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Student: Sir, I find NAMASMARAN quite ineffective in pain. How to reconcile this inefficacy with the so called omnipotence?

Teacher: Actually your observation is about the practice of NAMASMARAN is correct. In the initial stages, which may continue for unspecified time, we do find that we are still miserable during pain in spite of practicing NAMASMARAN.

This is because;
Firstly; NAMASMARAN is not a pain killer i.e. an analgesic. It does not have physical and chemical properties/characteristics of an analgesic. It does not therefore kill pain.

When we say that it is omnipotent; it means that it is at the root of all events including time. Secondly the word omnipotence has to be compared with the limited potency of any being as such, whose even limited desires, wishes, ambitions, plans etc, do not succeed in a predictable manner.

Expecting NAMASMARAN to work as a pain killer is erroneous and illusory. In fact it is erroneous to expect NAMASMARAN to work as per our desires or wishes!

NAMASMARAN is like oxygen. Just as oxygen is essential for physical life, NAMASMARAN is essential for freedom of consciousness.

Just as the effect of oxygen in everyone’s life varies, the effect of NAMASMARAN in freeing the individual consciousness also varies.

It is said that in some individuals, whose individual consciousness has freed from the body, as a result AKHANDA (continuous) NAMASMARAN, the perceptions of past, present and future; and even the pain; become incapable of overpowering them!

Nothing can interrupt their blissful state of AKHANDA NAMASMARAN! But like the effects of oxygen in different tissues and cells, these effects of NAMASMARAN also do not take place at once or with any identifiable rule, pattern or a time table.

The visionaries envision this truth and its benevolence in individual life and the universe and proclaim it with authority and authenticity!

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