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Student: What is the difference between “To Know Priority” and “To Prioritize”.
Teacher: Prioritization is actually a process of organizing priorities in order of preference or choice. This is important in organizing our life. But ordinarily this is done instinctively or impulsively and hence is usually associated with selfishness, errors or even blunders.
But learning to “to know priority” involves emerging out of immaturity and erroneous judgment and subjectivity.
Student: What is the advantage of NAMASMARAN in knowing priority?
Teacher: While practicing NAMASMARAN we are in a process of emerging out of immaturity and erroneous judgment. NAMASMARAN facilitates our evolution from subjectivity to objectivity. NAMASMARAN familiarizes us with our innate desires or aspirations. In other words NAMASMARAN brings us in tune with cosmic or divine plan. In short NAMASMARAN opens our inner eyes and inner ears and we begin to conceive what is most satisfying for us. In traditional parlance this enlightens and empowers us to identify our SWADHARMA i.e. follow our Guru! In this light we begin to know the value of different activities in our life and the order of priorities.
Once we know this order, then we can organize different priorities in order of their importance! This is proper and accurate prioritization. This is the best way of time management, energy management and money management. In fact; this is the best way of life management.
Student: This is amazing! So, in absence of NAMASMARAN our prioritization is likely to be based on our ignorance. It is bound to be superficial, illusive, subjective, petty, divisive, disruptive and destructive to self and others!
Teacher: Indeed! It is the divine grace (the GURU KRUPA) that enables us to properly and accurately prioritize and manage life in the best way! This is how; and this is why; the chosen ones practice NAMASMARAN and globalize the universally benevolent power of NAMASMARAN with topmost priority!
Student: Sir! But, is it not enough to organize NAMASMARAN camps as are organized in India? Is it not enough to practice NAMASMARAN for some time in morning or at bed time? Why to be so much frantic about NAMASMARAN?
Teacher: In the initial stages of individual and social development; it is OK. But in subsequent stages of individual and social development NAMASMARAN occupies central place in every activity, every occupation, every profession, every place and every policy.

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