 'Think what you want. Size matters.' We all left dejected."As stated above we have explained why this lady opined for good size but excessive lengthy penis as more than 8 inch may rupture corners of vagina around cervis or called"culex" as strong stroke will damage them.

6. Oysters Make You Horny
FALSE: You make you horny. "There is no scientific evidence that oysters increase libido," says Dr. Pryor. there are many other substances like onion,garlic,dalchini,eggs,chillies,keshar said to be more sex stimulant same way many medicines prescribed until thereis prroved hormonal imbalance these drug may help otherwise "But there may be a placebo effect, so if it works, great!"

7. Green M&Ms Make You Horny
FALSE: Unless they do. Then it's true. Isn't the mind wonderful?as stated above they play slight role in arousal more it is psychological so mental status,relation between partners and enviornment is important than these medicines,never dependent upon them

8. Men Think About Sex Every 7 Seconds
FALSE: That number is tossed around a lot, but the truth is that only 23 percent of men claim to fantasize frequently. But maybe the rest are just too distracted to check the arosal more common inmen than women but it doesnot mean so frequently and even some female get arousal frequently.

9. Cutting Out Broccoli Will Make Your Semen Taste Better
TRUE: Semen is naturally bitter with sweetness of fructose , and eating broccoli and drinking coffee can make it worse. many drugs and vegetable secretion after their digestion in blood excreted as excreted in milk of woman, urine,bile ,sweat ,differnt other discharge of our body ,so such prejudiced idea simply reflect mind set and marketing stategy rather than fact.A ray of hope for the Oral Sex Diet! can not be simplified by such advertisement.

10. Having Sex Before an Important Event—the Big Game, the Critical Presentation—Can Ruin Your Performance in the Event
FALSE: Swiss researchers performed stress tests on people 2 and 10 hours after the subjects had had sex, and found that by 10 hours, the participants were fully recovered. There was only a small dip in performance 2 hours after sex.

11. Having Sex in Water (Swimming Pool, Hot Tub, Shower) Will Kill Sperm
TRUE: Some of your swimmers may die, but it isn't an effective method of birth control, according to Dr. Pryor. Though a hot tub can overheat your testicles and kill sperm, there should be plenty left for the egg sex in bath tub or swimming pull or in standing position may not yield good discharge in vagina so less travelling in uterus so less chance of pregnancy but very trick so millions sperm few can travel too and may bring pregnancy as for this only one sperm needed,so nver true about it do safe sex using condom even in swimming pool.

12. You Can Become Addicted to Web Porn
TRUE: But the risk is low. Only 1 percent of all people who check out Internet porn will become addicted. If you're sporting a ring, be careful: 38 percent of addicts are married.But most of internet user click these sites at least once a day or two interval so they are loved by amny although publically most cricise it and are against it ,even block for childrens and teen agers they move cybercafe to enjoy it more or MMS OR SMMS OR CHATING ON MOBLE IS RAMPANT AND BEYOND CONTROL and a silent addiction persist in most persons.

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